Who will beat Ric Flairs record?


Dark Match Winner
My first thread and if its been done I am sorry.

Ric Flair is recognised as a 16 time world champion. Most of us were of the belief that HHH would be the man to beat this record,with him sitting on 13, but recent injuries, programes with Shawn, Sheamus etc, have stopped his tyranical run. With his retierment getting closer all the time it is highly possible he wont be the man to do it.

So who will? A few suggestions:

John Cena
Currently on 9 world/WWE titles and most likey to be 10 after Mania. SuperCena is the most likely much to the annoyance of us all.

11 time World and WWE champion. Injuries have slowed him down but consistant and always bankable.

The Undertaker
7 time world and WWE champion. Again injuries are a problem and this may be his last year.

Kurt Angle
This poses a tough question. In WWE he is recognised as a 6 time World/WWE champion. If he were to return to WWE would we consider his TNA championships to the list. If you add his TNA titles to this he goes up to 10. If he completes this in TNA do we recognise this?

So those are my suggestions are there any others you can think of?

My info came from Wikipedia so they may not be 100% either.
Angle's NWA and TNA titles do count, they are recognised as genuine world titles.

I would have to say Cena is going to be the man to do it, unless Triple H is given a few quick title reigns in order for him to overtake Flair before he retires. I had always thought that Hunter would boom himself to beat the record, but he doesn't seem to be as interested in that now, be it because of his respect for Naitch, or being more interested in running the company rather than actually wrestling. I would be suprised if Triple H doesnt get at least 1 more title run though.

Cena will be around for a long time to come. He is already a 9 time champion and shows no sign of slowing down. He is the face of the company, something Edge is not, so I certainly see John Cena getting extremely close to the record if not beating it. Hell, I could see him getting to 20 titles before he is done. He doesnt have the most brutal ring style either (again unlike Edge) so he will be able to keep going longer than the Rated R Superstar.

Also, as much as Vince obviously rates Edge, I cannot imagine he would want him to be the guy to have held the title more times than anybody else. Cena? I think Vince would be happy to have him as the record holder.

Undertaker will not even get to 10, he will be gone in the near future, Orton could get close but I think Cena will always have more reigns, and Kurt Angle could get to the magic 16 but I expect if that happens WWE will suddently decide that TNA titles do not count, or comopletely ignore the fact that Kurt beats the record...unless he gets the record while wrestling for WWE again....

If I had to put the most likely in order, it would be.

John Cena
Kurt Angle/Randy Orton
Edge/Triple H
I think Cena is the only one that stands a legitimate chance to do it. He has a lot more time left and he'll likely be at the top of the card for a while.

Hunter and Edge are both on the verge of retirement it would appear, and I don't really see them having a ton of title runs left in the future.

Orton could also do it fairly easily. He's another one that has a lot of time to headline assuming his shoulders stay in tact.

Taker shouldn't come close. He can't have much left and his body just can not handle the schedule it takes to be the World Champion.

I honestly don't count Kurt's reigns though. I refuse to acknowledge TNA as a legitimate wrestling organization.
I honestly don't count Kurt's reigns though. I refuse to acknowledge TNA as a legitimate wrestling organization.

How is it not a legitimate wrestling organisation. It is quite comfortably the 2nd largest wrestling company in the country, with a weekly TV show, PPV's and some of the biggest names in the business.

Yes it may not be as well run as WWE, a pale imitation even, but to say it isnt a proper wrestling company is incorrect.

I am guessing you are just hate TNA, and while I agree that achieving all his title reigns in WWE would be better, Kurt Angle would certainly qualify as the most successful World Champion ever if he got his 17th title while wrestling for TNA.

On a side note, what about Sting? He must be over 10 title reigns by now surely, maybe even more?
id see john cena, edge, orton, or krt angle beating the record triple h has 13 but heis slowing don and becoming a huge member of the creative business
Orton and Cena... Unless HHH wants to spend more time wrestling I guess he could easily get 3 more reigns (was it 13 Heavyweight Champions that HHH had or 12?).. Orton is still 30.. He still has an easy 5 years on him maybe even 10 and he is already got 7 championship reigns.. Cena too has an easy 5 years on him and has 9 championship reigns..
I'm with the majority on this one, it's likely to be John Cena. Isn't such a bad thing, actually. I just hope that his last reigns will be done best and will actually have more meaning behind them.

The dark horse in this equation is Orton. Orton is a multiple time champion and young enough to keep pace with Cena. However, he has been injury prone and that could have an effect.

Other possibilities are also Triple H or Edge. However, both seem about one year off from retirement at most. That doesn't bode well for their chances.

Kurt Angle has a chance. He also only has about three to four quality years left in him.

Sheamus might have a chance in the future. But it's WAY too early to tell. I simply mention this because he's young and has two reigns under his belt (no pun intended) already. Theoretically, if he has 10 more years in him and gets one or two each year, on average, he has a chance. Still... too early to tell.
I pretty much agree w/what everyone else has posted that if there is a person to pass Ric's title runs, it will be between Cena, Orton, & maybe Kurt but I don't think Kurt is really going to be wrestling to much longer so Idk about him. My personal feelings towards this topic is that I hope noone has more runs as champ then Ric. The belt goes from one person to the next as much as a tennis ball is bounced around in a tennis game. To me there should be no reason why Edge & Cena for example has so many title reigns. Instead of having them lose the belt & then win it right back they should of had lengthy title reigns, but Oh well they have already earned there reigns now so no point in talking about the past. I just really dont think Ric should be passed up, just like I don't think Taker should ever be beaten at Wrestlemaina. Some things should be kept special for one person.
Im thinking it will be John Cena, im not the biggest cena fan but he has a had a few good title regins and has a chance to really have great reigns if the talent in the WWE keeps improving.

To answer what some one asked earlier in the thread Sting is currently at 12, so I guess he has a chance but I dont see him getting 5 more title runs being close to retirement and all but I wouldnt mind seeing him over take the nature boy.
To answer what some one asked earlier in the thread Sting is currently at 12, so I guess he has a chance but I dont see him getting 5 more title runs being close to retirement and all but I wouldnt mind seeing him over take the nature boy.

I asked the question, thanks for clearing it up. 12 huh? I would have thought it was 12-13 so my gut reaction was pretty close. Looking at the age of the Stinger, my initial thought is that its pretty unlikely he will get another 5 reigns considering he will almost certainly be gone in a year or 2. Unless TNA turn into WCW and switch the title 4x a month (and the worrying thing is that the title is starting to bounce around...and they do have Russo???) Sting will more than likely get 1 more reign, but thats it.

So apart from Cena, Orton, Edge, Triple H and Kurt Angle there doesnt seem to be anyone right now who looks a likely candidate for a title record, but who knows? Noone even knew who Brock Lesnar was before he debuted, and within a year he had 3 title reigns under his belt. All it would take is for a new wrestler to debut and be good enough to be rapidly pushed to the top and for that talent not to leave the company and someone who havent even heard of yet could be the guy to break the record

That is the beauty of the wrestling business, we never know who the next big star is going to be. But if I had to put money on who the guy to break the record it, I would bet on John Cena
For those not wanting to recognize TNA's titles, remember how many of Flair's titles were not in the WWE. TNA does exist, is on TV and at its start (much like WCW and ECW) had the NWA title or a variation of said title. Like it or not Angle's count. which sadly also mean's that Jarrett's count despite none of his being WWE titles.

Cena, Edge, Angle, Orton, and unfortunately even Jarrett stand a chance at doing it, but I see it going to either Cena or Orton first. Angle I don't think has too many years left, Jarrett has been smart enough to not dominate the title like in the early days of TNA, and I really don't know how much longer Edge is going to last.

Note I'm not putting Taker, HHH, and other guys who have plenty of runs but who also look to be retiring soon and don't stay on TV regularly. I don't see them being booked to break the record.
To answer what some one asked earlier in the thread Sting is currently at 12, so I guess he has a chance but I dont see him getting 5 more title runs being close to retirement and all but I wouldnt mind seeing him over take the nature boy.

Man, Sting is in TNA, and TNA has Russo.. Sting can beat that record for a day if Russo thinks it would look good... :wtf:

I mean the guy comes back and immediately wins the TNA Championship?? :banghead:

Was it like Thanks A Ton for not joining WWE.. You are the champ for the next 2 weeks...

Coming back to the thread, and just like everyone else posted Cena and Orton and for obvious reasons.. Both are young, have the look and are arguably the biggest stars in the company right now... However I still tend to think what would have happened if Brock Lesnar would have stayed with WWE.... :disappointed:
John Cena could easily do it if these rumours of Triple H's retirement looming are true then unless Triple H wins the WWE title and loses it on each episode of RAW up until Mania, if he puts his career on the line, he won't do it.

As I said, John Cena could. Since 2005 he's up to 9 World Championships and that's been 6 years so to beat Flair's he needs 8 more to make it to 17 so I guess if he keeps going the way he's been going, if Cena can stay around another 5 or so years and stay in the World Championship picture, then Cena could easily do it if he gets a few short reigns and a few long reigns.

Edge definately won't, I don't see him getting 6 more World Heavyweight Championship reigns before he retires.

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