Recent content by Negrodamus

  1. N

    Booking vs Burying

    Its because the IWC feel that they are smarter than the people who run the business. For a small guy like Bryan the chase is always the most exciting part the underdog getting screwed by the bosses is a great storyline. Th IWC think that THEY created Hogan and that THEY created Austin with...
  2. N

    What a slap in the face of the fans....

    People need to get over themselves, do you think scripts were all of a sudden changed for Hogan to go over Sheiik or the making of Austin all of it was well calculated, as well there was no internet so audiences allowed things to play out. The fans don't always know what they want or know...
  3. N

    Big Show is Broke / will the HBK 2009 storyline work this time?

    I love when the IWC jumps down the throat of every angle put on TV, and then say the SMART fans know better and only Marks enjoy it. That is the dumbest thing I have heard in my life, IF you were a SMART fan you would know that storylines repeat itself, ( hell its 50+yrs of story telling)...
  4. N

    Total Nonstop Hogan... Again

    The main problem with the Brooke, Bully and Hulk angle is that they let the cat out of the bag and brought him in too quick. They should have kept him out of it by being too busy with aces and 8's to notice what was going on with Bully and Brooke. Then once that angle is done he can finally get...
  5. N

    I don't get where Cena's coming from....

    You also complain about Cena never losing cleanly yet CM Punk hasn't lost in 9 months PERIOD If you just hate Cena say that you hate Cena, dont use your hate for Cena to justify CM Punk If Cena got hurt or left there is no way anyone can tell me that CM Punk can fill the stadiums and sell Merch...
  6. N

    I don't get where Cena's coming from....

    Im no Cena fan but Cena is the main event, he is the biggest draw the most reactions ( positive or negative) So yeah if Punk wants to define his career Cena is the man he needs to build a good program with and beat. CM Punk has been champion for 9 months yet in those 9 months he has nothing...
  7. N

    Punk vs. Cena II: This'll Shut People Up

    Truth be told and I know a lot of you may disagree but Punk is not that over to be THE face of the company, this is the reason Cena has to stick around. Since his pipebomb speech he has been pretty decent but not to the level where Cena can take a break. Yes he puts on good matches but his...
  8. N

    In your opinion, who didn't deserve their spot

    This is clearly the dumbest quote ever lol especially after he had the nerve to say Babe Ruth like he is not overrated. Hogan is like Babe Ruth where the myth is greater than what he actually did Cena is like Bonds one of the greats but disrespected by idiots (Media/idiots who hate cause...
  9. N Article On AW's Stable

    AW's stable should consist of: Mark Henry - The Muscle Kofi Kingston - Athletic superstar R-Truth - main event/mid carder Darren Young - Young Star Titus O'Neal - Young Star Alicia Fox - Hot Diva All these main stars have fell out of the picture and characters need a little fine tuning or a...
  10. N

    R-Truth: A Huge Missed Opportunity?

    When he first started his Heel Gimmick when it had the subliminal angry black man feel he had the crowd. Then they turned him just crazy which IMO was the beginning of the down slide. his character began to suck then the pairing with Miz and further made him look like a crazy idiot. Then...
  11. N

    Are "Big Returns" Bad For The WWE Long Term?

    Vince will always do right by guys like Austin, The Rock, Undertaker and the other early attitude era guys because they won the war. Period!!!! Vince owes his company to these guys in his eyes they are his war heroes. The locker room should never complain, there has always been returns there...
  12. N

    How The Rock is a Main Reason Cena Became the Top Star

    Nobody is saying Cena didn't work to get to the top, what they are saying is the departures sped things up a bit. Where your wrong right now is The Rock is responsible for the reason Cena is looking good right now, seriously we all know The Rock would have never let Cena get off those...
  13. N

    Austin Instead of Rock?

    First off Austin will never job to Cena, if Austin-Cena was announced a yr in advanced people would be saying the same thing as they are now how it is getting stale and whatever. The reason we feel is getting stale is because we want to go at it already we cant wait for wrestlemania because we...
  14. N

    Is the WWE Championship "Interesting" Again?

    First off Punks new contract gave him some creative control so if your going to blame booking then you have to blame Punk as well because he has the power to veto some of the angles. Its just funny to me that when Punks reign is weak its because of booking but when Cena was stale it was him...
  15. N

    Is the WWE Championship "Interesting" Again?

    What has the Rock ever done with the title are you kidding me, the whole attitude era was fights for the title. They would even say it that if your not fighting for the belt you shouldn't be in this business. those statements alone make the belt mean something. Daniel Bryan in the beginning I...