WZCW SuperShow 5: Preston Scott Cunningham & Vox vs. Garth Black (2v1)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Preston Scott Cunningham & Vox VS Garth Black (2 on 1 handicap)

Another two debutants take on Garth Black. The man who is in a number one contender match at KC must battle the odds once again.

Deadline is Monday, January 2nd 11:59 PM CST
(Vox is standing outside the arena with Interviewer Leon Kensworth.)

Vox: The UDA, the IRA. The UVF, the INLA. The British Army and RUC as well.... These are the contributors to The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Many men, women, children, and clergy have died in this ongoing tragedy. 3532 lives taken, and 47,500 injured along with them. That senseless violence must stop… My troubles, however, are with a young man named Gareth Black.

Interviewer Leon Kensworth: That’s Garth Black, Vox.

Vox: You know, I was really going on a train there, and you just kinda stopped me. Interrupting is very rude, but I suppose getting his name wrong is as well. God bless you for correcting me, but please allow me to continue. I have the task of facing off against Garth Black, and aiding me in this contest will be a lovely man, Preston Scott Cunningham. Preston and I are going to combine our efforts not only to work towards victory here, but victory for humanity in the future. His strength of body, mind and spirit combined with my own brilliance will surely bring us victory. While the violence in The Troubles has died down, there are unfortunate spikes now and again. That is why I am here today to propose that we all, together, unite and donate to the cause for peace moving forward. We need to raise global awareness and work toward creating a more perfect path to peace in Ireland.

Interviewer Leon Kensworth: Shouldn’t we be talking about the matc..

Vox: So everyone! Get out your phones and text a monetary donation with the hashtag “#SAVEUSVOX” to the number displayed on the screen! God bless all of you, I will guide us to getting away from tragedy. In fact, Mr. Kensworth, my friend, will you donate for all the people right now? Just get out your phone, and text in a dollar amount.

Interviewer Leon Kensworth: Well…uhhhh…I…uhhh…

Vox: (Pressing his hands on Leon’s shoulders) Come on, my friend! We are all in this together! Just send it in for $100! You wouldn’t want to disappoint all the people in need…would you?

Interviewer Leon Kensworth: No…I suppose not. *Texts in the donation*

Vox: God bless you, all of you! See you out there!

*Vox leaves the room, almost skipping.*

Interviewer Leon Kensworth: Hey man, we had a lot more we needed to talk about! *pauses* Yeah…he’s gone…
Backstage, and Jonny Klamor is holding a microphone.

Klamor: Please welcome my guest at this time, the former WZCW Champion Garth Black.

Garth, what are your feelings ahead of the 5th Annual WZCW Supershow?

The camera pans out a little and we see both Klamor and Garth Black in the frame. Black is visibly pale, and when he begins to speak it is clear that he is pretty ill.

Black: Well Klamor, I'm pretty sick. Both literally and metaphorically. I've been up all night, I have a blocked up nose, a sore throat and the WZCW is, as ever, proving to be a pain in the neck. I've got the flu, I've got a fever and I'm just generally sick.

Sick of being ignored, sick of the Hollow Ones making up lies about me and sick of being put in handicap matches. With this cold, any match would have been a handicap, but to have two opponents is yet another roadblock in my way. Blades has a three person match too, but of course in his case his opponents are also against each other. Typical. But like I've said before, all I can do is keep winning.

Klamor: On that note, your opponents this week are two newcomers to WZCW in Vox and Preston Scott Cunningham. How much do you know about them?

Black: Perhaps unsurprisingly, I haven't been given much information on my opponents. I guess one might say that as an unknown quantity they will be very difficult to overcome, but I don't see it that way. I think there's always an air of arrogance about some of these guys coming in, and seeing that they have been put in a handicap match, there is every possible chance that they will underestimate me. I hope for their sake, that they've done their homework.

As for what I've seen of them, it's not exactly all bright lights and fireworks. Vox thinks that he can cure the world's ailments, but maybe he should be taking a little look at himself first. I will give him this though, when he shows up I intend to use him to cure my ailments, they say that laughter is the best medicine, but when I get my hands on Vox, we shall see that slaughter is the best medicine.

Vox is misguided in his approach, but Cunningham is totally worse. A man of privilege that has never had to do a day's work in his life to get to the top has absolutely zero kudos and respect in my eyes. I've had to work for every single thing I've ever achieved and that has given me a serrated edge which will allow me to tear through the flesh of a man who deserves nothing but my contempt.

So yeah, these guys are a bit of an unknown quantity, but they're facing unmatched quality, and we all know how that usually turns out.

Klamor: You've already mentioned Tyrone Blades a couple of times, do you have your eye on him ahead of your match at Kingdom Come?

Black: With Blades and I, everything is business. I know he's trying to goad me into some sort of personal blood feud by lying about my involvement with The Hollow Ones, and all power to the guy for trying, but you're not going to get into this head that easily. I'm too war hardened to fall that easily.

There's every chance that this handicap match will soon become 4 on 1 if Blades and Phoenix get involved, but you know what, I've seen it coming, and prevention is better than the cure.

With that, Black walks off stage left and we zoom in on a pensive Jonny Klamor's face.
A curtain flies open, beaming sunlight into the room and onto the face of Preston Scott Cunningham. He opens one eye and rolls over.
whoever just did that is fired.

And with that, he went back to sleep.
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