Will We Ever See an ECW Championship Match As The Main Event?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
After reading Leafy Shuffleboard's review of December To Dismember 2006, I realized this was the last time the ECW championship was the main event match at a ppv. Provided, it was an ECW branded ppv, but it still was a main event, and the elimination chamber match was pretty good. With all the speculation about ECW closing up shop in the near future. I'm wondering, will we ever see a ECW championship match main event a ppv?

Now before all of you start with the, "hell no this shouldn't happen! It's WWE's C show!" argument, It wouldn't hurt things to have at least ONE ECW title match headline a ppv. If WWE can put Christian up against a strong foe, then I don't see why they couldn't promote it as a main event match. Christian is more than capable of carrying a good match with anyone. He did it with Zach Ryder, and I think he could do it with anyone else.

Will we ever see a ECW championship match headline a ppv? Should it happen? Why or Why not?
No, it wouldn't work in any way. Tell me, is there any man in the world, that would think "wow, Christian vs Yoshi Tatsu. Thats a big match, i better buy this pay per view." as opposed to "Wow, John Cena vs The Undertaker. Thats a big match, i better buy this pay per view."

WWE didn't consider John Cena vs Sheamus for the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP in a TABLES MATCH marketable enough to be higher on the card than Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston in a regular, no titles involved singles match. So why on earth would they choose any sort of combination from ecw over every match they'd have on a ppv?
It'll never happen, and never should.

Ok, who would be this "strong foe" for Christian? My issue isn't that the ECW title or show shouldn't be featured. Its that besides Christian who on the show could possibly headline a PPV? William Regal? Shelton Benjamin?

Who on ECW is even worthy of being ON a PPV at this point.

This will never happen.
After the ECW title match at TlC i was pleasantly surprised as this was one of the only ECW title matches i can give pass marks to in recent months. Apart from Benjamin there is no other opponent in ECW worthy of a title shot IMO. These two wrestlers put on a great show but they could not pull off a main event at a PPV.
After reading Leafy Shuffleboard's review of December To Dismember 2006, I realized this was the last time the ECW championship was the main event match at a ppv. Provided, it was an ECW branded ppv, but it still was a main event, and the elimination chamber match was pretty good. With all the speculation about ECW closing up shop in the near future. I'm wondering, will we ever see a ECW championship match main event a ppv?

Actually your wrong it was two years ago, One night stand Vince vs Lashley was the main event, and it was not considerd an ECW PPV.

Now before all of you start with the, "hell no this shouldn't happen! It's WWE's C show!" argument, It wouldn't hurt things to have at least ONE ECW title match headline a ppv. If WWE can put Christian up against a strong foe, then I don't see why they couldn't promote it as a main event match. Christian is more than capable of carrying a good match with anyone. He did it with Zach Ryder, and I think he could do it with anyone else.

Will we ever see a ECW championship match headline a ppv? Should it happen? Why or Why not?

It would be a great idea if Vince actually put more time into promoting the brand, the fact is that probably the only guy wanting the brand to suceed has left, its strongest supporter and no it wasnt paul heyman that person was shane mcmahon.

Shane was one of the main factors that ECW got renewed with Scify in the first place and also a factor in the ECW X stream being placed on the site so that US fans could still catch the brand itself.

ECW can generate some great talent which has been seen with the huge crop of newcomers on the WWE roster two of which have been World Champions, the brand has also been great with putting on countless wrestling matches with no skits or nonesense i watched Raw yesterday and turned off after watching countless drivel for nearly an hour, that has been the first time ive turned off Raw and the first Raw i had seen since i made the choice not to watch the WWE's supposed A show.

The brand could put on a huge main event but you would need someone credible to carry it with Christian and the sad truth is ECW is totally understacked in the main event department, so unless someone is braught onto the roster to help elevate the talent and also the credibility of the C show then i guess it can never happen.

Because of the reasons above (no challengers worth a damn in ECW) and as I had mentioned in previous threads, the WWE considers ECW as pretty much a joke. Every PPV, my buddies and I bet on who will open the PPV: The Divas, or ECW putting up the aluminum belt. More times than not, it's ECW.

If you want ECW to headline a PPV, put some real players in it. Come on, William Regal, Zack Ryder...it's filled with mid-card stars. Put Undertaker, HBK, HHH, or even Orton...SOMEONE who can lend credibility to the show. Christian is good, but his title is the equivalent of an IC or US belt in the WWE's eyes. Sadly, I don't see anything changing either.
As much as I like ECW, I think the answer of "Will we see a ECW Championship Match Headline a PPV" will be a resounding no. The only way this happens is if ECW gets rebranded to a higher position than it is in right now, and the odds are that ECW is going to be defunct as a brand soon, if not just strictly a "newcomers" show. It would be one thing to see an ECW Champion defend his title against a major superstar from another brand. But as far as a ECW-brand ECW Championship match, it will never happen... not the way things are right now. The only hope anybody has of ECW headlining a PPV is a complete rebranding with major stars on the brand, instead of one or two. But Vince has made it clear that ECW will never be on that level while he still draws breath and runs WWE.
I'll actually say yes, although likely not in the way you are thinking. If you recall a few years back they did a Raw champ vs Smackdown champ vs ECW champ main event for cyber sunday in which everyone got to vote on a title. I could see them pulling a similar thing as a means to get rid of one of the titles IF they do infact plan on getting rid of ECW. I could also perhaps see a smackdown vs ecw unification match. If edge comes back from injury and wins the world title at elimination chamber, christian is still champ, i could see them doing a christian vs edge title vs title for the ppv.
Sadly unless its a really tricked up match, or is defended against another champion or has a a big storyline with the ECW title attached to it somehow, I dont see it as being the main event of a ppv. I say sadly because im one of the few who enjoy ECW, and like what they have accomplished and what they are doing. Your current WWE Champ Sheamus was brought up to the ECW roster and was helped by the likes of Goldust, Shelton, and Tommy Dreamer to get up to par on the WWE stage and then sent to raw to get his push.

But ECW is mostly dismissed on ppv cards, unless theres a need of time filler (i.e william regal squash against Christian at summerslam in 10secs) or they genuially want to see if two guys are credible of carrying a big match,like Shelton vs Christian at TLC ,which was kick ass, but even then it was the first match? a lot of people were looking forward to it and it had a nice buzz but yet that was the first match, that should tell you all you need to know. Heres hoping that whatever changes they make to ECW in the next year is for the better, and not to go off topic but heres hoping Christian gets the credit he deserves.
First I want to say thank you for reading my review.

The ECW title is never going to headline a PPV. First you see WWE's view of it having a comedy diva match instead of showing off Swagger and his title. Also they're getting rid of ECW so we won't be seeing the "extreme" title for much longer. The ECW title is just above the IC title and with the way they're pushing the IC and leaving the ECW title at the bottom we won't see a headline in the future.
It's obvious that the WWE doesn't take the ECW belt seriously. Hence why it will never be the focus of a WWE PPV. Christian is an able wrestler who has brought cred to the belt, but he's not a headline for a PPV. Vince sees ECW and Christian as second tier, which is why you see so many younger starts on the show. If they could trust someone to lead a PPV, they would have them doing it with a WWE title instead of ECW's belt.

So, NO, we'll never see an ECW Title match headline any PPV. It's not the top belt and the top stars won't wrestle for it.
Sure it could work. Edge comes back still as heel, wins Smackdown title by some shady bullshit and Christian takes exception. I'd like to see these guys feud just with promos. Let 'em have free reign on the mic. They don't even have to appear on each other's show. build to the PPV and y'all will wanna see it.
Yeah, I threw another title in there but Edge wins one everyother week so I just figured it'd be taken for granted.
Point I'm trying to make is that any title could headline a PPV *cough* Bret vs Bulldog *cough* as long as the circumstances around it are compeling enough that you'd give a shit.
There is absolutley zero chance this will happen. Dont get me wrong. Im a huge fan of Christians, but he couldnt headline a pay per view right now if he was facing cena. Did anyone see the pop, or lack there of he got last nite? They panned the crowd and i think maybe 4 people were actually standing. And 2 of them needed another beer.That aside, the ecw title isnt even close to the other 2 belts. And on a side note, Shelton benjamin may be a hell of a talented wrestler, but his lack of personality will NEVER allow him to sniff a main event at a pay per view. Nor should it. When are you internet tools gonna get it through your heads that being a good "wrestler" is only about a third of whats required to be a steady main eventer.
Question, wouldnt TLC's ECW title match count as one of the main events? I know that it wasnt the closing match, but then niether were the WHC and WWE title matches. in the new Gimmick PPVs it is outright stated that the MEs get the fancy gimmicks (whether that be submission, HiaC, or Table, ladder or chair matches). the ECW title got one of those gimmick matches at TLC, and therefore it was a main event match. But I suppose that it all depends on what you define as a Main Event. If it's the 'go home' match, then I doubt that the ECW title will be in the main event again. If it's in a gimmick match at one of the new gimmick PPVs then it was just in a main event.
I still have to question why people are making threads about "the future of ECW" or whether or not "ECW will do anything" in the future. With major changes in store for the 10-11 PM EST hour, and the Brand likely closing ... honestly, why bother talking about ECW unless you want to speculate what is going to happen to the Brand? ECW is most likely closing down shop, so all this really is, is taking up space, sadly.

ECW will NEVER be in the Main Event of a PPV because the Brand is a Developmental Brand. Does it make sense to put a wrestler of a Developmental Brand on as the Main Event of a PPV? Vince has made it very clear that ECW is NOT a brand that is on par with Raw or Smackdown, so it won't be treated like it is, unless Vince changes his mind on that. And that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon.

Honestly, why continue with these ECW threads?
I would have to say NO.

First of all, chances are that they won't last another year. Also, the superstars aren't marketable, as they don't even get much screen time when they're on ECW.
I read people on this thread say that there is no formidable opponent for Christian to face for the ECW Championship in a Main Event of a PPV. Well I got a name for you.

Hes a Canadian. Hes a 9 Time World Champion ( Transitional, but you know ). Hes one half of one of the greatest most electrifying Tag-Teams in WWE history. And if you haven't guessed yet, its Edge.

I know its stupid because a) we all know Edge will never go to ECW and b) Christian's probably moving to Smackdown! after WrestleMania 26 in the Draft anyway, but lets just say that maybe Christian stays on ECW and Edge only comes back after. He gets drafted from Smackdown! to ECW. Everyone is shocked. Tuesday Night comes along and bang heres Edge and he wants the ECW Championship, but who's your Champ? Christian.
So they have some epic Mic Work for 2-3 weeks leading to Backlash, eventually it turns into a 2-3 PPV Feud with Edge winning Round 1 and 2, and at the Third PPV ( God knows what it'll be called ), they have the rubber match... In TLC.
Now are you really going to tell me that Edge -vs- Christian in a TLC Match for the ECW Championship couldn't and shouldn't Main Event ANY PPV... Thats what I thought.

Now of coarse this is has a 1 in a million shot at happening but hey, if Sheamus can win the WWE Championship out of the blue like he did, then this has a small chance of happening.
Im actually going to say yes. Sure its incredibly unlikely. But the wwe has been unveiling alot of gimmick ppv's as of late its possible they could do something like a breakout ppv where it's just up and comers involved in the matches or maybe two superstars who were banished from the wwe (say maybe orton and punk or something like that), and they are battling for a raw/smackdown contract.

So while its most likely impossible I wouldn't rule out the possibility of this happening.
The only possible way for the ECW Championship match to headling a WWE PPV is if it will be unified with the WWE Championship. Given the possibility that ECW will be finished sometime in the near future, I personally would love to see that happen as a nice send off.
The only possible way for the ECW Championship match to headling a WWE PPV is if it will be unified with the WWE Championship. Given the possibility that ECW will be finished sometime in the near future, I personally would love to see that happen as a nice send off.

Why in the Hell would the WWE do such a thing like that? The ECW Championship is not affiliated with the WWE Championship in any way. Both titles have an entirely different history, with the ECW Title's background originally representing Hardcore wrestling ... and today, representing a Developmental Brand.

Why would a Developmental Brand title be merged with the WWE Title? It defies logic.

It makes the most sense just to retire the belt. To be frank, Tommy Dreamer would be the appropriate person to give it to, to retire. That way, a bit of the old ECW is at least preserved in his name, as the last ECW Champion, ever.

Since ECW is likely finished, the chances of seeing an ECW match as the final match of ANY PPV in the future is slim to none. Pretty much, non-existent.

But combining that title with the WWE Title doesn't make a shred of sense.
Will we ever see a ECW championship match headline a ppv? Should it happen? Why or Why not?

I'm going to have to say never. It is not viewed as an important enough belt to headline a PPV. Even the idea said by a previous poster of merging it with the WWE title would be a bad idea as well. I can understand why someone would suggest this, but given the history of the ECW and WWE titles it would not make sense, as has already been pointed out.

We will have a better idea of what will happen to the title when we find out more about what is going to happen to ECW, but if it is 100% for sure going to end as a brand, then I agree with the idea of having Dreamer be the final champion and just letting the belt be retired.

However, this belt will never main event a PPV and it shouldn't because it has such a low value that the only times it ever did were when the entire PPV was about the ECW brand. It is barely above the midcard titles and it will never catch up to the WWE and World titles in terms of importance to the federation. We are never going to see another PPV main event for the ECW Championship because of that.
The only time I would spend 15 quid on a PPV with the ECW belt being contested in the main event would be if the challenger was William Regal, purely for the fact he's English, even despite the fact he has almost sod all chance of actually winning short of cheating.
Why in the Hell would the WWE do such a thing like that? The ECW Championship is not affiliated with the WWE Championship in any way. Both titles have an entirely different history, with the ECW Title's background originally representing Hardcore wrestling ... and today, representing a Developmental Brand.

Why would a Developmental Brand title be merged with the WWE Title? It defies logic.

It makes the most sense just to retire the belt. To be frank, Tommy Dreamer would be the appropriate person to give it to, to retire. That way, a bit of the old ECW is at least preserved in his name, as the last ECW Champion, ever.

Since ECW is likely finished, the chances of seeing an ECW match as the final match of ANY PPV in the future is slim to none. Pretty much, non-existent.

But combining that title with the WWE Title doesn't make a shred of sense.

Combining the Intercontinental title with the European, Hardcore, and then WWE Championships didn't really make any sense either, but they still did it. I'm not saying I want the same to happen for the ECW title, I don't, but I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility.

Onto the matter at hand, no an ECW match won't headline a PPV. The build for an ECW match is never going to be the focal point of the company because it is on the brand that has a third of the Raw audience. When Kofi Kingston came out at Night Of Champions in 2008, nobody realised who he was. The same thing might happen if somebody like Yoshi Tatsu was on PPV. Seriously, there isn't anyone on ECW that could ever headline a PPV, so it really isn't going to happen.
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