WrestleZone Debaters League

Yea, I don't like having my ass verbally spanked by Gelgarin. But I did the best I could with what I have to work with. It was a question that simply was impossible to debate the other side on without making outlandish, downright unbelievable claims like I tried to do. I'll be alright though.
Oh oh, I'm facing the Canadian next. I hope he is able to debate because that's the debate I've really been looking forward to the most.

Also, TM, I was just wondering if the person with the most points is the person who moves on to the "playoffs"?

Oh I am all in. Vacation is over until October 31st...
So I hope you guys enjoyed last week. Don't worry, this next week will seem but a breeze now that we have seperated the boys from the men.
Pretty quick now.

Two new debaters have entered this week, but I am sure some of you will recognize one of their faces. Milkway! has won the battle royal...in a tie, and will take over the spot from Ricky. His first debate will be against Lee.

A fellow Canadian also enters the races as Jenovas Witness also qualified for a spot, and will take on Hip in his first debate in the league.
I don't like my topic. Can I come up with a question for myself?

Since there have been so many alternates, I reckon it would be fairer if each division had semi finals. That way, there'd be a point in replacing someone who had lost a couple of matches.
Yeah, that is a good idea Tasty.

By the by, I am really looking forward to debating with you, man. Should be good.
Ah shit, I had so much on last week I forgot about this :(
I'm the same, man. I was just trying to get used to work and college last week, I could only squeeze out two arguments. I think I won it though, so it's all good.

EDIT: I was also thinking that you could have a different sub-forum for marked and unmarked debates, alongside this weeks debate section. I think that would make it easier to mark them and maybe not have the delays that we do?
Since there have been so many alternates, I reckon it would be fairer if each division had semi finals. That way, there'd be a point in replacing someone who had lost a couple of matches.

There will be two people from each division movin on
I am sorry to say that I have to pull out of the league. Since joining, I have found less and less time to do it and my debates are suffering. Sorry to TM and Tastycles for leaving you at this time. Sorry again and I hope that you guys can forgive me.

my protege you are not, no longer.

To the gallows.

The Gallows, good bar name.

This means I think its time for another battle royal!

Anyone who wants into the debaters league better let me know now!
This week should be interesting... I've got to battle FTS and it's one of those "chicken or the egg" debates...

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