Recent content by Midnight

  1. M

    Batista VS John Cena - WWE Championship

    I think you misunderstand me Vstrugs. I was commenting on the idea that they need Vince and Brett at ringside for this match. I will admit that this stuff started with Vince vs Brett, but now Brett really doesn't fit in the equation anymore. WWE could go ahead with the two of them at ringside...
  2. M

    Batista VS John Cena - WWE Championship

    Let me just ask a simple question. In SS 2008 when they last fought, what were Cena and Batista fighting over? They were fighting over who the better man is. That's not called a build, it's called lame and their last match suffered a lot from it. There was no real storytelling at all there...
  3. M

    Shawn Michaels loses EC qualifying match...What now?

    Here's how it's going to happen. HBK will enter the Smackdown Elimination Chamber qualifyers and win that match. Next week, with his ticket punched to EC, he has no more need for the unified tag titles and then will Superkick HHH signifying the heel turn after DX has lost the tag titles to SES...
  4. M

    Rate the unpredictability of this year's Royal Rumble

    I liked the rumble. Now, this may be just me, but did anyone else find that spot where HBK got eliminated to be a bit awkward? Here's how it played out from my point of view. HBK lost his grip on the ropes and Batista saw it. In fact, if you look closely, you can see Batista start to reach for...
  5. M

    Randy Orton accused of Assault & Battery against a teen

    Does anyone remeber Shawn Merriman? Ben Roethlisberger? The entire Duke lacrosse team? This kind of garbage that's going on with Randy Orton now is the same stuff that happens to all kinds of people in the media. Until anything comes out that Orton has been declared guilty, I'll give Orton...
  6. M

    Who is better in the ring: Cena or Edge?

    When I first read this thread I thought, Edge wins no brainer. But then I thought about it. I realized that there is a lot to being a wrestler and it's not just about pure technical ability. I'm going to list certain categories which I feel are most important for professional wrestlers and then...
  7. M

    Little People Court Segments - potential to be the worst segments in Raw history

    I said that I would try to put my bias aside for this segment and judge it accordingly. I found this segment to be bad. I mean really really bad. I'm talking embarrassingly bad. Worst of all-time? Not by any means. As has been said, it's nowhere near as bad as many other segments I've seen, but...
  8. M

    Did JeriShow and now DX as champions, really help the Tag Division?

    Let me try and make this short and clear. Jerishow helped elevate the tag titles by actually defending them and defending them strongly. Anyone remember how many title defenses Primo and Carlito had? Very few. They had the belt forever but we never saw them defended. Ever since Jerishow took...
  9. M

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    I'm going to go with the above as far as how I address my points. Positives first 1) 1st Tiger skit. Okay the first one was funny and a bit random. Damon is in the ring and you see the tiger come down. I found that a pretty good way to cut Damon off and segway into the 1st match. 2) Masters...
  10. M

    How long do you think the WWE will stay in business?

    As far as the person who said that it will end when Steph and Shane take over, I highly doubt that. Keep in mind that Steph is married to HHH. HHH lives for the business and I'm positive that the team of HHH and Steph could keep the company going for quite some time. However, let's say for...
  11. M

    Hornswoggle, "the Biggest cancer in wrestling today"

    I gotta say, it's bad. I was never a fan of his. I mean, when he was a heel, it was okay. He did just what a cheap heel does. He caused the distraction to let Finley get the cheap shot, I get that. Next comes the Cruiserweight title. If it was WWE's intention to just get rid of the title, they...
  12. M

    The 2009 Slammy Awards thread (ALL SLAMMY-RELATED DISCUSSION IN HERE)

    Kenny, I was talking about 2008 Beth won Diva in 2008. I remember because Melina handed her the award with a sour look on her face and Beth shoved her down. Soon after that, Melina won the Women's title at the Royal Rumble. I didn't know about the strokes though. I just knew that he was done...
  13. M

    The 2009 Slammy Awards thread (ALL SLAMMY-RELATED DISCUSSION IN HERE)

    Kenny- Okay reading your posts and you messed up a couple of things. First off, the WWE "universe" only got to vote on 1 category, diva of the year. Second off, Maria didn't win Diva last year, Beth Phoenix did. Now the rest of your post was pretty much right. I voiced my displeasure about how...
  14. M

    The 2009 Slammy Awards thread (ALL SLAMMY-RELATED DISCUSSION IN HERE)

    Bob Barker was one of the worst hosts I've ever seen. I found only one of the "Price is Raw" segments not terrible. I'm guessing that the guy Kodiak was right though and he was the only one who was available but that's a shame. Jesse Ventura was an awesome host.
  15. M

    Sheamus is the NEW WWE Champion

    Guys, let's not go over the top on this. Lose ratings? Are you kidding me? WWE is not going to lose ratings on the road to the rumble. The Royal Rumble is a perfect PPV to give the new champ because the championships are secondary at the rumble. More importantly, it gets the belt off Cena so...