Recent content by MetalFace DOOM

  1. M

    Lesnar and Punk the next 2 Man Power Trip?

    I think this could work, if they were to do it right. It shouldnt happen now but, around Summerslam or towards the fall.. it should. When you think about it, CM Punk has unfinished business with the "etablishment". They kinda altered him out of his agenda with the establishment, leaving...
  2. M

    WWE Extreme Rules 2012: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar

    The only bad thing about having Lesnar lose here is... Cena is taking time off... so.... Wouldn't it had made more sense for Cena to lose because of that? He should have lost, since he was taking time off. Would of made more sense for him to take time off, and then come back and beat Lesnar...
  3. M

    Storylines / Angles That Never Happened...

    Brock Lesnar Vs Triple H.. I know they had a triple threat match between them with The Rock in the fold but.... Had Lesnar stayed around longer than 3 years, i think the WWE actually would of gave us them two at Mania.. idk i just think it would of been a unique legendary clash.
  4. M

    What Do You Watch WWE For?

    I simply watch it for what happens in the ring, actual wrestling matches and display of talent.. Most are all about the entertainment on the mic, but im all about what happens in the ring.. for example.. Brock Lesnar giving a F5 to John Cena actually speaks more volume to me, then if he would...
  5. M

    [Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

    Im with you on this one.. im uber excited and flat out speechless of his return.. my only complaint.. damn what the hell happen to his muscle? lol.. he was 297 in his WWE days.. Michael Cole said he's 265.. other than that.. look out, the WWE is becoming as interesting as it has been since about...
  6. M

    **MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

    Last night was a reality check, this whole year has been a reality check.. im talking mostly about The Rock and John Cena.. what we witness last night and... i hope you guys have been paying attention all year long as me and some others have.. Because all year long watching these two clash, it...
  7. M

    Miz Face Turn?

    Im not sure if its a given that he will turn face, but he should. As someone mention earlier above... He would be a natural fit as a cocky face similar to The Rock cocky face category. No im not saying he's the next Rock(no one is) But i can see him in that mold and category. His charisma is...
  8. M

    Executive Shoot

    This is the answer that sums it up right here. along with the point you mention in this thread.. Rio and Miz brought it all themselves.. They got complacent, which is something you can't do in this business. Because there is always someone better than you out there lerking, which is why you...
  9. M

    Is Orton Being Under-Used?

    I dont think its him being underused.. I think Randy Orton for the first time is his great arrogant life, is actually paving the way and letting the young guys have shine in Sheamus and Daniel Bryan.. whats wrong with that? nothing. I believe he will be rewarded for it and be a major player that...
  10. M

    Did HHH Use CM Punk To Get Himself Over Again?

    Well said. I mean i'm not a Trips fan but.. He can't help, nor can i help the fact that it is Triple H and that fans still like him a ton. And Triple H is trying to get Punk over. It has worked greatly thus far. Triple H is already forever over might i add.. He's a legend, so why would he be...
  11. M

    Where Is The WWE Headed?

    Enough said.. Spoken by a True Champ. No doubt the WWE will be in a different place in 10 years but... it will not be less. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it becomes even more successful in 10 years from now. And its already successful period. Marks and Smarks of any Era are something...
  12. M

    Where Is The WWE Headed?

    I think even though Vince has a big ego, and that it gets bigger and bigger every year... He still makes good decisions. Sure he makes some bad decisions and might not give us fully of what we want but come on... He isn't a billionaire for nothing. And you have to give Vince tons of props still...
  13. M

    Stone Cold Vs. Randy Orton not Stone Cold Vs. CM Punk!

    Its simple Punk fans think that Punk is the "Stone Cold" of this era Orton fans think that Orton is the "Stone Cold" or this era Neither one of them are Stone Cold Steve Austin there is no such thing as the next "Stone Cold Steve Austin" or the next anybody but i will say this. If i had to...
  14. M

    The Kanye West Fan Thread

    First off i wanna list my favorite songs of Mr West. Through The Wire- His first hit, first song period. My man made this song with his jaw wired shut basically.. sold me on him right away because i was like.. "dude has this much passion for music that he got in there and recorded this song...
  15. M

    Batista WWE Return - What Kind Of Impact Would It Have?

    Batista is and was a good thing period. I never understood why he would leave when he was taking his career to another level. He was on top of his game before he left. It sparked up so much interest with him and John Cena going at it. And i got sparked up watching him and Randy Orton face off...