Recent content by danaconda

  1. D

    Best Heels Ever...Part Deux

    After The Dungeons list I had to really think hard about great heels. But I came up with Andy Kaufman. I never really saw this whole thing played out, I lived in the Pacific Northwest at the time. But as I grew as a wrestling fan I became very aware of this feud. His work was great...
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    "I remember..."

    I have three that kind of fall into this. #1 Jake Roberts. When I was younger I loved watching him in the ring, he just seemed so smooth and his promos were some of the best ever done in wrestling. But after see Beyond the Mat, I lost all respect that I had for the man. #2 Lex Luger. While...
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    I think that if you want to strip that is fine. If you want to go to a strip club that is fine. It's your choice, not mine. I have two daughters and while I would prefer them not to end up stripping, I would support them if they choose to do it, why because I have unconditional love for my...
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    Sllly Kurt Angle

    You watch Impact with the sound on? Wow, I didn't know people still did that.
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    Do you guys read?

    That is a really great, yet disturbing read. I would love to see a wrestler based off Patrick Bateman. Normal on the outside, yet totally de-freakin-granged. I used to read more than I do now. Lately it seems it's all cookbooks and the like. I should actually find more time to read, I suck as...
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    Name a Wrestling Headline You Want to See

    Vince Russo anounces that he is fed up with internet smarks and that the next TNA PPV is titled "Book It Yourselves, You Little @%#$suckers".
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    What if Sting had come to WWE?

    I think it greatly depends on when he would have entered the WWE. If we are talking the mid 90's WWF, I think Sting would have stood a chance. The bright face painted Sting would have fit well in the cartoony booking and possibly could have gotten through being buried by Vince's lust of...
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    [OFFICIAL]Funny Ideas for WZ Avatars

    For Bands/Music For Bands/Music again For the fun of it
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    Why can I give it away for free, but yet I am not allowed to sell it? It's MY body, last I checked, and I can get it tatted, pierced, injected, implanted and many other things, but yet I cannot sell the use of my own body, unless it's for research/testing. I think it should be legal...
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    [OFFICIAL]Funny Ideas for WZ Avatars

    Gimmie a Mantaur
  11. D

    K, who doesn't take debit?

    Yeah, I was just trying to expand on your original point for the folks that are not in the industry. Sometimes people do not understand how little money restaurants actually make.
  12. D

    K, who doesn't take debit?

    The way it works is you usually pay a fee/percent of the dollar amount that is rung through. Of course this can change via your agreement with the processing company. I believe that the average agreement is about 3.5%, I could be wrong, and sometimes the amount is higher for lower amount...
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    Is Vince Still A Cripple?

    He is in a coma and will wake up in a few weeks to tell us all about this weird dream he had where C.M. Punk was champ and Mike Adamle was Raw's GM........ I hope.