14/03/11 - Raw Prison LD - "It's All About The Jobs"

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Strange theme running through the episode of Monday Night Raw we're going to see tonight. With Vickie Guerrero, it's "Job or Fired" and with Sheamus it's "Title or Fired".

Yes, Vickie Guerrero turned up on Raw last week, bringing Dolph Ziggler with her. However, as events unfolded, we were told that only Dolph had a job on Raw and that Vickie did not. The General Manager has made a match, where if Vickie wins it, she gets a job on Raw. If she does not win, she will not be allowed on Raw. However, she will have to face Trish Stratus, with a Job lying in the balance.

Along with this, the other Job-Related situation we have here is Sheamus and the United States Title. Last week on Raw, Sheamus faced Daniel Bryan in a match, which Bryan won via Count-Out, after Sheamus injured his leg and was sat on the outside by the Announce Table. After the match, Sheamus challenged Bryan to match on Raw tonight for the United States Title, where if Sheamus does not win, then he will quit.

Also, tonight, Raw goes Jersey as Raw has a special guest host in the form of Jersey Shore Star, Snooki. What will happen when she turns up on tonight's show?
My take on Raw tonight.

Miz was awesome. He looked down right vicious in his match against Khali and the chair broke. Pretty cool. Also him imitating the Rock only to kick Cena's ass was awesome.

So glad Sheamus won the United States Title it started to get mighty boring. But hopefully he holds it for a while and does well with it. And hoepfully it doesn't drag him to midcard hell.

JR was nice to see him return. Micheal Cole came off more like a true ******** today. The Colemine was funny and I think Grand Master Sexay is down right creepy.

Orton is 4 down Punk to go, unless my new predicition comes true, Skip Sheffield returns at Mania.

6 man tag match at mania is disappointing, but hey snooki looked good tonight as a wrestler. Although her making fat jokes toward Vicky descibibed in the words of Chris Jericho is simply this word "hypocrite"

Cena looks like Miz has got his number, personally enjoyed the Del Rio matchup although I would have rather seen Cena VS Morrision.

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