Recent content by JimmyLeviathan

  1. J

    The swearing has began

    I'm sure there's heaps of things that the WWE can do with a PG rating that they have been choosing not to. I just found it odd that the last year or two the worst word we have heard from anyone in the WWE is 'crappy' and now all of a sudden there's "bastard"s and "shut your hole"s popping up...
  2. J

    Who should win The King Of The Ring?

    It should go to somebody who really needs it. For this reason I'm going to reject Sheamus because he's already a main-eventer and doesn't really need the push. Just because he's out of the title picture at the moment doesn't change his status. Not sure why people see it this way and then...
  3. J

    The swearing has began

    Paul Bearer said that all the members of the audience were bastards (bastards, bastards) on Smackdown this week. To the person who didn't hear the ****s and bitches, where were you when Mae Young laid the verbal Smackdown on Laycool on Old School Raw last week? To the person who argued that...
  4. J

    The rise of JoMo?

    JoMo needs work on the mic desperately if he's ever going to be a main eventer. His mic skills were much better suited to a heel persona and the jokes he cracks as a face are nothing but facepalm material. That said a feud between him and Jericho could be interesting. If it were up to me I'd...
  5. J

    World War 3 vs Royal Rumble

    The Royal Rumble, hands down. World War 3 was an absolute clusterfuck and as someone mentioned above, the Rumble makes for much better storytelling. It's outlasted World War 3 by a mile, not to mention that WWE wouldn't even have 90 wrestlers (as in decent wrestlers with a character, not no-name...
  6. J

    ECW champion = filler?

    I say just be thankful that ECW is getting time (however limited) on a PPV. I've been pretty disappointed that they've been snubbed at the last two PPV's because I really enjoy what they're doing with ECW, they've got a solid base of good workers helping to bring up talent and there are some...
  7. J

    JR needs something else to do. Grisham and Striker work better together.

    I sincerely hope that JR doesn't go any time soon ,I don't care if he makes the few odd fuck ups, need I remind anyone of the absolute trainwreck that was Tazz? His voice makes every single match/promo/whatever that much better. Overall the commentary teams (well mainly just Raw) are godawful at...
  8. J

    R-Truth VS CM Punk a breath of fresh air.

    Loved it, the one thing it was missing was a rant from CM Punk about rap music and drugs to create an angle, that would have made it for me. Nice to see R-Truth get a win, now all he needs is a good feud with plenty of mic time - he can work the crowd better than a lot of other wrestlers who are...
  9. J

    What is your opinion on the future of Kane's career?

    I don't think he really has anywhere to go. Don't expect to see him in the major title picture ever again, those days are long gone. It would be nice to see him and Mike Knox thrown into the Intercontinental title picture once the Ziggler and Morrison feud is over. That way it would be a good...
  10. J

    New Raw Theme (Love It/Hate It/Should Be Something Else)

    Wow... I've never gone from being so excited to being completely pissed that quick. They really are going from bad to worse with the theme song, and as GuyCompton pointed out, they're shooting themselves in the foot with the lyrical content. All they're trying to do is get on the side of the...
  11. J

    Lance Cade Has Been Fired (Again)

    Who wouldn't love to see them bring back T-Murdoch as well? Alone they weren't much but together they were actually a pretty solid tag team with a gimmick that worked. T-Murdoch's facial expressions were a consistent highlight. This news probably won't elicit anything other than a 'meh'...
  12. J

    Enough is Enough and its time for a change

    You make a good point, less PPV's would definitely be a good thing. Everything feels rushed by the WWE lately, like they just slap it all together. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It's a case of less is more and you're exactly right, just because they cram so much into their PPV's...
  13. J

    Tag Teams that should be?

    Most of you are missing the point. The best tag teams were the ones who had a common theme: Edge and Christian: So-Cal clowns, the Hardy's: high-flyers who looked like punk rockers, World's Greatest Tag Team: elite athletes, Headbangers: heavy metal fans, Cryme Tyme: gangstas. There is no...
  14. J

    Can someone please tell me why?

    How is cross-over appeal worth shit when you have to cheapen your product to get it? Seth Green and Freddie Prinze Jr. in main events? What a joke. The bottom line is this: if you have to use celebrities to boost your ratings, then your product more than likely sucks to begin with. How Vince...
  15. J

    Are the Knockouts Ruining Raw & Smackdown ?

    I highly doubt that female wrestlers have that kind of impact. Face it, as sexist as it may seem, women's wrestling is a joke. Can you remember the last time you saw a one on one Diva's match on Raw? Now it's always 6 Diva tag matches and Diva Battle Royales because none of them can carry a...