Recent content by De Mysteriis Dom Satanas

  1. D

    Alex Wright In WWE?

    He's mentioned in several interviews that he wasn't happy with the backstage politics. He runs a very, very well-regarded wrestling school in Germany and occasionally still works shows in Europe for NEW, which he owns. And apparently, WWE tried to buy out his contract from Turner but Wright...
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    Wrestling is in a massive downswing. It's not just in America, either. Plus, Ring of Honor tried filling that niche, and they're barely on life support right now. What makes you think yet another wrestling promotion is going to work out? Punk is big, but not big enough to carry a fledgling...
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    Seiya Sanada Says He Wants to Join TNA as First W-1 Inter-Promotional Talent

    That's one of the issues with the Japanese scene right now. If you're a smallish guy who stands out, boom, you're picked up by New Japan. Muta knows what he's doing, and I think Wrestle-1 will pick up some steam in the next few months, but Sanada is bland. Muta can hardly move anymore, his...
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    Seiya Sanada Says He Wants to Join TNA as First W-1 Inter-Promotional Talent

    He's nothing special from what I've seen. He's a little on the smallish side, about 5'11 and 215 or so. Mostly a tag wrestler when he was in All Japan, then he jumped ship with everyone else. Doesn't really stand out in any way. Maybe if he incorporates some lucha from his training in Mexico...
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    Why did Yoshi Tatsu never work?

    Another huge knock on Yoshi is the fact he doesn't speak English very well.
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    Sting Needs to Lose the Shirt

    He's always done that, though. I think it's a subconscious thing from when he broke Rick Rude. (Though that wasn't with the SDL, that was just a bad bump in a match with Sting.) But the t-shirt is just a stupid reason to complain. Sting still draws better than most of the TNA roster, even at...
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    Moves that looked like it legitimately hurt

    Kobashi's Burning Hammer, KENTA's kicks, Misawa's elbows, enough said.
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    Was Vampiro considered a successful gimmick?

    He hasn't been seen since because he's producing several Mexican programs. Dude is a rock star down there.
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    Rumor: WWE's Action For TNA Going on the Road

    Why? There's nothing illegal about it. Dickish, sure, but it's not illegal. Might as well sue the MLB for not allowing independent baseball teams to start up in those markets, or the NFL for essentially killing the USFL a few years ago with the same tactic. It's a business practice that isn't...
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    Whatever Became Of El Zorro?

    Sounds like it just fell through. He's still working in AAA.
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    Bill Goldberg - Myth or Legend?

    He's gone on record as saying that he's happy being retired, stop reading so much into things, OP.
  12. D

    BREAKING NEWS! Brock Lesnar done with WWE?

    It's a work, sheesh. He's under contract till after Wrestlemania, this is just a way to write him off tv so they can use his dates more efficiently. (Don't be a rube and fall for that tout.)
  13. D

    Because It Has To Be Said... A.W. to TNA?

    TNA doesn't need to add anyone to their roster. It's bloated enough as it is.
  14. D

    Stephanie mcmahon's kiss my ass club

    Sounds like a really bad porn idea. Someone send this to Rob Black.
  15. D

    The Rock to run for President?

    Yeah, definitely the Rock joking around. Why are you reading so much into it? This is literally on the same level as Stephen Colbert announcing it every election year. Come on, it's a joke and regardless of it being on his facebook page, I highly doubt he expected anyone to take him seriously on it.