What would WWE and TNA be without Ring Of Honor & Related Indies?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
AJ Styles, CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Homicide, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin. Using my limited knowledge, I have decided that these are the best examples of Ring Of Honor talent coming to TNA.

As far as I'm aware, Ring Of Honor provided these wrestlers with a stable wage, an incentive to carry on wrestling and an oppurtunity t develop themselves. Without Ring Of Honor, AJ Styles may well be working in Burger King and Samoa Joe might be in the trash can outside Burger King.

CM Punk was the most surprising world champion of recent years and, whether you loved it or hated it, it was interesting. Samoa Joe is a wrestler that everyone has an opinion on (usually "he could do to lose some weight") and he's become a big name in TNA, being put in main event matches and being the only wrestler besides Sting and Kurt Angle (and Booker T, depending how you look at it) to hold the TNA heavyweight title. AJ Styles on the other hand is perhaps the most popular TNA has and he doesn't even have the extensive history that the other top guys have - except in TNA that is. As for the others, I think they'll be making their mark in time.

How large is the debt that TNA and WWE owe to Ring of Honor for these "superstars"?
WWE I don't think owes them much. Punk was more or less replaceable. He did his thing, but more than anything else that was for the shock factor. I'd think they owe a bigger debt to the indies for Matt Sydal. This guy, at least until he got hurt, was the only reason I'd watch ECW. To say he's exciting is an understatement. He brought the SSP back to WWE and might be the best ever at it. Guy is just straight up fun to watch.

TNA on the other hand is like the grown up ROH. WIthout them, TNA would be a shell of itself. Styles and Joe are arguably the two biggest homegrown stars that TNA has. I mean, outside of those two, name one other main event star they have. THe Mafia is all WCW/WWE guys. They're feuding with Styles and Joe. Both of those two are gods in ROH. Throw in guys like Homicide and Daniels, and you have some of the biggest stars in ROH history. TNA owes so much to ROH, but they send talent back there once in awhile which is huge to ROH. Joe showing up last weekend was massive for their fans. TNA's debt is bigger than WWE's by far, but TNA is paying their's back.
I can't believe that this is actually a question that somebody asked. Probably because it's as preposterously formulated as basic drivel. Here. Let me school ya somethin fierce. Well not fierce, but I will attempt to educate you.

For one, WWE really doesn't utilize as much indy talent as they once did. It pains them to admit that somebody else could train a wrestler better than they can. So they spend their time signing body builders, collegiate wrestlers, and anybody who has the last name of anybody who was famous in the 80's or early 90's. So I don't think that they would be too hurt if ROH had never come along. I think they could have survived sufficiently as an entity.

Now, for all of you who sit back and say that TNA was built with ROH talent, you need to have your mouths washed out with penis lint because you apparently never heard of the vast plain of talent known as the NWA. You see, alof of the earlier TNA talent came from one of two places... WCW and the NWA. Sure they brought in a luchador here and a random Canadian there, but if the NWA didn't have talent all over the place, there would be no AJ Styles (NWA Wildside, NOT ROH), Abyss, David Young, and a host of many others who were brought in by them being a subsidiary of the NWA grouping. Hey, membership has it's privileges.

Samoa Joe came after TNA had cut their teeth and well nobody REALLY misses Christopher Daniels(former WCW talent) all that much. However, I do find myself craving a BME every now and then. Oh wait, I meant an Italian BMT from Subway. Man those are good. But anywho, TNA can survive and would have gotten fat WITHOUT ROH. I know, the God of Smarks will probably strike me down for saying so. But I could care less because it's a moot point to even argue this with the wealth of non-indy(technically NWA is not indy) and non-ROH talent that has been out there and is STILL out there.
This is an age old question. Ten years ago, ECW was the major independent company feeding new or revamped talent to the "big 2". ROH holds that honor at this point in time. It's just the natural cycle of the business.

There are so many guys that have come from ROH that have had an impact in both the WWE and TNAat some over the past few years- Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, MCMG, Senshi, Homicide, CM Punk, Brian Kendrick, Evan Bourne, Paul London, Jamie Noble, and Mickie James just off the top of my head.

Neither company has been built around ROH, but both companies have been helped out by it. Yes it's true, both companies would be getting along just fine without ROH. But ROH makes it a little easier for them to find talent that is already developed.
ROH has fed wwe some great talents but i'm sure the guys picked up by wwe would have made it into the development system without ROH, very few of their top stars were trained at the ROH school.

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