WWE Survivor Series 2017 General Discussion & Reviews

What would you guys create for the card? would it be the all raw vs. smackdown card like in the previous thread or would you mix it up to continue rivalries? as of now some of the current matchups make zero to little sense like heel vs. heel Corbin and Miz, and Mahal vs Lesnar. On my card I wouldnt even have Lesnar. Id save a date for another time.

Kickoff Show

Harper and Rowan debut against the acension in a squash match

Cruiserweight champ Enzo vs. UK champ Pete Dunne.
i would have Enzo come out to his usual shtick and go on about how theres no champ on the roster to challenge him from smackdown and have Surprise UK champ pete dunne answer the challenge.

Main card
Raw womens champ Alexa vs. smackdowns womens champ natalya.
that match is fine.

raw tag champs The Shield vs. Smackdown tag chams The Usos.
this is one the wwe got right. im excited for this one the most.

5 on 5 traditional match
team smackdown Shane, Orton, Dillinger, Owens, Sami vs. Angle, jason jordan, matt hardy, samoa joe, Balor
I would have owens and sami turn on smackdown and beat down shane leaving Ortan and dillinger to have an underdog style comeback and get a couple of eliminations but ultimately fall short.

Strowman vs. kane

US title 6 man elimination
Corbin vs. ziggler vs nakamura vs. roode vs. English vs mike kannelis

IC title
Miz vs Roman Reigns

WWE title
Mahal vs AJ Styles.
AJ gets the title back becomes a 2x champ and keeps it until the royal rumble atleast

Also bear with me on the post i did this as a quick write up while at work with no extended thought on alot of it and no care for grammar and punctuation lol
This is something i though about today on how to make that whole brand supremacy match work without having to put aside your main feud on each brand. It's might be a bit old school since i took that idea from survivor series 1990 but i would work with in today's WWE.


Classic Survivor series match (RAW)

Apollo crews, titus o'neil, Heath Slater, Rhyno, kalisto vs Elias, curt hawkins, dash wilder,darren young, enzo

Classic Survivor series match (smackdown)

Breezango, The Ascension, vs the hype bros, the colons

main card

Classic Survivor series match (raw)
Matt Hardy, Jason Jordan, r-truth, cedric alexander, rich swann vs luke gallows, karl anderson, goldust, brian kendrick, jack gallagher

Classic Survivor series match (smackdown)
The new day, tye dillinger vs Rusev, aiden english and the bludgeon brothers

Classic Survivor series match (raw)
Braun strowman, the shield, finn balor vs Kane, the miztourage, bray wyatt

Classic Survivor series match (smackdown)

Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura,chad gable, shelton benjamin, bobby roode vs kevin owens,sami zayn, the uso's, dolph ziggler

Classic Survivor series match
Charlotte, becky Lynch, bayley, sasha banks, mickie james vs Alexa bliss, Emma, Nia Jax, natalya, Carmella

WWE universal title match falls count anywhere match

Brock lesnar vs Samoa Joe

WWE title match

Jinder Mahal vs AJ Styles

Brand Supremacy match

Winners of Raw classic survivor series matches vs Winners of smackdown Classic survivor series matches
The Survivor Series 1990 would not work as you will have no time in the show for all of this matches.

It should have been:

Brock Lesnar (C) vs Jinder Mahal (C) in a Champion vs Champion Match with John Cena as the Special Guest Referee
Team Raw (Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe and Kane) vs Team SmackDown (Shane McMahon, Baron Corbin, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura and Randy Orton)
Team Raw (Alexa Bliss, Asuka, Bayley, Sasha Banks and Mickie James) vs Team SmackDown (Natalya, Charlotte Flair, Naomi, Becky Lynch and Carmella)
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs Finn Balor and AJ Styles
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs The Usos - in a Champions vs Champions Match
The Miz (C) vs Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt vs Tye Dillinger

Team Kalisto vs Team Enzo
The Bludgeon Brothers vs The Bar - Raw vs SmackDown Match
I mentioned in the thread about the Raw vs. SmackDown theme that I think there's enough going on on each show that they can do without the interbrand rivalry right now.

The SmackDown show in particular has a match right there already. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn leading a group of guys who feel like they've been screwed over by everything but themselves (so guys like Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler and Rusev) against the good guys (so guys like AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura and Tye Dillinger). It would make sense for Shane to lead this team, or even have a one night return for Chris Jericho to really rub it in against Owens. I don't know where Bobby Roode would fit so maybe he could substitute Dillinger.

On Raw, there's also a good group of faces and heels to face off against each other. The Miz leading a group of Cesaro, Sheamus, Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt against the face group of The Shield, Finn Bálor and any other face that I can't think of right now. Maybe even have Samoa Joe interrupt and cause havoc during the match.

The Cruiserweights would get a classic style match of their own. The tag teams on both brands could fill out a match too, especially on SmackDown. As for the women, there isn't enough on each brand to have those classic style Survivor Series matches. But, I would have Asuka challenge the current Raw Women's Champion and bill it as something like "can [insert current champion] survive Asuka?" I'd then also have a multi-woman match for the SmackDown Women's Championship too.
To be fair, I believe that WWE have actually created interest in Survivor Series this year, with the whole 'Bragging Rights' theme. Yes, Survivor Series has always had this feel (well in the era's of seperate Brands), but this is the first time I think they have ever went to the extent of having all brand represented matches. Now for the card that I would put out, which is quite similar to the WWE's;

Pre Show
Crusierweight Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team ZO [Enzo Amore(C), Drew Gulak, Jack Gallagher, Brian Kendrick & TJP
Team Lucha [Kalisto(C), Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik & Akira Tozawa]

Singles Match (Brand Warfare)
Jason Jordan [RAW] vs. Chad Gable [SD Live!]

Main Card
Champion vs. Champion
Alexa Bliss(c) vs. Natalya(c)

RAW vs. SD Live! Tag Team Match
The New Day [Big E & Xavier Woods] w/Kofi vs. The Bar [Sheamus & Ceasaro]

Champion vs. Champion
The Miz(c) w/The Miztourage vs. Baron Corbin(c)

Women's Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team RAW [Alicia Fox(C), Nia Jax, Sasha Banks, Asuka & Bayley]
Team SD Live! [Becky Lynch(C), Charlotte, Naomi, Carmella & Tamina] w/Lana

Champions vs. Champions
The Shield [Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose](c) vs. The Usos [Jimmy & Jey](c)

Men's Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team RAW [Finn Balor(C), Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe, Elias & Kurt Angle]
Team SD Live! [AJ Styles(C), Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode & Shane McMahon]

Champion vs. Champion (Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Brock Lesnar(c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Jinder Mahal(c) w/The Singh Bros.
We obviously have some interpromotional matches already scheduled, and I like the theme there, so we will stick with the following on the card:

SD Baron Corbin (US title) vs Raw The Mix (IC title)
SD Usos (TT Title) vs Raw The Shield (TT Title)
SD Natalya (Womens title) vs Raw Alexa Bliss (Womens)

SD Jinder Mahal (WWE Champ) vs Raw Brock Lesnar (Universal Champ)

Now onto the additional matches

Traditional SS Women's Match
Team SD - Becky Lynch, Carmella, Naomi, Lana, Charlotte
Team Raw -Alicia Fox, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Asuka

Traditional Men's SS Match #1
Team SD - Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode, Rusev, Shane McMahon
Team Raw - Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Kane, Jason Jordan, Kurt Angle
(Sami Interferes getting Shane Eliminated, leading to Owens getting eliminated and costing team SD the match)

Traditional SS Match #2
Team SD/Team AJ - AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, The New Day
Team Raw/Team Balor - Finn Balor, Matt Hardy, The Bar, Elias
To be fair, I believe that WWE have actually created interest in Survivor Series this year, with the whole 'Bragging Rights' theme. Yes, Survivor Series has always had this feel (well in the era's of seperate Brands), but this is the first time I think they have ever went to the extent of having all brand represented matches. Now for the card that I would put out, which is quite similar to the WWE's;

Pre Show
Crusierweight Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team ZO [Enzo Amore(C), Drew Gulak, Jack Gallagher, Brian Kendrick & TJP
Team Lucha [Kalisto(C), Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik & Akira Tozawa]

Singles Match (Brand Warfare)
Jason Jordan [RAW] vs. Chad Gable [SD Live!]

Main Card
Champion vs. Champion
Alexa Bliss(c) vs. Natalya(c)

RAW vs. SD Live! Tag Team Match
The New Day [Big E & Xavier Woods] w/Kofi vs. The Bar [Sheamus & Ceasaro]

Champion vs. Champion
The Miz(c) w/The Miztourage vs. Baron Corbin(c)

Women's Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team RAW [Alicia Fox(C), Nia Jax, Sasha Banks, Asuka & Bayley]
Team SD Live! [Becky Lynch(C), Charlotte, Naomi, Carmella & Tamina] w/Lana

Champions vs. Champions
The Shield [Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose](c) vs. The Usos [Jimmy & Jey](c)

Men's Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Match
Team RAW [Finn Balor(C), Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe, Elias & Kurt Angle]
Team SD Live! [AJ Styles(C), Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode & Shane McMahon]

Champion vs. Champion (Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Brock Lesnar(c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Jinder Mahal(c) w/The Singh Bros.

i love everything going on here except Stone Cold as the ref. Mind you hes my favorite of all time i just dont see how he fits into this besides being a random attraction. Id rather have Cena as the ref. Kudos for the Jordan and gable match though. good touch.
I would keep Brock vs. Mahal (just because what else you going to do with Brock prior to Mania). What I would have happen though is a Brock win by DQ when Orton attacks him at the end of the match. This sets up a nice match for Brock to work at Royal Rumble (Lesnar vs. Orton - Cage Match)

Rest of the Card here is what I would do....

Team Raw (Shield + Balor & S. Joe) vs. Team Smackdown (Owens, Zayn, Styles, Nakamura, & Orton)

Team Raw (Wyatt, Stroman, Miz, & The Bar) vs. Team Smackdown (New Day & The Uso's)

Team Raw (Bliss, Asuka, M. James, Banks, & Bailey) vs. Team Smackdown (Natalyia, Charlotte, Becky, Naomi, & Paige)

Team Raw (Sampson, M. Hardy, Jordan, Anderson, & Gallows) vs. Team Smackdown (Rusev, Corbin, Roode, Benjamin, & Gable)

Opening Match - Enzo vs. Tye Dillinger
WWE Title
Jinder Mahal (c) v AJ Styles.
Time to take the belt of Mahal, give it to AJ Styles and let him carry it for a while

WWE Universal Title
Brock Lesnar (c) v Samoa Joe

Team Angle v Team Miz (Keep this feud.storyline going a bit)
Kurt Angle, Jason Jordan & The Shield
The Miz, Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas, Sheamus, Cesaro

Falls Count Anywhere
Kane v Brawn Strowman

Team Shane v Team KO
Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Roode
Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Rusev, Dolph Ziggler

Finn Balor v Bray Wyatt

Inter-Promotional Match
Alexa Bliss (c), Mickie James, Sasha Banks, Bayley
Natalya (c), Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Naomi

Inter-Promotional Match
Enzo Amore (c), TJP, The Brian Kendrick, Kalisto
Sin Cara & The New Day
The Survivor Series 1990 would not work as you will have no time in the show for all of this matches.

I think it would work mostly because they have four plus hour for that PPV compare to other PPV plus you don'T have to give 45 minutes to every tag team elimination match, some can have 15 to 20 minutes with quick eliminations and it would work just as fine.

Survivor series 1990 had 6 elimination tag team matches and we're able to do all of them within a 3 hour time frame. I've got 6 elimination matches on the main card plus 2 title matches and 2 elimination matches on the pre show, if you can't fit all that in within a 6 hours plus show then you're really not good at booking a show.
In a perfect world with a free reign to book how I wanted I would really hype this as an all out war. I would have planted seeds for future stories weeks ago by reuniting the club and changing champions.

Raw vs Smackdown 10 vs 10 Battle Royal
Apollo Crews, Bray Wyatt, Big Show, Cesaro, Elias, Heath Slater, Jason Jordan, Kane, Matt Hardy, Rhyno
Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, Jinder Mahal, Luke Harper, Mojo Rawley, Rusev, Sami Zayn, Sheamus, Tye Dillinger, Zack Ryder.

Team Raw vs Team Smackdown
Nia Jax (c), Alexa Bliss, Mickie James, Bayley, Sasha Banks vs Natalya (c), Becky Lynch, Tamina, Naomi, Paige

Tag Champs vs Tag Champs - 3 on 3
The Club (Balor, Anderson, Gallows) vs The New Day (Big E, Kingston, Woods)

Intercontinental Champ vs United States Champ
The Miz (c) vs Bobby Roode (c)

Women's Champ vs Women's Champ
Asuka (c) vs Charlotte (c)

Raw GM vs Smackdown GM
Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon

Universal Champ vs WWE Champ - Lumberjack Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs AJ Styles (c)

Team Raw vs Team Smackdown
Roman Reigns (c), Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe vs Randy Orton (c), AJ Styles, Shinsuka Nakamura, Kevin Owens, Baron Corbin
I wasn't gonna do this but holy shit is it an underwhelming, un-engaging card so far for me, I guess it's a form of venting. So here's the deal: I'm gonna cater to WWE's relatively long-term plans, cause I'm a nice guy. But for the sake of my own sanity, I'll be ignoring some of if not all of their booking leading up to the PPV so far. This might be a long post.

Steel Cage Match for the Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar(c) w/Paul Heyman Vs. Braun Strowman

Braun would get his rematch for the title, still determined to take down the beast. There's nothing more to add to the storyline, Braun would claim he won't make the same mistakes again, all that stuff. Brock and Heyman arrange for it to be a steel cage match, with the implication being that Lesnar might be concerned he wouldn't be able to pin Braun again, making him look a bit strong.

I get the feeling WWE's plans are for Brock to hold on for the title for the next few months, so a good finish that wouldn't hurt Braun a lot would be for him to scoop Lesnar up for a running powerslam on the cage. And from there, what you think would happen happens, and Brock ends up retaining.

Instead of portraying it as Braun being a goddamn idiot for doing it, the commentators could play up how he doesn't know his own strength, in the rush of the moment, that kind of stuff. I think it can work.

Or, they can recycle the finish from JBL and Big Show's Barbed Wire Steel Cage match that took place in No Way Out 2005, which I thought was an underrated and clever finish.

RAW Vs. SmackDown 5-on-5 Elimination Match(Male): SmackDown Live: AJ Styles(Captain), Shinsuke Nakamura, Randy Orton, Bobby Roode, Dolph Ziggler Vs. RAW: Roman Reigns(Captain), Finn Balor, Jeff Hardy, Cesaro, Sheamus

Not much to add, the story tells itself. The dynamic of having tension between guys like Jeff Hardy/The Bar, and Ziggler/Roode can be entertaining. They can play up the history AJ and Roman have had, and Nakamura is just like Roode in that he'd recently feuded with Ziggler, and had bouts with Orton.

The reason for having rivals on the same team is the obvious "they're the best we have to offer" deal. Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan can each be ringside for this match to add more interest.

No DQ Match for the WWE Championship: Jinder Mahal(c) w/Singh Brothers Vs. Shane McMahon

Here's the reality of the situation: Jinder is gonna hold the WWE title for the reminder of 2017, probably, until the India tour in December is over that is. I can't think of a good person to feed him to better than Shane. How would this go about?

The storyline would be Jinder, in all his.. Jinder.. glory, accusing Shane of being a discriminating boss. From there, the feud builds up, leading to a No DQ title match at Survivor Series. There are a number of ways to end this match without really hurting Shane's attraction, not much at least.

The Singh Brothers can interfere, or someone else with a grudge against Shane-O, and Jinder would retain.

Why would this be a No DQ match to begin with? Essentially it's a way for Jinder to actually have a good match, since Shane and weapons/dangerous spots always gets over well. Storyline wise it's done because of how heated the rivalry gets, to the point where Shane just wants to destroy Jinder, despite being well-aware of the consequences like the Singh Brothers interfering being legal.

RAW Women's Chamionship: Alexa Bliss(c) Vs. Asuka

In a perfect world, Askua would have debuted by squashing Emma(sorry, still love ya Emma). Then she'd be granted a title shot at Survivor Series, due to her impressive NXT run and main roster PPV debut. Or, she could win a battle royal, or another sort of number one contender match. You get the idea.

She wouldn't really squash Bliss, who would play a very effective chickenshit heel, avoiding Asuka at all costs and doing things such as stalling, and looking for any sort of distraction or opening. But at the end, Asuka would win, and be a dominating champion. Eventually she can drop it to someone like Sasha Banks to get her back on track as a top babyface.

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz(c) w/Maryse, etc. Vs Samoa Joe

Joe can benefit from an Intercontinental Title reign, and the Intercontinental Title can benefit from Joe after regaining some of its prestige. I think he can be booked as a really strong, dominating tweener champion.

I wouldn't have him destroy The Miz though, not after he's been so impressive. Miz doesn't need the title, he can go on to feud with different people, and possibly even be in the main event title picture again eventually.

RAW Vs. SmackDown 5-on-5 Elimination Match(Female): Becky Lynch(Captain), Naomi, Charlotte, Natalya, Carmella w/James Ellsworth Vs. Sasha Banks(Captain), Bayley, Nia Jax, Mickie James, Alicia Fox

I'll say this, I do like the idea of Becky Lynch being team captain for SmackDown, it keeps her relevant while she's out of the title picture. On the SmackDown side there's also the champion, Natalya, and Ms. MITB, Carmella. Teasing a cash in would be cool, but I feel like some wouldn't expect it, which would make it all the more exciting if it actually does happen mid-match. Could be a mess, I'll admit, but it's an entertaining possibility, and Carmella could drop it before Mania.

Sasha Banks seems more right to me for the RAW team captain, I think she still has some good star power in her that makes her suitable for that role, build up the jealousy with Alicia Fox and maybe have her double cross The Boss.

RAW Vs. SmackDown 2-on-2 Tag Team Match: Seth Rollins And Dean Ambrose Vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Yeah yeah, this is the obvious indy darling match of the night. But honestly, it would be a fantastic match. An obvious problem, from a storytelling perspective, is that KO and Sami have no loyalty to the blue brand. They shouldn't have. They despite the guys running it.

Then again, that could add some good drama if they can work around it to make it believable. Shane trusts in how talented they are, and maybe even forces himself to get on the same page with them, giving them something they want or promising them a certain thing. Plus, would they really ignore their pride and willingly lose to Ambrose and Rollins? It raises questions and builds interest.

RAW Vs. SmackDown: Bray Wyatt Vs. Tye Dillinger

I think this would be a very solid opening match, between two contrasting personalities. Tye, who really impressed in that U.S. title match triple threat, will be going for brand supremacy. The story for Bray leading up to the match is to destroy an up-and-coming one of our "heroes," destroy hope, all of that good Bray Wyatt stuff, yada yada yada.

I think they can tell a good story and give a good, exciting opener. Bray would go over.

I really wanted to work Baron Corbin into the event(especially since he's the U.S. champion), as well as The Usos and The New Day. As much as it pains me to do so, I'd have to barely fit them into the pre-show if I had to. I'd swap Baron Corbin with Dolph Ziggler in the male SS elimination match, but I just don't think he'd be as interesting in the role.

EDIT: I totally forgot about the cruiserweights(can you blame me?). I guess they'd have to be reduced to a traditional elimination match on the pre-show again.
I don't think anyone's totally bought into the whole business of brand competition, it might be different if they'd had an extra 4 to 6 weeks of build but they didn't. However, WWE has gone a more interesting route anyway given that there's been something of an "anything can happen" vibe going around. After all, we've had the blue brand invading Raw, Roman Reigns not being on the men's Survivor Series team, John Cena just being announced as being the final guy for the SmackDown men's team, Ambrose & Rollins losing the tag titles, AJ Styles winning the WWE Championship last night, a possibility of Charlotte winning the SmackDown Women's Championship next week before going onto face Alexa Bliss, what sort of role Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and possibly even Kane will play in the men's Survivor Series match. There are reports that the Shield will face New Day in a six man tag match as a means of seeking revenge for New Day's "invasion" in helping cost Ambrose & Rollins the titles, plus the prospect of AJ Styles facing Brock Lesnar is infinitely more interesting than seeing Jinder in that spot and the notion of Charlotte facing off against Alexa Bliss is one I find more interesting than Natalya; even if it turns out to still be Nattie, I think WWE has done a really good job of turning Survivor Series around and making it into a show that people now want to watch.
It seems a lot better now. Most importantly, the main event has actually a couple of stars competing. A sort of dream match. If Charlotte wins on Tuesday, the card just gets even better as I'm sure that Alexa Bliss will have her best match with Charlotte.
I'm somewhat surprised there is no Tag Team survivor series match or inter-brand battle royal announced for the pre-show,although that could change between today and sunday.
WWE Survivor Series 2017

So tonight WWE held 2017's edition of the Bragging Rights Survivor Series event. They played up the "Smackdown VS Raw" theme like never before. That gave me a lot of hope going into the event. The lack of any title defenses other than the Cruiserweight Championship (which unfortunately got demoted to being on the pre-show) was bittersweet. On one hand you have the opportunity for something pretty cool with the whole Champion VS Champion thing yet nothing was up for grabs. This whole show, essentially meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Oh well. Having Raw wrestlers competing against Smackdown wrestlers was enough to get my attention to watch. Let's have a look at what happened on this show.

Pre-Show: Elias VS Matt Hardy
Nobody cares. Seriously. This belongs on an episode of Raw and even there I would probably fast forward past it. Why not continue the brand warfare and have one singer go up against the other? A musical contest between Elias and English would have made more sense here.

Pre-Show: Enzo Amore VS Kalisto [Cruiserweight Championship]
It shouldn't have been on the pre-show, although I am not surprised. Not that anyone would have cared about the match much anyway. Had they not had so many commercials during the show it could have gone on in between the two biggest matches. I spent most of the match ordering pizza. I knew I wouldn't miss much.

Pre-Show: Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens VS Breezango
The best of the pre-show matches. I hope Breezango get something else to do soon. Maybe a title shot against The Usos. It's not like there's anyone else who could challenge for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship.

New Day VS The Shield
What a great opener. This was a very fun match showcasing the two best trios in the WWE. The Shield winning was fine and made perfect sense. New Day got plenty of offense in and all six guys did a great job. Best match of the night. Unfortunately the show went downhill from here.

Raw Women’s Team VS Smackdown Women’s Team [Elimination Tag Team Match]
This was a disaster. Why would you eliminate Becky and Bayley so early into the match when you have people like Alicia Fox, Naomi, and Tamina in there!? Becky should have been the one to last the longest out of Smackdown's girls and Bayley should have made it as long as Sasha did. Asuka winning was good but it was a cluster mess getting to that ending. Whoever came up with the eliminations should be ashamed of themselves.

Baron Corbin VS The Miz [Midcard Champions Brand Supremacy]
WHO THOUGHT THIS MATCH WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA!? This was abysmal. I took it as a chance to go to the pantry to grab my snacks for the night. I was given some gummy candies by a coworker who found them at a gas station. The only two flavors in the bag were cherry and blueberry flavored. It fit very well with tonight's show's theme. Oh, right. This match. AWFUL. Other than Naomi VS Lana, this might be the worst PPV match of 2017. I can't recall the last time I was so bored in a match.

The Bar VS The Usos [Tag Team Champions Brand Supremacy]
This was a lot better than the previous two matches. It took a little bit to get going, however. I didn't really care about the outcome. It was entertaining at least.

Alexa Bliss VS Charlotte [Women's Champion Brand Supremacy]
This was good until the ending. At first I was upset that Alexa lost, then I realized that this honestly means nothing in the long run. Part of me still wishes Alexa had won. I do like them both. I just like Alexa a lot more. Anyway, moving on.

AJ Styles VS Brock Lesnar [World Champions Brand Supremacy]
This was a waste of time, for the most part. AJ was able to get a decent amount of offense in which was a pleasant surprise. I'm beyond sick of Brock as the Universal Champion. Heyman should not be allowed to call him the "Reigning Defending Undisputed" when he never defends the dang title. Brock winning came to no surprise. At least we got this instead of Brock VS Jinder. That would have been extremely bad.

Raw Men’s Team VS Smackdown Men’s Team [Elimination Tag Team Match]
Started out good, but goodness, the ending was stupid. None of that made any sense. Also, why have Shane be last like that? I get it he is the Commissioner. That doesn't mean he should be in the match let alone the final elimination. He should be leading from the sideline. Trips causing Kurt's elimination was weird. So was the thing with Strowman afterwards. Strowman should have been the one to finish the match. Owens and Sami got involved, which I saw coming. Where was Jordan? He could have come out with a shopping cart and thrown vegetables at people like he did at Elias at TLC. Seriously the guy needs a gimmick and that can be it. The show ends in odd fashion with Strowman attacking Trips.

Overall Thoughts
This show was all over the place. The opening match and possibly the Charlotte VS Alexa match are all you'd need to see if you missed this cluster mess of a show. It wasn't horrible as a whole, more of a head-scratcher than anything. I did like having Raw wrestlers competing against Smackdown wrestlers. The show accomplished its intended purpose in that aspect. The downside is that none of this will matter in the long run. Raw still has no World Champion until the Rumble (don't EVEN get me started on that) and the main event was more about Shane than anything else which was stupid. NXT destroyed the main roster in terms of quality this weekend. I'm sure many saw that coming. The show was a step down for both brands from TLC and Hell In A Cell. It looks as if there are no more red PPV's in 2017. Smackdown has Clash Of Champions next month which seems to be the last major event of the year.

Dagger's 2017 WWE PPV Rankings
1. Wrestlemania 33
2. Great Balls Of Fire 2017
3. Summerslam 2017
4. Money In The Bank 2017
5. TLC 2017
6. Elimination Chamber 2017
7. Royal Rumble 2017
8. Hell In A Cell 2017
9. No Mercy 2017
10. Survivor Series 2017
11. Backlash 2017
12. Payback 2017
13. Extreme Rules 2017
14. Battleground 2017
15. Fastlane 2017
WWE Survivor Series 2017

New Day VS The Shield

Good opening and gave the promise of a great PPV. Who would have known. Anyway we all knew the Shield would win, but New Day gave them a run for their money. Good match all around.

Raw Women’s Team VS Smackdown Women’s Team [Elimination Tag Team Match]

This was a little strange with Bayley and Becky going out so early. Tamina is one of the most boring female wrestlers I've ever seen that was proven last night. Superkick after superkick just doesn't do it for me. Asuka shone as she cleaned house. Honorable mention to Natayla and Fox (for the hat). The rest of the match was meh.

Baron Corbin VS The Miz [Midcard Champions Brand Supremacy]

I was pleasantly surprised that this turned out to be a good match. Lot's of offense from both and Corbin blowing kisses to Maryse made me chuckle. You knew Corbin was going to win though as RAW had already won the first two matches.

The Bar VS The Usos [Tag Team Champions Brand Supremacy]

Probably the best match of the night. Both are great tag teams and it showed. I could watch this one again and I can't say that about some of the other matches on the show. These four are really enjoyable. Sheamus and that hair though, it has to go.

Alexa Bliss VS Charlotte [Women's Champion Brand Supremacy]

Charlotte winning wasn't really in question but Alexa got a surprising amount of offense in on her. It wasn't a horrible match, but wasn't the greatest either. Charlotte is easily one of the best women to come along in a long time.

AJ Styles VS Brock Lesnar [World Champions Brand Supremacy]

Wasn't really looking forward to this one because I knew the outcome, but in saying that Styles even though he lost looked good. Lesnar must really like and respect Styles to sell for him the way he did. Can't remember the last time Lesnar did that. We will never know if this was better than Mahal/Lesnar would have been, but pretty sure it's a given.

Raw Men’s Team VS Smackdown Men’s Team [Elimination Tag Team Match]

This was just a mess. It started out okay, both teams were stacked, but the way the eliminations were handled was terrible. Wasn't impressed at all and I should have been. Cena bothered me a bit by not wearing the red shirt, considering what a team player he bills himself as. That's just me nitpicking a little though. Horrible ending to what could have been a great match.

Final Thoughts

Well were do I start. After watching NXT Takeover on Saturday I knew the main roster would really have to step up and deliver. They didn't and NXT came off with a much, much better show without the big names and paycheck's.

Every year the main roster has a chance to show what they've got and every year they screw it up somehow. Last night was a perfect example. It ended up being all about the McMahon's and that story has been played out forever now. HHH and Stephanie have been gone since Mania but here they are again to screw everyone over. And what do you know Mania is coming up again.

I feel sorry for the guys out there night after night slogging away, only to have someone like HHH (and I like HHH) to come in and steal the show. I was disappointed in the predictability of the matches because you knew after RAW won the first two, SD Live was winning the next few.

Maybe next year they can try again to get it right.
First time doing this in a while. Let's go.

Survivor Series 2017

New Day vs Shield

Excellent Opener, and the perfect way to get the crowd into the event. Alot of people might see this match as a downgrade for New Day after the classics they just had with the Usos, but The Shield are different kind of workers, and the match was not going to be as fast paced. That is what makes The New Day so good though. They adapted to their opponents well. Highlights include Big E picking up both Seth and Dean for assisted Big Endings, Big E with his spear and the look on Seth's face afterwards, all the triple teaming stuff on the outside, and the ending. I would give this ****1/2 stars at least.

Raw vs Smackdown 5 v 5 Women's Match

We go from a great opener to this complete mess. Who has Becky pissed off that she gets eliminated first, but not just eliminated, but gone with a roll up? Ugh. Tamina being a Samoan Destroyer is old and no longer works, plus Nia does it better. That botch with Naomi and Fox and the ref counting 3...what the hell was that? At least it ended the way it should have with Asuka cleaning house. Perfect booking would have been 5 v 1 with Asuka eliminating everyone, but i'll take what I can get. I would give this *1/2 stars, just for the ending alone.

Baron Corbin vs The Miz

After that Women's match, this was a definite improvement. Corbin smacktalking to Maryse was great, Axel's Red Neck brace was hilarious, and the ending was well booked. The only thing I would have changed was Miz's attitude during the match. I don't know if he just doesn't have it in him as a performer, but Miz just going full on psycho, trying to use weapons, being relentless in his attack would have been great to see. I would give this **3/4 stars.

The Bar vs The Usos

You thought the two best tag teams in WWE right now weren't going to have an excellent match? This was the first in a series of matches where nothing really personal was at stake. No gimmicks, no real build up, just two great teams putting on a show. Highlights include mimicking the ending to the match last year, Super Kick Party, and that ending. I would give this **** stars.

Alexa Bliss vs Charlotte

Well, I think that was better than all of us expected. Seeing Alexa in the ring with a masterful worker like Charlotte just highlights how much she has grown in the ring. This was just two very good workers doing what they do best. I would give this ***3/4 stars.

AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar

We all knew how this was going to end. We all knew Brock was going to win. That is not the point. The question we all had going into the match was is this just going to be another squash? Would they really have AJ take a gazillion suplexes, an F5, and have it be done and over? The answer: NOPE! Excuse the reference, but this match was just phenomenal. AJ looked like a million bucks coming back from the beating he took in the first five minutes, he got in way more offense than I think any of us were expecting, Brock actually SOLD FOR HIM even after the match when he was limping outside of the ring, and everyone came out a winner after this one. Highlights include THE WHOLE MATCH! WATCH IT NOW! I would give this ****3/4 stars.

Raw vs Smackdown Men's 5 v 5 Match

And this is why AJ vs Brock should have gone on last...WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!? If the point of the match was to make Braun look strong, okay? I am okay with that. After the year Braun has had, he deserves it. So, MAKE HIM LOOK STRONG! Have him do what Asuka should have done, be the last member of his team against all of Team Smackdown, and have him destroy them all. That would have been better booking than what we got! This is not 2006 anymore. Every single guy of the future should not be the first people out, one after the other. Especially if the whole theme of the night was Brand Supremacy, which doesn't matter in the end. Like seriously, no storyline payoff for anything. No Jason Jordan? A very ineffective run in by KO and Sami. Since the match had no point, let your young guys look good in it, and get rid of the vets. This was just poor booking all around, and that ending. What the hell was that ending? UGH! I would give this *3/4 stars, just for the first 10 minutes which was actually entertaining.


The good outweighs the bad in the end. We had 4 matches that were spectacular, and so I have to hang my hat on those, even if the ending image of the night was extremely stupid. Overall I would give the show ***1/2 stars.

Oh, and yes, Takeover was better, as it always is.
The whole PPV was good until the main event. Before that everything was done right.

Shield vs. New Day - Shield got over as they should Grade B-

Women's Survivor Series Match - Needed more time and I didn't like Becky Lynch and Bayley going out too quickly but they put Askua over huge so I am fine with this. Grade B-

Baron Corbin vs. The Miz - Miz cuts a face promo only to play a cowardly heel. Match was just there nothing bad nothing good. Grade C

The Usos vs. Sheamus and Cesaro - Solid tag team match. Grade B+

Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss - A good match. I love the size difference and how it played to the story. Bliss trying to cut down Charlotte with Charlotte just over powering her. Grade B+

Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles - Great match up!!! Brock won as expected but Styles, I think, raised his stock despite the loss. Best Lesnar match quite some time. If I were to change something I would probably add a few more mins to add a bit more drama right before the finish. Grade A

Men's Survivor Series Match
This started out well then it just became garbage after awhile. Let's look at how things went:
- Nakamura and Roode were the first two eliminated (both for Smackdown! and the whole match) leaving only Shane (non-wrestler), Cena (part time guy who isn't even on SD), and Orton (good talent but is kind of past his prime).
- Kevin Owens and Zayn make a run in on Shane but Shane ( the same Shane that needed 9 people to beat X-Pac at WMXV) was able to over power both of them. Nice way to put your main roster over!!!
- Balor and Samoa Joe were eliminated by Cena and Orton. Funny I thought Balor and Samoa Joe were the future of the company and since they are the full time guys it should.
- Final contestants were Triple H, Angle, and Strauman vs. Shane McMahon and Orton. Like is this 2005?
- Shane is the last man standing for Smackdown!!!
- Angle has the Ankle Lock on Shane like forever and does not tap. Shane basically outlasted Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, The Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Kane, and Hulk Hogan with the Ankle Lock. Yes the same Shane McMahon that needed 9 people to beat X-Pac at WMXV
- Triple H goes over ... yes its 2004/2005 all over again.

Grade D - Only reason why it's not an F is because the first part were good and Strauman looked good here. This would have been a match to put over guys like Balor, Joe, Nakamura, or Roode huge instead they went for non-wrestlers, part time guys, people whose prime were 12 years ago, and Strauman (who could have been counted out since he was already established somewhat).

Overall event grade: B-
The card was actually really good and I would grade this higher but the final match left a sour taste in my mouth.
I don't want to review this ppv match by match because I don't see the point of doing a whole review. I just have to say that I was really surprise at how much I enjoyed this ppv from start to finish.

The fact that you had performers from start to finish that we're able to tell stories based on a concept that was put on them just a month ago.

The opening match sets the tone for the entire card at how fun to show would be.

The women's elimination match pretty much serve at pushing asuka while protecting nia Jax at the same time.

The biggest surprise of the night for me was the Corbin vs miz match which was better then I expected. Great job by the miz to actually tell a story of fighting for his wife honor.

Charlotte vs Alexa was reaĺly good, nothing to tell really.

Lesnar vs an styles was again better then I was expected. Again a really good match with a really good story.

The main event was pretty much there for 3 reasons, set up HHH rumble and mania programs. Advance the feud between Shane/Owens and Zayn & to push Vince's next pet project, Braun strowman and they did exactly that. Again I loved to story that was told in this match and the ending was fun.

In the end, this actually felt like a up huge show which I felt that with that card and the rush build, it didn't have the right to be. In the end for me, this was the strongest show of the weekend.
It was my first full pay-per-view since WrestleMania. I usually keep up with the results and watch one or two matches that catches my attention and that's because they aren't really doing anything creative or original with some of my favorites. This time however, they did sell me on the potential of the card, specially with the 5 on 5 main event and The Shield reunion.

I'm a huge mark for The Shield. I still believe they are one of the best groups ever in wrestling and that means that New Day had no reason to beat them clean. Therefore I enjoyed the heck out of the opener. Great action with both teams getting good offense and with the right team winning. There's a lot of potential if that means an heel turn for Dean Ambrose in the near future, so they needed to show that they are still the dominating trio they've been in the past for it to come full circle.

There's nothing of note in the inbetween the main events. The Miz should've been the babyface, his promos were so his role in the match should also be that. That confused me.

The AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar was easily the best match of the night. What a great fight and AJ really brought his A-game. Hope his feud with Mahal don't last that long as I believe he could be having stellar matches while he can with the best WWE has to offer.

Then comes the traditional Raw vs. SmackDown elimination match. The worst booked match I've seen in a long time. You could feel the audience dying when the fresh talent got eliminated and even after that, the way Orton and Cena were treated as dweebs, pissed me off. I also have to point out that I don't like Braun Strowman and even less so the way he is pushed as the next Brock Lesnar. He easily eliminated Nakamura and Roode, one move, bam. It sucked. Hated that. Liked Balor being involved in Cena's eliminationt though.
Survivor Series

1. The Shield vs. The New Day - A hell of an opener and I was pleased to see that New Day and Shield were able to hold onto that chemistry that New Day has had with the Usos. Great action, a good story told with the group dynamic, a hot crowd and even a few believable near falls here and there. What I also liked what that they didn't go out of the way to try and make Roman Reigns look anymore dominant than anyone else in the match. If anything, I thought Big E looked like the better powerhouse last night. All six men worked their asses off and delivered about as good of a six man tag team match as you can hope for. The ending came with the Shield doing the triple powerbomb spot from off the middle turnbuckle and I swear on my mother's grave that I actually said to myself that it'd be cool if they did that spot to end the match and they did not a few minutes later. The Shield takes it a little before the 22 minute mark. ****1/4

2. Women's Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match - This match ultimately went better than I hoped for or expected due in large part to the ending. It was a bit sloppy at times, but nothing horrible and Becky being eliminated first felt like a wrong move to me. I may have saved her for last but maybe that's just me. The live crowd was into some of the pairings, such as Tamina vs. Nia Jax, and were hanging on a lot of what went on. It all ultimately came down to Asuka as the last surviving member of Raw against Tamina and Natalya and Asuka ultimately came out as the sole survivor after forcing Tamina to tap via a cross armbar and Natalia via the Asuka Lock at the 18.5 minute mark. It felt pretty quick for the type of match it was but it ultimately came out with a satisfying result and I thought it was cool that Asuka came out ahead. ***

3. Champion vs. Champion: The Miz vs. Baron Corbin - Of all the matches on the card, I thought I'd hate this one but it turned out to be a good match with an energetic pace. Corbin and Miz worked well together and I liked the idea of Miz stepping it up a notch, digging a little deeper into his arsenal as a hubby standing up for his wife. Miz spent some time attacking Corbin's leg and Corbin did a good job of selling it throughout the match. I like that the interference from the Miztourage was kept pretty minimal and that Corbin ultimately wound up taking them out. The match looked like it could go either way for most of the contest and the end comes suddenly with Miz running towards Corbin only for Corbin to counter and catch Miz in the End of Days for the win a little past the 9.5 minute mark. ***

4. Champion vs. Champion: The Usos vs. The Bar - I was curious to see if these teams could generate the sort of chemistry with each other that they've generated with their opponents over the last several months and I was happy to see the answer was yes. Really good work from both teams and I also liked how they used the ending for a bout they had during last year's Survivor Series, in a tag team elimination bout, in this match; I hadn't realized that until Michael Cole mentioned it and THAT right there, those little tidbits of information and attention to detail on a frequent basis is what commentary doesn't do enough of. The ending came about with one of the Usos, I still have trouble telling them apart, leaps over the top rope to take out Cesaro on the floor while simultaneously making a tag to his bro, who climbs the ropes and delivers the big splash on Sheamus for the win at the 16 minute mark. ****

5. Champion vs. Champion: Charlotte Flair vs. Alexa Bliss - Considering this match had less build than any other on the card, it was a good effort from the ladies. I felt that Alexa did get in too much offense and that it should've been more of a back and forth sort of deal because I just have too much trouble buying Alexa Bliss, all 5'0" of her, being a dominating force in a match. With that said, they told a good story with both women coming off like they had something to prove and Charlotte did a tremendous job selling her "injured" ribs throughout the match. The one spot where she put Alexa up in the powerbomb, she used her left hand to cup her ribs before doing the spot and I thought that was great attention to detail. The end of the bout comes right at the 15 minute mark after Alexa is forced to tap to the Figure Eight. ***1/4

6. Champion vs. Champion: AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar - This was another outstanding performance from Styles that went about as good as anyone could have realistically expected. Lesnar wasn't going to lose, so the best that could happen is Styles giving him a competitive match and that happened in spades. I like how the match was laid out with Styles being able to weather the storm of Lesnar's barrage early on, Styles sold Lesnar's stuff really well and the story was of Styles coming off as an underdog while Lesnar was this cocky predator toying with the prey before making the kill. Style's comeback was great in that he pushed Lesnar, he withstood Suplex City and was now forcing Lesnar into "deep water." There were a few botched spots, such as Styles doing the springboard moonsault transition into a reverse DDT and the botched tornado DDT spot in the corner, though I'd have been surprised if those had gone smoothly as Lesnar doesn't prepare like he did back in the day. Lesnar also did a bang up job of selling for Styles' Calve Crusher, both during the move and throughout the rest of the match and Styles hit most of his big moves, except for the Styles Clash and I'm not surprised they didn't use it here; Styles and Lesnar could pull the move off, but it also probably scared Lesnar a bit. The end comes with Styles going for another Phenomenal Forearm only to land astride Lesnar's shoulders, where Lesnar then delivers a crushing F5 for the win at the 15.5 minute mark. ****1/2

7. Men's Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match - This was a mess, just one lousy booked mess that had Vince McMahon's fingerprints all over it. WWE had spent the last month or so drilling into fans about whole "one night a year where Raw and SmackDown go head to head" stuff, I mean they friggin' hammered that point in ad nauseam since the commentators said it at least a dozen times during Raw and SmackDown Live. However, of all the matches on the card in which that should have applied to the most, this match wasn't about that at all because the entire spotlight was put on Triple H, Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon. This match dragged on for some 35 minutes or so and it stopped being interesting after Braun Strowman eliminated Nakamura and Roode within a few minutes of each other. All the stuff with Triple H, Angle and Shane that happened, I couldn't have cared less about that but, again, Vince is more focused on Attitude Era talent to a detriment to the product as a whole. Team Raw won the match, and Survivor Series as a whole, due to this match after Triple H hit Shane with the Pedigree. Strowman sold confusion for a while before ultimately turning on Triple H and delivering a couple of powerslams to him, which did end the show on a bit of a high note. I've no problem with Raw winning, I'm just sick and tired of the Attitude Era guys continuously being the focus. **1/4

Final Thoughts - Overall, Survivor Series was a very good show with an extremely strong undercard and a limp noodle of a main event. The Shield vs. New Day, the Champion vs. Champion matches, especially Styles vs. Lesnar and the women's Survivor Series match all delivered. The main event was just a mess, it started out pretty well but then fell apart about 12 or so minutes in. I thought it was especially gag worth to have Kurt Angle eliminate John Cena, whereas it would've been a nice little rub for someone like Balor or Samoa Joe, you know, someone who'll actually benefit from it. However, the garbage pile that was the main event wasn't nearly enough to outshine the strength of the rest of the show, so 6 out of 7 matches being good to phenomenal is a great average.

Grade: B+
I tuned out of the main event as soon as it was Cena, Shane and Orton versus the rest. Why not let Nakamura or Roode go the distance as an underdog, against HHH and Strowman? Shane gains nothing from this. We get it. He's a daredevil. He's tough. But he won't be headlining any PPVs in a couple of years. I also hated the fact that there was no Bray Wyatt. Bray, Strowman, Balor and Joe, led by Angle is the perfect RAW team. Have Triple H on the sidelines.

Actually the whole Triple H angle came out of nowhere and completely ruined this event. Triple H's presence was not needed. His actions make no sense. The whole match felt as a mean to push his feud with Angle, the feud they so desperately have been trying to find a way to do. And on top that, you run an angle with Shane as his brother-in-law and an angle with Strowman? That's just too much.
In what is pretty much the consensus I dug the hell out of the entire event minus the main event. I know Brock gets a lot of flack on here about not being there or not giving a shit whatever the argument but the fact remains that he probably sells better than anyone else on the roster. His last 4 matches he has looked like he got shot out of a cannon at the end of it which gives his opponents far more credibility even on a losing end. The guy views pro wrestling as a job and nothing more. There isn't anything wrong with that. I go to work and give it my all for the time that I am there but it's not like I would join the softball team or interact with co workers outside of it. Brock clearly busts ass when he's there.

The main event raises so many questions. It used to be that I got excited for guys from NXT to come up to the main roster, but how Shinsuke and Roode have been since coming up I would probably be happier with them staying in NXT where they would be utilized properly. How does Nakamura go from being one of the biggest signings in years to losing to Jinder Mahal one of which was clean? He also got eliminated first without much hassle. How did Shane McMahon end up being the last one on team Smackdown while lasting around a minute in the ankle lock? He also swatted away Owens and Zayn like they were flies. I wouldn't have minded it coming down to Roode/Nakamura against Balor/Strowman/Joe in an all out war.

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