Recent content by squeaky000

  1. S

    How bad are the Raw announcers?

    It's really awful, I can take or leave JBL, but Cole and Lawler need to go. I always disliked Cole but ever since he turned face again I really cant stand him anymore. Lawler just sounds so damn fake it pisses me off, and half the time he don't even know what hes talking about.
  2. S

    WWE's Best & Worst Year Of The 00's?

    I'm not sure about the best year but,by far the worst year of the 00's was...2009. Seriously nothing even compares to that year. The stupid guest hosts was just a waste of time, who could forget Hornswoggle mania, PG dx, jerishow was just dumb and an even dumber name, Cena and Orton were the...
  3. S

    Do we know too much?

    I've been watching since i was six and knew it was scripted since the start thanks to my sister... And still loved it, so it really didn't bother me much. Then i found out about online spoiler sites in 2007 and it did effect my viewing of wwe alot. I basically stopped watching smackdown in late...