10-Diva Tag Team Match

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

I just came across this match on WWE.com. So it seems WWE will have a divas match at Wrestlemania after all. This has sort of been teased over the past week on Raw and Smackdown, and now WWE will have their heel divas vs their face divas in a tag match. I'm guessing this match will be VERY short because this is something WWE has thrown together at the last minute with no real build up to it at all.

I see the face divas coming away with a win in this match. Beth Phoenix FINALLY seems to be back on track as far as being pushed goes, and I wouldn't be surprised if she got the pinfall on Michelle McCool to further their obvious up coming feud for the Women's championship, and gain some extra momentum. On a side note, Mickie James is still dealing with a knee injury, so she probably won't do much in this match or she won't do anything at all. I also wouldn't be surprised if this match premiered on the Wrestlemania 26 DVD because I find it hard to believe WWE will televise this tomorrow night.

Which team do you think will win this match?

What are your thoughts about this match?
My personal feelings is that this match is simply pointless. While I admire that a good Divas match should feature on the card, this match would be the only main flaw of what is a very good card for this year, and as I've heard it's only a dark match, there is no benefit to it.

While it's good to give the Divas something, there really should have been a better something they could have come up with, naturally when Mickie James got injured, they panicked and pulled out of any ideas except to feud it of Faces and Heels as opposed to the traditional Raw vs. Smackdown situation. If I had to be honest, just putting Beth Phoenix against Michelle would have been enough for me to make a good 10 minute filler match, but the way it's built and still won't be televised, it's just pointless for people to know this match is actually on the card.

As for who to win, the way the heels have been going about, it's natural for the faces to get their comeuppance with Beth getting the pin on either Michelle or Vickie really. The only "unsurprising" shock they pull is Vickie getting a pin on Phoenix. I haven't seen Smackdown so wasn't sure of what they did with that match they had. But again, given it's just a last minute thrown together match I can't get into this match and also as this isn't going to be actually on the show supposedly, why was it put on in the first place?
This is just a filler match to water down the sausage fest. They throw all their eye candy in one ring for 5 minutes while the fans go to the bathroom. If they didnt want us to go take a crap during this match, they wouldnt have included Vickie Guerrero in any way, shape, or form.

This is the typical meaningless diva match so you can expect the faces to win. Its Wrestlemania. Nobody wants to suffer through a diva clusterfuck match just to see some fat ugly chick get the win. No need to have the heels get the win in such an unimportant match. Better to leave the fans cheering going into the next match than booing.
This actually has had a good build for a couple of weeks, that being said it's a bit stupid. You have a match just announced on wwe.com involving pretty much most of the divas, it just doesn't seem like anything is riding on this.

I can see the face team winning, because generally that's the way it goes with these sort of things, however it's absolutely stupid as the Diva and Women's champion is on the heel side, way to make them look weak.
I have a bad feeling this will be a dark match and not make the actual card.... that was the main issue I had with Summerslam, they made the divas the dark match there and the show just did not feel complete without a divas match. I suppose it's not the end of the world if this does end up the dark match, but I think the divas deserve to make it onto the card, they have TWO female champions who could be showcased if they do.

That aside.... Which side wins partially depends on whether the match airs on tv or as a dark match. If it's the dark match then I think the face team will win so that the crowd gets fired up and excited over Vickie losing a match. However, if it makes the actual card, then I think the heel side will win. Why? The heels have two champions who would be made to look more dominant, and it would give Vickie even more heel heat.... which could be used to get Beth more over as a face if the Beth VS Vickie angle continues. I'll give my prediction to the face team though because this will probably be a dark match, thus the heels won't need the win and it won't make the champions look as bad if their loss isn't televised.

Beth and the face team will defeat Vickie and the heel team.
I guess this is all about sexuality equality or something like that. There is a slight problem though; no one cares about the Diva's and this is going to be a complete and utter snoozefest. At least since Vickie is involved the crowd may actually boo for a little bit, but once the match starts, it's off to the bathroom/concession stand/dreamland. All we can hope for is a nipple slip at this point. It's the only way this can be saved.
It'll be a good match to go take a piss and get another beer during. I could care less about this match, but it sounds like it's only going to be a dark match. It kind of has a build as they all have recent history with each other, but it's not pushing any feuds at the moment, it was thrown together last minute and that is how it will come across in the ring, sloppy and a cluster to watch.
This will be the match to give the crowd a rest between matches that they care about. Do I know who will win? Nope. Do I care who will win? Nope. This has actually been semi-built for a couple weeks and it hasn't been terrible. Just for fun, I will predict that the faces will win because that team is more attractive.
I hate any type of tag match that involves more than 3 wrestlers either side in a decent PPV, especially when the Divas are involved. It's going to be boring almost laughable since Vickie is a part of it. They kinda built up this match but regardless of whether they did or not, not many people actually give a damn. It's a waste and I would have preferred it if they had a one-on-one with some kind of stipulation. But as far as this match goes, nothing memorable, as usual.
Ok I dont like this match as much as the next person but when I thought about it...it makes sense...not storyline wise...but wwe may have realized that with the top 4 matches being pretty big this and the hhh vs sheamus matches could help break them up as "pallet cleansers" so to speak.
It'll be short and not sweet this one. It won't be abysmal though, because it won't last very long, and it will probably just serve as respite between high octane matches. If it isn't that, it'll be a dark match, which obviosuly isn't an issue either way. I predict the faces will go over in this, but given that most of them are hugely inexperienced, and Vickie Guerrero and Long James Silver are in this match, it'll last less than 5 minutes and won't matter either way.
So let me get this straight. Vickie Guerrero will have worked a WM match, but Jerry Lawler never has? Anyone else see something stupid about that?

But yeah this is going to be pretty worthless. Matches like these are needed though as they let the fans catch their breath a bit. It's what a show like Mania 19 needed in the end. For once they've actually built this up a bit so it's not like anything is going to be missed with this getting a total of ten minutes counting intros. I have no issue at all with this and it serves a purpose.
I'm not expecting much from this match. It won't be a very long match so it won't be too terrible. It will give the fans a chance to cool down after a hot match which is a good thing. The match has had a little bit of build so it hasn't exactly been thrown together. I think the faces will go over with Beth pinning Piggy umm I mean Vickie Guerrero, well I hope it does anyway and they don't give Vickie the win which will make one of the diva's look bad.

A short match which should give the fans a bit of a rest with the faces coming out as the winners.
This match was exactly what we all thought it'd be, and that was a piss break/chance for the fans and everyone at home to catch their breath, and to be honest that's something that is definitely needed on big shows like these, especially with how stacked tonight's card was. This was quick and painless and served it's purpose, so no real complaints here. It was obviously a shit match though, that goes without saying.
It was nice to see Vickie give respect to Eddie when she was on the top rope. Whatever good deed or reaction she got from that was ruined the minute she flopped off the top rope and Cole called the move a hog splash! Any how a shit match that was used for filler so fans can have moderation and go to the bathroom. It would be nice that one day the divas matches won't be just bathroom breaks, but I doubt that will ever happen.
After seeing this match, I started to think about how sad the divas wrestling matches have become over the years. Out of all of the divas they have, I'd have to say that there's probably three of them that have any wrestling ability at all (Beth, Mickie, and Milena). The rest are just eye-candy...which makes me appreciate the days when the eye-candy could actually wrestle (like Trish and Lita).

I was baffled as to why this deserved to be put near the end of the card with the main event matches. Watching Vickie in her first ever Divas match was a complete and total lolfest. Her little nod to late husband Eddie was slightly touching, but definitely not needed. Especially with how she butchered the splash afterward...then proceeded to flop around on Kelly Kelly a few more times. I shudder to think that this is probably what Eddie's sex life at home was like.:p
The Eddie nod was good. Other than that...well, Mickie James got a MickieDT in, so I'm content.

Also my mum hates Vickie Guerrero with a passion and was shouting at her all during the match. It was something out of a Hitchcock movie, it was horrifying.
Other than Alicia Fox hitting the best axe-kick of her career, not much to say about this match. It was a piss-break, but at least it was a decent one that actually had some build-up going into it.

And poor Kelly Kelly, having to take and sell that abysmal frog splash.
This match wasn't terrible. It wasn't give too much time so that is always a plus. It was able to give the fans a chance to rest even though I doubt they needed it the dicks. The match gets extra points because Beth looked phenomenal. Mickie did a very good DDT and Fox didn't do a too bad scissors kick. I liked that Vickie payed tribute to Eddie but then ruined it with that abysmal "hog" splash.

Overall nothing too terrible here so I give it 1.5 stars.
This was an insult to all the divas who work hard to be the wrestlers(I know that they are minority but still...)Yes WWE,I know that after last years miss wrestlemania it couldnt be worst but to do this?Reallly?
I was kind of surprised this match was so high on the card, but it makes sense because it gave the fans in Arizona and at home a chance to take a break. As soon as McCool hit the Faithbreaker, and then all other divas came in, and began hitting their finshers one after another, I knew this match would be over quickly. That also doesn't surprise me because with such a stacked card, I knew this match wouldn't be given too much time.

I have to admit, I actually liked the frog splash from Vickie. It definitely was one of those things you would only see at Wrestlemania. Although, I was really hoping Beth Phoenix would get the pinfall on McCool in this match because I feel like she could've used the extra momentum in the obvious up coming feud against Michelle for the Women's championship.
if it makes the actual card, then I think the heel side will win.

I basically got this one right. I had predicted that the heels would win if the match made the card and that the faces would if it was a dark match. While it was probably the worst match of the night, I'm still glad that it was a part of the main show rather than a dark match. Also.... the divas deserved an actual match after the whole "Santina" situation last year. I wasn't a big fan of Vickie winning however it was the right move to make by WWE because it got some more heel heat for the two female champions for being on the same team as Vickie. Arguably the worst match of the night, I still enjoyed it though.... I usually like divas matches. Also, it gave the fans a bit of a chance to calm down in between the two world title matches.

I give this match a rating of 3 out of 9.
What a joke, How the fuck did Vickie guerrero win the match, did she fucking deserve it, hell no, let mccool win, shes actually decent at wrestling. god, what a joke. and a horrible frog splash. geez
This was the worst match of the night, I honestly don't understand why they didn't made this a Dark Match. I would've prefer to watch the Battle royal instead of the Divas tag match. The match was really short and crappy like always, But hey that's nothing new at all. The WWE fans are pretty much used to it. We all knew that the heel divas were going to win this match. Like I said this match was the worst match of the card.

God Vickie did one of the worst Frong splash ever.

I'll give it a 2/10
So, I was there. Glendale didn't even have time for a bathroom break during that "match". My kids thought the match wasn't gonna happen when it didn't go on first, as did I. Oh well. Props to Vicki to even try the frog splash. But...if I wanna watch women wrestlers...I tune into TNA...at least they try.
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