Would you Pay to see Dead Wrestlers?

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Championship Contender
I was thinking after Tupac's hologram performance, what if WWE either did a Night of the Living Dead PPV or ONE dream match per year at Mania

think about it. Would you go see Randy Savage's hologram wrestle at WrestleMania 30 with him being the lead inductee etc?

They could either have it be hologram vs hologram or holgram vs live wrestler. Wrestlers have wrestled blow-up dolls, why not a hologram

While we're on the topic we could have wrestlers who cant go anymore have holograms wrestle too.
Since one costs a lot it may be bettert to have on featured hologram match every Mania or every other Mania

Wouldnt you want to see Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle? Stone Cold vs Hulk Hogan and Sting vs The Undertaker?

they could just hologram it,especially cool effects could be done for Taker/Sting

I'm sure some will say no, but I think this could be good. Imagine Owen Hart wrestling one more time via hologram. They could even do small storylines with them. Maybe they put Owen's hologram on the mic after a shock return and he announces his death was a conspiracy

I know there'd be no chance of them doing this, but the most controversial hologram could be Benoit, maybe they could have him apologize, say he wasnt in his right mind, it was the concussions and such and show him and his family in hologram form and have them say they're in peace an such

maybe try to change Benoit's standing with ppl

What do you all think about the ways in which hologram wrestling could be implemented?

I mean if they're thinking about a Tupac tour with the hologram (and Michael Jackson will be next if that happens) why not wrestling bouts at Mania?
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