Recent content by mjrak

  1. M

    Rewriting 1993, Part 2 of 4: Wrestlemania IX

    I've read all of your re-writes from 1990 until now and I have to say this is the best card you've put together hands down. I'm enjoying them a lot - only thing I would suggest is some more detailed back ground for each match on key incidents that happen to build for the PPV match - this...
  2. M

    Who Was The Better Option: Ted DiBiase or Randy Savage?

    I can really see both sides of the coin here. On the one hand Savage's win led to one of the best angle builds I can remember and one of the best Mania Main Events ever. On the other hand, DiBiase was likely the top heel in the company who could still actively work (Andre couldn't do much...
  3. M

    Big Angle Planned For Raw?

    All of those videos are pretty dated. I haven't heard any updates anywhere suggesting Rock will be back recently and until there is something more concrete out there I'll take it all as just rumour.
  4. M

    I miss the old Austin!!

    Not my favourite but one that hasn't been listed here yet....the bed pan to McMahon's head followed by the 'enema'. Couple that with Socko and that has to be one of the most memorable Raw's I can remember.
  5. M

    Missed Opportunity

    My first post here so be kind... I'm not sure if it is the worst handled angle in wrestling history, but in recent wrestling history it is one of the most disappointing for me. Matt Hardy vs. Edge in the summer and early fall of 2005. What a complete waste of potentially the biggest storyline...