Recent content by THE AWESOME MIZFIT

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    Is Christian Hall of Fame Worthy?

    Without a doubt. He has done so much in the WWE. To this day the guy still puts great quality matches. He is a 2 time World Champion, 7 time WWE Tag Team Champion, 2 time World Tag Team Champion, 2 time ECW Champion, 3 time Intercontinental Champion, Hardcore Champion, Light Heavyweight...
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    TNA Hall of Fame

    There is no reason for TNA to have a Hall of Fame as of right now. But id there were to be one my top choices would be... 1. Ken Shamrock - first ever TNA Champ. 2. AJ Styles - The face of TNA before they started hiring WWE drop outs. 3. Jerry Lynn - One of the top X Division wrestlers of...
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    Fave Five Moments of 2011

    5. Daniel Bryan wins MITB - I did not see this coming in the slightest. I was shocked when the WWE gave him the briefcase. I was so certain that Wade Barrett was going to win but WWE shocked me which WWE did a few times this year. Although I do see Bryan being the first to cash in and lose I am...
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    My Least Fave Five

    5. Heath Slater - I don't think he has anything what so ever. He adds nothing to the WWE. He doesn't stand out and he doesn't contribute anything. He has no character and he has a look about him thats different but in a bad way. 4. John Morrison - I used to be a huge JoMo fan but I came to...
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    Top Five WWE Heels

    5. The Iron Sheik - He is one of the most hated wrestlers in wrestling history. He was anti American and people couldn't stand him for that. In the early 90's he aligned himself with the Iraqi, General Adnan and this is when the Gulf War was happening so ypu can only imagine what was going on at...
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    How Would You Get Over?

    First i would like to mention I'm a pretty big guy. Not Mason Ryan big but Husky Harris big. To be honest I like his look. So I would keep it pretty simple in terms of my look. I also like the look and attitude of Brodus Clay. If given the opportunity i would like to be given the same debut as...
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    US Title - Ryder or Ryan?

    Zack Ryder without a doubt. Ryder has been paying his dues and there is no one in the WWE who deserves a push more then him. Mason Ryan has done nothing ro prove himself. Is he big and have the look, yes but thats pretty much it. Ryder has gotten himself over without the WWE. The WWE has just...
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    The Main Event Picture?

    RAW Main Eventers 1. Del Rio - obviously because he is the WWE Champion. I would keep him heel because he is great at it and he draws plenty of heat. I would love to see him have a nice long feud with CM Punk. 2. CM Punk - He was the hottest thing during the summer. I would have him be a...
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    Who Is In Your FAV 5?

    1. Mark Henry - He has done nothing but impress me in the last 5-6 months. He has really picked up game. I'm happy that WWE did not drop the ball on this one. He has kept himself in good shape and his in ring ability is pretty good for a man his size. He is also one of the most believable guys...
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    John Morrison : Good Wrestler Or Talentless Spot Monkey?

    Talentless spot monkey. I used to be a huge JoMo mark but then I realized he sucks. At least as a face he is. The guy can't cut a promo for shit and he has Shows no emotion and is just another high flier. He has this whole parkour thing going for him and that's it. I do believe he was better...
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    Night of Champions - WHC Title - Randy Orton (c) vs. Mark Henry

    The way I see it Mark Henry is one of if not the most deserving superstar in the entire WWE of a World Heavyweight Championship run. Like D-Man said his buildup as of late has been amazing. Mark Henry is amazing on the mic right now and has been showing some great intensity and emotion. His...
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    Present-Day Evolution

    Veteran Role - William Regal. He is a great teacher and a great wrestler. Although he doesn't want to wrestle anymore he could be a great leader. His mind for the business in also good. Current Main Eventer - CM Punk. One of the biggest names and most talked about names in wrestling at the...
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    What's your opinion about Mark Henry?

    Mark Henry is one of the most deserving people in the WWE right now. His character is one of the best on WWE program right now as well. He has picked up his game and become one of the most feared people in wrestling. His promo work is incredible as of late and he shows such intensity and emotion...
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    The Better Elevator?

    Hands down the royal rumble. It is one of the biggest matches of the year and it involves all of the best talent. Winning that I believe is more prestigious because of the fact that you beat 29 other of WWE's best superstars. Not only that but you are guaranteed a main event slot as the biggest...
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    Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

    Raven 1788 if u read mine i mentioned him