Wrestlemania 21: A Retrospective Look

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This is the 21st of 29 topics looking back on previous Wrestlemania events. Every couple of days I have been submitting a new one and will continue until all of the past Wrestlemania events have been discussed, leading up to the big day in April where Wrestlemania 30 will take place. We are now 2/3 of the way there.

This thread will be for discussing.... Wrestlemania 21!


Wrestlemania 21 took place on April 3, 2005. It was held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. There were 20,193 fans who attended the event. Here are the results of the matches from this show:

0. Booker T won by last eliminating Chris Masters in a 30-man Interpromotional battle royal as the Dark match

1. Rey Mysterio defeated Eddie Guerrero in a singles match (12:39)

2. Edge defeated Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Christian (with Tyson Tomko) and Kane in a Money in the Bank ladder match (15:17)

3. The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton (with Bob Orton) in a singles match (14:14)

4. Trish Stratus (c) defeated Christy Hemme (with Lita) in a singles match to retain the WWE Women's Championship (04:11)

5. Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels in a singles match (27:25)

6. Akebono defeated Big Show in a Sumo match (01:03)

7. John Cena defeated John Layfield (c) in a singles match to win the WWE Championship (11:26)

8. Batista defeated Triple H (c) (with Ric Flair) in a singles match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (21:34)

Now, here are some discussion questions concerning the event:

What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?

Which movie trailer parody from this event's production did you like the best, and why? Which one did you like the least and why?

If you could change a few things about Wrestlemania 21, what would it be and why?

You may only use wrestlers who were available at the roster at that time or make changes that could have realistically taken place in April 2005. Please keep in mind the situations going into the show such as who could actually have been pushed into a title match, or what songs existed back then if you wanted to change the show's theme music, and so forth.

You may only discuss Wrestlemania 21 in this thread. The remaining Wrestlemania events will be getting their own retrospective threads shortly, any posts regarding other events will be considered spam and you risk getting an infraction.

An additional note on Chris Benoit, please keep comments on him limited to the match from this show. There's more than enough topics on him elsewhere in this section.

Discuss! :)
This was an interesting mania and a good example of sometimes doing what's necessary for the future. John Cena and Batista were very popular going into mania but neither were established main event guys yet and didn't have that big name star power. As we know it can be hard to create new main event stars. I give credit to WWE for taking two guys they believed in and throwing them in the fire. They were built up strong going into mania but they still looked a bit out of place in the main events on the biggest show. Luckily things worked out for both men and what appeared to be somewhat of a gamble at the time was just the beginning of two great championship careers. If they didn't make it WM21 would be looked at as a bad mania but because both had success it is remembered as a good show and a turning point for the company.

As for my favorite match, hold on to your hat, it was Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle. You mean you're not surprised? I having a sneaky suspision that most are going to pick this match and not much explanation is needed. This was a dream match and while I don't think it was as perfect as some people describe they did deliver and it was a great match.

Least favorite? Flip a coin. The women's match or the sumo match. Both were bad. I believe the women's match was supposed to be Trish vs. Lita instead of Christy Hemme but Lita got hurt so Hemme was the substitue. At least there was a story with the Diva search winner getting the title shot. The sumo match was just pointless. I don't mind celebrity involvment at mania but was Akebono a celebrity? I had never heard of him. I doubt most people knew who he was. There was just no reason for this to take place.

As for the changes, I think I'd leave most of the card alone. Since Akebono was pointless I guess Big Show could have worked with Heidenreich but that wouldn't have made much of a difference. At the time I was hoping for Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit in a submission match. It looked like they were going in that direction but if I remember right that match ended up happening on Raw instead. I think that would have made for a good mania match but I'm ok with them being in MITB as the first MITB was probably the best when it came to star power. If I were to pull those two out I would substitue them with Booker T and....Maven I guess. Booker got the snub that year and deserved to be on the card. Maven? I guess there wouldn't be a better choice.

The real changes I'd make are with the title matches. As I mentioned, they both worked out so I wouldn't change the matches themselves, just how they were booked. JBL vs. John Cena was too short and the ending came out of nowhere. I would have had this go a few minutes longer with a better climax. For nine months JBL was a dastardly and cowardly champion. He used his Cabinet to help him out of some tough situations. Why would a heel voluntarily send his hired help away before his most important title defense? It makes no sense. Cena should have been put in the position where he had to overcome the odds and defeat JBL despite the interference from his Cabinet. Like I said, the ending just came out of nowhere and although it was a nice clean win for Cena's first title it just didn't have that special moment feel to it.

As for Batista I have two changes that may seem like minor nitpicking but I think they would have helped. First is his entrance. He still had the more generic music instead of his 'I Walk Alone' theme. After Triple H came out to a live performance from Motorhead Batista's entrance was very underwhelming and he didn't look like he belonged in the main event. He got the new music immediately after mania so it would have been nice if he had it for that match. Sorry if that sounds lame to you guys but we all know a big part of wrestling is presentation and I really think that would have made a difference. The other thing is I wouldn't have had Triple H bleed so much. Another thing that may seem minor but it made HHH seem like an overmatched underdog. Batista wasn't going to be a physical underdog against HHH but he was an underdog in experience. HHH should have used that experience, dirty tactics, and Ric Flair to make Batista the underdog instead of being physically overmatched by him.

Overall a good mania, especially considering the stars Cena and Batista became but it could have been even better with some booking changes to the main event matches.

As for the trailers, I think most were very good but I pick Steve Austin as Gladiator as the best. This one didn't air until mania and I wasn't expecting anymore. We didn't know who was under the mask and it seemed like everyone had been used so it was pretty cool hearing Austin's voice to open mania. My least favorite was Taxi Driver. It was ok but not funny compared to the rest and I didn't care for Batista keeping that catch phrase for a little while.
What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?

My favorite match was Undertaker vs Randy Orton with Shawn/Angle being a close 2nd. Around this time the WWE was really hyping Takers WM win streak. I was scared as shit that Orton would end the streak. This match had me at the edge of my seat, this is definitely one of Takers best WM matches. Also this match began the necessary repairs to Orton's character after that disastrous feud with HHH.

My least favorite match was the sumo match between Big Show and Akebono.

Which movie trailer parody from this event's production did you like the best, and why? Which one did you like the least and why?

I liked the Undertaker movie trailer the most. I really don't have a "least favorite" they were all funny.

This WrestleMania was better than WM 20 IMO. But if I had to change anything I'd scrap the sumo match. Then I'd replace it with Booker T vs Big Show. Booker deserved to be on the main card. Besides that everything else stays as is.
I loved this Wrestlemania event. It is one of my personal favorites as not only did it push Batista and Cena into their first World Championship reigns as well as having the first ever Money In The Bank match, but as has already been pointed out it was a turning point for the company. The quality other than a couple of little issues was great from top to bottom. I've watched it many times and it remains enjoyable each time. The movie trailer parodies were an awesome addition and gave this show the feeling of it being a big deal that all Wrestlemania events need to have. My favorite of these was either Braveheart or Gladiator's parodies. They got me very hyped when I watched them, and even still today. My least favorite was the Basic Instinct parody due to the involvement of The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young. I could have done without that, I enjoyed them all though.

The best match had to have been Michaels VS Angle. For in-ring work, it was the very best on the card and among the better matches both wrestlers have been in. Although one of my two changes comes into play here. I always felt that Michaels should have gotten the win over Angle. That is my one and only complaint about their match which was overwise one that no fan should miss out on watching. The second change I would make deals with the Akebono match. What a horrible and pointless waste of time that was. It is the only bad match on a show that overall is worthy of an "A" grade when reviewing it. Big Show could easily have been in a singles match with anyone on the active roster not in a match. I don't care who, anybody but this garbage of a "match". I would replace it with Big Show VS literally anybody available in a singles filler match that goes on second after Rey VS Eddie.
This WrestleMania came during a period where WWE was on a roll when it came to WrestleMania's. WrestleMania XIX, WrestleMania XX, WrestleMania 21 and WrestleMania 22 were all fantastic, the first being my favourite, however WrestleMania 21 did stand out for a unique reason, in that most matches offered us a taste of the future.

The Money in the Bank ladder match was fantastically done, with six very unique and viable superstars. Edge's win eventually catapulted him into main event stardom, where he would stay until his untimely retirement in 2011. Randy Orton versus The Undertaker may have been slightly shorter than recent matches, however it was done very well, and Orton, even then, was a star in the ring. The two had an awesome match, followed by a near year long feud.

Kurt Angle versus Shawn Michaels was flat out fantastic. This was the match of the night, and the only match to really have veteran versus veteran, but it worked well on the card. John Cena's win over JBL was what started it all. Nine years on and still the face of the company. I would have had this match go a bit longer, and reworked the ending. It came from nowhere and made little sense. And of course, Batista's win over Triple H to win the World Heavyweight a Championship. The build was great, the match had an old school feel to it in some ways, and that snapshot of his celebration over the 20,193 people is still vivid.

Akebono versus The Big Show was a waste of time, I think I'd rather have had a longer match elsewhere, rather than replace it. It's a shame the Women's Championship match couldn't have been Trish Stratus (c) versus Lita; the event would have gone up in my estimations. Eddie Guerrero versus Rey Mysterio was a great kickoff. And one can't forget the amazing parodies they did, they were great. Overall a great WrestleMania, one of my favourites.
This was another awesome Mania. The whole "Wrestlemania goes Hollywood" line brought a uniqueness to it with all those entertaining parodies. My favorite one was the Pulp Fiction one with Eddie and Booker T. I'll even go as far as saying my favorite Stars in the Taxi Driver parody (since the rest of the roster were on it) were The Big Show, Carlito and Snitsky. Those 3 were the funniest.

The card was put together well from the opener of Tag Champ vs Tag Champ with Eddie and Rey. A nice kick off match, to the inaugural MITB, and Legend vs Legend Killer rocked as well. IT was nice to see Bob Orton Jr get that last moment at Mania using the classic cast. It even brought out the best in Cena and Batista as Main event stars, but the match of the night of course was between Kurt Angle and HBK. What a performance.

I think I would only get rid of the Sumo Match. I didn't have to see Big Show in a Sumo Diaper LOL and put either the World Tag Team Champs (Regal & Tajiri in a match against La Resistance) or do another inter-promotional match and have Heidenrich vs Snitsky. Alas, celebrity involvement is a tradition at Mania, but they were already in the entertainment capital they could have scooped someone else to take a small part. I know Aki Bono isn't well known to most but from what it sounds like, he's well known in Japan and Hawaii so I guess that makes him gain some kind of celebrity status.
This continued a streak of good/great Manias that started at WM17 after the 2 pretty horrible ones that preceded it. My favorite match was Michaels vs. Angle, hands down. This is a 5 star match and probably in my top 10 of all-time Mania matches. It just had everything you could ask for in a wrestling match. You kept waiting for Shawn to find a way out of the ankle lock, but after Angle continued to counter the rollout attempts and dragged Shawn back into the center of the ring several times, the inevitable finally happened and Shawn tapped. As for my least favorite, besides the obvious of Big Show vs. Akebono (a sumo match, really?), I'll go with JBL vs. Cena. This just did not have that big match feel for me, despite being for the WWE Championship. It only went 11 minutes and I think that JBL deserved better after his lengthy title reign. There's not many changes I'd make to WM21, but there's always little things that can be improved. So here's my card:

1. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

Though I'm not a fan of the tag team champions facing eachother, given the pretty bad state of the tag division at this time, I can't blame them. Plus Eddie and Rey could always be counted on to deliver a great match. So I think they made the best out of a bad situation and I wouldn't change a thing here.

2. MITB Ladder Match: Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Christian vs. Big Show vs. Booker T vs. Kane

I'd still have Edge win, but I'd take Benjamin out so the IC Title could be defended. I'd throw Booker T and Big Show into the match (scrap the sumo match that nobody cared about).

3. Intercontinental Title: Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Carlito

I'm not a fan of guys who are already champs being involved in the MITB match. To me, their top concern should be defending the title they already possess. Carlito would've made a good opponent for him. The only part he played in WM21 was the short appearance in the Piper's Pit segment.

4. Women's Championship: Trish Stratus (c) vs. Christy Hemme

I have no problem with how this was booked, with Christy being mentored by Lita. Probably the sexiest ring attire Trish ever wore was on this night.

5. The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Orton made the perfect opponent for Taker at this year's Mania, with his "legend killer" gimmick. This was my 2nd favorite match of the night, and I liked seeing "Cowboy" Bob Orton get involved.

6. WWE Championship: JBL (c) vs. John Cena

I would move this match up 1 or 2 spots on the card, just because like I said earlier, it didn't have that big match feel to me. It should've gotten at least a 20-minute spot. With JBL holding the title as long as he had, he deserved to lose in more spectacular fashion.

7. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

Perfect match, I just would've put it on 2nd to last.

8. World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (c) vs. Batista

Not much to change here either.

I'd really hate to mess with the Taker/Orton match, but there has been something I've always kind of wondered about. With Hogan and Piper both being inducted that year, did they miss an opportunity with the way they were booked at WM21? Piper had his Piper's Pit segment with Austin and Carlito in which essentially nothing happened. Piper had Austin out, they slapped eachother, Carlito came out, they kicked his ass, drank beer, and Austin stunned Piper. Not much to write home about. As for Hogan, he came to Eugene's rescue in a segment when Muhammad Hussan attacked Eugene out of frustration over not being booked on the card.

So should they have had a tag team match (1 on 1 would've been pretty unwatchable I believe) of Hogan & Taker (or anyone for that matter) vs. Piper & Orton? Orton would've made the perfect partner for Piper, seeing how his dad was Piper's partner at the original WM. Anybody could really work for Hogan's partner obviously, I just suggest Taker because of his feud at the time with Orton. Would a Hogan/Piper tag match have made the card better, or would it have dragged Orton and Hogan's partner down?
I'd really hate to mess with the Taker/Orton match, but there has been something I've always kind of wondered about. With Hogan and Piper both being inducted that year, did they miss an opportunity with the way they were booked at WM21?

I wouldn't have changed the Taker VS Orton match. It was just fine the way it was. I would change nothing about it.

Would a Hogan/Piper tag match have made the card better, or would it have dragged Orton and Hogan's partner down?

It depends on who they would be facing. Hassan didn't have a match while Big Show had the idiotic sumo match. If we are going the route of a Hogan & Piper in a tag team match then I'd have rather made it to where Hogan was in Big Show's corner while Piper was in Hassan's corner and put together a match that not only replaces the sumo match but provides the fans with a feel good moment when Hogan and Big Show win.
As I mentioned in one of the prevous Wrestlemania threads, this is one of my top 5 favourite Mania's. This Wrestlemania was the launch of a new era in the WWE and was a great example of how to create new major stars. Also the Wrestlemania movie trailer parodies were funny as hell. I remember me and my friend in school having a big laugh about them. Our favourite parodies were Taxi Driver and Basic Instinct.

Favourite Match - It's a tie between Angle vs. Michaels and Orton vs. Taker.

Angle vs. Michaels was a masterpiece. Had great storytelling, great in-ring ability, great in-ring psychology, great counters, and a great ending with HBK refusing to tap to the Ankle Lock for about 2 minutes and trying his best to break out but Kurt holding on tight, eventually making HBK tap. Both guys tore the house down and looked like warriors that would never quit. The build up was awesome too with stars from Shawn's past like Sherri & Marty Jannetty, being brought back to intensify the rivalry and make it personal.

Orton's performance in the Streak match was absolutely fantastic. Not only did boost his credibility as a main eventer but he really had me convinced that he would actually end the streak. Orton and Michaels at WM 25 are the only two guys that ever had me believing they would end the streak. Also you gotta love Orton's counters in this match especially the Tombstone into the RKO. Great match and a great feud this was.

Worst Match - A tie between the Womens Championship match and the Sumo match.

Christy was a terrible choice to challenge Trish for the Womens belt. At the end of the day, she's a model, not a wrestler.

And the Sumo match was a waste of time but I get the WWE wanted to attract a strong PPV audience from Japan. Maybe they could've saved this for Summerslam instead. Show deserved better at this event.

As for the rest of the card...

The two championship main events weren't great but they did their job in making Cena & Batista the next generation's two top stars.

Eddie vs. Rey was an awesome opener, it's my second favourite Wrestlemania opening match behind Bret vs. Owen.

And the Money in the Bank match was an excellent replacement for the TLC matches.

The only changes I would make are to my picks for the two worst matches on the card.

Trish Stratus (c) vs. Victoria for the WWE Womens Title

This would've been a good match for the title and you could still have Lita at ringside, either on commentary or in Victoria's corner. Lita can accidentally cost Victoria the match, which could lead to an early heel turn from Victoria, as she would turn heel a few months later.

Big Show vs. Carlito

Carlito was healed up from his arm injury by this time, so just move the feud he had with Big Show a month later, down to Wrestlemania. It was a decent match, and I don't know about anyone else but I loved their "Bad Apple" segment where Carlito gave Big Show a tainted apple to eat, lol.
A very good mania IMO very well done. I actually enjoyed the trailers they were funny and insightful. As far as the card goes,Great wrestling.. The most surprising though,was the way Cena won his match. For damn there ten months,JBL used every dirty tactic there was,using his cabinet to do his dirty work,while picking up the scraps.

JBL sending his cabinet or rather dismissing them,was like Huh? Made no sense,plus IMO the match was way too short.. JBL didnt look like he belonged out there.. I thought the batista,HHH match was well done IMO. I would have had flair though,use dirty tactics to help his boy HHH retain his title.. I personally and always will feel that Triple H should have gone over in this match,then drop the title at the following PPV. The Sumo match,was god awful to put it nicely.

I dont know what happened to make the higher-ups do this to the big show,maybe they just wanted to see him in sumo gear.. What a disgrace IMO. Big show didnt deserve that,and a match against Heidenrich would have been better.. Of course the match of the night,was Angle Vs HBK. Talk about a five star battle,amazing amazing match. This match is worthy of every accolade and praise it gets.. A true masterpiece!!

The womens match should have been scraped,Hemme didnt deserve to be in the ring with trish,it was ugly to watch,but with Lita being hurt i guess they had no choice
I heard that edge was supposed to win the rumble in 05 and go on to win the world title from triple hhh at mania it would of been good I think with him stating in 04 that he was going to take out evolution one member at a time. My mania card would be different with it being

1) Eddie & Rey (C) vs MnM
Tag Team Title Match I would of had this become a tag match instead as a nice opener

2) Chris Jericho Vs Chris Benoit Vs kane Vs Shelton Benjamin Vs Christian Vs Batista
Money in the Bank Ladder Match, I took out edge and put Batista in and I would of had him win the briefcase and cash it in at a later date.

3) Undertaker Vs Randy Ortan
Stays the same

4) Trish Stratus Vs Lita
Woman's Title Match this looked better

5) Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels
Stays the same

6) Orlando Jordan (C) Vs Booker T
United States Title Match with booker going over

7) Big Show Vs Heidenreich

8) JBL(C) Vs John Cena
Wwe Title Match stays the same

9) Triple HHH (C) Vs Edge
World Heavyweight Title Match, I'd have dee win the rumble and then beat hunter for the title
Macho Machismo said:
the Tombstone into the RKO.

Meant Chokeslam into the RKO, lol.

Macho Machismo said:
Big Show vs. Carlito

Carlito was healed up from his arm injury by this time, so just move the feud he had with Big Show a month later, down to Wrestlemania. It was a decent match, and I don't know about anyone else but I loved their "Bad Apple" segment where Carlito gave Big Show a tainted apple to eat, lol.

Forget this one, I have a better opponent in mind for Carlito.

Booker T vs. Carlito

I forgot about Booker until reading the other's posts just now and I agree with everyone else, he deserved to be on the card. This feud between Carlito and Booker could start over Carlito disrespecting T's wife, Sharmell, and spitting apple in her face in a backstage segment. I think this would've been a really good match.

And Big Show vs. Heidenreich, as the others suggested.
Not one of my favorite shows, but still a very solid show. WWE hit the main event matches right as it was about passing the torch with Cena and Batista winning the titles. I wonder if any serious thought was given to having Cena win his title against Taker. It would have made a statement no doubt, but the streak was well established at this point so I doubt there was ever any serious talk centering around it. Taker ended up going against Orton which was a great story with a great match as was Michaels/Angle.

My favorite match was Michaels/Angle. Just a great match with a good mix of wrestling and athleticism. Loved the ending with Shawn tapping after being in the ankle lock for what seemed like forever. The worst match was the sumo match. It just didn't hit as a special attraction the same way Show/Floyd did a few years later.

As for my favorite Mania goes Hollywood spot I would go with Angle and Christy Hemme for their spoof of When Harry Meet Sally, or Sleepless in Seattle? I'm sure it was one of those. It was laugh out loud funny. And Mae Young saying I'll have what she had worked.
This was a strong Mania and it was bold for the WWE to put the straps on their two younger guys. They obviously wanted to start building for the future and they did that at the biggest possible stage. Both Cena and Batista went on to have tremendous careers. The matches themselves weren't much but were passable.

The Money in the Bank and HBK/Angle are my favourite two matches. MITB was a untried concept and it worked tremendously. The Michaels match is simply a classic which really isn't surprising given the talent of those two. Taker v Orton was enjoyable and that Chokeslam counter is one of the best Streak moments. Rey v Eddie was solid as well.

Overall it was a good event. Every match (divas aside) delivered and that meant this was an enjoyable Wrestlemania. Moreover, this was a breakthrough night for Cena, Batista, Edge and Orton.
Wrestlemania 21 was a massive disappointment for me. I can't remember why it happened, but I missed the live show for some reason, so I bought the DVD. Overall, I think it's a decent show at best, and I don't understand the hype for this one.

Kurt Angle VS Shawn Michaels is vastly overrated, and the rematch at Vengeance is the better match. Akebono VS Big Show is embarrassing, Trish VS Hemme is terrible, and Rey VS Eddie is forgettable.

Cena VS JBL is okay , and I was happy to see JBL lose the title, because he killed my interest in Smackdown for months. Still, for a big world championship match at Wrestlemania, Cena VS JBL is underwhelming. Batista VS Triple H is a dull main event. As far as quality goes, it's a so-so match, and the Hell In A Cell rematch (oddly enough, another rematch at Vengeance) was much better.

Undertaker VS Orton is the highlight of the show for me, because it's a top five worthy streak match on my list. MITB was amazing, and I'll never forget the crowd's explosion for Hulk Hogan attacking Muhammad Hassan and Daivari during the save for Eugene, and Hogan's encore with the fans afterwards. Incredible moment.
This was one of my favorite manias. Having the last 2 royal rumble participants win gold on the same night for the first time (showing that they're the future of the company) is pretty good booking.

Eddie vs Rey was a fantastic opener, which is what most manias need.

Orton vs Undertaker was booked great especially with Taker's legendary streak and Orton
being the legend killer. Thought Orton was gonna kill another Legend but I'm glad he didn't.

The first ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match was great with the rise of Edge.

Angle vs HBK was the best match of the night and one of the best mania matches of all time. I think HBK should have won but Angle needed the win to be a top heel.

Cena vs JBL and Batista vs Triple H were both good title matches with the latter being more gruesome.

Having both Austin and Hogan on the card was amazing as well. Having the past (Hogan/Austin) meet the future (Cena/Batista).
1) Eddie & Rey (C) vs MnM
Tag Team Title Match I would of had this become a tag match instead as a nice opener

MNM hadn't debuted yet but you reminded me of another idea I had in the past. They debuted right after mania and since they had the gimmick with the red carpet and paparazzi I think they should have debuted at mania since WrestleMania had gone Hollywood. They didn't need a match. Just come out with the red carpet and paparazzi and cut a quick promo announcing hey had arrived.
This is actually one of my favorite WrestleManias. The "WrestleMania Goes Hollywood" theme was cool, and the card was solid. This show really marked the beginning of a new era in the WWE, with new stars being pushed into the top spots. We saw Edge win the very first (and very best) Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Randy Orton had a great match with the Undertaker, and of course Batista and John Cena won their first World Titles. In the midst of elevating the newer guys, WrestleMania 21 also delivered a classic match between two established stars, Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels, two of the best in-ring performers ever. Mysterio and Guerrero also had probably the second best opener in WrestleMania history, right behind Bret vs. Owen from Mania 10. The segment where Hogan came and took out Hassan and Davari was fun, and I liked seeing Austin on Piper's Pit. There's really not much to shit talk about this Mania aside from Big Show wearing a thong and wrestling in a sumo match. As much as I like to see Big Show's bare ass, I don't think the sumo match was really necessary. That's basically the only thing I would change. Lose the sumo match, and maybe have the RAW Tag-Team Titles defended on the show (or anything else honestly). Aside from that, a great WrestleMania.
This WrestleMania wasn't bad, but after WM17, 18, 19, and 20 were all so good, this one just couldn't measure up and seems bland in comparison. The biggest problem with the show is the lack of title matches. Neither tag team and neither midcard title was on the line, and it just makes the show seem less special.

My favorite match on the card is a close call between Undertaker/Orton and Angle/Michaels, but I'm going with Undertaker/Orton. I watched this with a group of friends who were very pro-Orton and I was one of only two in the group rooting for Undertaker, so it was a great moment when he won.

Least favorite was Big Show/Akebono. Totally pointless.

Favorite movie parody was Basic Instinct, least favorite was Taxi Driver.

The main thing I would change is I would have replaced Big Show vs. Akebono with Big Show challenging Orlando Jordan for the United States Championship and winning in a quick squash. OJ was a pointless US Champion who only took the title off Cena to generate heel heat for JBL. The Akebono match drew zero interest, so this US title match would have put another championship on the card and given Big Show his first victory at a WrestleMania a year earlier.
WM21 was the reverse WM20. WM20 had great main events and an amazing emotional finish while WM21 had an amazing undercard but the main events felt pretty weak.

It was funny the first part of the match (until Angle/Michaels) I was really into the event. I was pumped up and really felt like I was watching one of the greatest WM's of all time. Then the sumo match and the Championship matches I just lost interest. It's not because of the talent involved also it was the main event matches felt lackluster.

WWE Championship Match - JBL vs. John Cena
- This was strange JBL dominates 80% of the match an 10 mins in Cena does a few moves FU and wins the title. I was thinking to myself, is that it. After JBL cowered his way to winning and retaining the title for 10 months with every dirty tactic in the book, this is how he loses it? I would have preferred a longer match, maybe 5 mins longer. Then the run in by the Cabinet, crazy stuff happens, then Cena wins. It would have made sense for JBL's character and it would have made Cena look better winning his first WWE Title.

World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Triple H
- If JBL/Cena was 5 mins too short, Batista/Triple H was 5 mins too long. The match was pretty boring and felt like a basic match where Triple H dominates then loses. It felt slow and didn't really play on Batista's strengths (which was he was big mean aggressive guy). I would have this match go for 15 mins, which the last 2 or 3 mins Batista dominating the match in a series of power moves then BAM! Batista bomb, Batista wins the title. Like I said this would have played on Batista strength that he is big and impactful, same reason why fans were cheering for Batista over Benoit on RAW it's because Batista looked dominant.
What was your favorite match on this show, and why did you like it the most? What about the worst match of this show, why did you like it the least?

No doubt Angle and Shawn Michaels. I really loved the build up here since both guys were on different shows neither actually interacted that much before WM. It was actually pretty great keeping them apart and doing their own thing (A Rockers Reunion on RAW, Angle vs. Jennetty on Smackdown). The match itself was pretty brilliant and loved the physicality of the match, Angle looked like a warrior when blood was coming out his mouth.

Least favorite had to be the Sumo Match, thankfully it was short. It wasn't bad though since, unlike others here, I did feel it served a nice purpose and I did hear it got some attention in Japan.

If you could change a few things about Wrestlemania 21, what would it be and why?

The championship matches and how they turned out. See my post above.

MNM hadn't debuted yet but you reminded me of another idea I had in the past. They debuted right after mania and since they had the gimmick with the red carpet and paparazzi I think they should have debuted at mania since WrestleMania had gone Hollywood. They didn't need a match. Just come out with the red carpet and paparazzi and cut a quick promo announcing hey had arrived.

Problem is WM21 had too many non wrestling segments already. With Piper's Pit and the Eugene/Hassan/Hogan bit. I don't think they could have squeezed in anymore time. Even JBL/Cena was cut short due to time constraints.

Cub McCallister said:
6) Orlando Jordan (C) Vs Booker T
United States Title Match with booker going over

I would agree with this only to put Booker T at WM. Strange he wasn't in it. They may had to reshuffle some matches on the card due to time issues. But if this could be done why not.

Cub McCallister said:
4) Trish Stratus Vs Lita
Woman's Title Match this looked better

Lita was injured though but I do agree that Christie Hemme had no business being at WM21. I don't remember how who were the available divas at the time but I am sure someone else could have been a better alternative.
My 3rd favourite Wrestlemania (after 17 and 24) - WWE struck the perfect balance with this card. That said, a few tweaks (and revising history) could have made it that much better.

The WWE title match was the worst match on the card IMO, for all the reasons mentioned. Far too short and too clean given the nature of the JBL character and the fact his was the longest reign in a decade. The Cabinet should have been involved - including the delightful Amy Weber (one of my favourite divas of all time), though she quit a month earlier (historical revision #1)

The sumo match was rubbish, but I feel that comic relief is needed at such high quality events (like the gimmick battle Royal at 17), otherwise there's a danger the crowd will burn out. This is also the reason divas matches are generally placed between main events. (NB. Divas matches, until recently, invariably suck, so I'm not considering Trish v Christy for the worst match award as it's a given) Also, Akebono (who ironically later became a wrestler for AJPW, I believe) is probably the 2nd most famous sumo in modern history, behind Konishki (the 'dump truck', look him up).

Best singles match was Kurt v Shawn - fantastic match (and just because their rematch was better doesn't take away from this one); Taker v Orton was brilliant too, and I think the first time they built the streak into the storyline rather than giving it a passing mention.

My favourite match overall though was probably MitB - the original and the best. Here's where historical revision #2 comes in: I believe that the original plan was for Matt Hardy to be the 6th and final competitor, but he got released a few weeks prior to 'Mania because of the whole Edge-Lita affair. As good as MitB was, had Hardy been in it instead of Kane it would have been more balanced and even more spectacular.

As for the skits, my favourite was the passionate 'A Few Good Men' parody by Cena and JBL
Mania 21 is absolutely historic and deserves all the praise it gets. this event is responsible for the main event pushes of Cena, Batista, Edge and Orton. sure, they had all accomplished a lot prior to this event, but this stage quite literally set the stage for the rest of their careers. it was a pretty big gamble but clearly worth the risk.

still, true to this series, some quick changes...

Eddie vs. Rey was an incredible opener and i've long liked the storyline of them being current Tag Team Champs here. however, having read some other responses, i've changed my mind in that regard. i'd keep the match as is, but the build would be a bit different. i'd have the Basham Brothers defeat Eddie and Rey for the Tag Team Titles for two reasons. first, it gives JBL's Cabinet all the gold (World Title, US Title and Tag Titles) and it gives Eddie and Rey a reason to fight here on this stage. they can blame each other for the loss of the gold and settle it on this stage. so that works for me.

Tag Team Titles: i mentioned (in my Mania 20 response) that i would have unifed the two sets of Tag Team Titles at that event since the division was lacking from previous years and two sets seemed a bit excessive. that said, i'd have the Basham Brothers defend the only Tag Team Titles at this event against the newly debuting MNM. it would have been a perfect debut for "WrestleMania Goes Hollywood" given their gimmick and a strong debut to win the Tag Team Titles on the biggest stage in their first match. so that's the match i'd have added.

US Title: i'd have Orlando Jordan defend his title against Booker T. it would be a pretty logical build and decent match. give Booker the US Title here. yes, it'd be a bad night for JBL's Cabinet, but it happens.

Sumo Match: Akebono vs. Rikishi. if you absolutely must have this match, put Rikishi in it instead of Big Show. we saw Rikishi in a thong for years. a diaper isn't much worse. and if Akebono gives this event some celebrity status and some bigger buys in Japan and Hawaii, then so be it. to be clear, i'm not recommending this match stays. but if it absolutely has to, then i'd make this switch.

Taker vs. Orton stays as is. it was a pretty perfect match and the first time the Streak became the primary story for Taker's match.

Angle vs. HBK was match of the night and stays as is also. the build up was amazing and the match was phenomenal. i always prefer HBK winning at Mania, but Angle was the right call here.

Women's Title: i think this should have been Trish vs. Victoria since Lita was injured. maybe make Christy Hemme the special referee and screw Trish out of the title.

MITB: Jericho vs. Benoit vs. Edge vs. Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Christian. i would prefer that Benjamin defend his IC Title at Mania instead, but he was on such a roll going into Mania 21. i legit thought he had a chance to win the briefcase here and go on to the main event scene long term. so he belonged in this match in my opinion. and i like having the powerhouse Kane in there too to mix up some of the fighting styles. great ladder match and awesome ending with Edge becoming the Ultimate Opportunist.

i think Big Show belonged on this card and i thought the Piper's Pit segment was a bit flat. plus, another thing i mentioned in my Mania 20 response was to have Piper's Pit at MSG with Rock and Austin and i think that would have been better then and there. so for Mania 21, how about having Hogan/Big Show vs. Piper/Muhammed Hassan? i think that'd be a decent-ish tag match, it's got some history with Hogan and Piper and it gets all four still on this card.

then if you want to do an interview segment, have Carlito do Carlito's Cabana, have his guest be Eugene (who was very popular at the time) and script in a confrontation/beat down that leads to a feud between the two later on down the line. so again, that gets all the guys that were on the actual show on my fantasy show, just switched around a little bit.

World Title #1: Batista vs. Triple H. i thought this was a decent match and told a logical story. their rematches were also good and this set up Batista well for his future in the WWE. leave this match mostly as is.

World Title #2: JBL vs. Cena. this match was way too short and as many have said, didn't make a ton of sense given JBL's tendency to cheat to win in every match. i think i've got some of that taken care of in my fantasy card by having all the members of his Cabinet booked in matches and losing their respective titles. so having suffered defeat, they wouldn't be in any physical or emotional condition to help out their leader here. and then i'd make this match a Street Fight. JBL would then get to legally cheat, as he often did in his title defenses anyway, and Cena a chance to overcome even greater odds. hit JBL with a chair and then hit an FU on the chair. it might have made for a better story inside the ring.

still, between some of the great matches we saw (MITB, Angle/HBK, Taker/Orton) and for the careers it launched (Cena, Batista, Orton, Edge) this was an impressive Mania that did its job well on this night.
I think a lot of people forget that Batista really was the bigger star coming into this show. Cena was rising rapidly but he just wasn't as big of a deal as Dave yet. Batista was the unstoppable Animal on Raw and CEna was stuck on Smackdown. It was clear that the talent was there, but he needed to jump over to Raw to really get the attention. The matches aren't great here, but I could watch those trailers for hours on end.
i flew across the country to go to this mania. great trip. one memory i have is after austin stunned pipper, when pipper was laying on his back he still continued to drink beer. all the cameras were on austin doing his middle finger salute to the crowd, but pipper just layed in the middle of the ring drinking beer. it was pretty funny.
I think this is certainly an underrated Wrestlemania, and one I am planning on rewatching after being reminded of all the great matches on this card.

The Angle v HBK match is a classic, and I would expect nothing less from 2 of the greatest of all time. As always, they didn't disappoint.

This PPV was one of the key moments in the making of Orton. Along with his WHC victory over Chris Benoit and the brutal street fight with Mick Foley, this match with Undertaker is one of the battles that made Orton into the star he is today. I love the match.

The whole Batista v Triple H storyline is fantastic. The way Batista catches Evolution talking about him, and the vicious powerbomb through the table he delivers to The Game are great memories. The match itself is also really entertaining.

Cena's match with JBL isn't that great but it's a big moment as Cena wins his first title. I'd like to have seen the match go on a bit longer as it feels rushed. Also, JBL's Cabinet should have interfered, making Cena overcome the odds more as it felt inevitable even then that he was going to beat JBL, especially as he dropped the US title just a few weeks before. They should have done something to make the result seem less obvious.

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