[UPDATE] Hulk Hogan Expected to Re-Sign with TNA; Lowballed By WWE?

Stone Cold--and not Hulk Hogan--should get the legend spot at Wrestlemania. Hogan would have drawn tons of money, but an Austin match would be more lucrative. Fans are not pining for a Hogan match, but there has been high interest in Austin vs. CM Punk and Austin vs. John Cena.

WWE probably underpriced Hogan as a good faith gesture to Austin.

What a visual we could get in April. Austin wrestling in front of 80,000+ fans and Hogan gabbing to a crowd of 800. Austin may indeed beat Hogan again.
Hogan helped make WWE big in the 80's and early 90's,so they could have at least offered him more than they did.It makes sense he would re-sign with TNA.He did more for WWE then Brock has and is a very big name in the business next to the likes of Rock..

Hogan may be a huge name but how much money can he really bring in? Brock was the former UFC champ when he came in, he could and still can wrestle 4-5 star matches and is willing to put talent over (Mostly because he doesn't care). Hogan cannot wrestle to anywhere near an acceptable level anymore and having him come back as a manager or similar role will result in him getting far more attention than the superstar he should be helping, not through any fault of his own but simply because he's hulk hogan.
Usually, I agree very often with your sentiments, but let's be honest here, you lack objectivity when it comes to what you say about Hogan. Again, I'm Hogan biased, I whole-hardheartedly admit that, and I don't shy from that. Say what you want about this and that, or what you THINK you know about the wrestling business. But you or I have no real idea what HHH, Vince and WWE are thinking in regards to the notion of rekindling a working relationship with Hulk Hogan.

You're forgetting that WrestleManias of past have had less meaningful people like Maria Menounos and Snooki taking up precious airtime from other competitors. To boot, Snooki was featured in the penultimate match of WrestleMania XXVII, say what you want, I know Jersey Shore was the hottest thing some time back, but with The Rock as the WrestleMania host, I think we had enough to sell that event.

Hulk Hogan's last WrestleMania appearance was almost a decade ago, off the heels of his WWE Hall Of Fame 2005 induction, he came out in the middle of the show to save Eugene from a beatdown at the hands of Muhammad Hassan and Shawn Daivari. Of course, this was to build up for his summertime angle with Shawn Michaels. I digress, Hogan didn't wrestle a main event match that night or walk out with every single belt on his shoulder using that infamous "creative control" clause that he always is accused of having.

To be quite honest, I'll take a guess and say that competitors over the years feel more slighted when non-wrestlers compete in actual matches, as opposed to legends of yesteryear coming out for nostalgia appearances.

So seriously, while I've given you credit for a lot of your posts in the past, you come off sounding very nonobjective and awfully absent minded at what WrestleMania has been in the past several years. Hulk Hogan's last appearance wasn't a threat to any of its young talent. And should this whole TNA re-signing somehow not actually be true, and there is some glimmer of hope that he'll be back at Mania 30, worse things could happen.

By the way, the next time you talk to Hunter since you seem to know how he thinks, do you now the guy, is he on your speed dial or something? If that's the case, please ask when Randy Savage is going to get his Hall Of Fame nod, I've been dying to know so I could start saving up for my airfare to attend, especially if it's this year. Then again, that might be a touchy subject, unless HHH is cool and all about the fact his old lady got her cherry popped by the Madness. I'm being sarcastic of course, since like many internet urban legends, I'm not going to subscribe to the adage that if it's posted on the internet, it has to be true.

However, I know you're never one to shy away from internet stuff being gospel, so who knows you might even believe that nonsense too, like so much of the other BS you usually cite as truth.

Once again we go down these roads...

Hogan has proved he is an awful authority figure in TNA and not a very good backstage one. Whether I hate him, love him or indifferent him - there is very little that he can actually offer in terms of positive impact on WWE TV.

The nearest you can say (and I did say we could see it) is a Survivor Series run to help promote the new game (which he plays a big part of) which the E will test him with - just like they tested RVD with a short run before the main one.

I did actually meet Hunter once but that was long before he had any stroke whatsoever as the American side of my family are from Nashua and my aunt was his personal shopper at K-Mart... Bizarre but true...

As for the hate, it's getting old... I am not a fan of Hogan, doesn't mean I never was or am prepared to keep being attacked... Whatever good he did he has undone many times over and my point is Vince, Trips - whoever would be silly to want that back in the locker room when they have enough problem pushing who they have.
Well who knows, if HHH has opend his arms to having Hulk back, they could have made some form of financially viable deal for both parties. If WWE wanted Hogan at Mania, they would have come to some agreement. Put simply, I am disappointed that the biggest name in wrestling history wont be at Mania 30. Vince seems intent on the current fans believing it was just his vision that made Wrestling what it is today. Without Hulk Hogan, wrestling would not be the phenomenon it is today. Just having Hogan present and appear in some capacity would add to the big feel Mania should project. The past few have been disappointing. Regardless of what people think of Hogan, his reactions are bigger than any other superstar or legend when they get wheeled out. On the same hand though, if Hulk gave a shit about his fans, he would know that Hulkamaniacs the world wide all want to see him end his career with a fitting farewell in WWE, and at 60yo, Wrestlemania XXX could have been the perfect place for this to happen. Again with Hogan, its all about the $$$$. Sad but this is yet another reason wrestling in 2013 is the pitiful mess it is
Personally, I think this is good news for TNA. No matter what anyone thinks of Hogan. His name attached to TNA adds value. Sponsors and the higher-ups love the name "Hulk Hogan." You could always squeeze a match out of him to up PPV buys. The best role on-screen for him is the GM position. If true, I'm glad he's re-signing. I enjoy see him every week, where WWE only uses their legends once a year.
Five years ago, Hulk Hogan was pitching vacuum cleaners for Rent-A-Center. This whole "sponsors love Hulk Hogan" thing is bullshit. Who's paying Hulk Hogan these days to pitch their product? No one- except TNA, and the Hulk and Eric era has by and large been written off as a disaster.

He doesn't even pitch vacuum cleaners now; Rent-A-Center can get a better return on their advertising dollar without using the faded stars of yesteryear. Look, if you like watching the guy, I don't understand it for the life of me, but I won't knock that. But Hulk Hogan being a major sponsor draw in 2013 is as laughable as the idea of Brooke Hogan as a television and music superstar. He has zero relevance to professional wrestling today, and like many other people in TNA, gets by on the fact that once upon a time he used to be somebody.

Hulk Hogan spikes the needles- when he's used appropriately, as a museum piece that you trot out from time to time to demonstrate affiliation. When he's a regular part of the show, we've got about three people here who give a shit.
You're forgetting that WrestleManias of past have had less meaningful people like Maria Menounos and Snooki taking up precious airtime from other competitors. To boot, Snooki was featured in the penultimate match of WrestleMania XXVII, say what you want, I know Jersey Shore was the hottest thing some time back, but with The Rock as the WrestleMania host, I think we had enough to sell that event.

This is the perfect role that Hulk could have performed at WM30. Say (just for argument's sake) that the main event was Daniel Bryan vs Triple H with VKM in his corner for the WWe Title and Vince interferes in the bout. Hogan could come down, chase McMahon off. In that scenario no-one is disadvantaged and the man most synonymous with the event to the average Joe (WrestleMania ≈ Hulkamania) appears at this landmark while he can still at least walk.

Or maybe I'm wrong and CeeLo Green would get more people to purchase the event...
Call me cynical, but I'm not totally convinced that Hogan was ever going anywhere.

Yes, that's a very real possibility. I'm reminded of Hogan years ago in WCW, swearing to a national TV audience on Jay Leno's show that he was retiring.....only to keep on performing. This "quitting TNA" business might be a similar angle.

Also consider: What is being called a lowball offer from WWE might have been a perfectly reasonable amount of money.....but not to Hogan, who either thinks he's still worth what he was in the 80's.....or, is trying to fool a wrestling organization into thinking that, as he did with TNA 3 years ago.

Hogan appearing at WM30 would generate a huge pop; the fans being excited to see him on the big stage, spouting his vegetables, prayers, vitamins gook while taking a poke at some heel that dares to enter the ring while Hogan is posturing for the crowd. An appearance like that would be worth some nice bucks for the old man. But the notion of Hogan working for WWE, in whatever capacity, was probably the sticking point in whatever negotiations went on.

Meanwhile, there's TNA. I would have thought they'd be thrilled to finally have the financial obligation due Hogan off their backs. Perhaps his leverage has disappeared due to the failed deal with WWE....and he can now be had for a reasonable price by the smaller organization. In other words, there was some sort of an option that left an opening to see if he could cut a better deal with WWE.....similar to the Bret Hart-WWE-WCW event in '97, in which Vince McMahon gave Bret the opening to see if he could do better with WCW; which he did.

If Hogan wants to keep himself in the public eye, he can take the lesser amount of money TNA offers. If not, he shouldn't let the door hit him in the ass on his way out.
So you're saying that the WWE pays Brock Lesnar and Dwyane Johnson the same amount that tna is paying Hulk Hogan for a year? Tna was paying Hogan 35k per appearance and he has a habit of appearing on every show and every pay per view. Thats 56 times $35 000, which equals $1.96 Mil a year. Now i highly doubt that the WWE would pay Lesnar or The Rock 2 million dollars per match and then give Hulk Hogan less than that for the whole year.

In any event this is the WWE's loss but not really TNA's gain. Hulk really doesn't do anything for TNA. It would have been big money for the WWE though to have Vince bring in Hulk as his guy to face Triple H in one final Wrestlemania match next year.
So you're saying that the WWE pays Brock Lesnar and Dwyane Johnson the same amount that tna is paying Hulk Hogan for a year? Tna was paying Hogan 35k per appearance and he has a habit of appearing on every show and every pay per view. Thats 56 times $35 000, which equals $1.96 Mil a year. Now i highly doubt that the WWE would pay Lesnar or The Rock 2 million dollars per match and then give Hulk Hogan less than that for the whole year.
I don't doubt that for a second.

You're also going by what Hulk Hogan got on his last deal, based on his market value then, and not what he'll get on his current deal with his reduced market value (which is due to several factors, including the WWE not really needing him and TNA not being able to afford his requests.)

You're also assuming that he appeared on every TNA Impact and PPV, which was far from the case. When he appeared on an episode though, TNA made sure they got their monies' worth, so we'd get eight Hulk Hogan segments in a two hour program.

So that $2 million number is entirely imaginary.

If someone is paying Hulk Hogan two million dollars per year, they have lost their fucking minds.
Once again we go down these roads...

Hogan has proved he is an awful authority figure in TNA and not a very good backstage one. Whether I hate him, love him or indifferent him - there is very little that he can actually offer in terms of positive impact on WWE TV.

All seriousness, Hogan's impact pardon on the pun on TNA has been nil overall, even I admit that. For someone of his magnitude, of course the expectations were that he'd do what he did in WCW, with some never stopping to think that despite Hogan's star stature WCW had an infrastructure of great talent that dated back to the Jim Crockett Promotions days. Therefore, as great as Hogan did in bringing WCW to prominence, it already had a foundation laid down to make great thing happens. Much like, Hogan returning to the WWF in 1984, even though he was the biggest part of that promotion there was a lot more than just him to enjoy with the product.

I'm of course disappointed in many ways that Hogan's not done what many think his name should do in TNA, but I'm not surprised. I think even if they could consistently deliver a solid top to bottom product, TNA just doesn't have enough to offer with the way WWE has dominated today's wrestling market. I also think that Hogan's role in everything with the promotion is a figurehead one, I don't think he has the say and authority that we've been led to believe. And even if he did have say in everything going on backstage, I still don't see how the product would improve.

Click here to read about Matt Morgan's TNA departure

Matt Morgan even stated that Hogan wanted to work with him but the promotion nixed and vetoed the proposal. I cite that as a reason as to why I think Hogan's got very little say and he's just there to be a ceremonial addition to the product. Again, I could be wrong, and Matt Morgan could just be trying to mislead us, but in some ways as a former TNA star, I'm not sure what he stands to gain by saying this, unless there really are plans to bring him back to TNA at some point. Who knows?

The nearest you can say (and I did say we could see it) is a Survivor Series run to help promote the new game (which he plays a big part of) which the E will test him with - just like they tested RVD with a short run before the main one.

It's possible, there's speculation going around now that Hogan's not actually signed with TNA despite reports. Again, who knows, that's a wait and see thing.

I did actually meet Hunter once but that was long before he had any stroke whatsoever as the American side of my family are from Nashua and my aunt was his personal shopper at K-Mart... Bizarre but true...

That's cool man, he's one guy I've always wanted to meet, I know he gets a lot of shit on these forums for obvious reasons, despite what luxuries he has to being married in the family, I'm a fan of his determination and prowess , something that I think people with objectivity should never overlook about Triple H. Because I think those are attributes to be admired, even if he has used his connections to being married into the family for his own benefit at times, the man just screams passion with what he does in that ring.

As for the hate, it's getting old... I am not a fan of Hogan, doesn't mean I never was or am prepared to keep being attacked... Whatever good he did he has undone many times over and my point is Vince, Trips - whoever would be silly to want that back in the locker room when they have enough problem pushing who they have.

I admit that at times, I am headstrong in some of my statements and yes I've been pretty firm in my rebuttals towards you. The only thing is that these supposed problems that Hogan always seems to start, seem to always be "forgiven" when the time is right. Keep in mind it was WWE the last ten years that has given Hogan nostalgia title reigns and main event spots. There's only so much blame one can put Hogan's way when WWE has put his character back on a superstar platform.

Hogan hasn't actually wrestled a match in two years time, and the last time he did show up in WWE during the RAW 15th Anniversary show, he came in for a run in against the Great Khali, and did so in the middle of the show. And as I cited in the last post I made, he was at WrestleMania 21 in a non-wrestling role. In my opinion, Hogan does what WWE tells him to do, and all this internet ga-ga we hear is just Hogan doing what he can to get people like us to react. The guy essentially is the internet's biggest troll and his occupation is that of a pro wrestler, these people's jobs are to incite reactions out of us. There's just some guys like Hulk Hogan that are just so outlandish and outrageous that they live their character to the hilt, on a 24/7 basis.

Again man, I apologize if I've come off like an asshole in a lot of my replies, I just think that sometimes as a whole we here in the IWC tend to forget why we're wrestling fans, and we fail to realize that what's on the screen dictates more of what it's about. I'm not impervious to internet conjecture myself, but I just think some of it overrides why we're fans of this stuff in the first place. That's why I challenged some of the points in your post.
Five years ago, Hulk Hogan was pitching vacuum cleaners for Rent-A-Center. This whole "sponsors love Hulk Hogan" thing is bullshit. Who's paying Hulk Hogan these days to pitch their product? No one- except TNA, and the Hulk and Eric era has by and large been written off as a disaster.

He doesn't even pitch vacuum cleaners now; Rent-A-Center can get a better return on their advertising dollar without using the faded stars of yesteryear. Look, if you like watching the guy, I don't understand it for the life of me, but I won't knock that. But Hulk Hogan being a major sponsor draw in 2013 is as laughable as the idea of Brooke Hogan as a television and music superstar. He has zero relevance to professional wrestling today, and like many other people in TNA, gets by on the fact that once upon a time he used to be somebody.

Hulk Hogan spikes the needles- when he's used appropriately, as a museum piece that you trot out from time to time to demonstrate affiliation. When he's a regular part of the show, we've got about three people here who give a shit.

I was talking more along the lines of potential sponsors for TNA. According to what I've read(could or could not be true) Spike TV really likes having the name Hulk Hogan. I didn't say he was a "major" sponsor draw, but he's by far the best draw TNA has. His name attracts, I don't see how that's debatable. Hogan can promote TNA in ways that nobody else on the roster can. For example a few years ago he was all over ESPN promoting Bound For Glory 2011(when he had that match with Sting). Tell me do you think any non-wrestling fan would recognize anybody else on the roster?

He gets the loudest reaction on Impact every week. If they squeezed a well-promoted match out of him they would probably have the most PPV buys they've ever had because he's Hulk Hogan. I don't think he should be making as much as he reportedly does, but I can't fault the guy for making a living. To a certain degree TNA needs Hogan.
For Mania XXX to have that nostalgic feel good moment, havin Hulk Hogan involved in some angle on the card and appearing at the HOF ceremony to induct somebody would be fantastic. Although most of us agree he has damaged his legacy immeasureably, surely the inner fan and Hulkamaniac inside any of those here(including myself) that were kids when Hogan was slamming Andre and power slamming Bundy in a cage and kicking out of Savages elbow drop would see it fitting that Hulk is at least acknowledged for the massive part he has played in WWE history. It saddens me that in little things like promos and pre dvd ads that all these different legends are featured but Hogans image isnt. I know he is in TNA(unsigned at present), but that hasnt stopped Hogan appearing in recent WWE dvd releases. I just think seeing it is Mania XXX, WWE should roll out a selection of the BIGGEST WWE names. HBK we know will be there in some fashion, The Rock may as he has appeared at the past 3. Austin would be great also, Bret Hart. Forgetting or not having Hogan to me just shows WWE to be the self serving, history re-writing company they love to be. I will mark out like a motherf%$#er if Real American hits the arena as Cesaro Swagger and Mantell are laying a beatdown on somebody during Mania, similar to Mania 21. Its all he can really do in-ring, I dont want to see him in a match.
I was talking more along the lines of potential sponsors for TNA. According to what I've read(could or could not be true) Spike TV really likes having the name Hulk Hogan. I didn't say he was a "major" sponsor draw, but he's by far the best draw TNA has. His name attracts, I don't see how that's debatable. Hogan can promote TNA in ways that nobody else on the roster can. For example a few years ago he was all over ESPN promoting Bound For Glory 2011(when he had that match with Sting). Tell me do you think any non-wrestling fan would recognize anybody else on the roster?

He gets the loudest reaction on Impact every week. If they squeezed a well-promoted match out of him they would probably have the most PPV buys they've ever had because he's Hulk Hogan. I don't think he should be making as much as he reportedly does, but I can't fault the guy for making a living. To a certain degree TNA needs Hogan.
1) It's very easily debatable to say that 'Hulk Hogan attracts'. All one has to do is put TNA's rating numbers over the past ten years on a graph. You could say "Hulk Hogan attracts for a month or so", and I would strongly agree with that statement, but beyond that, TNA's ratings are a flat line. Before anyone says it, yes, the more you get paid, typically the more responsibility that you have. No one is expecting Manik to make any movement in the ratings.

Who cares if people recognize Hulk Hogan if he isn't bringing in new viewers? Is TNA trying to get attention, or make money? The two don't always go hand in hand.

2) Crowd 'reaction' can be controlled with a switch on the soundboard. TNA stopped taping 'live' months ago and moved to a one-hour delay, although it isn't that hard to add crowd noise to a live broadcast either.

TNA does not need Hulk Hogan; they've created a false dependence on Hulk Hogan by relying on him to promote everyone and everything, to the point where a viewer could easily believe his goal was to promote himself. If people are seriously tuning in to professional wrestling these days to see what a sixty year-old man who can barely walk has to say, and won't watch if he isn't there, we can just declare professional wrestling dead right here and go play checkers.
I think it's unfair to blame the ratings drop on Hogan since he joined. haven't ratings also dropped in the same time period for WWE? so I guess that's Hogan's fault too? wrestling ratings have dropped, and there is plenty of blame to go around. blame Prichard for his dragged out storylines where week to week to week not much ever changed. why did viewers need to watch every single week?
I do think Hogan should have done more. he could have promoted TNA better than he did. but TNA couldn't promote well enough themselves. there are WWE fans that used to watch Jeff Hardy, that didn't even know he was in TNA.

I think he will be resigned, and I think he will have an effect on the title match this Sunday between Styles and Bully. you have to think something will happen other than just Styles winning clean.
I think it's unfair to blame the ratings drop on Hogan since he joined. haven't ratings also dropped in the same time period for WWE? so I guess that's Hogan's fault too? wrestling ratings have dropped, and there is plenty of blame to go around.
No. It is quite possible for two entirely different series of events to result in a similar outcome. For some reason, every time someone says "there's more than one person to blame" (true), they also imply "so you can't put any of the blame on Hulk Hogan" (false).

You pay for performance. If the goal of hiring Hulk Hogan was to bring in a larger audience, that goal has failed. What's he being used for then, nostalgia pops?
how do people really know that Hogan has not helped in ratings? you see the overall ratings for the entire show as well as the Q sections. but couldn't it be that Hogan has increased ratings for his time and people stopped watching because of other things? Bruce Prichards dragged on storylines were bad. people ahve complained about Aces and Eights, plus Bubba Ray Dudley being world champion. a cruiser weight wrestler went from the X division in a very short time period to becoming world champion. there are other factors that could be the reason why ratings have dropped. so what if Hogan helped by say 5% and other factors lost viewers by 10%? overall it's easy to say it's Hogan's fault just looking at the big picture.

we don't even know what all Hogan has done. is he making ideas happen? is he suggesting ideas and maybe some are used? or is he just an on air personality and any decisions made are not his? I think Hogan has some ideas since we've seen things like Immortal. but in the end there has always still be someone in charge of creative/booking, so they are going to want their ideas used because it's their name on the line too.
how do people really know that Hogan has not helped in ratings? you see the overall ratings for the entire show as well as the Q sections. but couldn't it be that Hogan has increased ratings for his time and people stopped watching because of other things? Bruce Prichards dragged on storylines were bad. people ahve complained about Aces and Eights, plus Bubba Ray Dudley being world champion. a cruiser weight wrestler went from the X division in a very short time period to becoming world champion. there are other factors that could be the reason why ratings have dropped. so what if Hogan helped by say 5% and other factors lost viewers by 10%? overall it's easy to say it's Hogan's fault just looking at the big picture.

we don't even know what all Hogan has done. is he making ideas happen? is he suggesting ideas and maybe some are used? or is he just an on air personality and any decisions made are not his? I think Hogan has some ideas since we've seen things like Immortal. but in the end there has always still be someone in charge of creative/booking, so they are going to want their ideas used because it's their name on the line too.
So you're saying that Hulk Hogan has such interest around his character that he's distracting from everything else TNA and bringing down the overall number.

How is that any better?????

But let's cut past the bullshit idea that people are so interested in Hulk Hogan that they just can't bear anything else in TNA. Here's how you can really tell that in 2013, no one gives a shit about Hulk Hogan:

Who pays him to promote their products?

Hulk Hogan has been a marketing machine throughout his career. Simply hiring him wasn't a bad idea, it was just carried on for far too long after it failed. But throughout his career, you could always find Hulk Hogan pitching vitamins, long distance phone numbers, vacuum cleaners, and what ever else. The people who were paying him? They're arguing over how much less they're going to pay him in the future.

Let's skip the "he must be so busy!" line I can see coming from someone. Celebrities show up for about a half-hour to shoot a commercial (actors in the family), say their lines and jet. Besides, Nick still has a substantial legal obligation to pay off, and Hulk definitely believes in helping out his kids. He's just not in general demand anymore. He's fat Elvis finishing out his days in Vegas as a museum piece.
what I was saying is there could be people who will watch for Hogan, and there are other different people who will not watch because of something else. like lets say 50 people watch TNA for Hogan, and watch the entire program. (just a random number, doesn't mean anything). but then 100 other different people were unhappy with booking/creative so they stopped watching.

I think I read somewhere that SpikeTV has wanted Hogan. whatever the ratings are Spike seems happy, and I think it's more about how TNA rates compared to other Spike shows. if TNA is still one of Spike's top rated shows then there is reason for them to continue to want to air TNA.
I don't mind Hogan in TNA, but I also don't want him there. Like, I don't think he's a terrible GM figure, but I also don't think he's worth what TNA are paying to keep him around. I really want to move on from this era, and have TNA expand with new talent, new characters, etc. i don't have specifics on the exact figures, but you have to image they could be paying at least a few new guys or gals with the money Hogan is taking. I just don't see that it's worth it. What face value does he really add to the company? He's not at live events. He's not even at all the Impact tapings. They don't even do PPVs for him to go around promoting anymore. When was the last time you saw a legit TNA TV spot, and even if you did, when did it feature Hulk Hogan?

I don't care where he ends up, I just don't care to keep seeing him around TNA. Not because he's awful, but because it just, to me, stands for a lot of missed opportunity in expanding the future. I know this is just fan booking, but drop Hogan and sign Johnny Gargano, Willie Mack, AR Fox for the X-Division and a bit ROH/PWG name like Kevin Steen or Adam Cole or Michael Elgin. All of them could live comfortably splitting up Hogan's salary, and there'd still be enough to probably double what most of the Knockouts are getting paid.
I dont see any reason to keep him at all.

The General Manager thing is stale and isnt working. Hes no good as a manager because he is the spotlight and noone gives a damn about anyone he is working with anyway. Commentary? Really? I cant stand listening to him for 5 minutes on the mic. Let alone him calling play by play or color commentary. If youre going for the comedic commentator that you just cant help but laugh at, chuck Steiner some cash.

Im also sick of TNA, assuming this is true, of taking back people when they get turned down by WWE. Have a fucking spine Dixie. Tell him to shove it. Dont come crawling back when you get lowballed or turned down.

Truth is, the money could be used ANYWHERE else.
Well, after these reports, someone's lying or is being fed wrong info, and someone will be wrong. It's fun because it shows you just how credible all of this is. It depends on who's blowing the whistle.

At this point, I don't give a crap. I like Hogan, always have, so if he comes back then fine by me. If he leaves then I'd really like him to go to the WWE and do something there. I like TNA Hogan but I like WWE Hogan as well.

At the same time, if he disappeared from wrestling forever I wouldn't bawl my eyes out either. I like him when he's there, I don't miss him when he's not.

As far as him costing TNA too much money and crap ... well, if I gave a shit about that stuff I'd want him gone. In reality, Hogan has done some very nice things for TNA. I ... assume. Curry Man's done nice things for TNA too. However, are those things worth the money he's getting? I don't know. If I knew how much he was getting paid I'd have a more accurate opinion.

But let's say he's being paid a shit load. Is he bringing in result to match that shit-load? I don't see them. I doubt there's ANYTHING he could do backstage, away from our eyes and ears that is worth a shit-load.

I understand the logic behind simply having Hulk Hogan on your roster, but there's a limit. You're not hiring nWo Hulk who was cool and edgy and everyone was talking about him. You're not hiring 80's Hogan who changed pretty much everything.

You're hiring son killed a dude, sex tape, shitty reality show, rubbing lotion on daughters' ass, swinging from a wrecking ball in a thong slapping his ass old Hulk Hogan. How much is that Hogan worth? That's what I wanna know.

The only difference that I see between Hogan with TNA and Hogan without TNA is 5 minutes of TV time with Hogan in it. We've seen the Quarter Hours, ratings don't spike when he's on. People don't buy PPVs because of him. No one watches because of him. I rarely see him doing interviews even mentioning TNA. He rarely wears TNA gear out in public. So what's he being paid for? Showing up to talk for three minutes once a month? If that's the case then someone needs to slap Dixie Carter. Hard.

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