Recent content by Poɘt

  1. P

    Who Owns All of the Footage?

    Thanks I'm going to check it out
  2. P

    Who Owns All of the Footage?

    I was just wondering if "Impact" would ever have anything like the WWE Network, but I'm not sure if "Impact" is even the same entity that was "NWA-TNA" or even "TNA." Does anyone know the answer to this? Browsing the WWE Network led to me watching wCw's cruiserweights, and Amazing Red...
  3. P

    How many of you watch ROH?

    To say it would blow TNA out of the water is saying they would get WWE like really believe that simply because RoH gets a mainstream TV deal that fans would flock to whatever channel it's on? TNA learned the hard way that it isn't just about good matches and being on TV. These...
  4. P

    Gail Kim heel turn!!

    I'm going to agree that turning her heel really won't do anything for her without a push and more screen time. I also think with a similar heel role to that she had in TNA, she could get over. I've always wanted to see her matched up with Randy Orton for some reason. Both heels mind you, and I...
  5. P

    Who Will Be Better?

    I would say AmDrag as well, with no doubts. I'd actually be surprised if Kaval ever actually won a singles title. I know WWE appears to have shattered the glass ceiling, but I really feel like they haven't changed much in the sense that they love the big guys. While both AmDrag and Kaval...
  6. P

    Linda Mcahon comments on wrestlers death

    Movie studios aren't having actors on the road 300 days a year while participating in human car wrecks every night. Not to mention expecting the individual to continue to have a stable mindset and keep up a certain appearance for their gimmick. Her analogy was pretty bad, so I'd do myself a...
  7. P

    Linda Mcahon comments on wrestlers death

    You sorta argued against your answer that they aren't. The fact that they just release these guys for using substances that almost seem necessary to keep up with WWE's schedule and keep their spot is what makes them partly to blame. Is WWE directly responsible? Of course not, these are grown...
  8. P

    A list of reasons regarding why you should stop bitching

    Thank you. I was reading the replies starting from page one and was getting pretty nervous. It seemed as if this is a thread about how people can make themselves feel better about the crappy product WWE has put off for some years now. I wouldn't care if WWE was rated Awesome, it's still a...
  9. P

    Not everyone is cut out to be World Champion, that's the problem.

    I think Miz being wold champion would have been a slap in the face to guys like Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, and William Regal. Guys who brought more to the table than The Miz could ever dream of bringing. Guys who are more talented in every way than The Miz could ever be. But I say...
  10. P

    The WWE Forgotten Files - Billy Gunn

    Sopp/Gunn is one of my all time favorites. So many people are quick to label him a choker or someone that couldn't handle the main event scene, but anyone with some type of common sense should be able to recognize that you can never judge a wrestler on what they failed to do in WWE because of...
  11. P

    Before Pale Justice

    ...there was Famous Sheamus! I got bored, and Photoshop was there for me.
  12. P

    Sheamus might be onto something....

    See this is where I had trouble becoming a fan of Sheamus. You say you feel like this is an "I told you so" moment, but the thing about "I told you so" is that it really only applies if something didn't change. Many would argue that in the beginning there were valid reasons for not liking...
  13. P

    Sheamus might be onto something....

    I did hear the fans saying "Oi" after he said it. Until you mentioned it though I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. In regards to how Sheamus was tonight, I thought he was great. I'm one of the people that wasn't a fan of his when he debuted and definitely wasn't a fan when he...
  14. P

    Kevin Thorn's Potential

    Yeah I still don't know why he was released. I think WWE sometimes has an ego about their ability to make stars. When you have someone like Thorn who had two gimmicks that could have been really good, not to mention it was decent in the ring, how do you just release him like guys with his size...
  15. P

    Extreme Rules Aftermath

    I only caught three matches: Sheamus/HHH, Jericho/Edge, and the diva match. I found all three really boring. Mainly because while the matches were hardcore, I didn't feel like I was watching hardcore matches. It felt more like the typical rest holds and strike filled WWE match featuring the...