Recent content by jamesman22

  1. J

    DX is a complete joke-- Is anyone else as sick of them as I am?

    I too am sick of seeing DX reform every damn time Shawn Michaels recovers from burning out after wrestlemania. Its annoying and Its not the DX of the past. Its too god damned PG and having hornswoggle there is just as annoying. The DX that we all know and love died when they disbanded at the...
  2. J

    WWE needs to get rid of the MITB Ladder Match and replace it with a Triple Cage Match

    Someone watched Ready to Rumble one too many times. Jeesh... First of all, the Triple cage concept means that the wrestlers would have to walk on a cage and on another cage and on another cage. Not only does it sound ridiculous, but it is unsafe and will put wrestlers lives at risk. Why do...
  3. J

    Is Hulk Hogan The Last Ace In The Hole For TNA To Increase Ratings?

    Hulk Hogan may be able to take TNA to the next level and be able to raise their ranking But it amy only be temporary. He is well past his prime and Its like seeing Jim Duggan come out to wrestle in the WWE. Yeah he is a legend but still, he should be retired because his best days are behind...
  4. J

    Wrestlemania 26- All Purpose Thread (Do NOT post entire Mania cards in here)

    Well since right about now, the buildup to Wrestlemania starts it's baby steps, I think that a Betrayal storyline between Jericho and the Big Show would be okay for wrestlemania, yet again betrayal storylines are so overdone in the WWE but that seems to be the generality of all storylines...
  5. J

    Mickey Rourke's WWE Return....Do You Want To See It?

    he broke his hand punching Jericho at Wreslemania 25, so no. I don't care for him to make his return to WWE. The WWE needs people who aren't so injury prone and can lift his own weight just in his upper body. He doesn't seem nearly as strong as he would have to be in the WWE. I am afraid he...
  6. J

    Rey Mysterio vs Batista

    actually what seems to be happening is that Matt Hardy since he was beaten up by Batista last friday on smackdown, is going to go against Batista tomorrow on smackdown. There may be Batista/Escobar VS Hardy/Mysterio match in the making for survivor series possibly the formation of a team vs...
  7. J

    Cena and Orton---The Rock-Austin Of This Era?

    NO! simply NO! why you ask? Because Rock Vs. Austin was a legendary moment in WWE history, You could as The Rock said "Feel the Electricity" You could feel their matches whether you were at the arena witnessing it yourself or sitting at home by yourself glued to the TV set. With Cena and...
  8. J

    Another Diva in trouble for weight issues

    1. Big Daddy V was struggling with his weight, but at the same time, He was battling Pneumonia. I admit that it was horrifying seeing those "monster man tits" and it didn't help that his finisher was a splash, He could have really injured some top talent if he landed the wrong way. 2. Mickie...
  9. J

    Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Overrated or Underrated?

    Well, I feel that he may fall in the category of Hogan. Where a wrestler was praised for everything they did, they cheered for him every time he came out to the ring and gave him tons of respect, but then you see his in ring abilities and they are pretty limited. What Bret Hart was known as...
  10. J

    WWE punishing Matt Hardy for his brother's behavior?

    Although Jeff Hardy has screwed up and gotten himself arrested due to his own drug use, Matt Hardy Should NOT be the one to pay for it. Matt Hardy has been loyal as hell to the WWE, mediocre as his career may be(creative is at fault with this). He has never gotten suspended because of wellness...
  11. J


    Well in all honesty, I don't think he owes us anything. He is done with wrestling and thats' that. I am not bitching about it at all. I was quite clear that he won't ever come back to wrestle in the WWE or anywhere else for that matter. But really, his wrestling was TONS better than his...
  12. J


    The Rock isn't coming back at all. He has a hollywood movie career that he finds more important than the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Rock's fans. And remember, he isn't The Rock anymore Its Dwayne Johnson. He completely abandoned the wrestling world to his sub par acting career. Wrestling is...
  13. J

    Nobody happy with HIAC PPV

    It was a very bad idea introducing new PPVs this year all together. For one, Wasn't Breaking Point supposed to be a Submission win only PPV? And Look how it turned out. Wrestlers went to pin for the win instead of making their opponents sumbit. I guess WWE creative realized that not many...
  14. J

    Can we have a fresh face in the WWE Championship?

    Yes seeing the same tired faces on the path to the WHC and the WWE Championship has gotten way old now and Seeing fresh faces on the path would be tons better. For one, I would put the wrestlers mentioned in the opening post in a tournament match for the WWE Championship #1 contenders match...
  15. J

    Jeff Hardy Arrested

    Well, What I believe happened was that The WWE found out that Jeff Hardy had started to use drugs yet again, which of course the only drug that actually made sense for Jeff to have was vicodin because it is a pain killer and he does have a laundry list of nagging injuries that he just doesn't do...