Who truly is "overrated"?

@Hitman-HBK United Inc.

Sabu is an interesting case. As one of the ECW marks I believe part of what made him work was the insane acrobatics he did in the ring. But his style is really best suited for ECW so it's harder to see him against other opponents unless they can work his style, which isn't many. I will admit after thinking about it that many of the old ECW matches were spotty but with the right opponent you paid less attention to it.

He never really got better, which sadly makes your initial point valid.
R Truth-what has he done?

Hardy brothers-never liked them hated that Jeff became a WWE Champion, there video on CM Punk was disgusting.

Dolph Ziggler as a heel- he should be a face, hear me out because i feel that the majority of the heat he got was because of Vicki. I believe that Ziggler is a top wrestler, possibly the best seller in the business but he would be better is he came back from his "firing" as a face.
R-Truth - Sure, his rap entrance was entertaining the first.. 5, maby 10 times. Now, after the 100th time he sings his stupid rap song, I can't hear it anymore. Oh, you're wondering why I didn't mention his in-ring performance? Cause it sucks. The guy only knows a few moves, and repeats himself every freaken match. I rarely skip matches, but most of those I skipped were of the tag-champs and his.

The Miz - So many people say he doesn't look believeable s a champ, he looks too weak, and finally that he doesn't deserve to be at the top. Well, how about we look at his reign: First, he feuded with Orton. Orton, the same guy who went over with JOHN CENA in a few of their feuds. I mean, come on, Orton is good at making himself look great, but now as a face, he will make every opponent of his look 10 times weaker than he'd otherwise look. Second, he had a short feud with Morrison. Did he look weak there? No, he looked great, and their match was amazing. I'll no mention the fued with the King, since Loller neturally couldn't sell too many of Miz's moves. Now, he is feuding with the company top face, Cena. Perhaps the WWE will finally make him look strong at Mania, but if they dont, it's definitely because they don't want Megacena to look weak. By the way, as you saw in his tag match, he looked pretty impressive against the tag team "champions". If only the WWE would let him get over opponents like that, nobody would say he's a weak champion those days.
As for people saying the ridiculous "he doesn't deserve it", well you're wrong from every point of view - He has the skills (both in-ring and on the mic), he has the sales (his merchandise sells well, if you look at the crowd sometimes), he helps WWE with publicity (he's been on lots of TV shows), and finally.. he has worked his ass for YEARS, from the low jobber card to the mid card to the main event. He deserves every bit of his success.
For me personally, I believe that The Miz is overrated by the WWE booking team and by some of his followers. I love the Miz, but he has not yet reached the rank of "WWE champion" in my opinion. He should have stuck to mid-card titles and being a world title conetender for a while until he really stepped up his game and his image. Of course The Miz has definitely improved but he does not fit the bill as a WWE champion. Sorry.

Drew Mcintyre, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, and Jack Swagger are underrated. All four of them are great.
John Cena: I'm sure he's a nice guy and all when you get to know him out of the ring, but his matches are not what I would categorize as "Damn, I'm not leaving the set/switching channels right now, this could be great." His promo work as a whole isn't all that despite that great one last monday, and even that, he needed the return of the Rock to spice things up.
I honestly cant understand how guys like Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Miz, or Drew McIntyre have such large fan bases. All of these guys, im sorry to say in terms of character, suck. They are boring as sh*t. These guys are some of the most bland, generic heels WWE has ever produced.

Ziggler is a decent wrestler and is improving, but his character sucks. I am baffled that anyone could dare to compare to Curt Hennig. That is wrestling blasphemy. Dolph Ziggler couldnt work a mic to save his life and gets virtually no reaction when he comes out, why do you think they paired him up with Vickie.

Wade Barrett, oh my god is this guy generic. Take away the yellow N on his shirt and what do you have. People think this guy is whc material ? So what if he lead a group of rookies. That group sucked bad. There was nothing defining or refreshing about them other then them being rookies, which storyline wise is a joke to have rookies beat veterans. The guy rips-off orton from his non-viper years in his mannerisms and the way he talks. He is an average wrestler and cant think of a single match he has had that was a must-see. I dont care if he has the look, Razor Ramon had the look and he had 6 times the talent this guy does.

Drew McIntyre -Boring as sh*t, no ring presence, generic, no reaction when he comes out. Sucks.

Miz - Almost eveyone agrees he cant wrestle very well and has little ring presence, so i wont focus much on that. His mic skills are way overrated, its as if the standrads are considerably lower. All he is says is im awesome. He is lame as hell, he honestly dosent know how build animosity and interest in a fued which is what a really good mic worker knows how to do. If Rock on the mic is a 5 Miz is barely a 3.

This one is tricky, because you have to sometimes weigh overrated against WWE trying to push someone to a higher status. But, for the overrated column I am going to go with Brock Lesnar.

Yes, Brock had a decent character, decent ring ability, and draw excellent heel heat. But I have no respect for the fact that he walked right in and start demolishing everything in sight. He never paid his dues. Not EVER. Within months of his appearance he was walking all over The Rock and I was one of the few people on Austin's side when Austin refused to get trampled by that cream colored cretin and let Brockamania run wild on him. The finest moment of Brock's career was watching Goldberg obliterate him. Sad match, but it ended the way I wanted it to. All in all, a Superstar that was spoonfed success and never had to pay for it until he was on his way out the door.


I am going to get barbequed for this, but bring it on. I'm going with Triple H. Like Lesnar, not because of his lack of accolades or titles, but because of the unfair rep the man gets from the IWC. After 2003, the year of the Game, it was impossible to walk down the street and be a Triple H fan. The Game Derangement Syndrome was in full force and the hate flowed like the ancient rivers of Babylon. People would hate on him for anything they could find.

"He's married to Steph.."
"He held back/buried RVD/Booker T/Steiner/etc..."
"He is going after Flair's 16..."
"He only puts over his friends..."

Hunter could not catch a break. The man was competing with George W. Bush for Most Hated Man Alive. It reminded me of when President Johnson said that if he came to work in the morning and walked across the Potomac the newspapers would read by noon that the President could not swim. Hunter couldn't do an effing thing in a positive light. When he was going after a title, he was refusing to get out of the way. When he and Shawn were doing DX, then he was taking up too much screen time. When he was off television he was lazy and refused to work. The man seriously could not do anything right. Now that he is back to face the Undertaker I am waiting for the next batch of reasons why Hunter needs to die in a fire.
I was VERY excited when the HHH and Undertaker promo happened last Monday night, but lets be honest, both of these guys are on the decline of their careers. They deserve the pop they got, so I wouldn't call them overrated, but Taker really should retire his very successful character. HHH still could have three years left in him, but I have a feeling he wouldn't put some of the younger guys over on his way out.

R-Truth is definitely overrated. I hate to say for anyone to lose their job, but he deserves to be 'future endeavored' more than anyone else in WWE.

Underrated is much easier. Albert Del Rio, even though he's headlining Wrestlemania, isn't getting the respect he deserves. Christian has the potential to run a promotion. Even The Miz is underrated, he's gotten very good heat without resorting to cheap heat. He deserves the spot that he has.
Out of the current crop of WWE talent, I would have to say Sheamus is completely over rated.

Yeah sure he is supposed to be this big monster but his finisher is a big boot pretty much and a piss weak running version of the last ride, sort of. I understand that his look is supposed to be unique too with the white skin and red hair but I really don't understand why a lot of people like him, he sucks and is boring as all hell and I have no desire to ever see him as WWE Champion again. I can't take him seriously as a heel either, I just laugh every time I hear his voice. I don't really care that he is sort of lost at the moment, but it looks like he'll probably face DB at Mania and pick up the US Championship, eh, not looking forward to it.
I've always found Kevin Nash to be over-rated. I think his promos are forgettable more often then not (apart from his first appearance in WCW I struggle to think of one that I really remember) and his matches have always, to me, sucked some serious arse. From what I can see he's never really drawn any money anywhere yet, somehow, he's always managed to be seen as a top guy. I just don't get it and never have.

Still, there'll be plenty of Nash fans that disagree, which is one of the best things about wrestling, and really makes it impossible to state who's over-rated and who's not.
Excuse me therockisback but how can someone be over-rated if they put asses in the seats? You say Undertaker is over-rated yet is only brought back to bring in viewers, wouldn't that make him deserving of the spot he has if he draws?

Can't argue with that. The UT is definitely a draw. He's also been involved in some of the most memorable and greatest matches in WWE history. He needs the right opponent tho. There have been alot of UT matches that bored me to death.

HHH is overrated? Did you hear his return reaction Monday?

Likewise. HHH is one of the most (if not the most) over guys on the roster, and an excellent wrestler as well.

Ausin proves worth cause of his in-ring ability? Punch, punch, kick, kick, elbow drop, Stunner is the same kind of moveset people shit all over Cena for.

This I disagree with. Austin had alot of intensity and was very stiff. Austin would beat a guy into a corner then stand there and stomp the hell out of him. How could you not love that?
I've always found Kevin Nash to be over-rated. I think his promos are forgettable more often then not (apart from his first appearance in WCW I struggle to think of one that I really remember) and his matches have always, to me, sucked some serious arse. From what I can see he's never really drawn any money anywhere yet, somehow, he's always managed to be seen as a top guy. I just don't get it and never have.

Still, there'll be plenty of Nash fans that disagree, which is one of the best things about wrestling, and really makes it impossible to state who's over-rated and who's not.

Whether or not Kevin Nash is overrated is definitely a subject that will divide people. I've personally always liked him. He had some good matches before his WCW days, and is a seriously funny person. He would make a great commentator if WWE wanted to go that way. Watch some of his shoots videos and you'll see what I'm talking about.

But I don't think it's fair to say he never drew money. He was 1 of the 3 founding members of the NWO, and that angle made WCW a fortune.

And who knows, if not for so many horrendous booking decisions (I admit, many of which Nash is responsible for) he might have had a more profitable run in WCW's dying days.
I might get some stick for this but I think that no-one is overrated, people like Cena, Miz, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker etc.. might seem overrated but I think it's people of their pushes and how much they are on our TV's most of the episode of RAW or Smackdown.

But if I did have to name someone, then I would say Cena, only because I think he needs more moves in his moveset. I mean come on, 2x shoulder blocks, spinning powerbomb, AJ and STFU. But I just don't like the 5-move-matches thing like orton and santino, they have the 5-move-set as well.

Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison will have atleast 1 major title before they are released.

John Morrision may not be the best guy on the mic but WWE need to take more advantage of his abilities and put him in extreme matches so that it gives the match more thrill because you know when Morrison is in a match, you just know it's going to have some cool-new moves.
As far as overrated goes, I would have to go with Randy Orton! Look how far the guy has come in the business while at the same time look how bad he's gotten. There was a time when a younger Orton was hungry to get noticed and had great moments in the ring. Today, Orton has changed drastically! He is the guy who's at the top, along with Cena, but unlike Cena, he doesn't give his all in a match anymore. His matches have grown extremely boring. He is simply not the guy he used to be. This could be because of his face turn but I highly doubt it. He is also the guy who buries people backstage, like Kofi and Bourne. So I'd sincerely have to go with Orton here.
First someone here said the Rock was never ever good in the ring!!!! How many times has The Rock screwed up a spot or anything of the like during a match....I know NEVER!!!!!! It doesnt matter that The Rock wasn't a technical master like Chirs Benoit or Bret Hart, what The Rock did in the ring he did perfectly every single time. He knew how to carry a match and make others look good, thats a good worker. People rave about CM Punk and Sheamus being good neither one of them can carry a match and make the other person they are wrestling look good in the process. CM Punk is a spot happy Indy wrestler with a cheesy straight edge gimmick that needs to go. Sheamus and CM Punk are OVERRATED!!!! Sheamus if he isn't squashing someone can't work a decent match cause he sucks at selling moves. John Cena like him or not puts asses in the seats so in my book he isnt overrated he is where he should be cause he can draw and he can work good enough in the ring to get people to pop big time for him and come out to watch him. HHH I dont like him but he is another guy who is not overrated. He can work a match and make someone look good he did for Sheamus and it shows cause Sheamus hasn't looked good since.
Despite an atrocious opening post, I'll give this a shot.

But, I'm confused as to who you're talking about. Overrated by WWE management, or by the IWC? I'll tackle both.

Overrated by the IWC

Sheamus: The guy has seemingly gotten a pass by the IWC despite not being a very good wrestler. A great match from Sheamus? Name one. I bet you can't.

I suppose people dig his character, but personally, I don't see him having one at all. I see a really white guy with an Irish accent. Period. He's big, strong and somewhat intimidating, but that's it. I tend to believe if not for that accent, he wouldn't be where he is right now. I don't see the appeal, never have.

Overrated by the WWE

Alberto Del Rio: I must say, I'm still in shock this guy is main eventing WrestleMania. Maybe "main eventing" is a bit strong, seeing there is no way he and Edge close the show. But, he's still fighting for a World title, and that just doesn't seem..big.

He's not a big star. For me, the main event at WrestleMania is reserved for the biggest and the best. Also, a spot may be reserved for a guy who is on the absolute cusp of big-time stardom. Guys like Warrior, HBK, Austin, Rock, etc. Guys who are about to become huge stars, or already are huge stars. Del Rio is not. I'm sorry, I just don't view him that way.

For a guy who hasn't been around more than a year to main event WrestleMania, he needs to have made a huge impact. Brock Lesnar comes to mind. Del Rio hasn't done that. He was booked to win the Royal Rumble, and that's the only thing that comes to mind.

I suppose with WWE now having two World championships, it's a bit different than it was for someone like Austin at Mania 14. I guess it can be used to build a guy as opposed to him already being at the top level. I don't know, I just don't see Del Rio as a big deal, outside of WWE booking him as a big deal.
Despite an atrocious opening post, I'll give this a shot.

But, I'm confused as to who you're talking about. Overrated by WWE management, or by the IWC? I'll tackle both.

Overrated by the IWC

Sheamus: The guy has seemingly gotten a pass by the IWC despite not being a very good wrestler. A great match from Sheamus? Name one. I bet you can't.

I suppose people dig his character, but personally, I don't see him having one at all. I see a really white guy with an Irish accent. Period. He's big, strong and somewhat intimidating, but that's it. I tend to believe if not for that accent, he wouldn't be where he is right now. I don't see the appeal, never have.

Overrated by the WWE

Alberto Del Rio: I must say, I'm still in shock this guy is main eventing WrestleMania. Maybe "main eventing" is a bit strong, seeing there is no way he and Edge close the show. But, he's still fighting for a World title, and that just doesn't seem..big.

He's not a big star. For me, the main event at WrestleMania is reserved for the biggest and the best. Also, a spot may be reserved for a guy who is on the absolute cusp of big-time stardom. Guys like Warrior, HBK, Austin, Rock, etc. Guys who are about to become huge stars, or already are huge stars. Del Rio is not. I'm sorry, I just don't view him that way.

For a guy who hasn't been around more than a year to main event WrestleMania, he needs to have made a huge impact. Brock Lesnar comes to mind. Del Rio hasn't done that. He was booked to win the Royal Rumble, and that's the only thing that comes to mind.

I suppose with WWE now having two World championships, it's a bit different than it was for someone like Austin at Mania 14. I guess it can be used to build a guy as opposed to him already being at the top level. I don't know, I just don't see Del Rio as a big deal, outside of WWE booking him as a big deal.

shamous is the 2nd coming of HHH. ruthless in the ring, decent on the mic, and he isnt a terrible wresler. Id say hes better in the ring then cena, taker, kane, edge..

i would say shamous is under rated at the moment. What other man has beat supercena twice to win the title? And now hes jobbing to henry so at the moment he has to be under rated.
John Morrison. He does some decent flashy moves but he can't cut a promo and doesn't seem like a guy who can beat you any time anywhere.

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