Why aren't they a tag team?


Pre-Show Stalwart
J & J Security

They are Seth Rollins security team obviously, former superstars in their own rights, current trainers down at NXT, yet what in Kayfabe gives them the qualifications to be Seth Rollins security team? I don't understand why they don't fight as a tag team, i'm not suggesting make them tag champions or anything, but they're currently no threat to anyone, a comedy act, when in reality they should be.

So what do you think?

Could they be an effective tag team still or is it too late in the game?
There really is no need for them as a team. They aren't there to win championships or wrestle matches. They are there as the security team for Seth Rollins.
I don't really have an opinion on them relatively at all, but I guess I don't really see a point in them having matches at the moment. Perhaps when they move on or something.
They pretty much got the role because the audiences recognized them. One time Raw closed to 'Jamie Noble' chants when he was part of one of those backstage personnel break up a fight segments. Mercury and Noble are both producers (or agents, I forget which)

As for why they aren't a tag team, Noble retired due to a back injury. I doubt he is looking to get back into the ring full time. Mercury had a bunch of drug issues, came back after rehab, got injured during his Straight Edge Society run. After that he became a trainer in FCW. I don't think either of them are looking to get back into the ring. They are just recognizable fall guys for the authority, trained enough to take a few bumps.
I friggin' love J&J Security. Especially Jamie Noble. They're hilarious. They're the new Patterson & Briscoe. It's fantastic. I am not opposed to them wrestling more often, but they are obviously jobbers. They're there to give Rollins heat through interference and by taking the fall, that's all.
Ah, I thought this was going to be a topic on guys we think could make an obvious tag team.

As for J & J, the wrestlers themselves have had major injuries, Noble I believe retired full time. Not so sure about Mercury.
Mercury's reliability would be in serious question. Back in 2007, Mercury himself admitted that he'd been a drug addict since he was 15 years old; he admitted to frequently using crack, cocaine, heroin and mixing it with alcohol. Mercury, who's real name is Adam Birch, has overdosed three times and totaled somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 cars. He was involved in a fourway ladder match at the Armageddon ppv in 2006 and suffered an injury, which led to his addiction to painkillers. Vince himself confronted Joey, said he'd had enough and he was let go. To my knowledge, he's clean now and has been for at least the past 5 years or so, but I also think it's too little, too late as far as a wrestling career goes.

As for Jamie Noble, he pretty much retired in 2009 after suffering a severe back injury during a match with Sheamus in late 2009. Noble had been wrestling since the mid 90s by that time anyway and had a number of nagging issues, so he ultimately hung it up.

So Noble's a 38 year guy who hasn't wrestled in 5.5 years with a bad back while Mercury is a 35 year guy who's abused drugs & alcohol literally half his life which destroyed his reliability and sent his wrestling career into a tailspin. I see no future for these guys as a tag team.
The answer is obvious, but has already been explained: They're retired. They're playing the same roles Brisco and Patterson played. They can no longer really compete, but they're young enough to take some bumps and it gives them a job.
As everyone else has said they are retired, and only show up as Rollins security team. I guess in a way they are sort of a team, but only get involved when needed, and as part of a larger group.

Add to the fact that Noble is friggin hilarious in his role, especially when he gets on the mic, and he can still go in the ring, somewhat. The tag division needs serious tag teams, not a comedy jobber team, they already have that in Los Matadores.
I'll give you the reasons why they aren't a tag team yet

1) They're Seth Rollins, the Security for the company's future. They shouldn't get distracted from their duty!

2) They're retired that's why they're just taking some bumps and punches not any devastating attacks. They can't afford to get injured.

3) The tag team division is going great now. Not the Authority should involve in that division and show their power.

Moreover, I remember a old interview that Seth Rollins gave when he was in the Shield. He said Joey Mercury is the Fourth Member of the Shield, and he's the reason for the chemistry in the ring, their success and their motivation. I didn't take that interview so seriously. But looking back now, Seth wants to pay some kinda homage to Joey, that's why he put him in his Security team and keeping him close.

Respect Rollins, He isn't a cunning witty backstabber in real life. Respect Joey. J&J security in my verdict is a real good asset for Seth so they shouldn't move away from their chores.

Why would they be a tag team though? J & J has one thing to do and that is provide adequate security to The Authority and more importantly to Seth Rollins. If they also go into business for themselves and start wrestling as a tag team, who focuses on Seth? Who protects him?

Personally I would never have used J&J and Seths security just because they are so small they don't logically stand a chance against most people. It doesn't help that the last time I saw Jamie Nobel was when he was absolutely destroyed by Chuck Pulumbo.

If I had planned the Authority I would have gotten a guy like Jack Swagger and someone who can take big bumps like Luke Harper into the fold because they legit seem like they could protect Seth Rollins.
Yeah, no need for J&J to become a full-time tag team. I can't remember the last time they got any offense in on anybody, so to buy them as a viable threat to people like Rowan/Harper or the PTP is laughable at this point. Noble and Mercury are there simply as heat-getters for Seth Rollins. They're not supposed to be seen as legitimate.
Why are the two guys who are constantly beat up when having the 2 on 1 advantage not a tag team?

It's a mystery.

No need for them to be a tag team. The division is fairly healthy and they won't be around muh longer anyway
Yes, too old, too small, too far out of the loop........the last part meaning if it weren't for this 'security' gig, Noble & Mercury would probably be nothing more than road agents at this point of their lives......either that, or out of WWE entirely.

Ironically, they somehow didn't seem as small during their careers as wrestlers, y'know?

Lastly, their participation has been strictly of the farce/comedy sense; how could they be taken seriously if they started a real tag team?

But when I think of the idea of having a security force accompanying a wrestler to ringside.......yet not getting their 'client' disqualified when they blatantly interfere with a match in which they aren't participants......I keep asking: How come everyone doesn't have a security force?
Too old to wrestle? Their both in their early 30s you IWC people are nuts who are fixated by age, Most of the roster should be retired by now if it was up to some of you which I also find it kind of creepy to only want to see under certain ages.
I have no idea about the health of both wrestlers but if healthy enough I wouldn't mind seeing them back again as a tag team I can't see it happening though as their probably more valuable as a comedy security for the authority.
Since when is 38 "early thirties".

Even if they were both healthy and able to work, you couldn't build them as a credible tag-team while having them take a beating in defence of Rollins, so what's the point? I know there's been jobber tag-teams before but that's been when the division has been thriving.

They're there so that the crowd can cheer on the faces for beating them down while saving the physical confrontation between Rollins and his challengers for the major shows, which was always a solid way to get people to spend their money in the past: the hope of seeing the bad guy get his comeuppance after avoiding it on weekly television.

Still, it's cool to see two veterans given a little bit of the limelight again by being in front of the cameras.
If I had planned the Authority I would have gotten a guy like Jack Swagger and someone who can take big bumps like Luke Harper into the fold because they legit seem like they could protect Seth Rollins.

In kayfabe, sure. But in reality this is totally missing the mark.

They're supposed to be jobbers. They're not supposed to be real heaters like Diesel or Sid to Shawn Michaels. They're supposed to be lackeys (see Steven Richards) who fans enjoy see take the fall while Rollins escapes. Babyface Ambrose or Riegns or Orton still get the best of them, but they don't reach Rollins, at least not yet. Having a bigger guy in that role is counter intuitive.

J&J are perfect for the role they're in.
Because they are smaller. That's it. Look at all the midget jokes directed towards them - they are there to be laughed at, not taken seriously and as a tag team, you might have to take them seriously.
There really is no need for them as a team. They aren't there to win championships or wrestle matches. They are there as the security team for Seth Rollins.

Them as champs add power to The Authority. More titles = more power plus gives them more depth to their character besides being Rollins' security guards. Imagine at the end of a PPV after Rollins and J & J retain their titles, the end of the show after a successful title defense for Rollins, all 3 of them hold up their titles at the end.
The answer is simple. They're two old retired wrestlers who were in the production team but now working as a part time ring workers. WWE won't want them to get injured and put their careers/life in jeopardy! Moreover the tag team division is strong enough already. We had 6 teams at the EC and the reunited Wyatt family are on the cards as well.
other then making the occasional appearance like they did against Dean Ambrose not to long ago, I think they fine just how they are. There are already enough Tag Teams in WWE that creative a failing miserable at the moment so adding one more helps nobody.

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