WZCW Writing Staff Needed

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
WZCW, WZ's E-fed, is desperately in need of more matchwriters to help out. When I thought of who to ask for, the Book This guys came right to mind because you're all really talented, and would be an awesome asset to have on the writing staff in WZCW. We are running low on writers in the fed and would really appreciate any assistance you guys can offer.

What will be required, is just one match every 2 weeks to go into the show. It does not have to be long, just enough so that we can get a feel of a few spots and the wrestlers use most of their moves. If anyone is interested in this, let me know, because having some BT guys on the team would really be awesome, and we need your help really badly.
Im more then willing to volunteer.. i jus joined the forums again.. but was in bookthis for 2 years about 2 years ago... i can easily write a match every 2 weeks... jus pm me and let me know
I dont know if I can post in here but you can use my Character. He is undefeated ;)

Joseph "The Main Event" Rios Finisher: Perfect Shot (Pedigree)

and you could use

"The Paramount" Joe T

Finisher: Cradle Piledriver
If you need to know a list of moves each guy uses, just check out their profiles in the WZCW roster section.

Looking forward to what you can do mate... good stuff :D
Hey,man.I'll write some matches.I'll go see the roster if i can find it and post a sample match for you here soon.This sounds pretty cool.
I'm not sure what happened to my post,but i said i will write a match and here it is:TLC:Titus vs. Jason Sincade.I hope you like it.
Sincade grabs the mic and cuts a promo about how he's going to steal the show and win the match by grabbing the sack of cash above him.Sincade go's for a Shot Caller early but Titus ducks and lands a couple of jabs and a DDT.Titus then locks in the arm bar,trying to wear down Sincade.Titus leaves the ring,gets a steel chair,and then takes a hard shot at Sincade but Jason ducks and hits a Dropkick.Sincade then grabs a Table and Ladder and throws it in the ring.He then climbs the ladder that is set up in the ring until Titus makes to his feet,climbs the other side of the ladder and hits a chop and flying clothsline of the top of ladder and lands on the mat with Sincade.Titus then gets up,sets up a table,rolls Sincade onto it and climbs the ladder and hits a flying knee drop on Sincade through the table taking out both men.After a while both the men gets up and Titus hits flying heel kick off of the top rope onto Sincade.Titus then climbs the ladder and almost grabs the cash but Sincade hits a dropkick on the ladder and takes Titus off of the ladder through two tables stacked on top of each other on the outside of the ring followed by a suicide dive.Sincade then grabs two ladders,a table,and three steel chairs.Sincade sets up both ladders next two each other and climbs the ladders and almost gets the sack of cash but Titus somehow gets up and uses a fourth ladder to knock Sincade off of the ladders.Titus then sets up two ladders with another making a scaffolding in the middle with the fourth doing the same at the top.The combatants then battle into the depths of the crowd with Sincade hits a missle dropkick off of a balcony with both men landing on the floor.Back in the ring,three tables are set up under the ladder placed in the middle and one set up on top the one in the middle.The top table has a sheet of glass on it and the one below it covered in thumbtacks,the one below it covered in barbed wire,and the one below it with a trash can placed on top of it.Another ladder,the tallest of all is set up in the ring,Titus is rolled out on the top ladder with two chairs under and above his body,and the bottom three tables have been lit a flame.Sincade takes a deathdefying,exciting,electrifying bump off of the 5th ladder in the form of a Swanton Bomb through the ladder and tables and after about five minutes gets up,climbs the ladder but gets knocked off the ladder by a Titus hurricanrana through four tables covered in a chair and ladder.Eventually both men get up and climb a ladder and try to get the cash.But Jason Sincade throws Titus of the top of the ladder with a Shot Caller.From there he destroys Titus with a Three Amigos,Flying Elbow Drop through a table,a drokick,Jamaica Breaka,Moonsault through a table,and rolling thunder with Titus squished between two ladders but Jack Harris interferes and holds Sincade back while Titus amazingly gets up but Sincade throws Harris out of the ring through a table,hits Titus with a steel chair,knocking him of off the ladder,climbing the ladder and grabbing the bag of cash.
Your Winner:Jason Sincade
So tell me what you think of it.
Okay, it's time to start looking once more for writers. G' Thang, have you got that trial match you were supposed to write all those weeks ago? We're desperately short of writers once more, so again, please put your hand up. The job will only be maybe one match per two weeks. It's not a tough job, and I'd be extremely appreciative if a talented writer would put his hand up.
Can you give us a trial match then Inferno? Just use two of the wrestlers we have, and make a match using their moves and all that stuff. Doesn't need to be too long, just creative, and pretty much (grammatical) error-free.
Hell ill do it! I have my own BTB on another board and have been doing it for months now! Im willing to take a shot at it
I think you should show the roster the sample rp and we vote on who's the best
I just recently joined WZCW.. but if you'd like, I used to write my own wrestling stories.. so I could take a crack at it. Give me any two random superstars & a background to go with. (like a general storyline/feud between them) Let me know if you'd want me to write though, since I'm now (unofficially waiting on Iscariot) a member of the WZCW roster.

Also, if you want announcers, give me names & their gimmicks. (like which one is the smartass - Lawler type & which is the J.R. type, if those are even their gimmicks)
Just look at our roster page. pick any 2 wrestlers and write a match. no need for the backround stories and all that. we just want to see that you can write a decent match. if you can use announcers that would be great as well just so we can see if you can incorporate the talking with the wrestling. our crew is listed as well
Ok heres mine

TNA World Championship
Sting* vs. Kurt Angle
Sting and Angle step into the center of the ring and meet face to face. Sting nods to Angle and Angle nods back. The ref holds up the TNA Championship as both men look at the belt. Angle gets a quick kick to the ribs and clubs him across the back then locks him in for a German Suplex, but Sting hooks his foot countering it. He turns around and gets Angle hooked and nails a DDT on Angle. Sting puts a reverse headlock on Angle and picks him up. He swings his arm over his shoulder and goes for a suplex. Angle counters and goes for a suplex of his own, but Stinger counters as well. Sting switches it up and nails a swinging neckbreaker on the Olympic Gold Medalist. Sting covers Angle 1…kickout! Sting picks Angle up and whips him across the ring, but Angle counters and whips Sting against the ropes then nails a huge belly to belly on Stinger. Sting gets up and runs right into another belly to belly from Angle. Angle crouches down looking for another, Sting gets up and Angle hooks him a third time, but Stinger counters and sandwiches his face with his arms. Angle breaks it and Stinger dropkicks Angle’s knees grounding him. Sting bounces off the ropes and big boots Angle, who was on his knees. Sting covers Angle 1….2…kickout! Sting picks him up and puts him in the corner. Sting reins chops onto Angle’s chest one after another. He knees him in the gut and whips him across the ring, but Angle counters and whips Sting against the ropes. Sting comes back and Angle drop toe holds him and Sting hits the mat chin first. Angle quickly grabs the ankle and goes for the Ankle Lock, but Sting hurries and grabs the ropes. Angle lets go and starts pressing Sting’s head down onto the bottom rope choking him. The ref starts counting and Angle breaks the hold at 4. Angle drags him into the center of the ring and pins him 1…2…kickout! Angle picks him up and gets behind him and goes for a German, he flips him up, but Sting lands on his feet, he grabs Angle from behind and goes for the Stinger Death Drop, but Angle counters and pulls Sting’s legs from under him and flips him over and grabs his Ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock. Sting panics and is about to tap out. Sting flips over and kicks Angle away and Angle runs into the referee knocking him out. Angle turns around and tries to get the ref to his feet. Sting tries again to get behind him and get the Stinger Death Drop, but Angle counters, and spins around, he grabs him and hooks him and nails the Olympic Slam on the Stinger. He covers Sting…but the ref is still knocked out. Angle can’t believe it, he continues to fight the ref to get up while Sting is out cold.
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