Recent content by SmarkySmark84

  1. S

    "War For Christmas" RAW Angle.... Hell Yes

    (for reference: ) I am literally more excited for this upcoming RAW taping than I was for TLC. Mark Henry rules, Christmas is awesome, and FOX News is about to get its wig split. Seriously this entire angle...
  2. S

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    I'm having a hard time watching multiple RAWs (not in a row, but still multiple) where CM Punk, the WWE Champion and one of the BEST promo guys on the active roster isn't given the chance to rock the stick every goddamn week. When Rock was the champ he cut a promo EVERY. FUCKING. WEEK. Austin...
  3. S

    If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

    The funny thing is that I agree with you 100% (except for the Vince being fired thing, that really is absurd but I get that you were just making a point) and wholeheartedly believe that the wrestling talent should be given more say in their own character development. That's obvious. But there...
  4. S

    If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

    I understand the point you're trying to make, but that's a horrible analogy because a) Austin DID get saddled with the lame "Ringmaster" gimmick and b) he survived that debacle and moved on to become Stone Cold Steve Austin. You're right though, the self-made gimmicks are the best because the...
  5. S

    If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

    You have a point, but I also believe the "big leagues" have played a part in pigeonholing mainstream wrestling into a corner. There is nothing wrong with thinking that more complex movesets and styles (most Indy wrestling) is more compelling AND entertaining than Sports Entertainment (WWE)...
  6. S

    If You Could Fire Anyone In The WWE Right Now...

    Whew, thank god those qualities aren't mutually exclusive or anything. :suspic: Punk/Bryan was awesome and for anyone to say otherwise really and truly shows how much damage this current era has done to the business. Punk and Bryan put on a freaking clinic the likes of which the WWE audience...
  7. S

    Yukes Sells NJPW; Are WWE Games Next?

    What are you talking about? The BEST western wrestling games are almost unanimously considered to be the early N64-era THQ/AKI classics like WCW vs. NWO Revenge, WrestleMania 2000 and the first major wrestling game to feature the ladder match... No motherf**king Mercy. These were ALL...
  8. S

    Yukes Sells NJPW; Are WWE Games Next?

    I just finished listening to the free Alvarez/Meltzer post-RAW podcast and Dave Meltzer mentioned that NJPW was sold by Yukes to some Japanese Wizards of the Coast-style card game company. It was apperantly a very well-kept secret and the sale surprised a lot of people. With news recently...
  9. S

    Could The Rock Win The WWE Championship In 2012 (NOT A WRESTLEMANIA 28 THREAD!)

    If you are even half serious then you're either a troll or a complete f'ing moron. Pick your poison. Who has The Undertaker "put over" in the last two years, specifically? Since he's really only been around for WrestleMania lately (and won all of those) I'm genuinely curious.
  10. S

    Could The Rock Win The WWE Championship In 2012 (NOT A WRESTLEMANIA 28 THREAD!)

    First of all, everyone who says that Rock shouldn't get the title one more time because "Boo-hoo Rhodes/Barrett/Ziggler deserves it more" doesn't understand how wrestling works. All three of those men will get their moment in the sun, fear not. They're young and still have a whole lot of career...
  11. S

    Could The Rock Win The WWE Championship In 2012 (NOT A WRESTLEMANIA 28 THREAD!)

    Where did THIS come from? The IC title has been used brilliantly since Cody brought back the classic belt, and his reign has so far been a strong and well-booked affair. He had a mini feud with Booker T, which I think made Cody look very good when all was said and done. I think the IC title is...
  12. S

    What To Do With Alberto Del Rio?

    This is an awful idea. Ricardo is not and never should be a "competitor." His position is perfect as-is; being Alberto's ring announcer/lackey is the best role for a guy like Ricardo, which allows him to kinda-sorta exist in a void that has grown over the years in WWE (with the exception of...
  13. S

    "The End of PG" series for WWE '12, now on XBL!

    (I'm just fucking with you guys. I figure this will be more fun. :) ) *kayfabe face* You can all eat all the dicks. ALL of them. Starting with Chyna's.
  14. S

    "The End of PG" series for WWE '12, now on XBL!

    So my thread got relegated to the Shitpost forum, eh? All right motherfuckers, gloves are off. The first fuck to say something derogatory about my story (which I guarantee you never actually played, because if you did you'd be too busy marking and laughing your ass off) gets my massive e-peen...
  15. S

    "The End of PG" series for WWE '12, now on XBL!

    In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, YouTube user robvandamisgod created an absolutely incredible fantasy "promo package" for Punk vs. Austin. Anyone who plans to play "The End of PG: PT 2" should check this out to get you in the right mood: Also, while...