We Need To Stop Taking Wrestlers For Granted


Everybody Has A Price!
I started posting on these forums a couple of months ago and so far I have enjoyed posting my thoughts on wrestling and debating with different people about why one wrestler is one of the best in the world or anything else I have debated with anyone on these forums. Whether we are on the same side of the fence or on opposite sides, I have noticed that there is one thing that a lot of wrestling fans are guilty of doing on these. I have been guilty of doing it too and some of the better-known posters around here have probably done it too.

That one thing that a lot of us are guilty of doing and may be the one thing that a lot of us on these forums have in common is, Taking Wrestlers for Granted. Whether we are bashing the likes of Batista, John Cena, Triple H, or any other wrestler, we really should not take them for granted in my opinion.

There comes a day when one must go. No wrestler or person for that matter can live forever and for the time that wrestler/person is in this world we should praise him or her for the good they have done in wrestling, not the bad they have done behind the scenes or anywhere else. This is one thing I think we should all do for each wrestler no matter how annoying we find them or how boring and unexciting we think they are. We should still praise, thank every single wrestler for putting their bodies through hell, and back every night to entertain us, wrestling fans.

I understand that there are always those wrestlers that are not in the pro-wrestling industry for the fans. They are just in it for the fame that comes with being a pro-wrestler and for the money, they get. Even then, I think we should praise and thank them for the good they did in pro-wrestling even if they could care less for wrestling. I know that there are a lot of us, or at least some of us, who were entertained by those wrestlers who came in, did what they did and then left because they did not like the life style or did not like anything about being a pro-wrestler. I still think we should praise and thank those wrestlers because they still came in and entertained a lot or some of us; even of those were not their intentions.

Now, there are those wrestlers who really do have a passion for pro-wrestling and love wrestling, but are in the “Minor Leagues” of wrestling. Sometimes they do not care if they have to live in a car or if they have to drive 200 miles to earn twenty bucks for one wrestling show, they would still drive those 200 miles because they want to go out and perform in order to entertain the fans watching. So I think we should thank those wrestlers who even though aren’t being watched by millions on television still go out and do their best to entertain fans, even if it is just 10 fans watching in a High School gym.

I have covered those wrestlers that could care less about wrestling and those wrestlers who do indeed love wrestling but have not hit the big times yet or might never hit the big times. Now, we are just missing those wrestlers who are in “The Major Leagues” of wrestling. These wrestlers are the ones that have reached the top of the mountain or are just starting the climb to the top. These wrestlers are watched to do what they love, which is wrestling, week in and week out by millions and millions around the world. These wrestlers are probably the ones that are bashed by pro-wrestling fans the most. Nevertheless, they have proven that even when they are bashed; it is not enough to keep them down. They still go out and try to entertain everyone in an arena no matter how much those fans don’t want to see him or her or no matter how much those fans wish they would just go away and fall into a hole somewhere, where no one would have to ever see them again. They still try their hardest to entertain those fans because even though those fans might dislike or hate the wrestler, that wrestler still loves all of the fans because they understand it is thanks to them that they are where they are and why they have been as successful as they have been. Therefore, even if you hate the wrestler, you should still thank that very wrestler you bashed because they still will try to entertain you, because that is what they like or love to do.

In summation, I really do think we should stop taking wrestlers for granted and just thank them all no matter what the circumstances where when they wrestled or are when they are wrestling. If they didn’t care for pro-wrestling, are wrestling in front of 10 people, or are wrestling for millions and millions around the world, they should all still be thanked for entertaining or at least trying to entertain each and every single one of us, wrestling fans. No matter how much hate they receive from some of us or how much we boo them when they are playing the babyface role and sometimes the heel role, they will still go out there and try to entertain us and make sure the fans attending got their moneys worth.

I would really like to know what you guys think regarding my post. Should we just continue to bash wrestlers and forget about everything I wrote in my entire post or should we start thanking and praising wrestlers for trying their hardest to entertain every single one of us, wrestling fans?
I can say quite confidently that I won't stop taking wrestlers for granted. That might make me an awful person, but we can chalk this up to my asshole post for the day.

If a competitive athlete in a sport such as football weren't able to do his job efficienctly, would the fans, the other members of the team, and the higher ups be expected to give the guy a pass because he puts his body on the line and he's not going to live forever? It sounds like faulty logic to me. I think the same line of thought applies to wrestling. If a guy isn't up to snuff, fans should swallow obediently and keep putting money down to watch a shitty showman. His peers should stand idly by while a poor wrestler drags the product down. Nobody gets unearned appreciation where I come from.
I really enjoyed reading your thread. In some ways I think we do take the wrestlers for granted. I think when we bash certain wrestlers, we really need to follow why we bash them up stream. What I mean by that is an example, we have John Cena and people really bash him for his superman type work in the ring. Well is it really Cena to bash? Probably not, go one step back to look at creative do they write Cena in as the superman character... Yes, but then go back up the chain one more time. Its leads to the man at the top. This example doesn't work for everything, but alot of bashing of certain wrestlers might not be in their control.

All wrestlers should be given their praise for working in the career in professional wrestling, which I think we all do without even knowing it. Even when a heel draws heat, that to me shows the wrestler that we really are involved in his job to entertain us. He/ or even she made us boo for a reason. Now a wrestler that only hears "Popcorn get your popcorn for a $1.25" should worry about whether we are invested in his product. Praise comes in all forms with professional wrestling, which makes it so exciting to me.
Dude you're exactly right. I may not be a Cena fan but he has the passion, people can say what they want about Hunter but at the end of the day hes dedicated to wrestling. People say he doesn't put people over, look at how many times he faced and lost to Batista-three in a row. Bar this past WrestleMania the last time he won at the event was WM19. Anyways back onto topic, even if the wrestlers arent the best in the ring they're still going to perform. If they didn't have the passion for wrestling, that motivation that runs through there own veins they wouldn't be wrestling for WWE or TNA or whatever promotion they work for whether it be little or big. They've went out there they could have there asses booed to hell yet they still wrestle, they dont bitch or whine about it. Admittedly yes some could do with improvement, but they're still wrestling, they want to wrestle and it shows tremendous determination, guys leave there families to wrestle, they leave there home countries.
I take many wrestlers for granted. You know why I do? Because they are actors in an entertainment industry. If a wrestler loads up on whatever drug he wants to take, then let him go for it. He will most likely die, and so be it. What did he die for? Was it for the fans? Probably not. We watch them for them, they play their roles a lot of the time for the paycheck. There are a selection of wrestlers who will probably never wrestle again, such as Bret Hart and the lot, and their are wrestlers now that I watch because I love. They are the ones who I will NOT take for granted, and hope there was never a moment when I did. But for everyone of those wrestlers there are five that I couldn't care less about.

Perhaps they connected with me for me to care about them, perhaps they were just more enjoyable to watch.

But there are dozens of wrestlers, in the major companies right now that I take for granted, and I truly do not care about.
Good post SavageTaker. Whilst unlike you, I do not like Cena at all, I do agree you have made some vaild points in your post here. I believe we definately should appreciate the hard work and dedication the pro wrestlers put in to entertain us. From training hard in the gym to working on their in ring skills over and over and over again to perfect them, these guys really do work exceptionally hard to try to give their fans their all and I certainly can appreciate that.
that is what has been bothering me as well SavageTaker. people seem to forget how hard these guys try to get the fans to cheer or boo them. it amazes me how we can judge this sport even though its not real. they have to do the same things as a normal athlete would to. gym workouts. ring skills. promo skills. they put there lives on the line to. do not tell me we have not seen some really nasty real injury's in the ring. hell we even have had guys die in the ring doing what they love entertain us fans. when a life is lost doing this work you can do nothin but praise these guys night in and out. even the guys who are not so poular yet or will never be have worked there asses off. No we should not be bashing any wrestler who cares if they are bad or good what matters is they try there best. Vince helps none by working tem 5 or 6 days a week. they need time off to.
I agree with your post. I might not like Randy Orton, his character is dull, his in ring ability is limited, and his character enjoys beating women but right now there is no one young on the roster to take his place. No one else aside from Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and Triple H have his overall skill.

To that end until another young stud comes up we need to do with what we have. I personally watch TNA for my dose of young talent. Much better than the WWE in my mind.
I agree with your post. I might not like Randy Orton, his character is dull, his in ring ability is limited, and his character enjoys beating women but right now there is no one young on the roster to take his place. No one else aside from Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and Triple H have his overall skill.

To that end until another young stud comes up we need to do with what we have. I personally watch TNA for my dose of young talent. Much better than the WWE in my mind.

His character is dull? From 2005 to right now he's moved from the legend killer, to daddy's son, to the cocky guy who insulted eddie after he was dead, to the phsyco guy who beated the hell out of cena, to the veteran leading the legacy, how is that dull?

His in ring ability is limited? If you compare him vs most of the "Great ones" for the IWC he's way above miz or mvp. Also, he hasn't done much wrestling nowadays its because he's one of the big ones in the company now and they protect him by limiting his move set.

"His character enjoys beating females" Nope, his character is a phsyco who will do whatever it takes to get into his opponents head. He beated stephanie with a purpose which was to annoy triple h and make us fans hate him. Which is what heels are all about, so yeah. your points are worthless.

Back on topic: I completely disagree with you and i think the MJ funeral has gotten you so sensitive to "heal the world". Yes, they go out and put their bodies on the line for us fans, but what kind of worker doesn't? Every athlete goes out there and takes his body to the limits in order to succeed, in wrestlers case succeed means getting along with the fans and make them make noise for you and buy tickets/merchandise. In all the other sports is simply to beat the opponents and they take their bodies to the limit in order to acomplish this. I don't think we shouldn't bash those that we don't like simply because "they're putting their bodies on the line" So what? Yes, we respect every single wrestler indeed as a person, but not as a character. Also not every wrestler puts his/her body on the line as others. Compare shawn michaels/rey mysterio whose moves are high flying and therefor more risky moves to koslov for example. Its simply not the same.
I think we shouldn't really bash wrestlers, but I do think we have the right for our opinion on them, what if Cena is really doing all of this for the money, and he doesn't give a fuck about wrestling. We don't know! We should respect the fact they they go through hell to entertain us but that doesn't mean we should necessiraly like them.
I completely disagree with you

That’s fine. I’ll show you why I disagree with you.

Yes, they go out and put their bodies on the line for us fans, but what kind of worker doesn't? Every athlete goes out there and takes his body to the limits in order to succeed, in wrestlers case succeed means getting along with the fans and make them make noise for you and buy tickets/merchandise.

But you see the difference with every athlete and a professional wrestler is that those other athletes get an off time, they don‘t have to be doing whatever it is they do year round. Professional wrestlers on the other hand have to wrestle multiple times every week, year round. The only time they get to rest is when they are injured or when they request some time off, which is not always granted.

In all the other sports is simply to beat the opponents and they take their bodies to the limit in order to acomplish this.

Not really. Those guy don’t only do their sport to beat their opponents. Those guys are earning millions and millions of dollars to do what they do. For them it’s not just about beating the other guys but it’s also about getting the money. I’m sure that in other major sports, those athletes earn more money than a professional wrestler does.

I don't think we shouldn't bash those that we don't like simply because "they're putting their bodies on the line" So what?

So wrestling every night and putting their bodies to hell to entertain you is not enough for you to show them some respect and not bash them?

Yes, we respect every single wrestler indeed as a person, but not as a character.

I don’t think anyone is talking about each wrestlers “characters”. If I wanted to talk about their “characters” then I would not have made this thread in the first place.

Also not every wrestler puts his/her body on the line as others.

Actually they do. It might not look like they do but once you start thinking about it, they actually do. If you think about The Undertaker doing a tombstone you wouldn’t think he is doing any type of harm to himself, but he does. Just imagine having to land on your knees multiple times a year for over 15 years. After a while it gets painful to have to keep doing the same move that hurts your knees.

Compare shawn michaels/rey mysterio whose moves are high flying and therefor more risky moves to koslov for example. Its simply not the same.

I don’t think anyone is trying to say it’s the same. Obviously it’s not. Having to fly around puts you at a higher risk at getting injured but guys like Kozlov can still get injured too.
I agree with your post. I might not like Randy Orton, his character is dull, his in ring ability is limited, and his character enjoys beating women

First off isn't the point of this thread to try to avoid precisely what your doing in this piece of knowledge you gave us. I mean seriously why would you post this when it's counterproductive to what the point of the thread is ?

Secondly your wrong so many people are with this point Randy Orton is not dull and boring. He is booked to be a cold calculating emotionless villain that will hurt anybody and anything that gets in the way of him and his Legacy.

He is booked to talk slow in his promos to walk slow to the ring and wrestle a more ground and pound style in the ring. Please watch his promos as the Legend Killer in his feud with the Undertaker the buildup towards his Triple Threat Wrestlemania 22 match with Mysterio and Angle.

His matches were different you saw a more athletic worker in the ring and more lively promos that was for the Legend Killer for this new persona is for the Viper plain and simple.
His character is dull? From 2005 to right now he's moved from the legend killer, to daddy's son, to the cocky guy who insulted eddie after he was dead, to the phsyco guy who beated the hell out of cena, to the veteran leading the legacy, how is that dull?

His in ring ability is limited? If you compare him vs most of the "Great ones" for the IWC he's way above miz or mvp. Also, he hasn't done much wrestling nowadays its because he's one of the big ones in the company now and they protect him by limiting his move set.

"His character enjoys beating females" Nope, his character is a phsyco who will do whatever it takes to get into his opponents head. He beated stephanie with a purpose which was to annoy triple h and make us fans hate him. Which is what heels are all about, so yeah. your points are worthless.

Back on topic: I completely disagree with you and i think the MJ funeral has gotten you so sensitive to "heal the world". Yes, they go out and put their bodies on the line for us fans, but what kind of worker doesn't? Every athlete goes out there and takes his body to the limits in order to succeed, in wrestlers case succeed means getting along with the fans and make them make noise for you and buy tickets/merchandise. In all the other sports is simply to beat the opponents and they take their bodies to the limit in order to acomplish this. I don't think we shouldn't bash those that we don't like simply because "they're putting their bodies on the line" So what? Yes, we respect every single wrestler indeed as a person, but not as a character. Also not every wrestler puts his/her body on the line as others. Compare shawn michaels/rey mysterio whose moves are high flying and therefor more risky moves to koslov for example. Its simply not the same.

I compare him to the one person I can compare him to and get no real argument. His father. His father had to be told by promoters to mess up during his matches because he made everything look to easy. Cowboy Bob was that good.

He will do anything to get into peoples heads including BEAT WOMEN.

His current character has no mic skills what so ever. He is dull. I turn on my music when he comes out to talk so I don't have to listen.

When was the last time Orton had a classic championship match? A match that lasted for 40 minutes that you will never forget? I don't think he ever has had one like that. Every other main event star has had that moment, Randy hasn't. The closest he got was when he won the World Title the first time.

Randy Orton's current character may delude his talents but honestly I don't see what is so special the way they are writing him now.
I think every rant that you see in the forums like this one are mostly complaining about the character, if not that then its probably complaining that they use their backstage politics power in order to succeed more than others who deserve the spot as much if not more than the person in topic. This by no means mean that the guy complaining does not respect the work/profesionalism of the wrestler or that doesn't appreciate them putting their bodies on the line for them, simply is not happy about the way the character is going. Everyone on these forums except for totally ******s who wish certain guys get injured respect the entertainers as people, its just the character they hate. If you had it your way then every superstar would get cheered even after insulting the city on the shows, and wrestling would lose its fun and magic.

Back when randy orton used to be more athletic and had more energy on his character overall, people like us used to praise him all the time and therefor cheer for him. Maybe they've told him to slow down so that people gets boring of him and start booing him as they should've been at first since he's playing a heel persona? And speaking of his dad, im pretty sure randy's success has been bigger than his dad's already, that explains a bit as to who's playing his role better. If randy orton would get no reaction from the fans and fans didn't buy tickets/ppvs to see him losing/winning then maybe wwe would say "he's boring, fire him" but since ratings are still as good if not better than they were with cenas/HHH reigns they won't change him. In my eyes randy's character is good because he's portraying a guy who doesn't fear anyone or respects anyone and will do anything to get to where he wants which is pretty much a great heel character, im pretty sure most people in here will agree with me. The bad thing of his character as of right now, is that, with legacy on his side, he isn't winning anything on his own and its always the same cody/ted run in to save him. Thats why its getting stale and thats why we are getting bored of it. Not because of his promos i think.
I agree with you.

People took the Rock for granted back in the day. Even though the real wrestling fans were nostalgic when he makes brief returns back in 02 and 03, people really believed he was a "sellout" and was on the heated debate of whether the wwe "needed him or not". Anyway, nobody predicted the Rock to retire at 30 so it's not really the fans' fault, I guess. So while this argument does pose some legitimacy, it also varies with some athletes. I wouldn't say all wrestlers overall.

I think people don't take the older wrestlers for granted like Kane or Taker. People respect them no matter what. Though, guys like the (old) Undertaker or Triple H are known to put people down in their past, but I don't think that's taking them for granted really. Most veteran wrestlers, are respected by most of the fans. As for guys like Cena or Punk, people should take them for granted. After all, it's their right and they want better.

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