Recent content by fast forward

  1. F

    General Summerslam 2009 Discussion

    I think Summerslam wil be headlined by 2 returns being Undertaker & HBK. I see HBK going stright into Raws title picture to freshen it up & although most have been upset with Ortons reign i see no gain in popularity on putting the belt on cena or trips so it'll b HBK vs Orton. With Jericho now...
  2. F

    Which TNA wrestler would fit in best in WWE?

    I would have to say Robert Roode he's a good talent and a future main eventer (for whoever) i think with his money gimmick wwe could probably use JBL to start pushing roode aswell. Also Matt Morgan he has better mic skills than lesnar is more athletic than lesnar and if he had Paul Heyman as a...
  3. F

    Time for a huge change in WWE. Well, way beyond time for it.

    We can all argue as much as we like what it all boils down to is wwe has not had as much edge to it since wcw went under and tna has some great talent (unfortunetly some old who need to disappear) but has the creative skills of a mongoose on acid so therefore wwe has no threat. I loved the...
  4. F

    Make your case. Your favorite wrestler is HOF worthy?

    I would also like to vote for Kane however since its already bin done my i make a case for the man whose single handly brought sexy back to the wwe the iyatollah of rock n rolla y2j Chris Jericho. From he's early days before ECW working as a tag team with or against Lance Storm (not a bad bloke...
  5. F

    5 reasons why you should be watching Smackdown

    Smackdown is definetly on the way up. As much as i would like to see umaga/taker feud im more looking forward to at some point chris jericho & undertaker if my memory serves me right i dont think theyve ever feuded and what great matches they could have. Also even though its been done a million...