Recent content by blackhart07

  1. B

    TNA Gimmicks

    They have already made Aj a joke. Honestly who here on this forum when hes wearing that crown. He has the most potential in TNA way more than Samoa joe. But TNA dosnt seem to use the charisma he has they would rather put a crown on him. I personally hate all the stupid funny gimicks. There all...
  2. B

    Wrestler Parallels

    Superstar Billy Graham, Jesse Ventura, and Hulk Hogan. All same styles in every way. All of them had the colors, the body, the mic skills. Billy Graham was the first person to put such a huge emphasis on the presentation aspect of wrestling.
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    New SmackDown Announcer

    I like the move. I hated Coach to begin with. I like his work when hes on air as a character but not as a announcer. As for Mick, its going to get over easily. I dont know many fans that hate Mick hes such a easy guy to like for how much hes done for pro wrestling. His stufvf wasnt bad at ECW...
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    Pick Your Poison: Eddie Guererro or Chris Benoit

    Man this is so hard to choose, but i gotta go with Eddie. Look at how over he was at one point in 2004. He made smackdown the A show, sure he had some help but he was the main attraction. You can say that the WWE used his drug addiction to further his character, but America loves a story that...
  5. B

    Styles replaced by Adamle

    He will probally do a great job with the website. He did run the ECW website, not to mention I never said it wasnt going to be bad for Its bad that hes not announcing. And your reasons are? Cole has been full time on and off since 1999 and still isnt over. I...
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    Styles replaced by Adamle

    This is the biggest joke since they started back up the old ECW. Styles is hands down the best announcer in the WWE. Yes better than Ross, and Cole isnt even close. Joey knows every move there is. He knows the backgrounds of people. He messhed well with Taz, and made Taz a better commentator...
  7. B

    The Best American Midcard Title Ever

    Van Dam made the ECW televison title bigger than the actual worlds title. Its hand down the ECW televison champion. The IC title got passed around way to much. I personally didnt watch any WCW so i wouldnt know. Van Dam was the best champion though. He was a big time main event guy and didnt...
  8. B

    Shawn Michaels Smile or Screw?

    Exactly, Bret had just signed a 20 year contract with the WWE. And for anyone that says "go watch his new dvd" Are you kidding me would you trust HBK let alone the WWE. Go read Bret Harts book. The WWE is going to build up HBK as a guy that never did anything wrong and it was all Brets fault...
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    Pick Your Poison: Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair

    Are you kidding me? Flair dosnt get pops when he comes out? The whole dam arena woos for his whole match/or segment. Did you see how emotional WM and Raw was. I would say he gets a "pop" once and a while. Not towards the end of his career by any chance. Im pretty sure there are more...
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    Match of the Week

    Say what you want about Angle but give him his respect on that match he had a broken neck, was in the main event at the biggest wrestling event ever, with a guy who dosnt know his own strength and was in the business for 1 1/2 years. He carried the match to a great one.
  11. B

    Best announcer ever ???

    1. Gino Moonson 2. Joey Styles 3. Jr Nothin is better than watching the WWE as a little kid when Moonson was announcing. He was was so good, he grabbed you right into the show and made it seem so real. Him and Bobby will never be topped as the best duo.
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    Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

    For people to think that TNA has no drugs in them is complete BS. We all complain about the WWE's drug testing policy and look how much more money they have to spend on it. Now look at how much TNA can spend on theres. TNA's is probally a bigger joke. Is TNA doing well, Yes. Are they even close...
  13. B

    Does Kurt Angle Seem a bit Ungrateful to WWE

    People are blowing this way out of porportion. He said that HHH has to much say in things. WOW thats a shock like no one has said that. He said that HBK does to much politicing, who would have ever thought that. Cmon this is the WWE were talking about Kurt Angle tells them to kiss his ass that...
  14. B

    Best ECW Promo Guy?!

    Heyman's shoot on TNN was so good. One guy i think some people forget is Steve Corino he cut a great promo after N2R 2000. And was in the right spot, wrong time with him he really started to get over when ECW was in there final days. I loved when Shane Douglas would go out and shoot on guys like...
  15. B

    Funniest promo Ever

    Anything from Joel Gertner.