WWF Pay-Per-View's 1999

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Royal Rumble
January 24, 1999 - Anaheim, California


1. MATCH: The Big Bossman defeated Roadogg..
2. INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Ken Shamrock defeated Billy Gunn to retain..
3. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: X-Pac defeated Gangrel..
4. WOMENS TITLE MATCH: Sable defeated Luna Vachon..
5. WWF TITLE I QUIT MATCH: The Rock defeated Mankind
6. ROYAL RUMBLE: Vince McMahon eliminated Steve Austin to win!


1- Steve Austin (1- Golga by Austin before #4)
2- Vince McMahon (2- Gillberg by Edge before #7)
3- Golga (3- Severn by Mabel before #12)
4- Droz (4- Blackman by Ali Singh & Mabel b4 #12)
5- Edge (5- Ali Singh by Mabel before #12)
6- Gillberg (6- Meanie by Mabel before #13)
7- Steve Blackman (7- Droz by Mabel before #13)
8- Dan Severn (8- Edge by Road Dogg before #13)
9- Tiger Ali Singh (9- Mabel by unknown before #13)
10- Blue Meanie (10- Gangrel by Road Dogg before #14)
11- Mabel (sub for Mosh) (11- Snow by Road Dogg before #16)
12- Road Dogg (12- Road Dogg by Kane before #19)
13- Gangrel (13- Kurrgan by Kane before #19)
14- Kurrgan (14- Godfather by Kane before #19)
15- Al Snow (15- Goldust by Kane before #19)
16- Goldust (16- Kane by himself before #19)
17- Godfather (17- Shamrock by Austin before #23)
18- Kane (18- Billy by Austin before #25)
19- Ken Shamrock (19- Test by Austin before #29)
20- Billy Gunn (20- X-Pac by Bossman before #29)
21- Test (21- Jarrett by HHH before #29)
22- Big Bossman (22- Henry by Chyna)
23- HHH (23- Chyna by Austin)
24- Val Venis (24- Venis by HHH)
25- X-Pac (25- HHH by Austin)
26- Mark Henry (26- Owen by Austin)
27- Jeff Jarrett (27- D-Lo by Bossman)
28- D-Lo Brown (28- Bossman by Austin)
29- Owen Hart (29- Austin by McMahon w/Rock cheating)
30- Chyna (Winner: Vince McMahon)
St. Valentine's Day Massacre
February 14, 1999 - Memphis, TN - The Pyramid drawing 19,028 ($316,618)


1. OPENING MATCH: Goldust defeated Bluedust (aka The Blue Meanie)..

2. HARDCORE MATCH: Bob Holly defeated Al Snow to win the vacant hardcore title..

3. MATCH: The Big Bossman defeated Mideon..
* After the match, The Ministry attacked and abducted The Big Bossman..

4. TAG TITLE MATCH: Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett w/Debra defeated Mark Henry & D-Lo Brown w/Ivory to retain..

5. IC TITLE MATCH: Val Venis w/Ryan Shamrock defeated Ken Shamrock to win the title..
* Billy Gunn was the special guest referee for the match..
* Ryan Shamrock turned on her brother, Ken Shamrock, and helped her boyfriend, Val Venis, win the IC title..

6. TAG MATCH: The Corporation (Kane & Chyna) defeated Degeration-X (Triple H & X-Pac)..

Mankind vs The Rock ended in a NO CONTEST..

Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Vince McMahon..
* Paul Wight (formerly the Giant in WCW) showed up and ripped the side of the cage off..
* Steve Austin was climbing it at the same time and ended up falling to the floor to pick up the win!
Wrestlemania 15
March 28, 1999 - Philadelphia, PA - First Union Center
Announcers: Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler



* Marlena pressed a lit cigar against Ivory's face leaving a scar, which was shown bandaged later on..
* DLo Brown & Test were co-winners of a Battle Royal to win a tag title shot on Wrestlemania..

# HARDCORE TITLE 3-WAY: Hardcore Holly defeated Billy Gunn (champion) and Al Snow to capture the title!

Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett w/Debra defeated Test & D-Lo Brown w/Ivory to retain..

# BRAWL-4-ALL: Butterbean defeated Bart Gunn by knock out in 27 seconds..

* Special referee: Vinnie Pazienta | Judges: Kevin Rooney, Chuck Wapner and Gorilla Monsoon
* After the match, "The Chicken" came down and got knocked out by "Tazmanian Devil" Vinnie Pazienta..

# INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & Mankind..

* Mankind says he did everything Vince McMahon and the Corporation asked of them..
* Mankind says he tried playing nice with Paul Wight, but now he's an angry man..

# REFEREES MATCH: Mankind defeated "Big Show" Paul Wight by DQ to earn the right to referee the main event..

* Paul Wight got disqualified after bring a chair into the ring and assulting Mankind with it..
* Vince McMahon came down and yelled at Paul Wight for messing up and getting disqualified..
* Vince McMahon says that Paul Wight is a "nobody" so Wight hauled off and knocked McMahon out!
* The Stooges, Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco, came down to the ring to help Mr. McMahon..

# BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & The Stooges..

* A woozy Vince McMahon asks for his mobile phone so he can call the cops and have Big Show arrested!

# IC TITLE 4-WAY: Road Dogg (DX) defeated Ken Shamrock and Val Venis and Goldust to retain..

* Goldust came to the ring with the Blue Meanie and Ryan Shamrock (Ken Shamrock's sister)..
* Roaddog pinned Goldust, after interference by Meanie & Ryan backfired..

The Big Show is being arrested and taken away in a police car..

Kane (representing the Corporation) defeated Triple H (representing DX) by Disqualification..

* Before the match, "The Chicken" attacked Kane, who unmasked him as Pete Rose, and tombstoned him!
* Chyna eventually made an appearance and turned on Kane, reuniting with Triple H and Degeneration-X!

Kevin Kelly & Vince McMahon..

* Vince McMahon says he has a referee shirt in his bags, and names himself the guest referee for the main event!

Sable defeated Tori to retain with help from Nicole Bass..

* Even though she was portraying a "fan", Tori's wrestling skills were far superior to Sables..
* Nicole Bass debuts in the WWF, attacking Tori and Gorilla Pressing her while the referee was knocked out..

# EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: Shane McMahon w/Test (of the Corporation) defeated X-Pac (representing DX) to retain..

* During X-Pac's entrance, the Stooges (Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco) attacked him in the ilse..
* Triple H & Chyna came down and turned on X-Pac (and DX) and helped Shane McMahon win the match!
* Triple H, Test, Chyna & Shane McMahon attacked X-Pac after the match, followed by Billy Gunn & Road Dog..
* Kane then hit the ring and chased the Corporation members (HHH/Test/Chyna/Shane) away from the ring..

The Undertaker defeated The Big Bossman (representing the Corporation)..

* After the match, The Brood (Gangrel, Edge & Christian) were lowered from the ceiling to the top of the cell..
* The Brood ripped the top of the cage open, and dropped a neuce down through to the Undertaker..
* The Brood were then pulled back up into the rafters where they came from (impressive stunt)..
* The Undertaker wrapped the nuece around Big Bossman's neck..
* Paul Bearer pressed the button at the control board to raise the cage and dramatically HANG Big Bossman..

Vince McMahon + Shawn Michaels..

* Jim Ross came out and replaced Michael Cole for the main event of Wrestlemania 15..
* Howard Finkle introduced the special guest referee for the match ---- Vince McMahon!
* Shawn Michaels came out next and gave his "Wrestlemania isn't Wrestlemania, without Shawn Michaels" speech..
* Shawn Michaels says that the only person who came appoint a guest referee is the Comissioner..
* Shawn Michaels says that since he is commissioner, he's going to send Vince to the back..
* Shawn Michaels adds that the Corporation is banned from ringside for the main event..
* Shawn Michaels then appoints the new referee -- Mike Chioda!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin defeated The Rock (of the Corporation) to win the title!

* The fight started quickly and immediately made its way into the crowd and brawled on the WM15 stage..
* The Rock backdropped Steve Austin awkwardly onto the lighting fixures (which I hear get REALLY hot)..
* Steve Austin recovered and whipped The Rock into the huge hanging Wrestlemania logo fixture, causing it to sway..
* Steve Austin set the Rock up on the Spanish Announce Table and drove him through it with an elbow drop (two tries)!
* The match finally made it into the ring where The Rock managed to hit a Rock Bottom, but only got a 2-count!
* Mike Chioda got knocked out, and referee Tim White came out to replace him..
* Vince McMahon came down and distracted Steve Austin, so that The Rock could hit a low-blow!
* Vince McMahon got in the ring and knocked the referee out, and helped Rock stomp Steve Austin!
* Mankind came down, wearing a whit shirt with stripes painted on with a black permanent marker..
* Mankind kicked (literally) Vince McMahon out of the ring and assumed his position as guest referee..
* The Rock hit the Rock Bottom and set up for the people's elbow, but Steve Austin moved out of the way!
* The Rock went for another Rock Bottom, but Steve Austin reversed it into the Stone Cold Stunner for the win!!!
* Steve Austin celebrated with a few beers, including sharing a few with referee Earl Hebner (who really enjoyed it)..
* Vince McMahon claimed Steve Austin was holding his belt, so Austin stunned his ASS and dumped beer on him!
April 25, 1999 - Providence, Rhode Island


1. SIX MAN TAG: The Ministry (Mideon & Bradshaw & Farooq) defeated The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian)..
* Clips were shown of The Brood disobeying The Undertaker and being kicked out of the Ministry..
* Viscera came down and assisted (interfered) and helped the Ministry defeat The Brood..

2. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH: Al Snow w/Head defeated Hardcore Holly to win the Hardcore title..
* Both men fought out into the underground parking lot and bashed eachothers heads onto the hoods of cars..
* Hardcore Holly pushed Al Snow into a dumpster and splashed him but only got a two count (referee jumped in)
* Al Snow pushed Hardcore Holly into the top of a car, putting a huge dent onto the top of it..
* They eventually made it back into the ring where Al Snow smashed a frying pan over Holly's skull!
* Hardcore Holly superplexed Al Snow and they both crashed through a table!
* Al Snow knocked Hardcore Holly out with HEAD and pinned him to win the Hardcore championship!

3. IC TITLE MATCH: The Godfather w/Five Hos defeated Goldust w/Blue Meanie to retain..

4. #1 CONTENDERS MATCH: New Age Outlaws (Roaddog & Billy Gunn) defeated Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett w/Debra..

5. BOILER ROOM BRAWL: Mankind defeated The Big Show..
* Mankind & Big Show battled throughout the boiler room smashing and breaking things over eachother..
* Mankind smashed a plate of glass over Big Show's head, but Mankind ripped a gash on his hand in the process..
* The Big Show fell on the ground and was buried by a few dozen steel pipes, giving Mankind the chance to win..
* Mankind escaped the Boiler Room to win the match only to be attacked by The Big Bossman & Test..
* The Big Show emerged from the Boiler Room to make the save for Mankind..

6. GRUDGE MATCH: Triple H w/Chyna defeated X-Pac..
* Triple H mercilessly worked over X-Pac's surgically repaired neck for the entire duration of the match..
* Chyna got involved after the referee was knocked out, bringing Kane down to the ring to even the odds..
* Kane chokeslammed Triple H, and then chokeslammed Chyna, and set them up in opposite corners and left..
* X-Pac came to his senses and gave Triple H the bronco buster, and then gave one to Chyna too!
* X-Pac turned around and got nailed with a pedigree and pinned..

7. GRUDGE MATCH: The Undertaker defeated Ken Shamrock..
* Ken Shamrock had the Undertaker in the anklelock when Bradshaw showed up with a baseball bat!
* The Undertaker hit a Tombstone Piledriver for the win, and Bradshaw continued the assault with the bat!

Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated The Rock to retain..
* Referee Shane McMahon cheated and refused to count the 1-2-3 when Stone Cold had the match won..
* Vince McMahon showed up and attacked Shane McMahon and send Earl Hebner in to referee the rest of the match..
* Stone Cold eventually pinned The Rock after hitting a Stone Cold Stunner!
* Vince McMahon presented Steve Austin with the old Smoking Skull Championship belt..
* Backstage, The Undertaker abducted Stephanie McMahon and drove off in the limosine!!!
No Mercy 1999 (UK Only)
May 16, 1999 - Manchester, England - MEN Arena - drawing 18,107


1. Tiger Ali Singh pinned Gillberg (1:05).

2. Farooq/Bradshaw/Viscera b Gangrel/Edge/Christian (13:49).

3. Steve Blackman beat Droz (7:53) via submission.

4. Kane beat Mideon (4:36) via DQ.

5. Nicole Bass pinned Tori (0:27).

6. WWF European Champ Shane McMahon pinned X-Pac (8:21).

7. Billy Gunn pinned Mankind (11:27).

8. Steve Austin (WWF Champ) beat The Undertaker and Hunter Hearst Helmsley (15:07) in an "anything goes triangle" match when he pinned Helmsley.
~Over The Edge 1999~
May 23, 1999 - Kansas City, Missouri - Kemper Arena

Kane & X-Pac defeated DLo Brown & Mark Henry w/Ivory to retain..

2. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & Hardcore Holly promises to punish & discipline Al Snow..

3. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH: Al Snow defeated Hardcore Holly to retain..
* Match went up into the crowd, and into the concession area and eventually back into the ring..
* Al Snow won after he powerbombed Hardcore Holly through a table in the ring!

4. INTERVIEW: Michael Cole & Gerald Brisco/Pat Patterson..
* Pat Patterson says that Vince McMahon's ankle is most likely broken..

5. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & The Blue Blazer (Owen Hart)..

6. IC TITLE MATCH: The Godfather vs The Blue Blazer (Owen Hart)..
* The match was cancelled after the Blue Blazer's harness malfuctioned and Owen Hart tragically fell to the ring..
* The stunt called for Owen to ascend superhero-style down into the ring, but he fell from 30-50 feet..
* The camera panned through the crowd as Jim Ross awkwardly discribed what had transpired in the ring..
* Owen Hart was carried out of the ring on a stretcher, and tragically pronounced dead later in the evening..
* The decision was made by Vince McMahon and management that "the show must go on"..

7. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & Jeff Jarrett/Debra..
* Debra stumbled over her words overcome with emotion, so Jeff Jarrett cut her off to save her..
* Jeff Jarrett also stumbled over his words and broke character saying "Owen Hart, we're prayin' for ya"..

Val Venis & Nicole Bass defeated Jeff Jarrett & Debra (Woman's champion)..

9. BACKSTAGE: Vince McMahon & The Stooges + Shane McMahon..
* Vince McMahon is getting loaded into an ambulance because of his knee injury..
* Shane McMahon approaches and coaxes his father, saying he'd be the special guest referee in the main event..

10. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & Road Dogg (also breaks character and says he's praying for Owen Hart)..

11. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & Billy Gunn (says he carried Roaddog when they were a team)..

12. GRUDGE MATCH: Mr. Ass (Billy Gunn) defeated Road Dogg..

13. INTERVIEW: Michael Cole & Shane McMahon (says he'll call the main event right down the middle)..

The Union (Test/Ken Shamrock/Big Show/Mankind) beat Corporate Ministry (Acolytes/Viscera/Bossman)..
* Mankind forced the Big Bossman to submit to the Mandible Claw to win the elimination match..

15. ANNOUNCEMENT: Jim Ross..
* Ladies & gentleman, uh, earlier tonight, here at Kansas City, uh, tragedy befelled the World Westling Federation, and all of us, Owen Hart was set to make an entrance from the ceiling, and he fell from the ceiling, and I have the unfortunate responsiblity to let everybody know that Owen Hart has died, Owen Hart has tragically died from that accident here tonight..
* No announcement was made to the live audience at Kemper Arena, it was only revealed to the pay per view audience..

16. INTERVIEW: Kevin Kelly & The Rock (Triple H & Chyna attacked the Rock backstage, Mankind made the save)..

17. MATCH: The Rock defeated Triple H w/Chyna by disqualification..
* The Rock was ordered by Shane McMahon to remove his cast, but he went into the match wearing it anyway..
* Triple H eventually pulled the cast off of The Rock and used it as a weapon..
* After Triple H was DQed, he and Chyna laid out the Rock with a chair..
* Mankind came out and made the save.... again!

The Undertaker defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the title!
* Pat Patterson came down to replace Vince McMahon, but Shane McMahon knocked him out before the match!
* Gerald Brisco later came in to be the second referee but he got knocked down as well..
* Vince McMahon eventually limped down to the ring and got tackled by Shane McMahon..
* Vince, Shane, Austin & Undertaker all tumbled over at once, with Undertaker landing on top of Austin..
* Shane McMahon counted to three extremely fast to assist Undertaker's victory..
King Of The Ring
June 27, 1999 - Greensboro, North Carolina - Greensboro Coliseum


1. QUARTER FINAL MATCH: X-Pac defeated Hardcore Holly by disqualification..

2. QUARTER FINAL MATCH: Kane defeated The Big Show..

3. QUARTER FINAL MATCH: Mr. Ass (Billy Gunn) defeated Ken Shamrock due to referee stoppage..
* Ken Shamrock was attacked by Steve Blackman earlier on HEAT causing the internal bleeding..

4. QUARTER FINAL MATCH: The Roaddog defeated Chyna w/Triple H..
* Triple H continually interfered on Chyna's behalf so commissioner Shawn Michaels came down to stop him..

5. #1 CONTENDERS MATCH: The Hardy Boyz w/Michael Hayes defeated The Brood (Edge & Christian) w/Gangrel..

6. IN THE RING: Vince McMahon + Shawn Michaels..
* Vince McMahon says that since Shane McMahon cannot compete, then he will have a 'suitable replacement' tonight..
* Commissioner Shawn Michaels came out and tried to overturn but ended up getting manipulated..

7. SEMI FINAL MATCH: Mr. Ass (Billy Gunn) defeated Kane..

8. SEMI FINAL MATCH: X-Pac defeated Roaddog and shook hands after the match..

The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer defeated The Rock to retain..
* The Undertaker & Paul Bearer took out several referees in the opening moments of the match!
* Late in the match the refere got knocked down again and the Rock had Undertaker pinned..
* Paul Bearer gave Undertaker an ether-soaked cloth, but the Rock got it and mashed it Undertaker's face!
* Triple H ran down and gave The Rock a pedigree and ran back as the referee awoke..
* The Undertaker followed up with a tombstone piledriver for the victory to retain his title!

10. KOTR FINALS: Mr. Ass (Billy Gunn) defeated X-Pac to win the King of the Ring crown!

11. LADDER MATCH: Shane & Vince McMahon defeated Steve Austin..
* A briefcase hung above the ring, holding documents that would make the winner the CEO of the WWF..
* Vince McMahon introduced Steve Blackman as his "suitable replacement" for the injured Shane McMahon..
* A hidden camera shows Shane McMahon and the Mean Street Posse gloating about outsmarting Commissioner HBK..
* Shane McMahon tried to bolt out of the arena but Shawn Michaels caught him and dragged him to the ring..
* Shawn Michaels ordered Steve Blackman to return backstage and Shane McMahon to get in the ring..
* There were about twenty ladders elaborately stacked in the ilseway which eventually were used as weapons..
* Steve Austin laid out both McMahons and purposely collapsed the entire stack of ladders on top of them!
* Steve Austin crashed Shane McMahon through the spanish announce table with a rattlesnake elbow off the ladder!
* Vince McMahon pushed Steve Austin off a ladder, causing him to bounce off a second announce table!
* Vince McMahon climbed the ladder and almost got his hand on the breifcase before Austin slammed off off!
* Steve Austin was about to win the match when someone raised the briefcase out of Steve Austin's reach!
* A few minutes later, Shane McMahon climbed up the ladder as the breifcase was lowered for him..
* Pre-match stipulations forced Austin to relinquish his position as CEO of the WWF back to the McMahons..
Fully Loaded
July 25, 1999 - Buffalo, New York.


Jeff Jarrett w/Debra defeated Edge with help from Gangrel to win the title!

2. TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) defeated The Hardy Boyz to win the titles!

3. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: D-Lo Brown defeated Mideon to win title!

4. HARCORE TITLE MATCH: The Big Bossman defeated Al Snow to win title!

5. GRUDGE MATCH: The Big Show defeated Kane..

6. GRUDGE MATCH: Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman..

7. DX MATCH: Road Dogg & X-Pac defeated Chyna & Billy Gunn to win the rights to DX..

8. #1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Triple H defeated The Rock with help from Chyna & Billy Gunn..

9. WWF TITLE FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker to retain..
* As stipulated, Vince McMahon has to leave the WWF and never appear on Television again..
Summer Slam
August 22, 1999 - Minneapolis, Minnesoda.


1. BACKSTAGE: Jesse Ventura & Triple H & Chyna..
* Jesse Ventura explains to HHH & Chyna that he is the law and order in Minnesoda..
* Triple H says Jesse Ventura can make up all the rules he wants, he'll break them all if he wants..

2. BACKSTAGE: Chris Jericho & Howard Finkle (Howard is Y2J's assistant)..

Jeff Jarrett defeated D'Lo Brown to win both titles!
* Jeff Jarrett came down with his valet, Debra, but immediately sent to backstage..
* D'Lo Brown appeared with Debra by his side..
* Mark Henry came down and turned on D'Lo by smashing a guitar over his head! (Debra was distracting the referee)
* Debra left with Jeff Jarrett & Mark Henry, the apparant mastermind behind the swerve..

4. INTERVIEW: Michael Cole & Edge & Christian..

The Acolytes won..
* Edge & Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz w/Gangrel..
* Edge & Christain defeated Viscera & Mideon..
* Edge & Christian defeated Droz & Prince Albert..
* The Acolytes defeated Edge & Christian..
* The Acolytes defeated The Holly Cousins..

6. BACKSTAGE: Al Snow is shown talking to Peper (his little dog)..

7. IN THE RING: The Roaddog + Chris Jericho..
* Roaddog says that he was somehow left out of the Hardcore title match tonight..
* Roaddog challenges the winner of the Hardcore title match to face him tomorrow night on RAW..
* Chris Jericho's music hits and Y2J appears up on a platform in the arena..
* Chris Jericho cuts a promo insulting Roaddog..

8. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH: Al Snow defeated The Big Bossman to win the title!
* Roaddog grabbed the microphone and acted as the 'roaming reporter' during the backstage portion of the match!
* Al Snow pinned Big Bossman out in the streets somewhere inside of a pool hall..
* Al Snow ran back into the arena, and found Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie trying to steal Pepper!

9. BACKSTAGE: Jesse Ventura tells Mankind that he's the law, the swaps political banter with Mankind..

10. WOMENS TITLE MATCH: Ivory defeated Tori to retain (Luna Vachon attacked Ivory after match)..

11. INTERVIEW: Michael Cole & The Rock (Rock talks circles around Cole and humilates him)..

12. LIONS DEN WEAPONS MATCH: Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman..

13. LOVE HER OR LEAVE HER MATCH: Test defeated Shane McMahon..
* The Mean Street Posse, who were sitting in the front row, repeatedly interfered in the match for Shane..
* Shane McMahon jumped off the top rope and drove Test through the Spanish Announce Table!
* Test fought back and hit the top rope elbow drop for the win, and to earn the right to date Stephanie McMahon..
* Stephanie McMahon ran down and celebrated with Test with a huge smile on her face..

14. MATCH: The Big Show & The Undertaker defeated X-Pac & Kane to win the titles!

15. BACKSTAGE: Jesse Ventura explains the rules to Steve Austin, who walks away from him..

The Rock defeated Mr. Ass (Billy Gunn)..
* Billy Gunn came down with a short figure underneath a black sheet..

Mankind defeated Steve Austin (champion) & Triple H to win the title!!!
* The special guest referee for the match was Jesse Ventura, and he quickly ejected Chyno from ringside!
* Mankind pinned Steve Austin after hitting the Double-arm DDT in the middle of the ring!
* Mankind & Jesse Ventura left as Triple H viciously assulted Steve Austin's legs with a steel chair!
September 26, 1999 - Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Coliseum - drawing 15,779 ($505,477)


Val Venis defeated Steve Blackman (The Brooklyn Brawler as referee)..
* The story of the night is that the referees have been on strike so "scabs" have been brought in..

2. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: DLo Brown defeated Mark Henry to win the title! (Tom Prichard was referee)

Jeff Jarrett w/Miss Kitty defeated Chyna via DQ to retain..
* The Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young jumped the rail and attacked Jeff Jarrett, but got beat up in the end..
* Debra came to ringside and whacked Jeff Jarrett with a guitar allowing Chyna to score the pin and win the title!
* Head "scab" referee Tom Prichard ran down to reverse the decision and Disqualified Chyna!

The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Farooq) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba & DVon)..
* Referee was Jimmy Cordaris, who is the only regular referee to not go one strike..

Ivory defeated Luna Vachon after botched interference by Tori..

The New Age Outlaws defeated Edge & Christian to retain (ref: Jim Cordaris)..
* The Hardy Boyz & Gangrel ran down and Jeff Hardy drop kicked Edge leading to a pin..

7. KENNEL FROM HELL MATCH: Al Snow defeated The Big Bossman to retain..
* Match took place inside a steel cage, which was covered with a cell, and "rabid dogs" circling the ring..
* Match turned into a complete joke as the supposedly vicious dogs did nothing but wag their tails and poop at ringside..

8. MATCH: X-Pac defeated Chris Jericho w/Curtis Hughes by Disqualification (Referee: Tom Prichard)..
* Chris Jericho was DQ'd when Curtis Hughes interfered and they double-teamed X-Pac..
* Roaddog ran down to make the save..

9. SIX PACK CHALLANGE: Triple H defeated The Rock and The Big Show and Kane and Mankind and British Bulldog!
* Stone Cold Steve Austin joined commentary to "make sure there will be a new WWF champion tonight"..
* All the striking referees entered the arena and came down to ringside and beat up on Jim Cordaris!!
* Stone Cold Steve Austin got up off his chair and took out all of the striking referees..
* In the ring, Triple H DDT'd The Rock and covered him, Steve Austin slid in and counted to 2!
* The Rock fought back and hit a Rock Bottom, but Big Show pulled Steve Austin out of the ring!
* The British Bulldog whacked The Rock with a steel chair, so Steve Austin gave him (Bulldog) a Stunner!
* Triple H pinned The Rock to win the vacant WWF Heavyweight championship..
* Triple H gloated in Steve Austin's face after the match, and recieved a Stone Cold Stunner!
~Rebellion 1999~
October 2, 1999 - Birmingham, England - National Indoor Arena drawing 11,939 ($467,494)


1. MATCH: Christian defeated Crash Holly..

2. IC TITLE MATCH: Jeff Jarrett defeated D-Lo Brown to retain..

3. MATCH: The Godfather defeated Gangrel..

4. MATCH: Val Venis defeated Mark Henry..

Ivory defeated Luna Vachon and Tori and Jacqueline to retain..

6. MATCH: Chris Jericho defeated Road Dogg..

Chyna defeated Jeff Jarrett by DQ when The British Bulldog interfered..

Kane defeated The Big Show..

The British Bulldog (Booed out of the building) defeated X-Pac..
* The Bulldog spent the night demanding that Vince McMahon grant him a title shot in his home country..
* The Bulldog stormed into McMahon's office and took a fit and accidentally hit Stephanie with a trash can!
* Vince McMahon called for some EMTs and Stephanie was rushed to hospital by ambulance..

10. TRIANGLE MATCH: Edge & Christian defeated Farooq & Bradshaw and Hardcore & Crash Holly..

Triple H defeated The Rock to retain..
No Mercy
October 17, 1999 - Cleveland, Ohio - Gund Arena - drawing 18,742 ($478,156)


The Godfather w/The Hos defeated Mideon..

The Fabulous Moolah defeated Ivory to win the title!

3. TAG MATCH: Hardcore & Crash Holly defeated The New Age Outlaws by Disqualification..

Chyna defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the title!

5. MATCH: The Rock defeated The British Bulldog..

6. LADDER MATCH: The Hardy Boyz defeated Edge & Christian to win the Terri Invitational Tournament!

Val Venis defeated Mankind and retrieved Mr. Rocko back from Val's pants..

8. 4-CORNERS MATCH: X-Pac defeated Kane and Bradshaw and Farooq..

Triple H defeated Steve Austin to retain..
* Earlier in the night, The Rock challenged the winner of the match, but Triple H attacked him with a sledgehammer!
* The Rock returned with his ribs taped and carrying a sledge hammer but accidentally whacked Steve Austin!
Survivor Series
November 14, 1999
Detroit, MI - Joe Louis Arena
Drawing 18,735 ($841,095) - PPV Rating = 1.14


-The Godfather
-D-Lo Brown

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
D-Von Dudley

-Bradshaw pinned Thrasher (3:40).
-Buh Buh pinned Mosh (4:57).
-Bradshaw as DQed (5:52).
-D-Von and Farooq were counted out (6:45).
-Brown pinned Buh Buh (9:36).

SURVIVORS: Godfather & D-Lo

-Kurt Angle pinned Sean Stasiak (5:56).

-Val Venis
-Mark Henry
-Steve Blackman

British Bulldog
Joey Abs
Pete Gas

-Blackman pinned Pete Gas (2:56).
-Gangrel pinned Rodney (4:21).
-Henry pinned Joey Abs (6:02).
-Bulldog pinned Gangrel (6:46).
-Bulldog pinned Blackman (7:32).
-Venis pinned Bulldog (9:10).

SURVIVORS: Venis & Henry

-Mae Young
-The Fabulous Moolah

Terrie Runnels

Mae, Moolah, Tori, Debra win when Moolah pinned Ivory.

-Kane beat X-Pac (4:14) via DQ.

-The Big Show beat The Big Bossman, Prince Albert, Mideon, &
Viscera (1:27) in a "handicap elimination" match.

-Show pinned Mideon (0:18).
-Show pinned Albert (0:30).
-Show pinned Viscera (0:55).
-Bossman was counted out (1:27).

-WWF I-C Champ Chyna pinned Chris Jericho (13:45).

-Brian Christopher
-Scott Taylor
-Hardcore Holly
-Crash Holly

Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy

-Hardcore pinned Edge (6:06).
-Taylor pinned Matt (6:22).
-Jeff pinned Taylor (10:11).
-Christopher pinned Jeff (11:34).
-Christian pinned Christopher (11:45).
-Christian pinned Crash (13:58).
-Hardcore pinned Christian (14:26).

SURVIVOR: Hardcore Holly

-WWF Tag Champs The New Age Outlaws beat Al Snow & Mankind (13:59)
when Gunn pinned Mankind.

-The Big Show beat Triple H and The Rock (16:15) in a "triangle"
match to win the WWF World Title when he pinned Helmsley.
Armageddon 1999
December 12, 1999 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
NCR Center drawing 15,749 ($402,413)


The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) won..
* Participants: The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz, The Holly Cousins..
* Participants: Edge & Christian, Too Hot (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor)..
* Participants: Mark Henry & The Godfather, The Mean Street Posse (Rodney & Pete Gas)..

2. MATCH: Kurt Angle defeated "The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman..

Miss Kitty defeated Ivory and B.B. and Jacqueline to win the title!
* May Young & The Fabulous Moolah were guest referees for the match..
* After The Kat won the match, she pulled her top off and exposed her breasts to the audience!

4. TAG MATCH: The Holly Cousins (Hardcore & Crash) defeated Viscera & Rikishi..

Val Venis defeated The British Bulldog and D-Lo Brown to win the title!

Kane defeated X-Pac..

Chris Jericho defeated Chyna by Submission to win title!

8. TAG TITLE MATCH: The Rock & Mankind defeated The New Age Outlaws by DQ to retain..

9. WWF TITLE MATCH: The Big Show defeated The Big Bossman..

Triple H defeated Vince McMahon in a match that lasted almost 30:00..

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