Recent content by thewrestlinghero

  1. T

    Lesnar's Sickness Canada's Fault

    I guess Evolution passed Lesnar by "So if you're lying in a hospital bed and you're wondering to yourself, 'What in the hell happened?!?' Evolution has just passed you by..."
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    TNA Turning Point LD

    not a 5 star match but 4 3/4 stars
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    TNA Turning Point LD

    so was tara match better then her steel cage match with i think Lita
  4. T

    TNA Turning Point LD

    really how was he there
  5. T

    TNA Turning Point LD

    guys i heard pope signed long term deal with the company before the ppv
  6. T

    TNA Turning Point LD

    Amazing red retain
  7. T

    [Official] Team UK / Great Britain Discussion Thread

    This sucks that Johnnoy saint is not on here. But I voted for William Regal good techicanl wrestler he would be a good technical wrestler for the team. Fit Finley good brawler and can be good also for iron man matches. For the third I really couldn't decide. Between Dynamite Kid giant...
  8. T

    Do you know who Hiroshi Hase is?

    Hiroshi Hase this guy is a Japanese legend in my eyes. Former 2x Iwgp junior heavyweight champion. Former wcw International world heavyweight champion had a really good tag match with the Steiners brothers with his partner Kensuke Saski. he is also the chairmen for the pwf which for people...
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    Don't mess with ghandi
  10. T

    Lesnar's Sickness Canada's Fault

    Hope he feels better
  11. T

    Storm vs Christian

    I'm a big fan of both of them but you got to go with Lance storm.
  12. T

    ROH and Pizza.

    He had a bicep injury from what i heard from reports.
  13. T

    ROH and Pizza.

    Yeah me two it looked like it really hurt that injury. Now I'm about to watch Davey richard vs Kevin steen anything goes from Never say die should be good.
  14. T

    ROH and Pizza.

    Final battle 08 is really good the main event was really awesome. makes you respect Nigel even more knowing he can work with a injury like that.