Recent content by Viper316

  1. V

    When should Swagger return & how?

    I would have if come back cost cena a title shot vs ryback and say that he hates cena coz he never gets a chance and heyman creates a group called heymans guys of ppl,who hates cena like Brock , Big Show , Punk , Swagger , Dolph , Miz and have them beat the shit out of Cena then the Rock comes...
  2. V

    When should Swagger return & how?

    I would have if come back cost cena a title shot vs ryback and say that he hates cena coz he never gets a chance and heyman creates a group called heymans guys of ppl,who hates cena like Brock , Big Show , Punk , Swagger , Dolph , Miz and have them beat the shit out of Cena then the Rock comes...