Recent content by LuckyLouie

  1. L

    Del Rio making a possible return?

    While he is good in ring, I don't really care for him at all. There are many more guys to push besides del rio for the mexican gimmick.
  2. L

    Could A Serious Midget Division Actually Work In WWE?

    I didnt really like any matches on Smackdown when they had it. I dont think it will work. Its just not as good. Nothing against the midget wrestler, but they cant compete with the stuff normal guys do. So its not really all that enjoyable to watch all the time. But not to say there are no good...
  3. L

    What's left for Brock Lesnar?

    As I have been saying for the past year. Put over Cesaro is a great feud as the next monster of the WWE! Cesaro Brock and Heyman could headline WM! Cesaro could get a major W and the title. Im sure most people will think there are better people, but I think its time for Cesaro to be taken...
  4. L

    There's Such Potential In Bayley

    We are looking at the female equivalent of Cena in terms of popularity, merchandise, charity work and a major PR godsend. When i say female John Cena as in, filled with talent, will get better with time, can connect with the fans, people genuinely love them. While I am not a fan of John Cena...
  5. L

    What's your fantasy storyline

    What I really want to see this Brock Lesnar to put over Cesaro as the next top beast. We all know Cesaro is amazing in ring, he just needs someone big to go over. And what better man then Brock. The two men could have an fantastic, physical, yet emotional match. The build up would be...
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    Emma's heel turn.

    Relevant or not, she is doing great. She is more of a bitch heel then a real face. She looks amazing now that she doesnt have to be super awkward. She is very good in ring if given the time and chance to work. Given some time she will me called back up and if booked like she is booked now...
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    Y2J: GREAT World Champion; But WRONG Pick to be WWE Undisputed Champion?

    At the time Jericho was perfect. Not only was he great on the mic. He could lead the entire arena most of the time however he wanted too. He was fantastic in ring too. To me, that is what a undisputed champion is, someone who is the best in the ring and in front of the camera. While Kurt was a...
  8. L

    Backstage Plans for Wrestlemania 32: Huge legend returning to the ring? And one not?

    The old guys need to put some new talents over. Cesaro going over Brock Harper going over Taker ( if booked correctly ) He is the only person who can replace Undertaker in my opinion. He has the look, the style, the mistique. He will do great if they can give him a good solo story. Cena...
  9. L

    What Would *YOU* Change About NXT?

    It is what it is. A training ground. Its a place for future WWE guys to learn how to work the crowd, camera and the show. While the guys there seem better, its still a place for them to learn. So nothing at all! Its kinda like the NCAA to the NFL
  10. L

    Seth Rollins - The Weakest Booked WWE Champion of All Time

    I agree that Edge was booked very weak in most of the PPV's. Cena took the title away from Edge 3 times I think, and It was vacated two or three times. So yeah, he was not booked very strong. Him, Jericho, JBL, RVD, Orton, Miz, Nexus, we all made to look like a total joke when they were huge. It...
  11. L

    Report: Sting Injured At Night Of Champions

    While this is sad. It is wrestling. People get hurt. Lets not blame anyone. Sting is too old to work the kind of match he did. He was doing a near prim WCW Sting stuff. He was moving and doing very well. Looking very young. But these powerbombs shook him up! The table stop looked like it took...
  12. L

    Sting still paying for WCW hate?

    While he did lose every match...he didnt look bad. Last night was just unlucky. But Sting put on a hell of a match. Never in my life did I think he would just from the top rope outside...The man is 56 years old damn it! The bumps he took from Rollins would do harm to a guy in his prime. Sting...
  13. L

    Does Dean Ambrose Have What It Takes To Become The Biggest Face In WWE?

    He needs another year or two. They need to feed someone to him. Bring someone big back and have Ambrose go over in a big way. If Foley was still around, they could do what him and Orton did back in the early 2000's. Foley was fed to Orton since he was the legend killer. If Ambrose can...
  14. L

    Is Bray Wyatt Special Enough?

    To answer your question...NO No one really gives a damn about him. Its all about his Family. Its about Harper, its about Rowan.....its about Strowman. And the sister. Wyatt is the hype man of the group. While he comes out every once in a while...he doesn't really do any work. I absolutely...
  15. L

    But He's FAT!!!

    You guys need to hop of KOd dick! The guy is not anywhere close to being FAT. Does he have a belly and has more body fat then the rest of the body builders...yes. Him, Daniel Bryan, Wyatts...except the new one. Jericho, Stone Cold, JBL, most cruiserweights, Big Daddy V was a fat fucker, Goerge...