Recent content by Darryl The Hitman

  1. D

    Bullshit About Movies, Release Dates, and Box Office (PLEASE READ FIRST POST)

    This should be fairly self-explanatory. State what the last movie/DVD you saw was and what you thought of it. My friend Albert at work lent me The Losers and I watched it today. I wasn't expecting much but it was actually quite a fun popcorn movie. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was good as the leader...
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    Villains You Have No Right to Like But Do Anyway

    There are a few that come to mind although I may not remember their character names so bear with me. I would cite Daniel Day-Lewis as well but for another movie. Specifically, I was enthralled with his performance as Bill The Butcher in Gangs Of New York. He was definitely a malevolent man...
  3. D

    Time-Travel Movies/TV Shows

    It was a great show and I always wondered how long it would've gone on if NBC hadn't stuck their nose in. According to showrunner Don Bellisario (who also did Magnum PI and went onto JAG and NCIS, I think), NBC wanted Sam to start Leaping into the future. Bellisario didn't think this would...
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    Horrible Band Names

    Are we limiting ourselves to bands that people have actually heard of? If we are, I'll go with Def Leppard, Stryper, and Laaz Rockit off the top of my head since I dislike names that are spelled incorrectly. If we're including bands we've heard of that nobody else has...back in the early 90s...
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    Popcorn Movies

    Not sure how nobody has mentioned it yet but I'll vote for They Live. I'm a wrestling fan so it's great for me to see a wrestler in a decent movie. The plot and effects are pretty good (I realize the effects look dated now but for the 80s, they weren't bad). The longest fight scene in history...
  6. D

    Movies (Where The Bad Guys Win)

    I thought of another one: The Human Centipede. Technically, the bad guy dies at the end but when you consider the state of the lone survivor, you couldn't possibly say she "won" the movie. She survived but even so, you'd have to think she'd be scarred--mentally, emotionally, physically--for life.
  7. D

    Time-Travel Movies/TV Shows

    I finally saw Primer earlier this year and I almost understood it the first time through but I'll admit I had to go to Wikipedia afterwards to figure some things out. It probably didn't help that I was watching it just before falling asleep (my TV, VCR, and Blu-Ray player are on a stand right...
  8. D

    Time-Travel Movies/TV Shows

    I suppose we should also discuss bad time-travel stories/adaptations. I picked up The Time Traveler's Wife and enjoyed the novel thoroughly. I was worried it was going to be more chick-flick than sci-fi but it struck a really good balance. It was subtle about the ending but in retrospect...
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    Time-Travel Movies/TV Shows

    I'm not sure it's meant to be considered canon but in one of the deleted scenes in BTTF II, Biff fades out of existence once he gets back to 2015 because apparently Lorraine shot him in 1995 in the "1985-A" timeline. I often enjoy thinking about how many DeLoreans are in Hill Valley in a given...
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    NHL Thread - 2010-11

    Perhaps they're still trying to find their chemistry after turning over half the roster in the off-season?
  11. D

    The intelligence of the wrestling fan

    I get the general point: that the IWC is overly-critical and should sit back and enjoy it more but I always feel, based on my own experience, that we in the IWC are so happy to have people to discuss wrestling with who won't consider us "stupid" for liking it that we want to discuss as much as...
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    I picked them up in the first place because I'm a huge Jerichoholic and I really enjoyed the first two. I haven't heard the latest album yet but I didn't enjoy the 3rd one as much because it was all-original stuff. I enjoyed hearing their covers and missed them on the third album.
  13. D

    Where do they go with X-Men?

    I would throw in as a good source of comic book movie information as well. As for where the series will go, I'm not really sure. It would be nice to see another movie with a villain besides Magneto but as I was never really into the mutant comics, I'm not sure who...
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    The Dark Knight Rises

    I like the title. It signifies the dawn of hope and justice returning to Gotham after the dark night of corruption and terror of the previous film. It also alludes to Batman's presumed redemption so I have no problem with the title. I also would've been happy with calling it The Caped Crusader.
  15. D

    Artists That Didn't Exist For Long, But You Want To Return

    I don't think it'll happen and I'm glad Soundgarden has reformed but I wouldn't mind if Audioslave recorded another album someday. However, since they didn't seem to be getting on too well with each other when they split, I assume it won't happen.