What Does WWE Do Best?

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Like it or not we are all WWE fans. We watch it, we comment on it, and we critique it. However, it seems like most of the time our comments and our critiques make us seem like we dislike the product that we are seeing. And yet, each week we are back watching the product, talking about what goes on, buying tickets to the next live event, getting the newest WWE shirt, etc. So clearly the WWE is doing something that attracts audiences and makes people want to keep watching.

So now we hit my initial question "What does WWE do best and to a lesser extent what makes you keep coming back and watching WWE?"

For me personally what I think WWE does best to keep my coming back and wanting more is quite frankly their motto "anything can happen." Each week we get a series if matches, a series of promos, and different conflicts and resolutions to problems. We can go one week with having 8 stellar matches on RAW to the next week of 4 good matches, a dance off, and 5 promos. Every week we get something totally new and as a fan it keeps me coming back each and every week.

I think unlike other wrestling promotions WWE actually tries and "entertains." I enjoy the matches in TNA, in ROH, NJPW, however WWE is much more entertaining due to their focus on promos, and logical storylines. Like I said we never know what to expect which I think is the best part about WWE. If I want to watch the best matches I'll go watch Japan, want to watch the best females in wrestling I'll go to TNA but WWE always is different each week and more than else entertains.

I enjoy my bizarre characters that don't fit in. Fandango for example you wouldn't see in any of her company but in WWE he works because he is entertaining. Tons of Funk would be laughed at in Japan but in WWE they work. The Wyatts aren't focused on titles or victories they are about spreading their message. It's people like this who make me feel anything can happen. It may end up being a disaster but in the end it's interesting to see how it plays out.

Even the matches, whilst usually we get a lot of similar/repeat matches every week we get something slightly different. People evolve, stipulations change, people try and impress. Anything can happen in a WWE match, just look at all the different finishes in one night. It's the variety that I find oh so intriguing.

To me WWE brings me back because I never know what's coming next and entertains me in the process. Anything can happen from good, to bad, to ugly. I'll always be a fan though.
I think WWE quite simply has the best production, likely because they have the most money. WWE can debut talent with flashy entrances and unique themes (Wyatt Family, Fandango) and their promo videos and pre-tapes are of exceptional quality. I personally enjoy rewatching promo videos from classic feuds because they really captured the feeling of the match and made it feel special. I would put WWE on par with any performance in the world in terms of production value. At the end of the day, Game of Thrones wouldn't be -quite- as good without all that HBO money (at least the show.)
There's a lot of stuff that the WWE does best. Like the poster above, their edited promos and pre-match videos are amazing. They just do it so well and normally I can't get enough of them.

Another thing they do well is match quality. Of course I can go watch some ROH or TNA to see a good match, but look at all the 5 star matches WWE has given us on free television so far this year. Not only that, but I can easily be entertained by a 5 minute match that the WWE does right as much as I would be with a 15 minute match. Especially these days, most matches are given importance. Ever since HHH has been gaining more influence, the divas matches are becoming higher quality. I'm not saying they do women's matches the best because TNA also puts on great matches with their Knockouts, but the WWE is improving.

Another thing WWE does really well is how they use stables (aside from the Corre). The Shield, the Wyatt Family, La Familia, the Cabinet, Nexus, DX, the Ministry, the Corporation, etc. were all done well. Yes, there may have been some issues with some storylines every now and then, but I cared more about those stables than I did for ones like Aces and Eights, Immortal, Main Event Mafia, etc. I'm not bashing TNA, but I'm just saying that WWE does stables so much better.

Another thing WWE does extremely well is entrance themes. I won't even name all the incredible themes that they come up with, but when I watch other wrestling promotions, I can't really tell the difference between themes. I'm not saying that to be a dick, but it's true. I watch TNA most of the time and I still have a hard time figuring out entrances every now and then.

I guess all I can say is WWE does a lot of things really well and I'm sure there's more I haven't listed.
There is the most obvious, being production value. The entrances, video packages, recaps, lighting, etc are all second to no one.

The one big thing that I think people will forget about is that WWE hypes better than anyone not called the NFL, and if you consider worldwide, the E, arguably does it better. The E advertises and uses social media as a hype machine to the point of annoyance, but it gets the job done. They use mainstream media better than anyone else. When it comes to bringing someone is, it is on their terms, not someone else's. Granted they help promote other USA programming, at times, but it is as much to their benefit. This is the big difference between they way the E does it and what is currently happening in TNA. TNA is the dig being wagged by its tail, while the E will always be the tail wagging the dog,
WWE does rape angles like no other.

Of course the classic Heidenreich Raping Cole angle that none of us will ever forget. If you have forgotten it or are a pimply teenager who wasn't watching then....

I think the most major rape angle they did was the one where Triple H accused Kane of raping a dead girl named Katie Vick. He did clarify that the accusation was that Kane murdered her and *then* raped her corpse. That was one of the better angles.

I feel like it was an intentional decision for them never to have Kane officially deny the Katie Vick stuff. He just got mad and kidnapped HHH for a week.
Which to me implies he is mad because its true. Then he kidnapped and raped HHH for a full week for outing him


They also alluded to Kane raping Lita when he impregnated her. That was a minor angle.

I'm sure I've seen Vince allude to sexually assaulting Stephanie in promos when they were feuding with each other.

Certainly the I Quit Match they had was fairly rapey, especially when you watch the promo for it.


TNA tried to up the ante recently. I suppose since Triple H has taken over, the angles are a lot less rapey and TNA sees an open market of rape angles that have not been done. That's when Bubba turned heel and revealed that all the times he copulated with Hogan's daughter, he was pretty much raping her as there is no love there.

All the same, it's not as believable as WWE's angles. No one would believe that any young girl would willingly have sex with Bubba Dudley, a 3rd tier tag wrestler, in the first place. You can believe that Vince's sexual magnetism & money would create opportunities for him to have sex with many women and men.


That's what WWE does best. Rape angles.
Long story short, continuity keeps me coming back. I know that being a fan isn't a phase, I'm a wrestling fan for life. If I ever miss a week or two, I just have to go back and see what I missed because I know eventually I'll get back into it and I don't wanna miss a moment of it. I want to at least be knowledgeable about it. Quick example, while I'm loving Damien Sandow as Mr Money in the Bank, it just popped into my head so let me use it... If I stop watching wrestling for a month, I can't just turn it back on one day, and find Sandow as World Champ and say "wait, how did that happen?" So I make sure I keep up so I know that he won MITB and then... etc etc he becomes champ yada yada. Point is, I feel I need to stay in the loop or I'm gonna be lost and, while I can make the effort to catch up, why not just stay informed!

Quick story here... WrestleMana 25, Orton gets the title shot against Triple H because he won the 2009 Rumble. When my WrestleMania party happened, one of my friends (cough, the worst "fan" of my group of wrestling buddies) he tries to go on a schpeil about Orton sucking (his opinion) and he ends it with "...besides, what did he ever do to get this title shot anyways!?" ...and the entire rest of the group lowers their head and collectively groans as one guy has the guts to mumble... "he won the Rumble, you idiot."

...and THAT is who/what I can't become, and THAT is why I, at the least, keep myself updated on the WWE.
What I like about the WWE is that it's being constantly written and re-written. Every week we get three new chapters of the never-ending saga that is pro-wrestling.

If Vince and his writing staff screw up, they can turn the direction of the story to recognize that they screwed up. Real life occurrences force a story line that ends up being more interesting and poignant than anything else on tv. There's no "season finale" that ends up being a two-parter or cuts without answering important questions. While they sometimes abruptly drop an angle or a gimmick with no explanation, the standard is to build to a PPV or series of PPVs and eventually close the chapter.

For over a decade some of US have been waiting for Sting to wrestle The Undertaker. Some of us waited as long to see Bret Hart or Hogan return to a WWE ring, or to see one company swallow the other. It's a form of entertainment that constantly gives us new content and new examples of a beloved character's potential.

Some people mock the content. Pro-wrestling has had some brilliantly poignant examples of intelligent dialogue and theater. I recall Roddy Piper confronting Hogan in 1997 on WCW with this thought "Do you think they would have cheered so loudly for you if they didn't boo me so much?". That statement brought to mind the typical way that our media manipulates us, we're presented with a hated villain first if only to validate a single reason for why a hero is ever necessary. I remember Dusty Rhodes' impassioned promos where he would echo the angst of local crowds in Detroit, speaking directly from the heart when promoting a free show for men who lost their jobs after plants would close.

Pro-wrestling is it's own universe of art and parody, it's a legitimately never-ending story. If the story isn't your thing, you always have men and women trying to show you innovative spots and techniques. It can be very disappointing, it was pretty stagnant and redundant during the invasion angle. We anticipate every generation's cast of characters to make their own saga, there's always hope that it'll get better.

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Wanted to add something here... one thing I love about pro wrestling as a whole... is that time is real. In a movie, the scene can cut to 6 months later and the director immediately cuts the scene, the subtitle "Six Months Later" sprawls along the bottom of the screen and boom, in a matter of seconds we've advanced six months.

In wrestling, when John Cena and The Rock say they're gonna main event WrestleMania 28 a year before it happens... we literally had to wait an entire year to see it happen. Think about that. Its an awesome thing!

Plus, for storylines where time is a deep factor, it truly makes it that much stronger. Perfect example... WrestleMania VII had the emotional reunion of Savage and Elizabeth. You wanna know why people were crying their eyes out that night? Because they actually waited TWO YEARS to see Liz and Randy reunite! And before that, from 84-89, thats almost five years where Randy and Liz were side by side every single time they were on TV! That's a huuuuuge part of what makes the stories of pro wrestling so awesome.

WWE has perfected the idea of the supershow. Wrestlemania is no longer a wrestling show but now an international convention with a week's worth of activities leading up to Sunday night. WWE regularly draws 80,000 people and makes $60 million+ every year to one event. The wrestling year all builds up to that one night and WWE has perfected the formula of how to make a fortune, even in a throwaway show like Wrestlemania XXIX.

It's WWE's crown jewel and as long as it's a success at this level, WWE is going to be fine.
Wanted to add something here... one thing I love about pro wrestling as a whole... is that time is real. In a movie, the scene can cut to 6 months later and the director immediately cuts the scene, the subtitle "Six Months Later" sprawls along the bottom of the screen and boom, in a matter of seconds we've advanced six months.

In wrestling, when John Cena and The Rock say they're gonna main event WrestleMania 28 a year before it happens... we literally had to wait an entire year to see it happen. Think about that. Its an awesome thing!

Plus, for storylines where time is a deep factor, it truly makes it that much stronger. Perfect example... WrestleMania VII had the emotional reunion of Savage and Elizabeth. You wanna know why people were crying their eyes out that night? Because they actually waited TWO YEARS to see Liz and Randy reunite! And before that, from 84-89, thats almost five years where Randy and Liz were side by side every single time they were on TV! That's a huuuuuge part of what makes the stories of pro wrestling so awesome.

I have to disagree to an extent. While it is in 'real time', yes, the problem is when they pretend that a week hasn't passed between shows. I get suspension of disbelief, but it drives me nuts when there's a miscommunication, it's obvious, there's video, and they then come out the next week and 'try to figure out what happened' like they couldn't have looked.
I have to disagree to an extent. While it is in 'real time', yes, the problem is when they pretend that a week hasn't passed between shows. I get suspension of disbelief, but it drives me nuts when there's a miscommunication, it's obvious, there's video, and they then come out the next week and 'try to figure out what happened' like they couldn't have looked.

Ohh you're absolutely right about that. Its like between Tuesday and Sunday the wrestlers don't exist. You're right. But I'm just saying when something is said to be a specific time frame like a GM saying so and so match will happen "in two weeks!" then we literally have to wait two weeks to see it take place.
The production of WWE is so much better than anything else out there it is ridiculous. Their production is lightyears beyond any other live event in the world. Going to a live WWE event is always fun as mistakes are extremely rare. Watching the shows on TV are also infinitely better than every live event you will watch (from a production standpoint). Their shows always look clean and polished. RAW never deviates from its format regardless of if it is 2 or 3 hours and is always packed with vignettes. Segments sometimes run too long but because it looks good aesthetically we don't find much to complain about. This is why TNA won't be on the same level as WWE. WWE invested so much into putting on the best live event possible from a production standpoint that anything even a smidge less looks inferior. If there is one thing that everyone can agree on it is that WWE sure as hell looks great.

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