Recent content by ShastaMcNasty83

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    *MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Future WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

    ok im not knocking on anything anyone is saying but Owen Hart will never be inducted into the HOF for one reason his widow wants his name and family left out of anything affiliated with wwe but to let everyone know vince has pursued this many time with her as a way to honor him but she declines...
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    so Cody beat Ted

    The simple fact of "If Orton Loses He Will NEVER Face Cena Again" easily tells me that Cena is going to SmackDown! They cant have them on the same show and ignore each other. Ted turns takes on a big Face role on Raw, DX stays doing what it is they're doing and feud with JeriShow. This leaves on...
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    Sell Out Steve Austin?

    Yeah and For one thing gottahn read the whole damn story before you rag on someone that has given so much to this business as said early his neck twice back and both of his knees scsa said him self its not that he didnt want to but now that he is in the hall of fame he wants all his comebacks to...
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    What If.....

    straight up the future of wrestling would now be in the hands of Norman Smiley and Buff the stuff Bagwell lol no i liked both of them guys especially the wiggle lol but who knows it would have been crazy if everything stayed the same as in no wrestlers quit undertaker vs sting we could of...
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    should there be another faction created

    Yeah and i wouldn't consider legacy a faction until rhodes and dibiase actually win a match in which orton is one of there partners cause lets face it if these boys were supposed to be taken seriously they would have at least held the straps again by now they are just two mediocrely named...
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    TNA all out war? (spoiler warning)

    well im a huge wwe fan and i like tna as well and i would have to say a great stable or group as only as good as the story allows it to be with its exceptions but i think the wwe needs to take notes cause yes they have way better stars and production value but i think right now tna has better...
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    Hogan or Austin?

    IM going with stone cold steve austin plain and simple he grew through the ranks i mean look at his career he got fired from wcw went to ecw where he first showed his first sign of what stone cold would be like with his interview segments and then wwf as the ringmaster he was a mid carder at...
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    The Who's Better Poll #2

    Im going with Austin All the way i like sting but he really never did to much for me as a fan and i liked him before he went to the crow look but stone cold on the other hand i believe is amazing imo i mean he was not the greatest mat wrestler but he could hold his own just watch any match with...
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    Hell In A Cell

    dear fuel the six man hell in the cell is listed at the top of the page with video but he called it funny i liked this one very much also but just saying he did mention it
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    Jericho's Tag Team Partner

    it really only matters who he picks for two reasons if they drop the titles it could be anyone thats not main event material that away jericho will go back for the world title but if creative has them retain the belts then it will have to be someone who is already on the level but they could use...
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    Where would chavo do better?

    yeah and my thoughts on chavo are this yeah he has had some goofy ass gimmicks in his time the golfer and pepe the wooden horse but he is a great tech wrestler and he helped john cena like a month or to ago and got the win for the team that being said now they have him losing to hornswoggle its...
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    Are there any future dream matches to look forward to??

    Dream Matches: I think a face Edge Vs HHH as a heel would be a great match at wm27 and i know everyone always wants a heel john cena but it wont happen till he quites making the wwe millions but i think a heel batista is iminate we really need someone new to hate also i think a hbk vs john...
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    Old Stables, New Era

    yeah as i said in another post the corporation and the nation could work nowadays easy i mean the corporation could always be their just have the hired hands change it up once in awhile faces that get tired of being screwed over do whats good for business hell have vince or shane offer cody and...
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    Stables That Could Have Succeeded If Given A Chance

    Rtc was not given a fair run ill give everyone that does anyone else remember the union which had like shamrock mankind test and big show in it i kinda thought when i seen them they we be huge but the disappeared after like a month or two if i remeber correctly but there has been tons of groups...