Recent content by ReflectingHeirophant

  1. R

    Bad Feud, Good Match

    What about the Jaimie Noble/William Regal feud? I thought the feud was terrible, but the matches were incredible.
  2. R

    *MERGED* Undertaker's POTENTIAL Wrestlemania Opponents Thread

    I do not think that Vince McMahon plans on ever letting Undertaker put someone over at Wrestlemania. But, if(and that's a big "if") they decided to do it, the Superstar to end the streak should be an up-and-comer. My preference would be for Ted DiBiase, Jr. I think DiBiase is an excellent...
  3. R

    What do you want to see in WWE for 2011 ?

    I have no doubt that Del Rio will be World Heavyweight/WWE Champion before 2011 ends. I usually pay no attention to who the Internet Wrestling Community, or the announcers for that matter, say who is a great wrestler. But, DAMN, Del Rio is so talented. I can't wait to see what the year holds...
  4. R

    What do you want to see in WWE for 2011 ?

    10) The Cena/Punk feud NOT lead to the WWE Heavyweight Championship. I’d rather see a series of great matches than to see John Cena back in the Title Hunt. 9) That tasteless Spinner Belt to meet its end. I thought the belt was great for John Cena’s FIRST reign as WWE Heavyweight...
  5. R

    Morrison Is The New Number 1 Contender!

    I was absolutely excited about John Morrison winning the Number 1 Contendership for the WWE Heavyweight Championshiop. Not only that, but I was glad that there was actually a Number 1 Contender's Match. I knew it was only a matter of time, because John Morrison's push mirrors that of Jeff...