Where would they be now? W/Safari Episode 1



Where would they be now?
Episode #1 Owen Hart Edition

May 23rd, 1999. The Blue Blazer, preparing to make his entrance to face the Godfather for the Intercontinental Championship. In a tragic accident where Owen Hart was set to mock Sting's ring entrance as part of his "Blue Blazer" character. Hart tragically fell 70 feet to his death inside the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight here in Kansas City, tragedy befell the World Wrestling Federation and all of us. Owen Hart was set to make an entrance from the ceiling, and he fell from the ceiling. I have the unfortunate responsibility to let everyone know that Owen Hart has died. Owen Hart has tragically died from that accident here tonight."

It'd be easy for us to start pointing our fingers at Vince McMahon, or the writing team, or the WWE in general but that's not what this thread is about. This purpose of this thread is to erase May 23rd 1999 from history. Lets say that that tragic event never took place and lets say that Owen won the belt that night.

Where would Owen go from there? Would Owen Hart still be in the WWE today? What would he go on to be? Would he ever become world champ?

In your opinion, what would happen if Owen Hart never fell to his death that May 23rd, 1999?
let me just say that he WOULD have become WWE/F champion and maybe he could be a pioneer in the X divison if he went 2 TNA after being released its for no one 2 tell but wherever he would go he would make it great
He'd've taken John Cena's spot as face of the company and likely either have just retired in the last year or so, or wrestle his last match this coming wrestlemania. That's what I think.

Thing is, there's a ripple effect. His death effected many things, known and unknown. It's possible that without his death, WCW might not have gone out of business. You just really don't know how the pebble in the pond is going to effect things. Maybe Bret Hart never gets injured, becomes WCW champion, has a great reign, brings more viewership to WCW, and someone finally steps in and corrects the financial mistakes they've been making, and John Cena would today be the face of WCW thuganonomics style. I mean, who the hell's to say how things would play out.
well i would like to imagine first and foremost that the matches he would have had with the likes of angle, benoit, and guerrero would have cemented him as a true top legend in this sport and likely gotten him a couple short title reigns. dont see him ever going to wcw, HOWEVER, with hhh, rocky, and austin blowing up at the time hart sadly would have never been anything but a transitional champion, putting those guys over, which he would have done without a doubt beautifully and without arguement. probably would be on takers wrestlemania list, and retired by now with two and a half decades worth of great accomplishments and classic matches. also, would be considered the better hart, which i always thought was so. LONG LIVE OWEN!!!

and goodness gracious, imagine for a second him and jericho going at it in 02 or 03. no doubt would have been instant classics!!
He probably would've remained to float around in the midcard until being elevated in 2000 to make up for the loss of Austin and Undertaker, thus finally becoming the champion he should've been in 1994. From there, he would've probably been on team WWF during the invasion and then help carry Smackdown from 03-05 and he'd induct his older brother Bret into the Hall of Fame in 05, maybe even convincing Bret to have that match with Vince at WM21 instead of 5 years later. At the age of 40, he'd be financially set to retire and probably be either an ambassador or get a real job to just maintain his wealth and live a happy life
I've heard that Owen was supposed to win the I-C title that night. He would have probably had a decent reign and would have continued to be a solid mid-card wrestler, but Owen just didn't have "it" to be WWF World Champion, not with Steve Austin and the Rock there.

I don't know how long Owen would have stayed on, though. He was probably miserable during the last 18 months. Bret, Davey Boy and Neidhart were gone, D-X branded him a "nugget" and he didn't have the right personality to fit in with Vince Russo's way of writing. His wife was also always trying to get him to give up wrestling.

I highly doubt Owen would have ever gone to TNA. More likely, if he were to have worked for someone outside of WWF, he would have gone to Japan.
i think it could of gone two ways with owen hart.......

1: he would of won the ic title, gone on to challenge and probably won a version of the world title and then retired around the age of 40 to become a teacher which i have read he wanted to do by a few people.

2: he would of won the ic belt, a world title and gone to tna ala kurt angle. maybe he would now be a trainer on tough enough but i think the first option is more likely.

on a side note i would of loved to of seen owen vs kurt angle in a match.

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