Recent content by jabba_lashley

  1. J

    The One Who Beat the One Who Beat the 1 in 21-1

    I think this could actually work, I like it. Kids love Cena, imagine the merchandise sales when he returns beats the one in 21-1. You build Lesnar up over the next 4 months destroying whoever and then Cena makes his triumphant return. I can definitely see WWE going down this path, it makes...
  2. J

    So what was the point of the NAO reunion??

    This may be completely irrelevant, but out of curiosity I looked up NAO formation on YouTube and road dogg was talking about how he and billy had been "nothing but curtain jerkers" and asked him if he liked laying down week after week. With all the talk of dolph ziggler and the miz forming a...
  3. J

    Black History Month

    OK, please explain to me how "the happy ending" is racist. I just don't get that. Cryme Tyme came up with their gimmick, i saw somewhere a few months ago that JTG actually came up with the whole idea, at first Shad wasn't comfortable with it but JTG talked him into it. Also, the wrestlers...
  4. J

    Which Moment In History Still Gives You Goosebumps?

    good thread when eddie guerrero won the wwe title and benoit came out to celebrate with him. stone cold HOF video, theres some good shit on there =] taker's entrance :undertaker2: still creepy and last, EVERY time a big superstar returns after a long hiatus, its exciting to see a familiar...
  5. J

    Favorite 'Iron Man'

    i better not get a spam warning for this but didn't stone cold and bret hart have an iron man match? i cant remember when or where
  6. J


    lol did anyone else just realise the date you just said stone cold was mentioned? 3/16/ 09 :)
  7. J

    GAB: Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer

    it is for the title? there was an article on wrestlezone not long ago with the headline "Two Title Matches Added To WWE Great American Bash PPV" so i guess you didnt read it carefully? anyway its not a hard match to guess and, as much as i would like to see an original with the belt i dont...
  8. J

    What do you prefer your wrestlers to be?

    i chose hybrids, because i get bored watching only charismatic guys or only supers. although i rarely get bored of cruisers or hardcore guys lol BEFORE he did what he did, chris benoit was my favourite wrestler. pretty much cos he just seemed so intense, he could pull off a big diving move...
  9. J

    Bad Taste?

    yeah i just read the survivor series results, i dont think it was used in bad taste but it still probly wasnt the best idea, since it was only 5 months ago, seems long but it feels like just yesterday...also like you said he used it between the finishers of men he does not respect (hart, angle)...
  10. J

    ECW Saved

    im glad that wwe brought back ecw as a third brand, as i did not get too see much of the old ecw, because i was too young, but i have searched HEAPS of old ecw matches and promos on youtube and was extremely entertained, i could watch the old ecw for hours... i honestly dont know how they...
  11. J

    [Official] What I would do to save ECW Thread.

    i no that wwe are currently trying to bring up ppl from developmental to ECW but if they do that they cant just turn them into jobbers for the miz like we saw the other week when he beat, what was his name? silas young? yeah something like that, also while they are bringing up new talent to ecw...
  12. J

    [Official] What I would do to save ECW Thread.

    KAEDON, if your actually old enough to remember the reality storylines from the 80's then what are you doing sitting around chattin on the computer with a bunch of younger ppl, dude youve got to be at least 20 something, either get a job or get a life! lol anyways ecw CAN be saved but the wwe...
  13. J

    Heat as a seperate brand

    NO WAY should they make Heat a seperate brand, ther is 3 brands already and look wat has happened, ECW has only 20 superstars and divas on ther roster, this includes tazz and joey styles. They need to bring some of the new talent up from OVW or Florida Championship Wrestling and start them off...