Who are the fortunate son's?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ted Dibiase (Jr.) & Joe Henning aka Michael McGillicutty. Two young WWE talents who first started in the E on good introductions. But since then both of "the fortunate son's" of wrestling have fell into the lower card in the WWE. Ted Dibiase & Michael McGillicutty were both suppose to be apart of a faction, in which was to be another version of the Legecy group. It was suppose to be Ted, Michael, and Ted's young brother Brett who is now retired from wrestling after a bad neck injury.

Ted Dibiase: During his solo run as a WWE superstar, Ted Jr. tried to walk in his father's shoes as the new Million Dollar Man when the WWE creative team gave Teddy his pops gimmick. But months after that, it tanked. But with a face turn and the creation of "the Dibiase Posse", Teddy's stock was high. Not to mention all the "Dibiase posse party's" he would throw before a WWE show. Ted had a decent feud with Hunico on Smackdown. Not to long after that he had a ankle injury. Now back in action from the injury, he's back in the lower card jobbing once again to other superstars.

Michael McGillicutty: Being the son of the late "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning wasn't easy for a young Joe. But in the WWE's eyes, he had alot to live up to. After the (new) Nexus broke up. McGillicutty tagged with David Otunga on a decent run with the WWE tag team championship. But after losing the belts to "Air Boom", it was Michael McGillicutty's stock that was now falling & fading. Even though Triple H is high on him backstage. Michael McGillicutty is still struggling to get some TV time where he's in the lower card with Ted Dibiase.

My question on this thread. "Who are the fortunate son's"? Are they just hype? What's in store for them both in the future of the WWE?? And will they end up like D.H. Smith??? That would be unfortunate.
I don't think either of them are doing that badly.

Triple H being behind Michael McGillicutty means that he's in no danger of being suddenly released.

Ted DiBiase is actually doing quite well in comparison to other low carders. While he and McGillicutty are floundering in the low card, "low carder" and "jobber" are NOT interchangeable (no matter how much people perceive them to be).

All the two of them really need is a little more TV time. Maybe a restructuring of the brands would help. Moving all the big-ticket guys to RAW officially and letting SmackDown be the B-show where midcarders can shine will help a lot of guys out.
I think creativly they could do better. They could of made it a bigger stable. It is basically Legacy just down graded. I think Cody, McGillicutty, and Debiase would of been better. I mean they made the 3MB, and that I think was a horrible idea. They could of went with other people. If your called the Fortunate sons because of your family's generations in wrestling then I would go with Cody, McGillicutty, and Debiase the only things what about the others who are generation wrestlers. So unless your going to make a much bigger situation or put generations against generation like our families are better then your families.
My "fortunate son" is Cody Rhodes. He's a good looking performer, but the only reason I can think he's been pushed so hard is his family connection. Is being the son of a wrestling legend worthy of the air time Cody's been given? Is being Dusty's son more important to WWE than being the son of Ted DiBiase or Cowboy Bob Orton?

It would seem so. My feeling is Randy Orton might have gotten into the wrestling business because of his Dad, but he's done the rest with hard work. He's a legitimately exciting and fundamentally sound performer, with or without Cowboy Bob.

DiBiase Jr. is another story. I see nothing compelling about him and feel he wouldn't have gotten anywhere near a pro wrestling ring without his Dad. Yes, he is okay in the ring, but no more so than many other people who never got a break.

Cody is the X factor. He's got talent, but no more than a lot of other guys.....and I'd wager the Trent Barettas' and Seth Rollins' of the world feel resentment and frustration watching Cody appear on both brands every week, wondering what he's got that they don't have and why multiple programs have been written for Cody while they only get to occasionally job to the stars.

I believe the reason Cody has gotten all he has is Dusty, a father who was a legend in the performing side of business and apparently has the ear of WWE management since he still works nominally for the company.

Bloodlines often run thick......but some run thicker than others.
My question on this thread. "Who are the fortunate son's"? Are they just hype? What's in store for them both in the future of the WWE?? And will they end up like D.H. Smith??? That would be unfortunate.

So because Harry Smith doesn't work for the WWE his career is "Unfortunate" Typical WWE mark who has no clue that Harry Smith is doing quite well for himself in other promotions. :banghead:
Fortunate sons was a supposed faction they had considered much like Legacy where it comprised of second or third generation WWE superstars, there were many ideas kicked around for the group included Joe Henning, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes, however with Dibiase continuing to being plagued by injuries, Cody Rhodes with his push in multiple title frames, and Henning being a superstars wrestler, and primarily being repolished in NXT I would have to proclaim the group is possibly is dead, however with the WWE and guys like Ritchie Steamboat and Jake Carter (son of Vader) in NXT the possibility of a sons of wrestling legends is still more than possible even if its not its original concept.
I honestly wouldn't want to see the fortunate sons.

Legacy didn't really work out all that well. It was pretty much all about Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase were made out to be ineffectual glorified jobbers. Orton was the only one to really benefit from Legacy, and Ted has been floundering ever since and Cody didn't really find his niche until the disfigured character. The Dashing Cody Rhodes gimmick was great in that it allowed Cody to show charisma and get some time on the mic, but he really didn't do anything of note.

A stable of 2nd generation stars may seem like a good idea on paper, but these guys would still be stuck in their fathers' shadows instead of becoming their own men.
"Who are the fortunate son's"?
I think that would actually be a great tag team name for McGillicutty & Dibiase. And with the recent spark in tag team wrestling, they could be a force to be reckoned with.
Are they just hype?
Sadly, I think Dibase is. Joe Hennig hasn't gotten the oppritunities that Dibiase has gotten or the same chances to shine. Not to mention, just from their families history Hennig has more he could achieve. Dibiase has been in multiple rumbles, a chamber match, the strongest faction since Evolution, had a somewhat higher profile triple-threat match at Mania, & was in line for a big push, going one on one with the likes of Cena & Orton. Not only did he prove to not do much with those oppritunities but he was passed up by his former partner & the smaller of the two, Cody Rhodes. Hennig is not only still equal with his former partner but he hasn't reiceved a fifth of the chances Dibiase has.
What's in store for them both in the future of the WWE??
I would love to see them team up & most likely have Hennig go on to see, at the very least, some mild success with the US & IC titles. While Dibiase might have one run as US or Tag champ before he eventually gets out of WWE himself or gets the boot.
And will they end up like D.H. Smith???
I REALLY HOPE NOT!!!!!!! DH is one of the saddest & most ridiculous cases in WWE in recent memory. A great young star, great wrestling heritage, one half of the best young tag team they had, & they choose to keep utter useless pieces of trash like JTG, Khali, & Hornswoggle over a guy like that?!?!?!?!?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
I think that would actually be a great tag team name for McGillicutty & Dibiase. And with the recent spark in tag team wrestling, they could be a force to be reckoned with.

I agree with this. The Fortunate Sons could be a good team name and since both guys need something to do right now, why not? The tag team division needs more people anyhow. It would be a good way to bring both of them back onscreen since we do not see much of either at the moment. I would make them a face team. We already saw a heel counterpart to this idea with Rhodes and Dibiase when they were Team Priceless or members of Legacy. They could use Ted's I Come From Money theme and put over the Dibiase Posse events, a face team is the way to go.

As for what's in store for them in their likely actual futures in WWE? I hope that they both receive more chances for singles pushes. McGillicutty could do well if given a true chance. He does not need to be like his dad, but he might need a new name. McGillicutty has skills both in the ring and on the mic, so that's reason enough to keep him around. Ted has received countless chances but seems to keep having a case of bad luck. Look at his feud with Rhodes last year, that could have been used to really elevate both guys. I see him running out of chances in the future, unfortunately. They could always be jobbers in the worst case scenario. It's better than doing nothing until you get future endeavoured. I'd hate for them to end up like Smith, although they may be headed in that direction.
I agree with this. The Fortunate Sons could be a good team name and since both guys need something to do right now, why not? The tag team division needs more people anyhow. It would be a good way to bring both of them back onscreen since we do not see much of either at the moment. I would make them a face team. We already saw a heel counterpart to this idea with Rhodes and Dibiase when they were Team Priceless or members of Legacy. They could use Ted's I Come From Money theme and put over the Dibiase Posse events, a face team is the way to go.

As for what's in store for them in their likely actual futures in WWE? I hope that they both receive more chances for singles pushes. McGillicutty could do well if given a true chance. He does not need to be like his dad, but he might need a new name. McGillicutty has skills both in the ring and on the mic, so that's reason enough to keep him around. Ted has received countless chances but seems to keep having a case of bad luck. Look at his feud with Rhodes last year, that could have been used to really elevate both guys. I see him running out of chances in the future, unfortunately. They could always be jobbers in the worst case scenario. It's better than doing nothing until you get future endeavoured. I'd hate for them to end up like Smith, although they may be headed in that direction.

I also agree with this idea. Dibiase & Henning/McGillicutty together as a fresh young tag team. Their both struggling to find their nitches as sinles stars in the WWE. So it would make sence to put them together as a tag team. And as much as I hate thrown together tag teams. This one would be a smart one! Two young guys in a division in where they can be a strong force.

If the WWE creative team are as smart as they say they are. We could see this team in the near future, like 2013.
I think creativly they could do better. They could of made it a bigger stable. It is basically Legacy just down graded. I think Cody, McGillicutty, and Debiase would of been better. I mean they made the 3MB, and that I think was a horrible idea. They could of went with other people. If your called the Fortunate sons because of your family's generations in wrestling then I would go with Cody, McGillicutty, and Debiase the only things what about the others who are generation wrestlers. So unless your going to make a much bigger situation or put generations against generation like our families are better then your families.

Please, grammar... Your = you're, and would of = would have.

I know I'll probably get done for "spamming" for this, but I don't give a shit, bad grammar does my head in so yeh.
I don't see any reason why DiBiase and Hennig (I refuse to use his ridiculous name) shouldn't be put together as "The Fortunate Sons"- I may be wrong but didn't they team together in FCW using this name?

It would be pretty similar to Legacy, but I never really understood all the hate for that faction- sure it didn't do as well as something like Evolution but it helped get Cody Rhodes over, and even though he has flopped since, it looked like Ted DiBiase Jnr was going to become a star also.

Ted isn't as good as Cody, but he is still pretty decent in the ring, and I actually think Hennig has alot of talent. Having the two of them work as a team- either face or heel is far better than what they are currently doing. The Fortunate Sons would strengthen the tag-team division and there would be the possibility of adding other FCW talents to the faction once they are ready to move up to the main roster, like Bo Dallas or Richie Steamboat, or even Jake Carter, Vader's son.

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