Recent content by rich12341

  1. R

    Wrestlemania 31 predictions?

    I know a lot of you won't like the subject of this thread and quite frankly i aren't bothered. So just for fun try to predict the key matches on the Wrestlemania 31 card. Mine are: CM Punk (C) vs Dean Ambrose vs Daniel Bryan (WWE championship) Undertaker vs John Cena Roman Reigns vs Brock...
  2. R

    What do you see happening?

    I personally don't think things will be that much different in 1 years time, with the recent talent that has been brought up I can't see any more new faces coming from NXT until guys like the shield and the wyatts' have been solidified on the main roster. That being said their might be 2 or 3...
  3. R

    The bright sparks of NXT

    When I can i try to make an effort to watch NXT, and I am usually impressed as it can be more entertaining than certain Raw's or Smackdown's. Hearing about the Kassius Ohno saga got me thinking about the rest of the NXT roster and which of the talent are future WWE stars and which are...
  4. R

    Is it me or are WWE debuting stars getting older?

    Completely agree with you pal, obviously the talent has to be their and the storyline in place to bring up the fresh young talent or else they will fall flat on their face. The problem I have is basically what you illustrated quite well, that the much of the 'future' of the company seem to be...
  5. R

    Is it me or are WWE debuting stars getting older?

    Right, until recently where we have seen the introduction of The Shield, Big E Langston, and next week Bray Wyatt it seems to me the debutantes of the WWE seem to be getting older. Allow to to elaborate, back in the day when we had stars like Triple H, The Rock, The Big Show (when he joined...
  6. R

    Best Title Win of the Year To YOU thus far.....?

    I'm going to have to agree with some of the previous comments. I aren't a massive fan of any of the option and I would go with Curtis Axel IC championship victory. It is the first time in a long time I have seen someone win a championship and they look genuinely proud and emotional at having...
  7. R

    WWE Money In The Bank 2013: Chris Jericho VS Ryback

    Think it is all but certain Ryback takes this. Jericho is taking another hiatus from wrestling so this should be used to write him off for a while, whilst maybe giving Ryback a bit of momentum back .
  8. R

    WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Intercontinental Championship: Axel (c) VS Miz

    I would be a disaster if Miz did somehow walk out IC champion. Their is absolutely no way they are going to take the strap off Axel after such a short amount of time when they are investing so much stock into him. On a side note Miz is terrible, a watered down Chris Jericho, yes he puts the...
  9. R

    WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Championship MITB Match

    I can see a couple of summer rivalries beginning here. For a kick off though Christian, Sheamus and Kane have got bob hope so you can rule 3 out straight away. As for the other 4, both Punk and RVD will begin their summer feuds during the course of the match (not with each other obviously)...
  10. R

    WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - World Heavyweight Championship MITB Match

    This match is one of them that could go each and any way apart from maybe Swagger walking out as Mr money in the Bank. After Swagger Fandango is probably the least likely to take the briefcase given his recent return from injury and despite the fact that Curtis has a lot going for him I...
  11. R

    WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Championship: John Cena (c) VS Mark Henry

    Cant see their being any surprises here to be honest and Cena will more than likely pick up the clean win. Only other thing i can think off is something involving the money in the bank winner, maybe kick starting the Cena Bryan feud.
  12. R

    What's next for The Shield?

    In my opinion after this whole thing with the Uso' and Christian is done and dusted I can see the either feuding with the brothers of destruction or taking part in the Vince, Steph and HHH angle, both of which I would like to see. By my reckoning the shield are the best thing in the WWE at the...
  13. R

    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    Just thought i would introduce myself (well really just to make it to the magical 10 posts real), nice to meet you all. Rich
  14. R

    Christian's Return

    Christian should return on the mid card, he is and for the most part of his career has been however he is very good at that and will be a great enhancement to the mid card titles. A rivalry between christian and axel/heyman or christian and ambrose would be brilliant.
  15. R

    Who will be the face of the WWE after John Cena's time?

    A lot of the guys mentioned already are not much younger than Cena anyway for example Sheamus (35), Orton (33), Punk (34), and even Ziggler is pushing 33. So even though they may be very talented after Cena leaves i cant see the majority of the aforementioned being around long enough to take...