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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Simply put, we all know that WWE has said time and time again that TNA is not competition for them. Their main competition is the likes of MNFootball and UFC. Next week WWE goes head to head with UFC.

This is the one where realistically WWE should be pulling out the stops against their main rival. This is where surprises should come in, this is where you should be having main event matches, building up your younger card and showing that WWE can compete if it wants to.

Probably won't happen though.
Ok, hold on, let's get something straight here: in terms of TV ratings, merchandising and PPV buy-ins, UFC doesn't come anywhere near Raw. Dana White himself has stated this. Whether you prefer UFC from a competitive stand point is totally irrelevant; to say UFC is Raw's biggest competitor is like saying Robot Chicken rivals South Park in terms of ratings.
The only time UFC tops WWE in ratings is during The Ultimate Fighter's season run but Vince has shown he can top that with some episodes of Raw in the past.

Sure, TNA is even lower in the standings as UFC is but TNA made it personal by bringing in Hogan. So, Vince pulled the Hitman card in response. UFC isn't about those sorts of games, so they'll remain off Vince's immediate screen and make their lot slowly and surely, as they've done for the past near-decade.
Yeah Vince is full of total shit if he ever says that TNA isn't a threat and he doesn't take them seriously, and you're being a fool if you think he actually believes that. This is the man who made it his mission in the 1980s to drive out of business every single independent promotion in the country, even promotions that were struggling with a few hundred people in their crowds while the WWF was selling out MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. So to think he doesn't take TNA seriously when they have TV deals, PPV deals, a shitload of talent and recognizable names and a newfound attitude to take it to the WWE, well sorry Lee, but you're living in fantasy land.

Vince most certainly takes TNA seriously. Again, this is the man that made it his mission to destroy promotions that struggled to draw a few hundred Lee, you don't think he cares about TNA which has millions of fans? Wake up man.
Of coarse Vince cares about TNA, who ever said that he didn't? And why someone would say that is beyond me because TNA is the only other thing you can regularly watch on television in the wrestling business. But to say that UFC isn't on Vince's radar is dumb as hell too. UFC would be a lot closer to toppling Vince's empire then TNA could even dream of at this time. However, MMA and wrestling are two completely different worlds so I think next monday would be a good gauge for Vince to see where he stands as far as legitimate competition is concerned. Unfortunately you can't depend on it too well because of the card the UFC is putting on but still. Dana White himself said he wants no beef with Vince but Vince decided to go into war mode once he found out Spike was putting the fight on monday. If you ask me it seems like Spike might be harboring some ill feelings towards Vince since their falling out with Raw. Vince will end up winning since he pulled out Tyson and people will want to see what his crazy ass is up to.

And since when did TNA have millions of fans? haha :shrug:
There are a couple of points I'd like to make here.

1. If Vince truly believes that UFC is his true rival, then there's not much to worry about, seeing as it's a completely different product. You can't compare the two shows. If you like UFC, you're going to watch UFC no matter what kind of stops the WWE brings out. Same thing with MNFootball. That's like comparing Saturday morning cartoons to Good Morning America. It just appeals to a completely different audience. Competition isn't a Starbucks across the street from a McDonald's. Not the same product.

2. If Vince really does think that TNA isn't competition, then he's an idiot. If he's going to stand there while TNA picks at the feet of WWE, the WWE will eventually fall, and he'll be kicking himself (so to speak, and pun intended) because his wrestling product should have been competing with another wrestling product.
If you ask me it seems like Spike might be harboring some ill feelings towards Vince since their falling out with Raw.

You may be right. Really, who's to say for sure that's not on the Spike TV board?

But Spike TV is a business, like the WWE. Businesses are out to make money. Personal feelings go right out the door while WWE is racking up consistently good ratings for the network.
Um...UFC pulls in 1/3 the ratings RAW does...even Dana admitted in an interview this past weekend that he loves Vince (said he's a "fucking animal") and doesn't consider there to be a war between the UFC and WWE.

If ANYTHING, Dana wants to do business WITH Vince...after all, a spawn of McMahon has been seen at a lot of UFC events here lately...

Besides, the card for Fight Night 20 (which I will be attending, first UFC event ever in VA!) is weak as shit from a "stars of UFC" perspective, so they'll be happy with Impact-like ratings.
I think that if Vince was that legitimately worried, he would've thrown Hogan a bone months ago that he wouldn't have been able to refuse. I doubt Hogan would have turned down a sizable enough paycheck & some minor creative input to keep him away from the competition. I watched the first hour, and honestly, it was a waste. With the exception of Jeff Hardy, all it was was "Hogan's coming", "Hogan's almost here", "He's around the corner", "Hulk has arrived". After that, I flipped back over whenever RAW went to commercial & the only good thing I saw on there all night was Angle vs Styles & they didn't need Hogan for that - - It was easily one of the best matches I've seen in a long time & it would've been just as damn good no matter what went on or who was there for the rest of the show.

Yes, I understand that there was a lot of set-up for the future going on, but that's going to take some time to gel, but if they spend more time worrying about topping Vince than they do creating interesting storylines & holding matches of Angle/Styles caliber, they're just gonna fall flat on their face. And I'm sure Vince understands that too. Going head to head with him on Monday nights this early, while all of these promised "changes" are still in an embryonic state, is mere posturing on their part that will hurt more than help. Holding Impact on a different night instead of going up against RAW right out of the gate, would allow them more time to focus on the quality of the product as opposed to the ratings. People are still going to watch RAW no matter what and if TNA is going to become a force to be reckoned with, it needs those extra viewers.

It makes more sense to put it on on a night when wrestling fans have no other option. That way, they'll have a consistent audience who will start getting more into it. That's the only way it's gonna grow. Then take on the five-headed dragon that is WWE. The Monday Night Wars were great, but WCW had more going for it & was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with WWE. TNA just isn't there yet & it's too soon for them to try.
Um...UFC pulls in 1/3 the ratings RAW does...even Dana admitted in an interview this past weekend that he loves Vince (said he's a "fucking animal") and doesn't consider there to be a war between the UFC and WWE.

If ANYTHING, Dana wants to do business WITH Vince...after all, a spawn of McMahon has been seen at a lot of UFC events here lately...

Besides, the card for Fight Night 20 (which I will be attending, first UFC event ever in VA!) is weak as shit from a "stars of UFC" perspective, so they'll be happy with Impact-like ratings.


Eventually, given that Dana and co. actually push new talent and explore more territories, UFC will most probably overtake WWE. Should that happen, Vince will essentially be powerless to stop it.

UFC will eventually be the biggest fly in Vince's ointment, but it's not today.
I agree with the OP in that Vince going head to head with UFC is more significant to WWE than the supposed "war" with TNA last night. Reason being, Vince simply doesn't consider TNA serious competition. Yes, TNA is a wrestling company that has a show on cable TV, PPV's, merch, etc. However at this stage in the game, they pose no serious threat to the McMahon Empire. Think about how long Vince let things go in the previous Monday Night Wars. It was long after Nitro had established itself as a credible threat that they were even acknowledged on-air by the then-WWF. In regards to sheer monetary aspects, UFC is a much more credible threat to WWE than TNA at this point in time.

As an aside, the "war" on Monday was more for TNA than it would ever have been for WWE. It was a litmus test to be sure... to see if TNA could step up their game and have a shot at the "major leagues" where WWE currently resides. My personal opinion is that though some of the segments were rough around the edges, TNA showed loads of potential throughout. Monday was definitely a success for them, but the coming weeks and months will tell the story of the little wrestling company that might.
First Vince really doesn't care about TNA & TNA will not even come close to winning this Monday Night War, here is why...

1. Hogan has no imagination, this was proved in WCW when he had creative control, I feel bad for the younger talent.

2. Bischoff - is a tool, add to that he has already failed to beat Vince. Look how he took over when he came to the ring, what a joke.

3. Hogan & Bischoff, the biggest hypocrites out there, all night long they were saying it is going to be different, things will change, Hogan even told Hall and Waltman that it won't be the same, and then all night long we see the NWO doing what they did ten years ago. Pathetic. Seriously Hall looks like Jerry Lewis, and Waltman freaking had sex with Chyna the chick with a dick.

4. Hall, Waltman, Flair, Hardy, Val Venus, Moore, The Nasty Boys seriously??? this is the giant additions to TNA, all of these were Vince's rejects, (exactly what Bischoff did in WCW and failed mind you).

5. Treating us like we are stupid, at the beginning of the show, Tenay and Tazz kept showing us the Limo and the eminent arrival of Hogan, then when Hogan is in ring he says he has been there all day long, talking and getting crap ready for the show. Pathetic writting. No threat there.

6. Do they really expect us to think that in approx. 4 - 6 months Hogan won't be in the ring fighting Jarrett or Angle? Please.

7. The only good thing TNA did was have Angle and Styles wrestle in a great match, Raw didn't do that.

This is nothing new and Vince has already beat this tactic, plus the fact that Vince is a BILLIONARE, has the resources to destroy TNA, much the same way he did against WCW and ECW. I really hope I am wrong in this but I know I'm not. Vince has the platform to push the talent, since TNA won't be a direct Monday night competitor, Vince has four shows, TNA one do the math.

Ok boss, I am gonna lay all this out for you nicely and in very basic vernacular just so you can keep up with what I am trying to explain to you. First of all from what I can tell is that you're an armchair wrestling expert that doesn't understand a single aspect of critical thinking. Here are responses to ALL 7 of your statements:

1. Do you think you could do any better? This topic I am going to cover in a very detailed manner, because you and anyone else that thinks they know it all about what goes on behind the scenes in wrestling obviously need to wake up. Yes, Hulk Hogan had his creative control when you happen to change the face of an industry and make it more accepted you kind of get that luxury, for as much as people like to gripe about this guy abusing power, I happen to remember him losing the title several times throughout his tenure in the company. Sting, Goldberg, Paul Wight, Lex Luger can all attest to that and please don't get technical about the "controversy" at Starrcade. The bottom line is, Hulk Hogan if he wanted to really play that creative control card would have started his WCW tenure with the title and he'd have never lost it. Unless you just happened to be behind the curtains of World Championship Wrestling for all those years Hogan was there and you are privy to something none of us fans know about, then please give us your smoking gun. Instead all you rely on is speculation and the whining and crying of armchair idiots that think they know everything about professional wrestling.

As far as feeling bad for the younger talent, I remember Hulk Hogan's feud with Kidman, say what you will but if the Hulkster was all that detrimental to Kidman's career, do you think Vince would have bought Kidman's contract when WCW was sold to WWF? And If I do remember correctly, Kidman enjoyed a few successful years "up North", in fact he’s currently a trainer for Florida Championship Wrestling helping new talent elevate themselves to WWE. I’m not going to say that Hulk Hogan had everything to do that, but Kidman’s run for however brief it was definitely didn’t hurt Kidman’s future successes. Other talents in WCW that had a shot against Hogan and actually came out winning were guys like The Wall, Vampiro and Mike Awesome. Now to be fair The Wall never got to exploit his potential due to personal issues and his early passing, but he was one of the people along with Awesome and Kidman that got called up by WWF in the post-Monday Night War era. Vampiro had a successful career outside of the US, being one of Mexico’s top stars before and after his WCW days. The same can be said for Mike Awesome, as I remember he enjoyed quite a successful run in ECW and in Japan. Granted his WCW run didn't see him rise to his full potential, but his matches in ECW and Japan are the stuff of legend to TRUE fans. In all of the above mentioned names in WCW, none of these guys were sent to the unemployment line after wrestling Hogan. Hulk Hogan did not derail the careers of these people. Where these folks carried their careers after meeting Hogan was all up to them. Sadly, for one reason or another Mike Awesome and The Wall’s lives ended prematurely.

In the case of Kidman and Vampiro, like I mentioned earlier they are still working in the business in one way or another. Whether they are totally content with their current roles in the business is more speculation that I am not going to even bother covering, because I’d be no better than you or any of these people that act like they are “insiders” to the business. But Hulk Hogan didn't put them out of a job or hinder their careers like so many theorists like to say!

And yes before you say anything else, I am more than aware that there are some younger guys like Randy Orton that didn’t get the “W” over Hogan, but let’s be honest about something, shall we? At this point Orton was already a bonafide star competing with people the likes of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Ric Flair and Mick Foley just to name a mere few. Orton was already a one time World Champion so he was already in the main event scene. Despite losing to Hogan at SummerSlam 2006, it doesn’t look like his career has been hurting any for the past few years. Unless of course you consider four WWE Championships and two WrestleMania events to be a curse in your career.

Now despite my pro-Hogan stance, I am going to be objective and say that I would have been just as happy with Hogan losing to Randy Orton at SummerSlam 2006. But for one reason or another all the parties involved agreed to the ending of the match at SummerSlam, now I bet I will probably be hit with a statement like “Oh yeah, well Hulk Hogan would have threatened to no-show the event if he wasn’t given the “W” over Orton.” Again, more speculation, speculation and fact are not synonyms people, just remember that.

Now as far as Hogan’s lack of imagination that’s pretty subjective, with the exception of his epic clash with Ric Flair that the WWF failed to deliver, his early storylines in WCW (his feud with Brutus Beefcake, The Dungeon Of Doom and The Four Horsemen) now a days seem very farcical, but keep in mind this all went on at the same time that Vince McMahon had garbage men, plumbers and hog farmers in his roster of “superstars”. That’s not to say WCW was any better but it was no worse either. Again, I look back at a lot of these storylines now with Hogan feuding with the likes of the Yeti, The Giant and Kevin Sullivan as being pretty silly but it was par for the course in the 90s. The wrestling business overall wasn’t anywhere near its height of popularity that it had in the 80s. So what do you really expect? All the same Hogan’s inclusion in to WCW, helped play a hand in pro wrestling from both WWF and WCW being a blast to watch in the late 90s into early 2000s.

2. Eric Bischoff is a tool, huh? Well, I don’t know the man personally, so I can’t comment on his personal character. All I could ask you kind sir is this question, when was the last time you went to work for a major corporation like Turner Broadcasting and take responsibility for a subsidiary of theirs that was considered a red headed step child and turn it in to a multi-million dollar entity that competed with and reigned supreme over the World Wrestling Federation for almost two years. Granted it didn’t last forever, but do you think you could do any better? Eric Bischoff love him or hate him, has made positive contributions to professional wrestling. But like anybody else, even he only had so much control at the end of the day, because even in WCW’s darkest days they were still putting up better numbers than a lot of Turner Broadcasting’s other programming, it’s just that when you are owned by a corporate juggernaut there’s only so much you can do. Eric Bischoff was put into that position. That’s the one thing I will give credit to WWF/E for, it’s a self made company and that’s why they were able to recover and take the fight back to WCW. But give Eric Bischoff and company credit, they’ve done a better job than most have in trying to provide an alternative to Vince’s wrestling programming.

3. Last night’s TNA show did indeed feature the old nWo together, yes they had their little reunion pow wow in the ring, but wasn’t that to be expected? Now I don’t have a crystal ball telling me what is going to happen in the next few weeks. But, I’m taking the wait and see approach unlike someone with your short sighted nature. Now, things are looking likely that the nWo was behind all the “attacks” that happened last night. But neither you or I know for sure what’s going on yet. The Foley beatdown was obvious last night, but there’s nothing saying for sure that Hulk Hogan is necessarily in cahoots with them, it just looks that way. I would let things play out before I draw any assumptions. I mean already what’s going on last night was a lot better than when the nWo came back to WWF all those years ago. I’m not saying that things won’t be the same again, I am hoping it’s not, because I definitely don’t want to see people like you being right about this. But hey if that’s the case, I’ll be more than happy to admit I am wrong IF and I stress IF things play out that way. But so far, my feeling is that they are throwing us a couple of red herrings right now with those segments that showed TNA superstars like Rhyno the Motor City Machine Guns being laid out, we don’t know anything about who’s really behind that, but it may not necessarily be Hogan and company. You are aware of what a red herring is right? Anyway, if you are not sure of the definition, you can go look that one up because I’ll move on. Basically, wait till you see the bigger picture before you make your judgments. Because a swerve could be in the works, remember I said could, I’m not a TNA writer nor can I read their minds like you seem to think you can do. As far as the personal conduct of Hall and Waltman, while I am amused by your statements I must say that we aren’t here to look at these people as humanitarians, if these guys can stay on the ball and serve their purpose, it’ll all work out in the end. Keep their personal lives out of this, unless it plays a factor once again in their roles in the company, then there’s cause for worry. Which I will admit there’s a risk with these guys, it’s none of our business what these people do in their personal lives. Again, just take a wait and see approach, let it play out. Hell, them showing up is no worse than Triple H playing with a bearded dwarf who acts like a 10 year old.

4. Now you mention the rejects of World Wrestling Entertainment, that ridiculous statement just makes me laugh, I’ll admit Val Venis and Shannon Moore were released from WWE and Scott Hall’s personal demons got the better of him, that’s a point I can concede. But, hey these things happen. At least they can say they worked there before and made it to the big time. With the overload of wrestlers in WWE, maybe Venis and Moore can find new life in TNA, just wait and see, that’s all I can tell you. But now you have the audacity to refer to Flair, Jeff Hardy, and The Nasty Boys as WWE’s rejects. Flair and Jeff Hardy had contracts that expired and they chose not to stay with the company, that was a decision they made. From what has been said they were both offered opportunities to stay, they just chose to move on, that was their right. As far as The Nasty Boys go, I am not sure how old you are man, but the Nasty Boys were one of the 90s most well known teams. Having both success in WWF and WCW these guys knew how to brawl, there was nothing elegant about what they did in that ring, but they always made things interesting. Any major team you can think of back in the day they feuded with, The Steiners, Harlem Heat, The Hart Foundation and The Road Warriors, some of the best talent in the world right there and The Nastys put on some very entertaining stuff. They were one of the Outsiders’ early feuds when Hall and Nash came back to WCW and The Nasty Boys showed that they are a team capable of putting talent over. Now that they are in TNA hunting down Team 3D, this could make a very interesting feud. It’s not like they targeted Tag Champs, The British Invasion right off the bat. They got a lot more charisma than most of WWE’s thrown together tag teams, so in this case just let things play themselves out.

5. Dude, you are so totally reaching if you are going to be picking this point apart. An easy in kayfabe solution could fix this whole “How could Hogan be in the back all day if he’s just arriving now at the arena?”, since Hogan’s an authority figure in TNA, for all ya know maybe he had to step out of the arena for awhile and take care of some “TNA Affairs”, i.e. like meeting up with that other limo? Remember he is the boss. Yeah, that sounds silly but if you need an answer that bad for as to why there was that little contradiction, I just gave you one. A better explanation though is that Hogan had a simple botch in his life, it was kayfabe meeting real life, and unfortunately it came off sounding a little stupid, I’ll admit that, but to bitch about this as being the worst case of writing ever, than you really need to get over yourself. It’s not like Hogan said

6. Hogan coming back to wrestle, it’s frighteningly possible, it’s personally not something I want to see despite my being a huge fan of The Hulkster. Bottom line is though, for as old as this guy is and despite his limited mobility, there’s still more people out there that like him than you think. It very well could happen if the majority of the fans want to see it. But so far the man held true to his word, if getting out there and working a match with TNA was truly his prerogative then Kurt Angle would have been told to sit this one out and let Hogan go one on one with AJ Styles, but that didn’t happen. I’d say that Hogan has made good on his claim to not actively compete these past couple of months. With the exception of the Australia tour (despite not being a huge success, it still was something that most non-WWE entities couldn’t pull off) the Hulkster hasn’t laced up the boots in quite a while. Again, Hogan wrestling is not up to just you and me, if enough people want to see it, and Hogan can somehow pull it off to their liking, then it’s a possibility.

7. Yes, the AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle match was without wearing out the pun, phenomenal. The other matches were well done too and I’m not even a huge fan of women’s wrestling but I give all the lady performers their credit, they put it together tonight. The opening contest left a little bit to be desired in my opinion, but just the same that is only my personal opinion. Overall, I enjoyed the show. RAW didn’t inspire me as much despite Bret Hart’s return, which in itself was good to see but I don’t think it was done flawlessly. The way I look at it is like this, RAW has been on for so long and the WWE has been around so long that they could have done a lot better and they should have because they are the bigger and better company as of right now.

TNA though, this is just a small part of the greater picture. If you were to rewind 15 years ago and watch the first Nitro, it wasn’t the greatest thing either. With the exception of Lex Luger’s shocking return and a very good Sting vs Flair match (again I could never remember a bad one between the two), there were some rough edges with Nitro. But it’s all a work in progress. This is just the beginning of something, TNA can’t afford to make this a sprint, it’s got a be a marathon. This isn’t about beating WWE and putting them out of business, it’s all about being able to hang, and if you give it time and see them try to make these changes instead of just nitpicking, we could see some good things happen. Even though things look to be starting off the same, let’s just be patient.


I’m not going to say that I am gonna be right in the end about this, but until I’m proven wrong, I’m going to let everything play itself out. Because what happened last night on TNA has given us to an alternative to what WWE has been offering for the past couple years. Although to their credit such moves like making Sheamus a World Champion now and breaking up the WWE Title scene’s monotony is a good sign. But even some of the skeptics out there can’t even be happy with that. But at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, because you armchair critics and self professed experts hardly make a dent in how successful the wrestling business is, and you all need to be made aware of how your lack of critical thinking and open mindedness is a detriment to an artform I have grown up loving and you people just can’t seem to be happy with.

Just be grateful that there are at least attempts to make a viable competitor out there to WWE. Nothing happens over night and TNA being around for seven years thus far is pretty impressive compared to failed endeavors like the XWF and the WWA. At the end of the day things should be all about being able to enjoy two separate wrestling entities like we were able to over a decade ago. So ladies and gents, just remember critical thinking is definitely a quality trait, go and learn a thing or two about it.
I agree that WWE should be trying to garner as much as their audience and possibly more whenever WWE's main competition on. However, they don't seem to go that low whenever something like MNFootball or UFC is on. They always stay around the 3.3-3.8 range anyways even if people complain that RAW was crappy.

More surprises and great matches wouldn't hurt though. ;)

Secondly, stay on topic. We're not talking about TNA's flaws and greats and "Well, WWE ROOLS and TNA SUX". I believe the thread is about WWE not pulling out all the stops they can when competition is there. TNA isn't even close, but has a slight chance to be considered competition.
Nice, insightful post SirJose, but seriously man, you shouldn't vent your frustrations in such a personal fashion, it won't win you any friends & won't change the fact, that at the end of the day, these forums are for expressing your personal opinions & engaging in discussion. Laying into someone by dropping sporadic personal jabs & touting the capability of your vernacular isn't debating, it's being a pompous jerk. You're clearly up to par on your knowledge of history & you make several good points, but for the sake of maintaining a friendly forum in which to gab, try to keep it pleasant for all. I know I'm no mod here, but I am on several other forums & I know from much experience that that kind of attitude always leads to unnecessary negativity. Life can be stressful enough as it is, people come to these boards to have fun & it's a lot easier to do just that when it's all kept friendly & everyone plays nice :)

That having been said, you're absolutely right that we need to sit around & take the "wait & see" approach. I couldn't agree more, as I'm sure most open-minded fans would. I'm not a writer for TNA or WWE, nor do I own a crystal ball (I've always been told I have a set of brass balls, but that's another story), so like everyone else, I can only guess as to what's going to happen next. I've already expressed my feelings on what went down last night & what I feel TNA needs to do to step things up, and I truly hope they can & do just that. I'd LOVE a second option. I'd love to debate with myself, "Do I want to watch RAW or Impact tonight?", just like I did for the original Monday Night Wars, but TNA just simply isn't there yet. With some hard work and a little bit of luck, I think they eventually will be, but they've still got some time to go before they can step in the ring with Vince's empire & give them a run for the money.

No matter what, at the very least, things will certainly get very interesting, and at the most, once TNA gets their regime change settled & their game together, to quote Good Ol' JR, "Business is about to pick up".
Ok, hold on, let's get something straight here: in terms of TV ratings, merchandising and PPV buy-ins, UFC doesn't come anywhere near Raw. Dana White himself has stated this. Whether you prefer UFC from a competitive stand point is totally irrelevant; to say UFC is Raw's biggest competitor is like saying Robot Chicken rivals South Park in terms of ratings.
The only time UFC tops WWE in ratings is during The Ultimate Fighter's season run but Vince has shown he can top that with some episodes of Raw in the past.

Sure, TNA is even lower in the standings as UFC is but TNA made it personal by bringing in Hogan. So, Vince pulled the Hitman card in response. UFC isn't about those sorts of games, so they'll remain off Vince's immediate screen and make their lot slowly and surely, as they've done for the past near-decade.

Sorry, but Vince stole Tyson from the UFC show and made him his guest host...

Vince sees UFC just as much competition as he does TNA...
Well I hope TNA and UFC bring WWE competition. This could be the wCw/ECW all over again. Make WWE actually care to put out a good product and not some lackluster garbage. But UFC is awesome and so is TNA. It was one show, wait awhile to judge Hogan and crew in TNA. As for UFC their growing, eventually they may be bigger then WWE, considering wrestling not popular these days like it use to be. But hey the more competition the better. Hope ROH gets into the mix but doubt it.
Vince McMahon isn't worried about TNA and you can tell that by watching both shows last night. TNA came out with guns blazing and seemingly had another older, big name wrestler come out and be seen on camera and have some type of role last night every 30 seconds. TNA threw out Jeff Hardy, all the original members of the nWo, the Nasty Boys, Ric Flair, Shannon Moore, at the WWE last night.

All the WWE did was roll out Bret Hart. Bret Hart returning to confront old enemies was the centerpiece around Raw last night. The WWE went out and put on a solid show last night where as TNA was trying to show what they've got. If Vince really wanted to compete, if he truly saw TNA as a threat to him last night, I very much believe he'd have had Stone Cold Steve Austin out and would have done everything humanly possible to have The Rock show up.

As to the UFC, Dana White himself said in an interview today that the UFC isn't trying to compete with the WWE. The UFC has only had one broadcast on television ever do a 3.0 or better and that was the episode of The Ultimate Fighter in which Kimbo Slice fought on the show. It drew a 3.7 as I recall, but it was on a Tuesday or Wednesday night when it happened, not head to head against Raw.
I don't think Vince really sees UFC as competition or vicaversa. I mean in order to actually be competition they'd actualy have to compete y'know, they have completely different business models.

Raw is essentially competing with TUF here, even though its not on the same night, and its not a show full of stars, and its not actually even a full on fighting show, its Big Brother with a fight at the end. In order for this to be viewed as competition TUF would atleast have to move to Mondays, and realistically they'd have to hold Fight Nights, every Monday, 52 weeks a year to be considered competition(which of course they could never do). Also the PPV's aren't competition, UFC currently dominates that, but its not like their stealing WWE's buyrates, or putting shows on on Sundays.

I also don't think that there are many fans that WWE could steal from UFC. Like I don't think UFC is going to make wrestling fans stop being wrestling fans, and MMA fans are not likely to become WWE fans just as a matter of principle(cuz its not real).

TNA though, thats competition. Just because he doesn't mention them doesn't mean their not, in fact I think its the opposite. He goes to great pains NOT to promote the opposition. Back in the day he went to great pains NEVER to acknowledge WcW, remember that qoute of Jerry Lawler asking aboout "those guys down south, they do exist y'know", while Vince tried to brush it quick as possible. He doesn't really mention UFC ever does he, and I doubt we'll ever say a cagefighter hosting Raw. To Vince, TNA is probably, now at least, what he regards as his biggest competition. Another Wrestling promotion is probably the only thing that could ever put WWE out of business.
Vince sees UFC as competition because as the kids that watch WWE now could grow up and become UFC fans later and not watch WWE anymore. Pretty much what happened after WCW went out of business. They got older and their taste change. It happens and it is something to worry about. BTW, aside from last night TNA has yet to do anything to make Vince worry. When they do, you will know.
Yeah but even if he does see it as competition, Vince can't do anything to compete with it, Wrestling will never have real fights. Hardcore MMA fans are Hardcore WWE haters, and if he does try to compete with it, how does he do it? By saying his guys are tougher or that the real action is at WWE?

Between his own doing and the rise of the internet, and of course everyone's older brother that loves to tell you wrestling is fake, almost everyone now knows wrestling is fake(and if you're sensitive about that term, everyone knows the matches aren't real). MMA is a real sport, and Vince's competition isn't real sports, it can't be.

Not to sound like an ass, but tell me, what could Vince do differently to attract MMA viewers that he hasn't already done?
Sorry, but Vince stole Tyson from the UFC show and made him his guest host...

Vince sees UFC just as much competition as he does TNA...

Didn't know that, I'll admit.

I never said that WWE doesn't see UFC as competition, just said that Dana isn't interested in a power play with Vince. And why would he, when he could make money off him?
Simply put, we all know that WWE has said time and time again that TNA is not competition for them. Their main competition is the likes of MNFootball and UFC. Next week WWE goes head to head with UFC.

This is the one where realistically WWE should be pulling out the stops against their main rival. This is where surprises should come in, this is where you should be having main event matches, building up your younger card and showing that WWE can compete if it wants to.

Probably won't happen though.

I think you are definitely onto something there, Lee.

As an MMA fan as well as a WWE fan, I am certainly looking forward to seeing what the WWE pulls out of the hat as they go head to head with their MMA "rivals" for the first time. Let us not forget that UFC are putting on quite a good card this time next week with Maynard and Diaz. Both of them have a lot of followers and it is sure to take a lot of fans from WWE. However, I do not think that it will be a huge shift in the balance of what we have now. WWE survived the scrape with TNA and came out if slightly better than TNA did with all of their surprises and instability. However, the UFC are definitey likely to pose a bigger threat to WWE and it already looks as though Vince is taking them more seriously.

I mean sure, Bret Hart was the host when TNA went up against WWE but they have called in Mike Tyson for the 11th. Tyson is still a huge draw in the world of Martial Arts/Boxing, whatever you want to call it. Vince knows what he is doing and this is a big hit to UFC. Dana has called him on it and he knows that Vince is pulling out the stops to beat him. I guess that would make you correct. I am looking forward to it immensely.
Mike Tyson was suppose to appear on UFC this monday? At the end of the day UFC will become more popular then WWE and might make more money aswell. Wrestling not as popular like it use to be and more people these days are getting into UFC more. But really neither are competition cause they two seperate companies and one company is scripted while the other is not. Besides UFC could of gotten Dwayne Johnson to promote his new movie The Tooth Fairy. Imagine that, it would be a hugh smack to Vince face and the WWE.
I think personally that there is no "rivalry" between the UFC and the WWE. Vince has said in the past, when asked about MMA, that it is an entirely different product that attracts a separate audience. And for the most part that is true.

The majority if MMA fans are followers of the "real" stuff, as opposed to the "fake" wrestling that WWE offers. That is why Brock Lesnar garnered so much heat when he first ventured into the UFC. Even as their World Heavyweight Champion, he has his fair share of haters, from the fighters to the fans...because he came from "fake" wrestling.

So at the end of the day, UFC fans will watch UFC...and WWE fans will watch WWE. The only exceptions to the rule are the crossover fans who have followed Lesnar to the other side. And if a fan follows both, naturally they will be more inclined to watch what they liked first.
I think personally that there is no "rivalry" between the UFC and the WWE. Vince has said in the past, when asked about MMA, that it is an entirely different product that attracts a separate audience. And for the most part that is true.

Do you think he is actually going to refer to them as Competition, so that gets back to Dana? Saying something like that will get White thinking and then next thing you know, it will escalate into a War between the two.

The majority if MMA fans are followers of the "real" stuff, as opposed to the "fake" wrestling that WWE offers. That is why Brock Lesnar garnered so much heat when he first ventured into the UFC. Even as their World Heavyweight Champion, he has his fair share of haters, from the fighters to the fans...because he came from "fake" wrestling.

And that is true at the moment. But what is to say that WWE fans who are not the diehard loyalists, won't switch from wrestling to MMA over to the real thing? As long as you have the same key demo you are trying to attract, you bet your ass that anything that takes away from what you could be drawing is competition. I have no doubt in my mind that Vince knows this and is aware of this. Although, I don't know if he knows how to properly combat it yet.

Perhaps, that is what we see him doing with running violent themed PPV's, and even a Submission Only PPV entitled Breaking Point, last year.

So at the end of the day, UFC fans will watch UFC...and WWE fans will watch WWE. The only exceptions to the rule are the crossover fans who have followed Lesnar to the other side. And if a fan follows both, naturally they will be more inclined to watch what they liked first.

Again, though, what is to say that once a fan crosses over, that they still will watch both? I think there are obviously fans that do, but I also think there are fans who give up the WWE and stay with UFC, altogether. We just don't have the figures to analyze the extent of this, at the moment.

But this Monday will be a good test to see how many crossover fans we have, that watch both ... when they have to choose. It will be an interesting experiment, to say the least.
As an avid mma fan I would not say this Monday is more exciting then last Monday but it does certainly intrigue me. Much like Dave, I am a fan of the UFC and not just a casual fan but someone who watches mma weekly, probably because it is on so much. The Fight Night's are always fun and exciting free television teaser for the big Saturday night shows. If you look at the card for the Fight Night on Monday there are not any big name players and only one fight with real importance scheduled. That being said, I will still be tuning in for the majority of the Fight Night then for Raw.

I think this is Spike's attempt at trying to find the winning combination for ratings against Raw. TNA drew record ratings for themselves last week and even though this Fight Night has been scheduled for Monday well in advance, I believe the executives are just trying to feel out what kind of program will draw big ratings against WWE. I think the UFC will do better actually, they do a great job of plugging their cards all over television and not just on Spike and the fans of mma will tune in to see Nate Diaz fight Gray Maynard. I will be switching between shows, but most of my time will be spent on watching UFC.

It will be interesting to see if UFC can bring in a better rating then the WWE and to see what Spike TV decides to do going into the future. If UFC beats WWE in ratings I am positive we will see more Fight Nights going head to head with Raw.
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