Recent content by Adaminho

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    I am I the only person excited

    Everything bar the title match looks good to fantastic. The Bray/Cena match will be excellent. Bray has proven in his matches with Bryan that he can deliver brilliant matches if given somebody who can still guide him in the ring, and Cena has proven time and time again he can always deliver the...
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    WWE Mount Rushmore?

    1) Vince McMahon - Self explanatory, the man who created what we know and hate today. 2) Hulk Hogan - The biggest wrestling icon on the planet bar none. Propelled WWE into mainstream America, and is a big part for making wrestling as a whole the event that it is today. 3) Stone Cold Steve...
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    Shield vs Wyatts: what needs to happen

    This match will be fantastic as it is, better to sit back and enjoy the ride rather than try and brainstorm ways in which to try and make it even more golden.
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    Alberto Del Rio Leaving?

    It'll be bad news for WWE if he indeed does end up leaving the company. There's no doubt that he's a perfectly capable wrestler in the ring, but once more, it's Creative not having anything for his character. The double-turn with Ziggler was fantastic, and the first few months that he had as a...
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    Report: Top Matches & Scenarios Being Considered

    If the card was down to me, at this moment in time, it would probably be something along of these lines: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Randy Orton (c) vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan Daniel Bryan vs Triple H - If Bryan wins, he gets entered into the Main Event, yet if he loses, he never...
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    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    What is your favourite wrestling autobiography? On that subject, who wasn't brought one out, that you would like to see produce one?
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    R Truth

    The thing about Truth is that because of his gimmick, and the way he is over with the fans using that gimmick, it means that there's very little other options for him to use should the audiences start to get tired of his act. We've all seen his heel turn, and whilst it may've been entertaining...
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    Why are we obsessed with WWE saving big matches for RR/WM/SummerSlam/Survivor Series?

    Because the WWE thinks that these "big matches" should be showcased on what they consider the "big four"
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    Title Unification: Wrestlemania or Royal Rumble

    They've been hyping up Cena nearly overtaking Flair in terms of world title reigns. My money's on the fact that he'll beat Orton or whoever is WWE Champion at Mania to give him his sixteenth, giving them that big WM feeling.
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    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    To follow up on that question, should Reigns turn face, do you think that the WWE will acknowledge his relations to the Uso's?
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    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    Hm, same predictions as me, more or less. What's your favorite ever Survivor Series?
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    30 for 30 on WWE Controversial Topics

    8. The failure that was the Invasion, and choosing not to hire WCW's hottest properties straight after buying them out.
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    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    Alright boys. Found this site whilst I was looking for some wrestling discussion. My name is Adam, as you may've guessed from my name, and I mainly watch WWE, though I have watched other shows once in a while. I enjoy reviewing wrestling shows, and I'm about to start the process of reviewing...
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    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    Can we get your predictions for Survivor Series?
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    Who could be John Cena's tag team partner?

    I said a few months back, whilst Cena was out with his injury, that no matter how predictable it probably would be in terms of the outcome, I'd mark out for a Bryan and Cena tag team. Mega Powers v2.