Recent content by evildicey

  1. E

    Jerry "The King" Lawler - The Heel Commentator?

    I do miss the old days of a heel Jerry on commentary. I only watched the highlights for the Styles/Axel match and I did enjoy his commentary which I was shocked at because towards the end of his raw run he did sound like he was just waiting to be taken out back and put down. Curiously, does...
  2. E

    If WWE Releases Daniel Bryan, TNA Needs to Offer Him the Moon

    If I was in charge of TNA I wouldn't offer him the moon. I'd offer him a decent contract and spend the rest on marketing and promoting the product with him at its helm. Now imagine this hypothetical situation. Bryan gets released & Punk gets destroyed in the UFC and is let go? If TNA doesn't...
  3. E

    Did The Acension ever Stand a Chance?

    Agreed with the previous poster. If they had not decided to 'tweak' gimmick they may have stood a chance. I was watching one of their old vignettes on YouTube and found it really impressive. If they had used a similar style to promote their main roster debut, kept the same gimmick/ring attire...
  4. E

    Does AJ Styles need to debut at Rumble at this point?

    I would say it depends on how the wwe want to use him. Do they want yet another person to come in and pad out the mid card or do they go all in and have him be 'phenomenal'. I'm a big Styles mark so this is how I would have it go down... Roman enters at number 1, to really piss the crowd...
  5. E

    Gimmick Change: Santino

    Like others I'm not a fan of Santino but I'm all for giving people a chance. What about a Rocky Balboa type character? Have him get his a** handed to him by another jobber then have a backstage reaction video of him thinking he's washed up. Then basically have him plugged for a few weeks trying...