Recent content by connorten

  1. C

    Staff Members Needed

    I am just letting you know that if I dont get enough posts by the time u make a choice and if you want me to help let me know on this thread and I will give u my e-mail so i can help you guys out.
  2. C

    Best Heel Ever

    Past: I most def agree with it being Ric Flair. I mean he did every heel move or comment in the book. Present: Probably Triple H except he is turning more face now. Future: I gotta go with it being Randy Orton. With the way his storylines are going he is going to be the biggest heel to...
  3. C

    [Official] John Cena Thread

    Finally!!! Orton can finally claim the WWE Title without John Cena standing in his way. I have had enough of Cena holding the title. I admit this is a huge blow and now would be the time for HBK to return or Jericho to debut.
  4. C

    Who has been WWE's MVP of the past 5 years?

    I have to agree with that other 223 people that said Triple H because he has taking down greats like Shawn Micheals, John Cena, Goldberg, King booker and so on like they were a bunch of jobbers. Triple H has also managed to win the Tag Title and WWE Gold. That is why I think he is the MVP of the...
  5. C

    1 year of MVP

    Personally I think that he is going to win the big one with in the next year to year in a half. I mean he has already won all the titles except the World title and WWE is eventually going to have to cave in and give him at least a chance at the title. I mean he is an amazing superstar and very...
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    Jimmy Rave

    I think Jimmy Rave was a great pick up for TNA and him and Lance hoyt will soon be contenders for the World Tag Team Titles. I'm not saying anytime soon, but eventually they will get there shot. Also Rave will do really good in the X-Division if they give him a chance in that division. So...
  7. C

    Staff Members Needed

    There you go I put up one of the best matches I wrote in the fed I worked in. If you want me to wkr here tell me what I have to do on this thread. Whether it is take over a show, write matches, finishe shows, whatever you need me to do I will do. Marcus Sutherland VS. John Morrison Ring...
  8. C

    Staff Members Needed

    Yes I can and I will post it here by tomorrow afternoon because I don't have the PM system so I cant send it to you but I will place it on here tomorrow.
  9. C

    Staff Members Needed

    How much experience you have had in E-Feds: I have helped in 2 feds, and been in about 3 feds. How much you are willing to do: I will do whatever you want cards, matches, etc. What you think you would be capable of doing: I am capable of doing what ever I am needed to do. Why you think you...