Recent content by JefeJp

  1. J

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    I usually never log in or write, but this post... ABSOLUTELY I AGREE! The crowd is not only hot but yelling things like "holy shit" and chanting for legends, its chanting for heels! I feel as if half of them are drunk. Even Cole just acknowledged that this is one of the hottest crowds in recent...
  2. J

    What happened to the Assh#le chant?

    well, they shouted 'holy shit' when lesnar came out
  3. J

    Ezekiel Jackson

    depending on when he comes back.. if his return his soon, he could come out as the one that attacked the undertaker (if he goes back to SD) that would give him some steam and an immediate rivalry with kane or undertaker depending on how they play it
  4. J

    *MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion

    I really hope it's not Kane... this angle could be used to push some mid carder to the next level
  5. J

    Your OHMYGOD! or Holy shit moment In WWE/f

    you said exactly what i wanted to say.
  6. J

    Should MVP change his ring attire?

    When MVP first signed with the company, he had quite a belly. Thus he was given the attire to cover up the fat. At least that's what I heard. Why would the website do a story on his tats and show them as well if the company doesn't want to show them during shows?
  7. J

    *MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

    What if they got a current wrestler that just put himself over? Thus creating a more heel/face persona. Imagine if Orton was the host, for example.
  8. J

    I Just Didn't Give a Damn

    Whenever they got a chance to talk about the main event, they kept saying how it's "the biggest match" ever and whatnot. But seriously, except the little kids, who cared? No one. I agree with all of you; it's been the same guys lately, but with this new talent that came from the trade.. the main...
  9. J

    Too Cool: Another Underrated Tag Team/Stable

    Too Cool was a very entertaining tag team, however, wrestling wise, they were average. Sure, they were were over with the fans, and that's what kept them going. They complimented each other very well as we all saw but wrestling wise, they were "meh."
  10. J

    An Adamle Original

    I think it's a good idea however it would take too long to complete. A 5 month long tournament wouldn't keep the interest of most fans. I don't want to rip your idea completely, just saying that if it were during a shorter time span, then it could be great.
  11. J

    WWE HOF Title

    I'd rather not see half of the HOFers wrestle as mostly are out of shape. Also, the WWE should instead focus on adding prestige to it's current titles. However, they could add some title that is only defended on Superstars, just to make that show more interesting.
  12. J

    *OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

    SD! has always managed to through an Edge injury. Granted, this time it comes at a very critical point where Team Ego was just gaining steam. I'm very disappointed obviously that he got injured 'cause the tag team had LOTS of potential and I was very excited for it. However, it's not a tragedy...