what's new with you?


SFAC official slave
i'm bored as piss so i feel like telling you guys waht's been going on. i recently celebrated my 15th birthday, and i got a drumset. i've been wanting one for a long time. i love it! i play it at least 3-4 hours every day. and when i'm not playing it, i'm listening to music. so, since this morning, i've been trying to figure out how to twirl one really fast. there's two ways to do it, and i completely suck at one of them. i'm okay at the other. things are goin pretty good for me recently.
anyways, how you guys doing? what's new?
Hi superman punch.
12 hours? that sounds fun.
i'm just relaxing too.. i'm playing solitaire. and i've never done this before in my life. pretty addicting.
Cool, drumset. I quit drumming, sadly, and you keep practicing 4 to 5, you'll be good as fuck in no time. What kinda music you listening to?
ah i like all different kinds of music. but i can't stand rap. My favorite band is rise against. it's really hard to cover their songs though. what about you? you have a favorite band?
Hi superman punch.
12 hours? that sounds fun.

It's not, I have to deal with old people trying to find the check in points, luggage compartments and dealing with agitated fuck wits, rushing around like headless chickens. This is every shift.

i'm just relaxing too.. i'm playing solitaire. and i've never done this before in my life. pretty addicting.

- I'm a stone cold killer at Solitaire.

- I've never played drums in my life but a killer bass player. People say Islanders are naturals at it......... I agree we are good.
ah i like all different kinds of music. but i can't stand rap. My favorite band is rise against. it's really hard to cover their songs though. what about you? you have a favorite band?

Lol, I listen to everything, mostly rap. But yea, Wu Tang is my favorite, I listen to a bit (in some cases a lot) of every genre though.
It's not, I have to deal with old people trying to find the check in points, luggage compartments and dealing with agitated fuck wits, rushing around like headless chickens. This is every shift.

- I'm a stone cold killer at Solitaire.

- I've never played drums in my life but a killer bass player. People say Islanders are naturals at it......... I agree we are good.

-Sounds to me like you need to start applying for a better job somewhere. you seem like you're not too fond of it.

-the only time i've ever gotten was 249. i'm proud of it. i don't think i could ever do it again.

- i have a friend that plays bass. she's okay, but not amazing. bass is pretty cool though.
Lol, I listen to everything, mostly rap. But yea, Wu Tang is my favorite, I listen to a bit (in some cases a lot) of every genre though.

ah, man, rap? haha, i can't stand it.. it's okay though, a lot of my good friends listen to it. i've never heard of Wu Tang. but it sounds like a soda. i can listen to country, or heavy metal at times, but never rap. sorry about that. i just never got in to it. at all.
Ain't nothin' but G Thang Baby........ sorry.

I'm a massive fan of Rap.

I'm more from the old school ear though. 2pac, Biggie, Naughty By Nature. NWA..... etc. They were the shit.

I Used to be a Personal TRainer but my knee has been playing up on me since I blew the ACL in 2007. I've had to get cleaned out twice. I don't want to add the pressure of working out after work while being the hands on Personal Trainer that shows then step by step with examples of proper machine use.
Rap is da shizzz, and tell me you didn't say Wu Tang Clan sounds like a soda, ***** please, you must be listening to some bullshit rap.
Wu Tang. that doesn't sound like some kind of soda, or juice to anyone else? lol. even if i did start listening to rap, i'd get crap from my brothers about it, and i don't think my father would appreciate it.
superman punch, i'm sure you could find a job that you enjoy more than your current one that doesn't involve much physichal activity. the last thing you want is to get stuck in a life you don't want. (trust me, i'm a teenager. lol..) just keep your eyes open for some jobs that sound more fulfilling to you.
superman punch, i'm sure you could find a job that you enjoy more than your current one that doesn't involve much physichal activity. the last thing you want is to get stuck in a life you don't want. (trust me, i'm a teenager. lol..) just keep your eyes open for some jobs that sound more fulfilling to you.

Thanks for the advice it is appreciated. But there is some of it I enjoy, I get to send people from one end to the other for no other reason but to fuck with them. It's a pretty easy job (labor wise) and I have some great friends there. But I'd rather a career, Maybe a trade.
Thanks for the advice it is appreciated. But there is some of it I enjoy, I get to send people from one end to the other for no other reason but to fuck with them. It's a pretty easy job (labor wise) and I have some great friends there. But I'd rather a career, Maybe a trade.

oh, well, you know, if you have some fun and have friends there, at least you have reasons for staying. don't be afraid to take chances though. if you want a career, go for one. I bet you can find one. i'm gonna go to bed though. night night, and good luck with everything.
Good list, been listening to these songs so far this night.





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