What is WWE's #5 PPV?


Turn Bayley heel
The big 4 PPVs are generally in a league of their own as far as buyrates and gerneal effort by WWE goes, but which of the B-shows would you consider to be the best?

Personally, I really enjoyed this year's No Way Out and last years too, but I think historically speaking Vengeance/Night of Champions is the best. The gimmick is very attractive, because it guarantees a good spread of the talent, and allows for up and coming mid carders to get on PPV - Kingston last year is an example of this.

Even before that, Vengeance had been a great show. For example, 2001 saw the title unifications of the WWF and WCW title, and Jericho becoming the first Undisputed Champion.

Vengeance has always struck a chord with fans too, it has consistently been in the top 3 B PPVs bar one every year, and it is the only PPV to outsell one of the big 4 twice - in 2005 and 2002 when it beat Survivor Series.

So, for me Night of Champions is the number 5 PPV, with No Way Out coming a close 6th.
For a while I really believed that Armageddon was one of the higher up pay per views, but recently that hasn't been shown. Cyber Sunday is a gimmick, One Night Stand is one of the weakest shows, and Backlash is a throwback.

Judgment Day, No Mercy and Unforgiven I never consider important shows.

Really, that only leaves the two you have chosen, and I pick Night of Champions. I think it is the pay per view people watch, in hopes that there will be multiple titl changes. No Way Out has however been good lately, with the elimination chamber added on.
Well it used to be King of the Ring, which was WWE's annual June PPV.

That PPV was replaced by Vengeance and now Night of Champions.

NoC is the one night where you know you are going to see a lot of championships defended, which is always nice because its not often that we titles like the IC, US or Tag defended on PPV, so I'd say its a pretty big deal.

So I'm going to concur with everyone who's been going with Vengeance/NoC.

If now NoC, than perhaps its Great American Bash, and I only say that because of the NWA/WCW history that goes with the name.
the first vegence slash night of champions was the worst pay per view of all time! that said it is rea;;y good i n 08 and almost every vengance was good so its a good pick . but my fav is ONS and NWO. since 06 one night stand has been the consistenly the best ppv of the not big four. i mean rvd vs cena rey vs sabu, edge taker, foley edge lita, dreamer funk, bullah, hardy s vs WGTT in a ladder match. Orton vs rvd stretcher match, even khali vs Cena was decent

edit; and this years NWO is one of my favorite ppvs of all time as was lasts yeras so theses are clearly the top two for me!!!
I'm gonna have to say No Way Out, especially after this year's phenomenal addition. I mean, not only does it set up for WM and have awesome E.C. Matches you usually only get to see once a year, but usually a WM title opportunity is on the line that night (not at this year's, but usually).

Its also just usually a great PPV, as it leads right into WM the following month.
I agree with most people about No Way Out. Mainly because it's a PPV on the Road to WrestleMania, and it's used to make the WrestleMania card for that year, or at least help it in some way or form.

Vengeance/Night of Champions is usually good as well. I was at the first NoC in Houston and I have to say it was boring for the most part aside from the 5 Way WWE Challenge match and the Batista/Edge match, but its the concept of it that makes it enjoyable.

Backlash also gets honorable mention b/c it seems to be a place for rematches from WM and possible ends to some feuds
I'm gonna go with No Way Out, because it is the pay per view between Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania. It's another can't miss event, because it sorta paints a picture of what is to come at wrestlemania. It's always full of twist and turns and for the past 2years it's been the home of the Elimination Chamber.
NoC is always pretty good, but ONS is excellent.
the original one night stand i dnt think anybody expected to see, so it was a great nostalgic night. then rvd beating cena (although predictable) was a great match. 07 was good too, and i think 08 is highly underated. jeff vs umaga was fun, as was the ecw kendo stick match, great fun match. not to mention the stretcher match and the absolutely excellent TLC
My pick would have to be Vengance / Night of Champions. Cause honestly besides the damn divas match the whole show proved to have some good twist and turns . Historically it does as well in 2006 ecw came back and invaded the show and on the first one Chris Jericho won the undisputed title for the 1st time ever. So in my mind it beats the gimmick ppvs 10 to 1 every time .....
i would have to say armageddon.. WWE usually finishes the year with something big and this PPV really shows it. 99 the mcmahon/helmsley era. 2000 - 6 way HIAC and even so last year, with fan favorite jeff hardy finally winning the big one.
I'd say NWO (well 08 and 09's) with TWO elimination chambers, and the BIG surprise at 09's and Big Shows return in 08 with the start of Floyd Mayweather feud. Vengence/NOC (05, 06, and 08s were pretty good). 08 had a WM quality rematch in Cena vs HHH. 06 reunion of DX. 05 HHH Batista HIAC.

ONS is good for gimmick matches. 06 RVD vs Cena. 08 Taker vs Edge TLC.

Armageddon 05, 06, 07 and 08 were great. Well 05 had Taker Orton HIAC, 06 THE BEST LADDER MATCH and it was a surprise match!!! Inferno match, last ride. 07 Edge vs Batista vs Taker was awesome. 08 HHH vs Edge vs Hardy awesome and had Hardy go over. We also saw Batista vs Orton.

It depends on how you look at them, but all PPV's have their good years. Remember Armageddon 04 was HORRIBLE for example.

If I was compare the history of the PPVs, here are the some of each PPV highlights to compare:
No Way Out
Kurt Angle wins his first IC Title
Hell in a Cell between Cactus Jack and Triple H
Triple H vs. Stone Cold - 3 Stages of Hell
The Rock vs. Kurt Angle for the title
Austin vs. Bischoff
Rock vs. Hogan II
Eddie Guerrero wins the WWE Title from Brock Lesnar
Angle vs. Undertaker for the WHC
Elimination Chambers for 08 and 09

Vengeance/Night of Champions
Chris Jericho wins the Undisputed Championship for the first time
Rock vs. Angle vs. Undertaker for Undisputed Title (Rock's Record 7th Championship)
Undertaker vs. John Cena
Eddie Guerrero becomes the WWE's first U.S Champion
Edge vs. Orton for the IC Title
Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels II
Batista vs. Triple H - HIAC
DX returns on PPV against the Spirit Squad
John Morrison wins his first ECW Championship (RIP Benoit)
Triple H vs. John Cena II
Ted Dibiase's PPV debut
(I was very close to include Jamie Noble's win for the right to sleep with Torrie Wilson)

Triple H vs. Vince in a Street Fight
6 Man Hell in a Cell
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H in a 3 Stages of Hell Match
Randy Orton wins the IC Title going into a 7 month reign/Evolution wins all the titles
Undertaker vs. Randy Orton - HIAC
Kane vs. MVP - Inferno Match
4 Team Ladder Match for the Tag Titles
Jeff Hardy beats Triple H for the No. 1 Contendership
Edgeheads win a Triple Threat Match for the WHC
Jeff Hardy wins the WWE Title

All in all, there's quite a few big events that have occured at all three. I would put No Way Out over as it's the PPV that hypes up Wrestlemania, the stepping stone and some great matches, especially by Kurt Angle, at that PPV. All three PPVs have great history to them but I think No Way Out has better meaning and feel to it, you know it links to Wrestlemania and they want to hype it up.
I'm gonna have to say No Way Out on this one. No Way Out not only sets up for the Road To Wrestlemania but with the Elimination Chamber matches being added on to the card it makes it for some good tv & the matches lately on the card hasn't been a disappointment as well.
I have to agree with Phoenix, No Way out is being pushed by WWE as a big event, now what with the Elimination Chamber match being exclusively at NWO.

Either than No Way Out WWE doesn't really push any other PPV as major, Night of Champions? Meh, Extreme Rules/One Night Stand/ Night of Extreme (where ever they are at now) is usually a reasonable PPV. But to be honest WWE has 4 big PPV's a year, surely thats enough.
I am going with Night of Champions b/c I love all the championship being on line on PPVs. I wish they put more championships on the line during the other PPV'S. It is the one night of the year, you all but know a championship will change hands.

I know this one I am about to mention won't count, but should is Tribute to the Troops. It may not have the best matches, but it certainly does the best, means the best.
December to Dismember used to be the #5 ppv. Then they discontinued it for some reason. :(

I'd have to say either The Great American Bash or Night of Champions. GAB has so much history behind it that it could be considered a big deal. The only thing really holding it back is a lack of memorable moments (From the newer GAB's). The only standout thing I can remember happening at the newer GAB's was JBL becoming WWE Champion.

Night of Champions is the only ppv with all the titles on the line. Multiple title changes can occur. I'm still waiting for the NoC when ALL the belts change hands. It's going to happen one year, mark my words.
No Way Out has become a huge show, and probably more enjoyable to watch then Survivor Series certainly, but it's only big because of the two gimmick matches on the card. It gets residual hype from being slapped right into the middle of two of the bigger pay per views of the year as well. It gets that added boost because more people are watching naturally.

Night of Champions is quickly becomming the number 5 (I only say 5, because honestly I think it's better then Survivor Series. Series survives today based on name alone, as it is clearly a weak pay per view almost every year in and out). It's a night where all the belts are on the line, so you never know what title could change hands. Yes, I understand the frustration of 9 titles in one company, but hey, it happens. As the years go on, it will become one of those special pay per views.
December to Dismember used to be the #5 ppv. Then they discontinued it for some reason. :(

I'd have to say either The Great American Bash or Night of Champions. GAB has so much history behind it that it could be considered a big deal. The only thing really holding it back is a lack of memorable moments (From the newer GAB's). The only standout thing I can remember happening at the newer GAB's was JBL becoming WWE Champion.

Night of Champions is the only ppv with all the titles on the line. Multiple title changes can occur. I'm still waiting for the NoC when ALL the belts change hands. It's going to happen one year, mark my words.

Im not really sure how you can call December to Dismember one of the big pay per views. It only happened once and was a pretty poor show in my books.

The Great American Bash is the pay per view I probably consider the worst show of the year. It used to be a big WCW Pay Per View, now it is nothing, and occurs during the horrid Summer.
I'm going with No Way Out. It is the PPV that they assemble the Elimination Chamber for. I would actually say that the WWE has Big 5 PPV's now. The Elimination Chamber is always a hit.

They should change the name, akin to Royal Rumble. The PPV should be called Elimination Chamber. Name it after the signature match(es). It would fill the space where King of the Ring used to sit, as the PPV where the title matches take a backseat (unless the titles are on the line) to the advertised special attraction.
I would say...

The Great American Bash
Not Exactly an amazing PPV but WCW fans like it cos of the name and it is a bit like JBL puts on decent matches but aint exactly stellar

Night Of Champions
Lots of title changes, originally Vengance which the fans loved and has a great history

end the year so WWE tries to go out with a bang. Always a fan Faviroute, Jeff won to the fans delight Jericho returns to PPV, lots of good times

No Way Out
a great WWE PPV better than this years Survivor series better than Summerslam and who doesn't love 2 EC in ONE night??? this years was probably the 2nd best PPV of ALL TIME the winner going to WM20 (if anyone cared)

But IMHO NWO is the winner.
Night of Champions.

Why? With 9 titles and all of them being on the line, you are almost guaranteed to see something you will remember for the rest of your life. The gimmick of every title being on the line, might still be fairly new.... but as the years go on I think that it will end up growing into the 5th biggest show. That is my prediction for the future.

Up until 08 I would have said the Great American Bash because of its history, but it has died down recently compared to how big it used to be.

Look at it this way.... nearly every other "B" pay-per-view seems to be severely overshadowed by one of the Big 4. Night of Champions seems to be the only one that does not necessarily have this problem. Add that to the fact of it having the "all titles are defended!" gimmick, and in the future it will without question become the 5th biggest, if not on par with the Big 4.

The next generation of fans might even be talking in these forums someday about "the Big 5"....
No Way Out i think is the 5th biggest.

the elimination chamber match just sets you up for the big on. and the match is always interesting.

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