Recent content by SimbaTGO

  1. S

    The Most Charismatic Superstar in the WWE Today?

    For me personally CM Punk is the most charimsatic superstar right now. But there are some charimsatic superstars who were not given the chance to shine. i think that Wade Barret has a lot charisma and also Dolph Ziggler.
  2. S

    Exposing The "Body Builder" Myth

    thats the point. Bodybuilders dont have to be good wrestlers to be on top, and that is what CM Punk is criticising. and i respect him for that.
  3. S

    Here's My Thing With Chick Magnet Punk

    I think that CM Punk is doing great, and that his approach of change is necessary. What annoys me is that HHH is looking for cheap arguments to distract from constructive critics made by CM Punk. HHH is acting as criticism is not wished in the WWE, he is acting as if CM Punk is whining etc...