10 Reasons To Love TNA

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
1) The Samoan Submission Machine:

''Joe's gonna kill ya!'' On the face of it, it's a pretty hollow chant. But like all the best workers, there's something about Samoa Joe's ring craft that convinces you he's capable of inflicting real damage. The company's most recent Triple Crown Champion, the big man is a credible compatitor in any division who, if called upon, can be either a humongous heel or a blubbery, butt-kicking babyface.

Just as both Jeff Jarrett and A.J. Styles have previously been the faces of the federation, so Joe has his sticky mitts all over the TNA of today. And if being a most compelling in-ring performer wasn't enough, he cuts a good interview and he dances pretty damn well for a big guy.

2) The X Division:

While certain other companies have all but crushed their cruiserweights, one of TNA's biggest selling points has always been this high-flying, spot-heavy division. Capable of attracting talent from as far afield as Japan, Mexico and the UK, without the X Division it's quite possible that A.J. Styles wouldn't be where he is today.

Likewise, TNA itself might have struggled to distinguish itself if it didn't have a division whose unique format (remeber: ''it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits'') enables guys like Elix Skipper and Sonjay Dutt to duke it out with such gravity-defying giants as Samoa Joe. Though Kevin Nash and Team 3D have both tried to kill it, as long as TNA is a going concern, it seems that X will always have it's spot.

3) Hexagonal Hell:

Before TNA adopted it, the six-sided ring was soley the province of the Mexican wrestling scene (specifically AAA). And when it first imported the idea, many of the company's workers expressed concern about how the new playing field might effect the way they worked.

But while some might have taken a lot longer than others to get used to the new dimensions (see Sopp, Kip), the hexagon has presented its performers with a range of exciting oppertunities while ensuring that TNA is immediately distiguishable from its American opponents. And given the company's emphasis on high flying, the addition of two extra turnbuckles has given Jay Lethal, Homicide and co even more opportunities to explore their intrest in death defiance.

4) Tag Team Turmoil:

The Road Warriors, The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, Harlem Heat - such is the storied history of tag wrestling that it's sad (not to say a might disrespectful) of Vince McMahon to have awarded his straps to Dusty Rhodes' green little lad and the artist formerly known as Sparky Plugg not too long ago.

Thankfully TNA still has keen intrest in tandem grappling, the efficient units such as The Motor City Machine Guns and The Rock & Rave Infection vying for the gold. As for the reigning champions, the militant LAX are what The Mexicools might have been had Juvi and friends been asked to play colours-sporting, Che Guevara-revering rebels, rather than lawnmower straddling Latinos with a nice line in boiler suits.

5) Stylin' & Profilin':

If Sting is considered WCW's franchise player then Allen Lloyd Jones holds the same position in TNA. Part of the federation since the very first match of the very first weekly pay-per-view. A.J. Styles has held every title, carried even the most limited of performers to great matches and endured his fair share of indignity along the way.

In his current feud with the estimable Kurt Angle, the master of the Styles Clash has again had a chance to prove that, whether he's taking to the air or going toe-to-toe, he's a performer with a truly rare talent. And now that the once muted A.J. has added serious mic skills to his repetoire, Mrs Styles' little boy can claim to be truly phenomenal.

6) Divas Need Not Apply:

Forget separating the men from the boys - this is where the girls rule the roost. Unless you follow the American or Japanese indy scenes, you could be forgiven for thinking that a female's role in wrestling consisted of a) standing around and looking pretty, or b) grappling really unconvincingly while looking pretty.

Thanks to producer Scott D'Amore and some superbly cherry-picked talent, TNA is reminding fans that there's more to women worker than blown spots and big, fake funbags. Gail Kim, Roxxi, Velvet Sky - they're all lookers, sure, but it's what they do in the ring that really counts. And with the likes of Mickey ''Mosse'' Knuckles recently added to the roster, these Knockouts look set to deliver killer blows for many years to come.

7) Pay-Per-Viewtiful:

With pay-per-views often so alike that you'd think they came from the same cookie cutter, TNA has strived hard to stand apart from the pack. Hence lockdown, in which each match takes place withing ''The Six Sides Of Steel'', and Slammiversary, the annual celebration capped off with The King Of The Mountain Contest - a compelling blend of Ladder Match and elimination wrestling.

Futher efforts to shake things up include Destination X, where the showpiece match sees two or more grapplers battling a full 20 feet above the canvas. Now factor in a healthy, diverse roster and a keen - perhaps even too keen - desire to surprise the punter and you have a promotion whose PPVs have a rare air of distinctiveness.

8) The Airborn Ultimatum:

If the X Division is TNA's signature subculture, the Ultimate X Match is the group's standout, specialist bout. Take one six-sided ring, suspend two ropes across it 15 feet above the canvas and then pit any number of performers against one another, the winner being the one who clings, climbs or catapaults along the ropes to retieve objects of desire from the ''X'' where the cables cross.

Inaugurated at the company's 58th weekly PPV, and reahing its zenith at 2006's Destination X, an Ultimate X Match remains an x-tra special event. Indeed, if there is ever a controversy surrounding the X Division Title, it's best resloved with this match - the greatest high in wrestling today.

9) Awesome Kong:

Meet Kia Stevens, a lovely large lady from California who's the most destructive force in women's wrestling since the days of Dump Matsumoto. As animalistic and incredible as her name suggests, Kong is a true old school villain, capable of convincing the audience to feel genuine sympathy for her opponents.

Never better than when squaring off against the petite Gail Kim, the long-time Japanese favourite has taken the American women's scene in a truly thrilling direction. She's so dominant that she puts any male competitors to shame. So while WWE continues to persist with uncoordinated colossuses, allow Ms Stevens to remind you what a monster should really look like.

10) Joe Versus Angle:

It's epic feuds that fuel ticket sales and pay-per-view buys and, in Samoa Joe versus Kurt Angle, TNA has a bona fide battle for the ages. From the moment the former Olympian left WWE, fans longed for him to lock horns with The Samoan Submission Machine.

After their initial trio of incredible contests, it took a brilliant bit of booking - together with some smart cribs from the UFC - to bring the battle back to the boil and give American wrestling its first taste of a new, MMA-friendly style of action. The undisputed highlight of this year's Lockdown, we can only hope it's not long before TNA's biggest attraction headlines again.

This is taken from the British wrestling magazine Fighting Spirit. I hate it myself terrible magazine. But this amused me. It's a promotion of sorts. It's on about how TNA is now on BT Vision. So this they want to advertise that fact, and they paid FSM to give ten reasons to tune. What is onbvious from the list is that the writers of the magazine really struggled to come up with a top 10.

So, do you agree with the top 10, what would be your top 10 (don't list), any you would add, take anywa etc.

2) The X Division:

While certain other companies have all but crushed their cruiserweights, one of TNA's biggest selling points has always been this high-flying, spot-heavy division. Capable of attracting talent from as far afield as Japan, Mexico and the UK, without the X Division it's quite possible that A.J. Styles wouldn't be where he is today.

Likewise, TNA itself might have struggled to distinguish itself if it didn't have a division whose unique format (remeber: ''it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits'') enables guys like Elix Skipper and Sonjay Dutt to duke it out with such gravity-defying giants as Samoa Joe. Though Kevin Nash and Team 3D have both tried to kill it, as long as TNA is a going concern, it seems that X will always have it's spot.

The X Division might have been the one aspect from the first couple of years of TNA that might have made it stand out. But not anymore. It's an afterthought now. Long gone are the days when Joe, Styles & Daniels made that championship appear to be almost as important as the world title. Now it's a belt that's purpose is for comedy characters/spoof, multi man matches and TV taping title changes.

3) Hexagonal Hell:

Before TNA adopted it, the six-sided ring was soley the province of the Mexican wrestling scene (specifically AAA). And when it first imported the idea, many of the company's workers expressed concern about how the new playing field might effect the way they worked.

But while some might have taken a lot longer than others to get used to the new dimensions (see Sopp, Kip), the hexagon has presented its performers with a range of exciting oppertunities while ensuring that TNA is immediately distiguishable from its American opponents. And given the company's emphasis on high flying, the addition of two extra turnbuckles has given Jay Lethal, Homicide and co even more opportunities to explore their intrest in death defiance.

A ring really shouldn't be a reason to love a promotion. A ring is like a referee. You really shouldn't notice them. They're just part of the match.

4) Tag Team Turmoil:

The Road Warriors, The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, Harlem Heat - such is the storied history of tag wrestling that it's sad (not to say a might disrespectful) of Vince McMahon to have awarded his straps to Dusty Rhodes' green little lad and the artist formerly known as Sparky Plugg not too long ago.

Thankfully TNA still has keen intrest in tandem grappling, the efficient units such as The Motor City Machine Guns and The Rock & Rave Infection vying for the gold. As for the reigning champions, the militant LAX are what The Mexicools might have been had Juvi and friends been asked to play colours-sporting, Che Guevara-revering rebels, rather than lawnmower straddling Latinos with a nice line in boiler suits.

WWE's tag divsion is pointless. Two titles and two proper teams. But TNA's division isn't the second coming. It's ok. Nothing to write home about. There biggest team is 10 years past their prime, and 8 years stale. They are around because they still had name value 3 years ago. But that changed when they didn't have the names they were known for. The Undertaker wouldn't work as Mark Calloway, so Team 3D never really stood a chance.

5) Stylin' & Profilin':

If Sting is considered WCW's franchise player then Allen Lloyd Jones holds the same position in TNA. Part of the federation since the very first match of the very first weekly pay-per-view. A.J. Styles has held every title, carried even the most limited of performers to great matches and endured his fair share of indignity along the way.

In his current feud with the estimable Kurt Angle, the master of the Styles Clash has again had a chance to prove that, whether he's taking to the air or going toe-to-toe, he's a performer with a truly rare talent. And now that the once muted A.J. has added serious mic skills to his repetoire, Mrs Styles' little boy can claim to be truly phenomenal.

If I was going to watch TNA for one reason. It would be A.J. Styles.

6) Divas Need Not Apply:

Forget separating the men from the boys - this is where the girls rule the roost. Unless you follow the American or Japanese indy scenes, you could be forgiven for thinking that a female's role in wrestling consisted of a) standing around and looking pretty, or b) grappling really unconvincingly while looking pretty.

Thanks to producer Scott D'Amore and some superbly cherry-picked talent, TNA is reminding fans that there's more to women worker than blown spots and big, fake funbags. Gail Kim, Roxxi, Velvet Sky - they're all lookers, sure, but it's what they do in the ring that really counts. And with the likes of Mickey ''Mosse'' Knuckles recently added to the roster, these Knockouts look set to deliver killer blows for many years to come.

9) Awesome Kong:

Meet Kia Stevens, a lovely large lady from California who's the most destructive force in women's wrestling since the days of Dump Matsumoto. As animalistic and incredible as her name suggests, Kong is a true old school villain, capable of convincing the audience to feel genuine sympathy for her opponents.

Never better than when squaring off against the petite Gail Kim, the long-time Japanese favourite has taken the American women's scene in a truly thrilling direction. She's so dominant that she puts any male competitors to shame. So while WWE continues to persist with uncoordinated colossuses, allow Ms Stevens to remind you what a monster should really look like.

Isn't Awesome Kong part of the women's division? And if Divas need not apply then why are the main focus of the division two WWE Diva like females who can't wrestle?

7) Pay-Per-Viewtiful:

With pay-per-views often so alike that you'd think they came from the same cookie cutter, TNA has strived hard to stand apart from the pack. Hence lockdown, in which each match takes place withing ''The Six Sides Of Steel'', and Slammiversary, the annual celebration capped off with The King Of The Mountain Contest - a compelling blend of Ladder Match and elimination wrestling.

Futher efforts to shake things up include Destination X, where the showpiece match sees two or more grapplers battling a full 20 feet above the canvas. Now factor in a healthy, diverse roster and a keen - perhaps even too keen - desire to surprise the punter and you have a promotion whose PPVs have a rare air of distinctiveness.

There are too many PPV's in general. WWE ''B'' Shows are very similar. But so are TNA's. But while WWE main events are the same for months on end the mid card matches are more varied. Unlike TNA which will promote Booker/Roode for months on end. Even though it just wasn't working.

10) Joe Versus Angle:

It's epic feuds that fuel ticket sales and pay-per-view buys and, in Samoa Joe versus Kurt Angle, TNA has a bona fide battle for the ages. From the moment the former Olympian left WWE, fans longed for him to lock horns with The Samoan Submission Machine.

After their initial trio of incredible contests, it took a brilliant bit of booking - together with some smart cribs from the UFC - to bring the battle back to the boil and give American wrestling its first taste of a new, MMA-friendly style of action. The undisputed highlight of this year's Lockdown, we can only hope it's not long before TNA's biggest attraction headlines again.

The first Joe/Angle match drew something like 60,000 so I hear. Good numbers for TNA. But not good numbers in general. The Lockdown match drew 40,000. Those are TNA's two highest drawing PPV's. So in between when they teamed/faced each other between then they drew even less. They've faced each other more than enough times by now. So if it's drawing shit, and the matches have been done to death, why would you want to book it again?
You make some great points in your thread here and I agree with them for the most part. Accept for the last one, yeah, the angle Joe feud is great, dont get me wrong, but the MMA fight at lockdown was the biggest Clusterfuck I've ever seen in TNA history (besides dressing up the best athalete in the history of TNA, AJ Styles in a turkey suit, then the next month a reindeer suit). Thats just my opinion, some people said they liked it, but I mean, this is wrestling, not MMA. If I wanted to watch MMA I would turn on UFC or EliteXC, not TNA WRESTLING. Submit replies.
Jake, I'm a little confused mate, was the 1st post written by you?

Regardless, personally, I agree with the majority of this list. The only thing I would add is The Beautiful People and TNA's love and appreciation for the fans who turn up to support them.

Everything about how Velvet Sky and Angelina Love are booked, is genius. 2 perfect, bimbo, bully blondes, speaking in sync, belittling ugly people and groping eachother in a mannor that says "sorry boys, we're too good for you" makes for amazing realism ans as we know, realism in wrestling makes good television.

Secondly, having been to a live TNA event, it's pretty awesome how they invite their loudest fans backstage to meet the wrestlers, could you imagine WWE doing this? Unlikely, probably due to the size of their arena and noise generated, but I digress. This little snippet, probably taken from the indys, works so well for them because the fans will WANT to go to their shows, no matter how small and shitty and make noise, which again, comes off well on TV. Also, at the UK tour, they put on a pretty big meet and greet, which they didn't need to do at all. The price to go was pretty cheap also, so I imagine they didn't make much money for them, but screw that, it was for THE FANS. Product loyalty is a much overshadowed thing in wrestling these days... Loyal fans = guaranteed merchandise sales, ratings and live show attendance IMO.
your reasons read like a good advertisement, they would make sense if you look at the history of things but in reality with how things are now, you are wrong.

1. samoa submission machine - joe is a boring ass champion, i hope i am not the only one that thinks that. the joe you are talking about is the one who first came into tna and was destroying everyone in the x division, the heel. now joe is a soft watered down babyface, he is boring and now we have to see him fight booker t again in what will be another boring match. they took too long to give him the title and when they finally did, no one cared. he is too watered down now, a shell of what he used to be.

2. the x division - x division what, if this is the trademark of tna how come its not being defended on every pay per view. the x divison has been buried under wwe rejects in tna. as of late who actually has fought for the x division title, petey williams, kaz, jay lethal, johnny devine......... maybe 3 or 4 years ago the x divison was a reason to watch tna, but now come on buddy, dont live off the past.

3. the ring - who cares its a ring.

4. tag team turmoil - lax vs team 3d, lax vs beer money, lax vs team 3d, lax vs beer money, that is all we are going to see in the tag team division in tna. what was it before this, aj styles and tomko is main event 6 man tags never even putting the titles on the line. i rate the crappiness of wwes tag team division at a 10 and i rate tnas at a 8.5. It sucks, just not as bad as wwe.

5. AJ Styles - ill give you that one i love and respect the guy for what he can do in the ring. tna is finally giving him that big push he deserved , for the past year or 2 they were using him in the wrong spot, making him look like an idiot, its good to see he is back.

6. TNA Knockouts - hahahahahhaahhaha, just because they can do a move here and there doesnt mean the wrestling is good, look at victory road, both of those knockout matches were pretty lame and even looking at the knockout divison, who really wrestles out of the 10 or 15 they have, gail, odb, kong, roxxi and angelina. the rest are there just for us to look at, no one cares about womens wrestling, i know people out there do, but its not a reason to love a promotion.

7. the ppvs - the way you described lockdown made me wanna go watch it, then i remembered watching it and how bad it was cause of some of the stupid gimmicks and how tna did not delivery. same with destination x, 2 wrestlers fighting 20 feet in the air, in reality they are just sitting there throwing punches in a long lame boring ass match, the last one with rhino and storm was really really really really bad.

8. ultimate x - i will give you this, the match is awesome but lets talk about the one at victory road, BORING, the only spot was kaz's leg drop, the rest of the spots were boring and tired, maybe they had too many ultimate x's and couldnt think of any other cool spots. we have seen the power bombs and frankensteiners from the cords, they need to step it up.

9. awesome kong - hahhaha , what does she do really, spinning back fist, face buster and awesome bomb , why would i love tna for that a big ugly fat womens wrestler, you are tripping man.

10. joe vs angle - i would love it if they didnt fight like 35 times.
I didn't like the way the whole Joe/Angle feud began. It just seems like they put these two in a match for the sake of putting them in a match, It just has no real story to back it up or long-term build up to it.
africonda: Are you seriously attacking the Knockouts division? It is far above the average, and rivals the likes of ROH's Shimmer division/program. All these women have been trained and wrestled on the indy circuit for a very long time (with the clear exception of Rhaka Khan). These women have paid their dues the old school way. Also, your bashing of Kong shows your hand. Kong was a legit threat in Japan. She is exactly what that division needs. A massive monster, much like Abyss, Kane, or Big Show.

As for the King Jake:
I agree with a lot of your post. However, I'm really not sold on Joe as champion right now. His championship reign in ROH had a lot of thunder, but his run in TNA is simply a flicker right now. I do believe that Angle's injury didn't help the cause either.

My favorite part of TNA is easily the mix of "known or outside" veteran talent, with the more homegrown TNA based roster.
africonda: Are you seriously attacking the Knockouts division? It is far above the average, and rivals the likes of ROH's Shimmer division/program. All these women have been trained and wrestled on the indy circuit for a very long time (with the clear exception of Rhaka Khan). These women have paid their dues the old school way. Also, your bashing of Kong shows your hand. Kong was a legit threat in Japan. She is exactly what that division needs. A massive monster, much like Abyss, Kane, or Big Show.

Most of the females in that division could have done with paying a few more dues. You've got Kong, Roxxi, possibly O.D.G. and that Moose who are all solid, or appear to be. You've got Gail Kim who everybody gushes over. It's the same as Trish Stratus. Peole think she's great because now she's ok. But if you start off as total shit you will give off that impression. Jacqueline is solid. But she's about 10 years past what prime she had. The rest are around because of the way they look, not because of their talent.

As for the King Jake:
I agree with a lot of your post. However, I'm really not sold on Joe as champion right now. His championship reign in ROH had a lot of thunder, but his run in TNA is simply a flicker right now. I do believe that Angle's injury didn't help the cause either.


I assume it was Sam who edited this into the post. Thank you Samuel.
yes i am attacking the knockout division. those matches at victory road werent that great, and i personally dont spend my time scouring to watch womens wrestling. if i could watch men over women wrestle, im picking men 100% of the time, that is my opinion. Kong "was" a legit threat in japan, what is she in tna all she does is squash everyone for a few months then loses 2 matches in a row to some cheap looking roll ups, come on man..... i would gladly eliminate the tna knockouts and have tna spend that time saved on the x division, cause i dont know why the knockouts get more air time then the x division and i would like to see someone disagree with me on that
The X Division might have been the one aspect from the first couple of years of TNA that might have made it stand out. But not anymore. It's an afterthought now. Long gone are the days when Joe, Styles & Daniels made that championship appear to be almost as important as the world title. Now it's a belt that's purpose is for comedy characters/spoof, multi man matches and TV taping title changes.

Actually this is an unfair assumption all around. Aside from maybe Sting and Samoa Joe, every heavyweight character has a comedy aspect about them. AJ Styles does. Kurt Angle does. Booker T does. And Nash, well he is still funnier than Triple H any day of the week. The reason why people have gotten such a bad taste for the X-Division now is that it is no longer filled with a bunch indy bad asses who just flip around without a personality and look awkward during interview times. They have taken the wrestlers and began to give them identity. Purpose. An actual pulse. If anything, the fact that the ratings did not move one bit during the X-Cup, along with the fact that indy promotions aren't on national tv, shows that people want to watch wrestlers who actually look like they breathe instead of just watching spot monkeys.

A ring really shouldn't be a reason to love a promotion. A ring is like a referee. You really shouldn't notice them. They're just part of the match.

While the ring is not something to love above all else, it does help to set the theme of the promotion. And as much as they sell the concept of how much faster the 6 Sided ring helps things move, it's an important part of their identity. It's how TNA says, "hey, we offer the same thing that WWE offers, but with a new twist." Besides, I think that it actually looks better when it comes to multiple person matches where the additional participants have to wait on the ring apron.

WWE's tag divsion is pointless. Two titles and two proper teams. But TNA's division isn't the second coming. It's ok. Nothing to write home about. There biggest team is 10 years past their prime, and 8 years stale. They are around because they still had name value 3 years ago. But that changed when they didn't have the names they were known for. The Undertaker wouldn't work as Mark Calloway, so Team 3D never really stood a chance.

Yeah, but but they do make good hired thugs. And when they had the feud going with MCMG, it was classic. I think that Team 3D serves great to help storylines, even if they aren't the top team anymore. They actually do what TNA was hoping that reuniting BG James and Kip James would do and that is provide a legitimate name to push other teams off of. And they work both hardcore and comedy as well. And that is a bonus.

If I was going to watch TNA for one reason. It would be A.J. Styles.

AJ Styles is good, and now, due to the role that he played as a sidekick to Angle, he is coming into his own. Soon, you will see AJ Styles pushed back to the top, without people asking who is the hell is that.

Isn't Awesome Kong part of the women's division? And if Divas need not apply then why are the main focus of the division two WWE Diva like females who can't wrestle?

That is not the main focus. There are sub stories to each plotline. And main focus was Kong waking on all comers. This isn't the WWE where the only ones who get on tv and get to talk are the ones in stories. I actually like the way that TNA has other stories going on with other characters. When people have nothing to do, they look awful when you put them into sudden stories and it leaves too many questions. At least this way, they stay active and get in practice to see if they could handle a push upwards.

There are too many PPV's in general. WWE ''B'' Shows are very similar. But so are TNA's. But while WWE main events are the same for months on end the mid card matches are more varied. Unlike TNA which will promote Booker/Roode for months on end. Even though it just wasn't working.

I can see the whole mindset behind this. It was very believable that Roode and Booker hated each other. It was a space-feud. And by this I mean that it was a way to keep Robert Roode in play with a big name while at the same time building Booker T up. Roode showed that he is not quite ready to move up the ladder while Booker T was Booker T. Through that feud, they saw that Booker works better as a hated heel than a face. And that is why Roode is back in the tag team division and Booker T is currently in the main focused heel. If anything, I think that TNA has looked at what WWE did for years where they would build up a hated feud with two men and then have it all end at one ppv, as if that would resolve anything. It's not real. It's not believable. It's not buyable that two men who would hate each other to death could be standing next to each other a month later and not be tempted to hit one another. It's a joke if you expect me to believe that.

The first Joe/Angle match drew something like 60,000 so I hear. Good numbers for TNA. But not good numbers in general. The Lockdown match drew 40,000. Those are TNA's two highest drawing PPV's. So in between when they teamed/faced each other between then they drew even less. They've faced each other more than enough times by now. So if it's drawing shit, and the matches have been done to death, why would you want to book it again?

Well the formula is this. TNA drew bigger numbers on tv when Joe was chasing Angle than other weeks or other wrestlers who were chasing Angle. Cage didn't draw number like that when he chased Angle. Sting didn't. nobody did. Well except for Joe. Plus it was a way to build up Joe as being more than just a mute shoot fighter. The more they developed Joe, the better rounded he would be as champ. If you just push him like a monster and give him the title, without having a mouthpiece, then he looks worse than Skitsky. I don't care how good he looks in the ring.

Overall, I like that TNA is getting away from what they first did where the only people who spoke were the main eventers while everybody else just came out and wrestled. While those shows kicked ass and fed the true wrestling fan deep inside, I was left wondering why should I care who won and who lost. What swayed me me one way or another? Nothing. Just the look that a certain wrestler had or me wanting to see their finisher. What I do think they need is that they need a heel manager with a stable, kind of a throwback to the old days of wrestling. But not Team Canada, as they were forming their own identities and were not a unit to be reconned with anymore.

All in all, TNA is building a solid base. They just need to find that one thing that will finally help them to turn the corner and become a solid entity. But they are doing enough now that when their contract with Spike is up, they just might be able to land a spot on a bigger network. So this just MIGHT be something that they should look for as some of their stagnation has to do with Spike's inability to gain a younger demographic on that night be providing supporting shows as lead ins and backup. I mean what are they offering as a lead in right now? CSI? Look at who watches this show 40+'ers. And many of them don't stay around to watch TNA. And those who do, make TNA look like it's just for an older audience. Plus a move might enable TNA to do different mix ups all around without the policies that Spike's S&P has for them.
I Honestly cannot stand TNA.

I watch it every week and I just find myself struggling to get through each broadcast. IMO it is just a terrible show.

The interviews and backstage segments are boring/suck and I cant stand the interviewers.

I hate the announce team. I don't understand why they brought Tenay over from WCW and JB sounds like he lost his hearing aid while being chased by Jaws.

I do not like the six sided ring as IMO it is pointless and just an eyesore.

I hate the X Devision because they have no idea how to sell, constantly botch moves, and make everything look planned out or just awkward.

I hate Samoa Joe. The man has little talent, bad mic skills, terrible charisma, and is simply obese.

IMO TNA is not "Total Nonstop Action" but TNC "Total Nonstop Crap" and I am literally on the verge of never watching it again.
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